What does Veeky Forums recommend for online RPG play?
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I used Roll20
Whatever works for you?
I use IRC mostly, it's a simple and very basic client but I like having a different channel for IC and OOC and you can get dicebots for almost anything these days. When I need a battlemap we use roll20, but for most games IRC does just fine.
I mean if you have to use roll20. Its easy to use and has some neat features. But its just not the same and not as good.
Roll20 with Skype
I honestly disagree with this.
I've roleplayed online and offline quite a bit, and at this point? I actually prefer online, text based RP to IRL stuff.
Don't get me wrong, IRL gaming can be really fun. Having fun with a group of friends, rolling some dice and having adventures is great. But it always seems much more prone to tangents, miscommunication or people forgetting things which makes it hard to do any really good storytelling.
Online, though? While slower than IRL RP in a lot of ways, the existence of logs is the best goddamn thing. Each player and the GM has a chance to carefully and precisely choose their words, and once you've made a post you can always go back and check it to be reminded of a particular detail and such.
Online I feel like I have a lot easier time conveying character and doing interesting descriptions of things and on the whole the experience is just so much more fulfilling on that side of things. You can even add in voicechat as an additional OOC channel to speed things up and not clutter up the chat (Although splitting IC/OOC is a must for me), which I've done a few times and works very well, especially for speeding up combat.
>text based RP to IRL stuff.
I would agree that text based is a different animal than talking to people over skype or whatever.
When I think of roll20 games I think of voice chat (since most roll20 games feature it heavilly) and then its just like RL, except without the pre established friendships, camaraderie and environment.
fuck no skype is awful, use discord or mumble.
If you're computer illiterate/pressed for time, roll20.
If you can spend a couple hours learning a program, maptools. Maptools much more than roll20, and it's all free. That being said, it's a larger burden on the GM. Then some VoiP program, my favorites being Mumble and TeamSpeak3.
Link to maptools for those unfamiliar: rptools.net
Highly suggest it, it has a ton of great features and is free.
a toaster in the bathtub
I'd say it's more like IRL, except without having to see, smell or suffer the other gits more than necessary.
The smell of cheeto farts is part of the experience, user.
I like Roll20.
Roll20 for maps and handouts and discord for voice. Ditched Skype and never looked back except for when Discord is down.
Also playing in person is a lot more fun and less confusing, because online play runs into technical issues and you're listening to everybody speak through one speaker, so only one person can speak at any given time.
Have you ever tried text stuff?
World of Warcraft.
>Don't use the perfectly functioning voip system everyone has and understands.
>Instead use another 3rd party piece of software riddled with technical floors or make an account with a web based voip.
I get wanting to use disquord (spelling) if you're paranoid or a troll. But there's no good reason to download mumble.
Skype is a buggy, resource intensive piece of shit. Mumble and Discord are both way better.
Hey skype cultist kill yourself
Desktop Skype is the only program on my computer that's capable of disabling the low-light compensation on my laptop camera, so it has its uses.
>he doesn't know how to use a computer or a webcam
Skype user detected
Skype Preview doesn't do it, the Camera app doesn't do it, the bundled shit Cyberlink camera program doesn't do it, the HP Control Panel doesn't do it, FaceRig doesn't do it, Device Manager doesn't do it, Devices and Printers thinks it's a barcode reader, and Scanners and Cameras can't see it at all.
>completely retarded skypefan pisses himself with rage that he can't work what appears to be a budget computer from a decade ago
Seconding maptools. I actually find it much easier to use than roll20, due to roll20's zoom in/out being absolute garbage as well as impersonation.
oh wow you must be fucking retarded
How come?
What does Veeky Forums think about vassal engine?
Clunky as fuck.
being able to flip the table > any amount of GM utility features.
discord has fucking dice bots
>perfectly functioning voip system
Pick one