Tier predictions for these guys?
Tier predictions for these guys?
Grass and Fire will be UU, Water will be OU.
The lucha cat is a monk/fighter/brawler of some sort, pretty low-tier. The Owl ranger is mid-tier, probably t3. The fish guy looks like a spellcaster of some sort, so he's guaranteed high tier, but tier 2 or tier 1 is entirely dependent on spell list; If it's all water-based, he could be as bad as the Kineticist.
Wrestler: Tier 5
Primarina: Tier 2/3
Owl: OU
The tranny is busted, the green arrow is great, and Nacho Libre is garbage
I can't believe this shit.
This is the third generation in a row where the fire starter sucks ass. What a disgrace.
>Delphox was shit
Are you mentally retarded
You mean seventh in a row.
Fire starters suck.
Fire pokemon in general suck.
What board am I on?
Veeky Forums
does /vp/ even do competitive poke
They like to think they do. It's like Veeky Forums and Magic
Bro, I love Delphox but come on, it doesn't have a whole lot going for it
If that's the case I won't bother checking it out
I'm assuming the hypest shit little cup doesn't come up much anyway
Nah, Little Cup is pretty much dead, even on Smogon. Sad times.
If you're into shitposting though, /vp/ is top tier
Owl still triggers me. You don't shoot an arrow by pulling back string and letting go, the arrow flies because the shape of the bow bends. Given that it was (at one point) a bird, that means it's bones are light as shit and would not be able to stand the tension.
Its a plant bro, it is reinforced with cell walls.
It's bones change as it evolves. So does littens, going from quadruped with no hands or thumbs, to biped with two
I was going to say, isn't it too early to guess what their cards will be like?
But then I remembered nobody plays the Pokemon TCG here.
Buzzwole is best Gen VII
Man this looks nothing like a Pokemon.
Its not, its a super beast.
Looking at Buzzswole's stats, he could have been a great OU tank/bulky sweeper, too bad it can't learn drain punch or have an decent ability like sheer force or iron fist, hell or even no guard would be great on him with substitute and focus punch.
He can't even function as a good pivot sweeper/tank, because he lacks u-turn.
It's a fucking plant owl using it's arm as a bow, it's not meant to be realistic, it can probably propel the arrow using whatever energy Pokemon use to shoot laser, lighting or fire.
Some people do.
The 99% of them REALLY but REALLY suck at it but think themselves as the hottest shit since sliced bread.
None of them will go beyond UU.
Even in VGC they all sucks. Incineroar may get some use if it's HA gets released but that's about it.
Nearly all Pokemon this Gen are in a desperate need for Move Tutors. Nearly everything has massively barren movepool.
>Nearly all Pokemon this Gen are in a desperate need for Move Tutors. Nearly everything has massively barren movepool.
Its almost as if Gamefreak is giving the competitive tryhards a big Fuck You.
They do. They have a great board tradition called Showderp. You should check it out someday.
Veeky Forums could use something similar on Cockatrice to help it get collectively better at magic.
I play the pokemon TCG when I can be assed. Doing nothing but structure deck fights gets really tiring though.
>Its almost as if Gamefreak is giving the competitive tryhards a big Fuck You.
How is it exactly?
>Haha we made all the new Pokemon shit! Now the metagame is balanced! That's show those competiti- hey, wait, you are supposed to use the new shitty Pokemon! Stop using the old things that are good! Muh VGC! Smogon REEEEEEEEEE!
You don't combat power-creep by making new things that are SHITTIER than the old things. You combat it by buffing what's shitty and making the new things able to compete with the already good things.
Veeky Forums would rather bitch about modern prices, chinamen proxies and edh than actually git gud at shit. That's Veeky Forums sucks at magic, they don't want to get better.
Speaking of simulators, pokemon tcg has a better online simulator that's free and was actually made this century. And staff that isn't pandering to SJW on tumblr.
Because all the new pokemon are shittier than the old one, the meta won't evolve, its going to be stagnant where everyone uses the same shit over and over again.
I'm not advocating for powercreep, but it would be nice if there are some useful pokes in the new gen that people can experiment around.
>but it would be nice if there are some useful pokes in the new gen that people can experiment around.
There's a few shiny new toys this gen like the Tapus, Toxapex and the UB. Overall though, most alolamons are shitmons.
>the meta won't evolve, its going to be stagnant where everyone uses the same shit over and over again.
Pretty much. I don't believe there will be big shifts this generation. It'll be Gen 6 2.0 metawise.
VGC will be another story for now because Aloladex only but even then VGC is an overcentralized piece of shit, even more than Smogon metagames actually as shown by Showdown usage stats.
Here's also my cherrypicked image to prove how shitty VGC is.
>all those Bravest Birds
Goodnight Sweet Prince
>5 out of the top 8 are using the identical fucking team comps
Holy shit.
I'm pretty mad about that and I'm a bugfag.
It was simply completely overkill. Why do so many developers don't understand that a "nerf" does not mean "Completely run it into the ground and then kick it when it's trying to stand up and also chop it's limps so it can't try to stand up ever again"?
nice to see the waifu showed up to compete at least
What is the point of Ultra Beasts...
VGC16 was a pretty shitty meta.
The funny thing is that if you go to, say, top 16, you can start seeing a lot more variety. Besides, this is just one event of dozens. But as I said here gotta cherrypick hard so people can bitch about something.
For comparison. here's the Top 8 of 14, 15 and 16 Worlds. VGC15 meta was actually pretty good and varied all year around despite what this picture may make you think, the nips were simply way too ahead of everyone else that year. While the rest of the world were copying them the nips were already onto something new and as such completely dominated the world stage.
>inb4 hurr Pachirisu
VGC14 was a metagame where the amount of allowed Pokemon was a very limited one. Pachirisu being there is a one in a lifetime miracle where he was one of the few Pokemon allowed in that meta with a certain very good move which allowed him to fulfill one specific role. Had something with Follow Me like, say, Clefable or Togekiss had been allowed to use you wouldn't be seeing it there at all.
It being there is a extremely unlikely to ever happen again combination of circumstances that allowed him to have a niche and role to fulfill. Don't be like so many other retards who think the squirrel got used because it was the player favorite Pokemon or something like that. No, he used it because the damn squirrel had something to do in that team and had something only it could do in that meta.