So, if Samus really is a lost primarch, then she has to have a legion right? Could this be a good armor design for her legion? Post art with new ideas.
So, if Samus really is a lost primarch, then she has to have a legion right...
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Probably heretical and using some xenotech
>powerfists not having the plasma guns integrated
Marines worship their primarchs - you all know they'd butcher together some powerfistguns to honor her.
Would they all be girls?
Serious question, because Samus is a girl.
Obviously, the process of making them would be different.
But they have female primarch geneseed.
So would they have to be female?
A female Space Marine would look exactly like a male Space Marine: a roided up hunk of muscles.
Possible design
Samus marines would probably look something like pic related.
Their armour would have to look slightly off (more organic/round) due to alien influence, but not enough for anyone to try to exterminatus them.
That's a big gal.
Say, would there be different sub-chapters based on her various suits?
Nah, just different unit types wearing different armour with different training, much how assault marine armour, tac marine armour, scout armour, termie armour is all different in larger or smaller ways to suit (NYHEH) different purposes.
What would the fusion suit design be used for?
Combating and controlling the Tyranid hive fleets.
As a matter of fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the entire legion is aimed at that.
Sounds like extemely mobile dreadnoughts to me.
Metroid Legeions dreadnoughts are actually extremely small and agile, more agile than a regular marine/scout marine, at the cost of being only as tough as a single terminator at the same cost.
Or something. Someone else could probably come up with something better.
So basically a budget eversor.
So samus was raised by an uncontacted peaceful xenos race that had problems with the dark eldar, the dark eldar used tyrranid derived bio weapons.
Actually a better idea would be that metroid legion dreadnought suits are actually just like tactical marine armour, but they actually regenerate the user over a 10 year period, returning them back to health while allowing them to fight.
This means it completely fits both themes of the dreadnought armour and the fusion suit.
1: Both suits are emergency life support devices
2: The fusion suit reduces (instead of increases like the dreadnought suit) the users raw power to that of a standard marine, but restores/regenerates them as they fight/ collect alien DNA through marine Chow Time or through apothacary procedures. They then emerge from the 'Battle Chrysalis' stronger than before.
Samus seems like the kind who would allow Xenos to work with and within in her legion, and her legionnaires would be similarly lax around them. She was raised by Chozo, after all.
Maybe that's why they were forgotten, they were deemed Extra Heretical and erased. from imperial archives.
No, they would all be birds.
>when Primach Aran and her legion went through the warp, the warp rightly fucked up and sent her thousands of years ahead of her marines.
>when she reached the other side, she could only weep at the sight of what had become of her legion
Well this is about directly on the mark what the hell
Okay, can someone explain the "tuuuuuubes" meme to me?
Also this thread needs Samus's badass bird dad
>grey bird defending his daugtheru, whom he initially refused but grew to love
The feels are real, brah
Makes sense.
>Samus winds up on a xeno planet
>teach her all sorts of secrets and knowledge to help guard her against it
>Emps shows up, writes her off as a lost cause, plunges her into a warp rift to erase his mistake
>space wolves purge the remnants of her legion, never spoken of again.
>Samus emerges from the warp centuries later as some kind of horrific eldritch Metroid monster and begins enacting her horrible revenge
E-Emps, no.
Emps wouldn't have been such a shit father ornpeople person if he'd of just gotten himself a good wife to keep him level headed and stop him from making stupid mistakes all the time.
There's a reason good men usually have a good woman behind them
And no, Malcador doesn't count
throughout the entire metroid series, the space pirates have made a rather bad habit of filling everything they construct/repurpose with surprisingly morph-ball sized ventilation shafts and other paths and pipes. These paths usually lead to hidden treasures of scientific discovery that enhance Arans missile capacity or energy reserves
the only conclusion that /v/ came to was that the space pirates have a psychologically unstable fascination with both tubes and scientific experimentation.
Do you think Samus primarily identifies as a 'umie or Chozo, given her childhood?
Nah, she ended up in some other dimension and became a bounty hunter. The warp is weird that way.
I think she struggles with that question every day, and uses the void of space to distance herself from the answer.
I thought Zero Mission sorta explained some of it with Space Pirates who can crawl, climb and shoot while doing so.
Samus is the Legion. Her suit contains more munitions and ease of replenishing them than any single Chapter.
>the day I saw an user make a better inner struggle premise in one sentence than in all of Other M
I don't know whether I'm happy or sad right now.
I'd say human, considering she took the Bounty Hunting/military path in honor of the memory of her birth parents, whom she saw killed in front of her while she was 3
But she also considers the Chili to be her family and people too, especially since they had good diplomatic relations with the human colony her parents were a part of.
Really, to her she probably doesn't see any difference between them other than an academic one
Human raised by Chozo. Her bits of Chozo DNA don't change her interactions with other humans.
>samus' bird papa just abruptly disapeared from the universe one day without her having a chance to say goodbye
why would they do that
The Hatchling is cool and all, but she's not really a person, she can't come.
Because, she had to learn to be strong.
Strong enough to fight, and to protect
She'd like to be human, by she knows the universe often needs a warrior instead
There were times when the comic was a mess. But there were times when it was spot on.
These two were the latter.
>Chozo have psychic conditioning to feel intense pain whenever they perform violent acts
>Grey Voice proceeds to gear up and fight both Mother Brain and Ridley with outdated weapons
Samus' second bird dad was kind of a huge badass.
>tfw they naturally have Morph Ball & Speed Booster
>tfw the Spped Booster hits supersonic speeds and Chozo do that without augmentation
>samus in 40k
Give it a rest you autistic faggots
You can't stop my fun
i think user is dead
Honestly, I don't think she would ever have made a legion, since she was never found (unless she's found past Fusion.)
If Samus were to place a gene seed into a woman, will they get the same banging body?
Her legion wants two things - unique xenotech to incorporate into their wargear, and plenty of enemies to test it on.
Care to guess who fulfills both of those requirements these days?
Whoops, accidentally namefagged. My bad.
>Emps wouldn't have been such a shit father ornpeople person if he'd of just gotten himself a good wife
Something something keeps outliving them, something something the ennui of immortality, something something angsty bullshit.
Why do we like this guy again? Literally everything he's ever attempted to achieve or even come near has failed to some greater or lesser extent.
The guy can't even sit still on a throne without making the throne start to fail.
they are very alike to techpriest then
More like Skaven or Orks I'd say.
>defeat necrons
>get wave beam
sounds about right
Basically canon to Prime, where management had to post notices to the science team to stop teasing the metroid specimens and feeding them Beggin Strips.
THAT'S IT, THE TYRANNIDS ARE RUNNING AWAY FROM SAMUS. The tyranids are just a megaevolved version of the Metroids, and came to the 40 galaxy from the Samus's galaxy.
>megaevolved Metroids
The Tyranids wish they were that. No need to eat, just life leech. Even Baby Metroids take multiple missiles to kill and that's after being frozen solid. I doubt a non-Commissar Gaunt can pose such a threat.
Maybe they gained the ability of eating solid biomatter to use in their massive reproductive effords. A single metroid can only do so much against a whole hive fleet. They took the zerg rush strategy.
Only the Bloody Magpies make sense to be her legion. They do their duty to gather as much wargear for their Primarch as they can, even if they've forgotten the reason for their constant thefts.
I like to think she'd be proud.
This is a betrayal most fowl, boner.
The little sisters of purification sound retarded.
Not because they are female marines, but that they have absolutely no reason to exist and are so incredibly minor.
It even mentions the sisters of battle alongside of them which they might as well be with the details given of them.
So what you are saying is her genitals are still normal right?
>because Samus is a girl.
>But they have female primarch geneseed.
Biologically speaking Samus is a man because according to the word of god she is trans.
I see your article and raise you this.
I wonder what Samus in 40K style power armor would look like.
Maybe she can make the pauldrons work.
Less cool than Samus in non-40K style armor, because Space Marine armor is trash.
Our Lady of Fury already gives space marines pauldron envy
Please don't take the Mary Sue's bait. That's like listing /pol/ as a source.
Oh my god, I just thought of a Sororitas order devoted to Our Lady of Fury.
Make shit happen, Veeky Forums
If Samus is a primarch then:
1) Is she a virgin like all the others?
2) Why isn't she 3 meters tall?
3) Wouldn't it be embarrassing for her marines to have girl-seed implanted into them?
4) Would they end up being smaller and weaker, but possibly more cooperation oriented than other legions?
>IS she a virgin
>Why isn't she three meters tall
Heights in Metroid are all kinds of fucked, Stock Army Soldiers are like 7 feet tall but she towers over normal people
>Would it be embarrassing
No more than getting the geneseed of [Insert your favorite primarch here]
Probably not, Alpharius was small enough to pass for one of his own legionaries but his marines were the same size as everyone else's.
Also, Bird parents best parents
1) Are all the primarchs virgins? I'm pretty sure Russ has fucked something, if not a woman then at least a gigantic female wolf creature
2)Who says she isn't?
3)Heresy, you will be slain for dismissing one who carries a touch of the Emepror's divinity
4)Now you're just taking the piss laddy
1) I'm 90% sure she is.
2) The Emperor was trying to conceal her status as a primarch, so she came out about 2 meters tall instead of 3.
3) Not if her marines were all girls like 4) Smaller, maybe. Not sure about weaker, though, since they'll all be part chozo and be cyborgs. One thing's for sure; they'd probably be the most versatile.
1) Untouchable. I doubt many have the balls to go for her.
2) Chozo shit decided she doesn't need that height.
3) Someone get /d/ over here.
4) Samus works alone most of the time. Samus is her own Legion.
Works for me.
>Samus works alone most of the time.
> Samus is offered a legion
> Dismiss them all, only asking them to live their own life and "do some good maybe?"
> The Emperor completely freaks out
They're from a third party publication, so that's why they exist.
They're probably literally the author's little sister's marine legion.
at point 4 i direct you to pic related.
>getting it from ifunny instead of just taking it from awkward zombie
shakin me head
Did a google search, first result.
Speaking of xenos and Samus, does she even count as human any more?
Correct me if I'm wrong or missing anything, but
>infused with chozo dna for physical enhancements and tech access
>injected with metroid cells as an experimental vaccination against x parasites, gives her partial metroid physiology
>heavy exposure to radioactive, semi-intelligent mutagenic mushroom rocks, at one point her own ship couldn't recognize her
There's no way her genetics are stable.
kill self
If you're gonna do it, do it right.
Welp. We've officially reached /v/ level. Goodbye Metroid/40k threads. I'll come back in a month when you've calmed the fuck down.
The Chozo's genetic modifications on her made her resilient on all levels, even on a neurological and genetic level. Thus why she kept her level-headedness while frequently exposed to phazon in Prime 3 when the other bounty hunters could not.
Are Chozo the true master race?
We aren't anyone's master, user.
Neurologically resilient? As in, her being a tough badass is due to modifications from an outside source?
Is this a new thing? Doesn't it undermine the whole "women can be heroes, too" angle?
lost at girl-seed
Not really. No matter how resistant she is to things on a biological level, not many people could've kept their shit together on a psychological level after all she'd been through.
Neurological, not mental. The mental comes largely from her training from a young age, alongside her life experiences. I meant that she managed to resist the mind- and biology-altering effects of phazon despite being exposed to them in huge doses.
By the end of Prime 3, Samus' body was literally 99% Phazon to the point her ship's biometric scan was unable to recognize her. Yet the 1% of Samus that remained kept control and destroyed Phaaze without succumbing to any side effects of Phazon Madness or addiction. For reference, Ghor and Gandrayda went to a maximum of 25% corruption before turning. Rundas may have been strong willed enough to go higher, but he was physically possessed by Dark Samus and killed himself rather than let that fly.
However, I'm not totally certain Samus' resilience was due to the Chozo. The relatively small amount Phazon on Talon IV messed them up badly, to the point their spirits were pulled back from ascension and driven insane. They could stop Phazon's spread, but not their own corruption. Chozo blood probably wasn't that much of a help to Samus, but maybe her gene therapy was, I dunno.
As a sidenote, I'm pretty sure Samus can't get drunk. When you can stay sober with a Blood Phazon Content of .99, alcohol probably doesn't do much for you.
interesting. the newhalf comment which seems to be the only evidence used to support this assertion could have also been used to indicate her being raised by chozo.