They're trying it again Veeky Forums
>hey Veeky Forums let's le downvote brigade these people I disagree with :^)
Fuck off OP, Veeky Forums isn't your personal army.
I only posted this as a jumpstart for a conversation about SJWs invading tabletop gaming. Last thing we want is for them to get a foothold like they did with video gaming...
Cuck detected???
Neck yourself memelord OP ain't asking for shit.
can't we just ignore them? They can't change people's imaginations.
Inclusion is the lack of exclusion. Why can these idiots not understand such a simple fucking concept?
>2 mongoloids spouting lies and propaganda
Who would've guessed
Vidya gamers ignored them
>SJWs invading tabletop
>/pol/ is currently bursting through the board barriers through the force of its self-fellatio
Yeah, it's the SJWs what we really need to worry about, OP. Oooh those dang GIRLS who want to play with you so bad! They're gonna make ya shave your neckbeard and stop saying "faggot"!
>hair dyed an unnatural color
>retarded-looking granny classes
>They can't change people's imaginations.
Yet. Thankfully Trump was elected, so the Liberal mind-control program will be put on hold... for four years at least.
Games need more titties both inside and out... have you played with a chick. The one who came to te local game sessions drank redbull all the time and burped like a bloke, she was a fucking pig!
Ask /v/ or /co/ how well "just ignoring them" as worked out.
Don't invite them to your table. That's how you stop them.
there isn't really anything that can be done about it. You can slow entropy down in limited areas for limited time, but it always increases in the end, and thats what this is, social entropy.
Best to just enjoy what we've got for as long as you can and be ready to move on to a new hobby once this one is shit.
oh boy its the obligatory /pol/ boogeyman posts, must be that time of the thread already
Exactly, social justice is the cancer that is killing gaming.
Magic: the Gathering fell to these freaks ages ago, fyi.
Don't most people just game with people they already know and are comfortable with?
They way to old to dress up like that. Either they're old or they are 20 something cunts that look like grandmothers.
Yes, but that is not the point. Last thing they need is more influence in this hobby...
>alt-leftists are hellbent on politicizing absolutely every hobby and form of entertainment
>forum devoted to discussing one of these politicized hobbies has the occasional political thread
Anti-/pol/acks have become just as obnoxious as /pol/acks.
So it's lazy bait.
because ignoring cancer is such a good idea...
That isnt what that word means.
There isn't a single fucking thing 'alternative' about SJWs.
Look at what happened to video games.
Traditional games are more resilient than video games because it's easier to homebrew or retcon out of the social justice stuff, but the threat is still there. I would hate for 40k to end up like MtG for instance.
D&D's lead rules designer is gay and none of its designers support Trump.
There are Magic cards with black people on them.
Paizo regularly panders (poorly) to a left-leaning audience.
Dungeon World was written by a gay guy with pink hair.
White Wolf games have always been full of homosexuals.
Myfarog was poorly received and people like Racial Holy War is a joke.
What is this world coming to?!
But you see, what if somehow a spooky sjw somehow teleports in and forces them to play their game or get shot?
Everyone's so spooked about how a hobby that is by nature decentralized is going to be taken over. Add in that pretty much every RPG not produced by one of the big 4 is made by a niche group for a niche group, and that there's no infinite treadmill of "I must upgrade to the latest thing, it's so much better," and you've got a hobby that can't be co-opted unless everyone opposed to something suddenly left.
hyperbole, how cute...
they didn't ignore them, they screamed until they could claim rape charges
Someone has an opinion on something?! OH NO! MY SAFE SPACE!
This perceived notion that everyone's important or special is sickening me at this point, not because its one group of people doing but because everyone is, its either the leftist mongoloids who think their skin color is special or the right wing gaylords who feel their shit is important and both are just as idiotic when it comes to defending their "safe space". Fuck you OP, fuck this shit and fuck all of you, grow the fuck up and get a bigger pair of balls.
I blame social media for this.
>Veeky Forums needs to be a safe space from the SJWs!
stop it. you are either trying to strawman /pol/ or you are just retarded
Fuck me dude. I left /pol/ cause i was tired of seeing cucks politisize my hobbies. Well looks like its off to /diy/
I will be there soon :)
we need to spend time every now and then to laugh at them
>They're trying it again /diy/
>ToolTalk 16: "Inclusive Crafting"
Which part do you mean?
If the first, that's not hyperbole, I'm just insulting you.
If the second, what's hyperbolic? That the top 3 most-played tabletop games completely dwarf all others in user base? That each table can control the setting and rules to their liking? That there's no graphics or engine upgrades every 3 years that make the old games obsolete?
Welcome to (CURRENT YEAR). You're probably right about social media.
Vidya doesn't use imagination.
I'm just content at laughing at both sides because both are nothing more than swarms of moronic extremists.
>Well, at least you've found a way to feel superior than both sides.
Yes, I have. You're both so utterly fucking ridiculous that yeah, I'm going to laugh at you from the moderate ground because both sides care this much about shoehorning their political views into niche hobbies.
Stop with the ellipses you giant faggot.
>Wants inclusiveness
>Says "faggot"
How cute...
You're not welcome on Veeky Forums
Go back to pol with your bullshit
It's Veeky Forums, faggot.
You trying to make a point, nigger?
Get off your own nazi cock /pol/ faggot...
he's not wrong about two things.
I have no idea why in the greek setting had black folks on it and i would have preferred if it stayed like mirage and kamigawa, keep the style and expand on it.
It's even worse in innistrate where i see the bushwhacker or what her face and go, huh that's a strong looking black black woman, i bet R&D expressly demanded it that way
Knowing people are actively trying to push politics sucks
No. They didn't. Most of Anita's hits came from constant brigades. Her entire fucking business model runs on outrage. Stop letting clickbaiters play you.
How to make irrevelant people recognisable and famous?
Start posting how much you hate them and are against their agenda.
Daily reminder this behaviour pumped 2/3 of views under Bieber clips.
Daily reminder this is how /v/ made Anita famous.
Stop spending your free time looking for things to be mad about.
Bitch was literally caught sending harrassing messages to herself, man.
Good luck with that, no one knows how to deal with bait. Not just on Veeky Forums, or just on Veeky Forums, people don't know how to ignore people who are obviously starting shit.
See: how many replies this thread has.
Even if so, how did you learned about her? Or why do you care in the first place?
But hey, let's cry about the SJW bogeyman! The very thing /v/ created for itself, then can piss pants about roughtly once per fucking hour.
Fuck off from Veeky Forums. We don't want nor need your shit. If something gets your angry, stop wasting your free time on it.
Why are there so many liberals on Veeky Forums?
The thing is DIY is pretty inclusive. Cosplay girls that actually make their own cosplay are top tier diversity shields. And also good lays. Got a few exs i met at conventions through cosplay.
You can always derail the whole clickbait if you do it properly, so it's still a clickbait, but the subject is completely different.
See: how is the discussion in this thread going. It's now essentially a talk about how clickbaits are shit and people falling for them are dumb fuckers.