bought litecoin at 160, see it dipping and sold. Day later moons to $300

> bought litecoin at 160, see it dipping and sold. Day later moons to $300.

> buy XRP at .36, it moons to .47 then drops back to .35. Sell. Next day moons to .50

I don’t get it. I keep doing this wrong. But then I buy something and it dips past my buy in point and I lose money.

Honestly this is fucking frustrating.

>buy high sell low
this is why you are retarded. your patience is weak and your hands are trembly

What’s your investment strategy?

How do I get over this mental barrier? I don’t want to be weak.


It’s called holding. Stop pretending that you can predict highs and lows. You’re better of holding long term for the most part.

Normie hold literally. If you arent a fucking genius or master at day trading you're just going to lose money

Let me know when you're about to sell something so I can fill my bags.

Pick 5 coins that you actually like and find useful.
Maintain an equally distributed portfolio of them. Rebalance once per week.

How often do you look at blockfolio? Or just don’t do it all to avoid it stressing you out? Thanks btw

Now you know why they like cocaine on the wall street user

You’re clearly investing what your scared to lose so shouldn’t be investing at all.

like a previous user said, unless you are a pro day trader just hold. no point in wasting your days staring at charts

You fucking SUCK at day trading and do does everyone on Veeky Forums.

Repeat after me:

Ok appreciate the advice thanks guys

Imagine being this short sighted

Weak hand faggot. Also good luck with Capital Gains bitch.

Learn to fucking hold you stupid monkey. This is crypto, crypto is far from being done with the price.

you need to jerk off more. Those are rookie numbers user

OP you make me sad. I posted this on another thread for someone asking but here's what you do

>find a primary hodl, your store of value and do not fucking sell
>use a % of your capital you deem appropriate, to short coins. any time these fuckers go up 15-20% you fucking sell.
>don't get greedy

You need to do the opposite of what you're doing. You are doing something wrong on a fundamental level. You are literally buying high and selling low. You're buying when things go up and selling when things go down. Do the exact opposite.

>capital gains

But he made no gains...

Post your future trades so I can take the opposite, thanks