Well Veeky Forums?
you a bunch of racist fascists?
Well Veeky Forums?
you a bunch of racist fascists?
This is from Themarysue, you should avoid such a heretical sector of the webway battle-brutha!
Move along citizens, nothing to see here.
People with political ideas that are slightly outside the Overton Window act like they have political ideas far outside the Overton Window because oversensitive ninnies give the most hilarious reactions when they do.
That and editing politicians into power armor never gets old.
Mostly this.
The Sanctioned Trips of Truth. Read it and weep you Emperor-damned slaanesh worshipers!
Well yeah I'm a racist fascist but I don't see how that pertains to traditional games.
Of course, then you have to contend with Poe's Law. It's very difficult to both pantomime extreme views and avoid attracting actual people with extreme views. That's a problem endemic to Veeky Forums as a whole, and I think has generally resulted in a degradation of quality across the boards. Though, maybe I'm just a nostalgiafag who should get his head out of his ass.
No but I am a space communist.
We don't need to keep having this thread.
Pretty much. Veeky Forums in 2011 and now are completely different beasts. Then again, I'm 5 years older.
I prefer the label of National-Syndicalist, my estimate friend of dark complexion
I can't stand Trump, but that one shop of him as the Emperor, Hillary as Horus and Bernie as Sanguinius was fucking great.
>not being an ancap chaosfag
This one?
The addition of the shield to this seems a little much, but the faces are great.
Well, we're really more of an anarcho-syndicalist commune.
Was this the one you saw then? I have a lot of these.
It's called a hobby.
This one is better, though I'm seeing both for the first time.
I want Syndies to go and stay go.
That's the one I was referring to, yes.
We all knew it was coming, so I don't think anyone can act surprised.
It's happened with pretty much every nerd hobby so far. Comics, cartoons, video games, all of them have slowly seen their core fanbase be pushed to the sidelines, and continuously derided by culture colonists, who are more concerned with pushing their own morals and politics into the genre, than actually enjoying the content itself.
Don't let them browbeat you into submission. Remember, your hobby is what you turned to in order to forget about the stupid real world bullshit.
I'm a tribal traditionalist, not a fascist.
>reminder that the Imperium on the whole is just as feudal as it is fascist
>Ork detected
Veeky Forums has been filled with pedos and lunatics since day 1.
Pedos and lunatics maybe, but not political radicals. I guess the internet as a whole has gotten a lot more politically divided in the last half a decade or so, but maybe that's just me noticing it more. I feel like people have gotten too used to echo-chambers on both sides of the political spectrum and even in the middle.
I don't want us to become like /v/ either, user.
If 40k is for fascists, embrace it to the point where the social justice heretics get chased away.
So that other thread was right, SJWs really are invading this hobby
Taking news stories like this seriously is like going to over to the guys who hates you the most and asking him for his opinion about something you like. Shits retarded yo.
The other thread turned into a flamewar. But yes, they invade and infect everything with their heresies.
And yet threads about this topic get reported here. Too many cucks on Veeky Forums
It has, but that's because the internet is now filled with normies, as opposed to opinionated nerds.
It's still fucking funny how good it is.
No, I'm a socialist. I've got a couple of friends that are fascists though, along with a pretty militant Christian. He's a good bloke though, knows how to handle his drink.
That's kinda an actual thing, though.
Ask the opinion of someone who hates you.
Then ask the opinion of someone who likes you.
Now knowing the opinion of the two obvious biases, you can figure out the middle ground that's actually probably the more accurate opinion.
OP of that thread, I tried to warn ya, but too many liberals infest this board now.
Not really. Both tumblrite SJWs and alt-right /pol/acks are opinionated nerds who have unwavering faith their opinions are correct and scream when anyone comes around to argue with them.
Socialism is fascism, newfriend.
As an unrelated topic, I can't help but wonder why someone would have a problem with the number of liberals on this board.
I wouldn't dare accuse you of having a problem with liberals, I'm not making any assumptions about your beliefs. I'm simply posing this as an unrelated and off-topic question.
I won't disagree with you if you think that. If you're right, then the brands of fascism we practice are very different.
Because we're all the same sweaty neckbeard, even the occasional female, shitposting and yelling at ourselves and the idea that someone new coming onto our Tibetan Cave Drawing board frightens us.
Shhhh. If you tell them we're being hyperbolic, then all the fun of their overreactions will stop.
*Ahem* Attention all, normies and tumblr-faggots. I ***LITERALLY*** support a xenocidal totalitarian system of government to kill all foreigners. TRUMP WILL KILL YOU ALL!!
Because Americans have reverted to identity politics and care more about WHO says what, rather then WHAT people say.
Because they have different opinions and would rather have a hugbox where everyone gets along than somewhere with political shitflinging every two seconds. I can't say I disagree with him, though I disagree with his methodology.
Every 40k player I know. Every actual fascist I know doesn't necessarily play 40k, but all the 40k players are holding back their real thoughts about how best to rule humanity when they hold the gun to the head of the world.
diff user.
wasn't good ol' Mussolini a socialist before he split off into the fascist party?
technically speaking the influence from socialism is still there.
and socialism is the vehicle of communism.
Nazism was called National Socialism for a reason.
Right, except one of those groups seems to have an actual effect in important parts of society, and the other still is routinely ostracized into submission/meltdown.
Regardless of meme'ing anyone into office, the "alt-right" is still wildly unpopular, the schools are still incredibly liberal, and media still seems to have a complete disdain for anyone who isn't fighting for the left. The only thing that's happening now, is that one side is currently in full panic mode, and has been mining salt at levels that threatens to make the ocean into fresh water.
could you repeat that
in a way that makes fucking sense.
mumble mumble one world government
mumble mumble heavily fun space exploration
mumble mumble colonies as far as we can reach to ensure the species survival
mumble mumble martian revolt
mumble mumble Gundam anime was right all along
mumble mumble
>WH40K's setting is supposed to be ironic
>Irony flies over fascist's heads
Frankly I'm just sick of seeing cheeto Benitos head plastered onto the body of s man he could never hope to be like by meme loving fucktards.
Well op
Are you a retarded faggot?
>being a fascist
>not an honest to god Tory
Look, we've established time and time again for the last few millenia: the proles are stupid, by a mix of their qualities and their circumstance. They need to be guided by the hands of their betters.
And if their betters happen to benefit in the meantime, then, that's just the way things are. Better to be honest about it, and set up a system for how that happens, than be a revolutionary hypocrite of a dictator who happens to get a mansion when redistribution comes around.
40k isn't even ironically fascist. It has more in common with medieval government than anything else.
Because in fantasy and entertainment its FUN. Its FUN to root for both sides to. Sometimes rooting for the empire is great fun and other times you want to root for the side against it.
Games/entertainment/fantasy does not ALWAYS have to be a commentary about real life. People need to get over themselves and let fun be fun without dragging real life into it.
lol. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks about how best to rule our species if I were God-Emperor, while taking showers.
Please stop giving them attention. Nobody reads that site other than pissed off nerds reacting to the clickbait. All you're doing is giving him money
Socialism is complete compliance to the state exercised by force. Sounds familiar?
no fuck you nigger im straight
Like I said, not disagreeing. Just saying that my concept of fascism isn't identical to their concept of fascism if I am a fascist.
This is true. I blame the left for the entire election debacle in any case and still don't agree with them. They're a bunch of smarmy elitists who are still alienating the average person.
That said, I think the left will be in relative decline for the next couple years because of this election and the aforementioned smarmy-ness. The Left just had a time in the sun because Obama was an incredibly popular candidate and the neo-cons that preceded him were supremely unlikable by the end of their reign.
>incredibly liberal
we are beyond liberal here.
I know folks that teach schools up here and it's fucking gross.
people are even trying to degender it and force everyone to call everyone else "comrade" like this is fucking soviet russa
i await the revolution content that I'm not white and i have a number of "identities" i can hide behind before kids that come out of those schools gain power.
wat the fuck are you trying to say, friend?
I literally have no idea.
>Right, except one of those groups seems to have an actual effect in important parts of society, and the other still is routinely ostracized into submission/meltdown.
You're literally delusional.
No stop pretending you're being persecuted and accept that some people just actually don't like or agree with you, incomprehensible as that is.
Because the entire universe is fascism vs wishing you were dead.
>why is the fandom so-
We just want to play boardgames and roll dice, for fucks sake. Fuck off with the nonstop politicization of apolitical hobbies.
So you are just a retard?
40k has always at all times been equal parts grimdark ironic and grimdark serious.
People that say the whole setting is one or the other are fucking plebs.
What if I'm for degendering but also against attention seeking identity collectors?
Then you're some sort of retard.
Same thing happened with Judge Dredd.
>The Left just had a time in the sun because Obama was an incredibly popular candidate and the neo-cons that preceded him were supremely unlikable by the end of their reign.
That really doesn't explain why the same phenomenon is afflicting the entire western world though.
America is influential and all, but this goes far beyond Obama.
40k does tend to draw a pretty reactionary crowd, that much seems undeniable.
The Imperium draws from fundamentally fascist narratives(eternally beset from without by aliens(foreigners) and eternally beset from within by heretics(degenerates), which justifies the existence of a totalitarian, militaristic superstate whose primary mode is unending war against the enemies of the people it represents. Emphasis on purity, masculinity, and cultish loyalty to an all-powerful sovereign, exemplified in the Imperium's posterboys, the Space Marines, who are so pure, masculine, and cultish that they are all men who are incapable of fucking.) all of which is supposedly ironic but has gotten less ironic over time.
There are a lot of fans who adopt all the attitudes and memes and of the Imperium ironically, but when these people photoshop Trump's face onto the Emperor, and then go vote for Trump in the real world, the line between irony and sincerity is pretty blurred.
It's political reactionaries. First they get popular, then they get powerful, then they become the bad guy. We're now getting reactionaries in the opposite direction.
They're termites.
SJWs don't actually like anything. They infest anything they encounter, force a bunch of changes onto ppl enjoying themselves and having fun, because if trannies played (they don't because they're too busy killing themselves) but if they played they might get offended, so everyone better change to not offend their hypersensitive feelings and delusions. So they eat up everything, ruin it, and move on.
The "alt-right" isn't a thing. It's not a real movement, and no one that claims to be part of the "alt-right" should be taken seriously.
What is labeled as the alt-right are an amalgam of disaffected left and right members. It's not a white nationalist thing. It's not a racism thing.
Be careful accepting what people say, because next you'll be hearing that "insert fandom y is actually hitler".
Everyone should read pic related. Was true when it was made, and still true now.
It's just the classic culture clash between generations.
>against attention seeking identity collectors?
these things are mutually in-exclusive
Also why the fuck if you care if a boy is called a boy.
it's fucking weird.
we don't have him giving 463 days in hypercube to people who step on the sidewalk anymore user.
also given the world of judge dredd, the population the high crime, low employment i think a police state is preferable
Entry 18 in particular for the tl;dr
That's why I used "alt-right" in quotations, because it's a term used largely by people who are trying to lump wildly different groups into one pile
I mean, there ARE a lot of actual, literal fascists in the 40k fandom.
There also are in a lot of scifi and fantasy fandom.
Because the narrative thrust of those genres strongly relies on the same ideals and narrative devices. Good guys are good guys because that's who they are, and the villains are inherently evil, often stupid, but still somehow a powerful and dangerous threat. Power is asserted through violence, because peace with such a foe is not possible.
it's not that fantasy has a lot of fascism. It's that fascism is the real world political application of fantastic literary theory.
You used alt-right in quotations, but then referred to "the other side". That seems kind of hypocritical doesn't it?
Can Warhammer 40,000 become a hate symbol the same way Pepe did?
I just take every chance to inoculate people to accepting labels given to them. Especially when it comes to politics. Too many people think in 2 colors and shorthand the conversation.
But my local game store owner is a literal fascist. Won't let me bring my coffee cup to the gaming table. Fucking asshole, imo.
i mean in the end you could just say anti-neocon
then again I am "right wing" now because i don't like the idea of giving identities protection under the law.
Or i find i aggregating that BLM is in my country or we give a shit about trans people
Seriously there shouldn't be a national day to remind you that transfolk kill themselves a fuck ton because of their fucked mental chemistry
this truly is the best timeline
Thank you for bringing me here from that gay Berenstein universe. Berenstain has been nothing but lolz and winz.
What they said
Thinking in the shower about how best to breed humanity. Do I want two races, one to live on planets for me and the other to conquer open space for me. Do I need specialized mermen with gills as a third race. Do I need to switch to a Bio major to do that, or is it better to go Poli Sci or Biz degree and then exploit the science nerds from on high. Etc.
>Bringing a drink to a gaming table
Some players dont want to risk their gaming components to a potentially clumsy opponent. You want a drink, then step away from the table or have a fold-out side table.
No drinks at the table. I lost two entire codexes to an accident involving a bottle of coke.
>fold-out side table
I have case. I didn't say I set the drink on the play area. He doesn't want me walking through the store with a drink in hand. Like I'm going to spill it in the 20 foot passage even though I made it from down the road to the store just fine.
>literally a fascist
>liberal 50 years ago
>centrist 20 years ago
>nazi today
>been saying the same thing for 50 years
>actually reading the Mary Sue's bait
C'mon Veeky Forums, you're better than this.
>not political radicals
It was filled with people who don't like niggers, and it was filled with socialists, and there's been right-wingers since /n/* was made. The "alt-right" thing is new, but it's more of a change in global political climate than a Veeky Forums-specific thing.
*not the current one. The one that came before /new/, which came before /pol/.