Have you ever unexpectedly encountered a furry gm? Share stories.
I have a gm who is allowing literal furries as a race. I am not sure if I should just drop out, or play along and fuck with his game.
Have you ever unexpectedly encountered a furry gm? Share stories.
I have a gm who is allowing literal furries as a race. I am not sure if I should just drop out, or play along and fuck with his game.
What's wrong with animal people exactly?
Just go along as you would normally with non furry races.
Some people make porn of anthropomorphic animals, just as they do with every other goddamn thing.
I'm imagining "literal furries as a race" as a race of obese men that wear animal costumes and generally creep out the rest of the civilized races. They have amazing works of art so the other races KNOW that they're civilized but they seem to have some strange fixation on sex. They have their share of bad apples but on the whole they're just... awkward to be around. On days when their caravans come into town, people might avoid heading to the market while merchants jack up their prices because somehow they all seem to be loaded.
Stop getting so tiggered, user.
Being a furry is a fetish. The gm is putting what is a fetish into a normal game.
Yeah, and when you shoehorn your magical realm into shit it's fucking horrible.
Just replace "I have a GM who is allowing literal coprophiliacs as a race." and you start to see where the problem comes from.
Nothing is wrong with anthropomorphic animals.
It's the furfaggots being unable to control their autism about it that are ruining it.
Fucking with his game is just what he's into you sick fuck.
Stop enabling him.
That was a catastrophe, user. You cougar tried harder.
Main question is whether OP is flipping out at a regular animal-based race or whether it's really furfaggotry going. He isn't providing any information to judge and I've seen both happen in equal measure.
>furries as a race
Please tell us this is a subrace of humans that all wear fursuits
>Please tell us this is a subrace of humans that all wear fursuits
Ah fuck what was that one webcomic about fursuiters being an ostracised subset of society. I always forget it.
Ohyeah, Dreaming of Utopia.
To give you a taste, here:
>Creatures made from earth animal and human DNA. Enhanced so as to be perfect in their function. Designed for purposes suggesting only to live. Enhanced with abilities and weapons from your animal DNA but the mental strength and acuity of man.
>Furries live and die as you would think normal life should be. They are born, they grow up, they marry, then they die. They have spread through the system exploring and growing, finding and being found, always trying to improve. This is terrible for some. No direction, nothing to fight back against that is truly unknown.
>Furries live and die as you would think normal life should be.
..ok so "literal furries" wasn't just colloquialism for emphasis, it was literal literal name he has for them?
Well. That's bad.
The rest of it seems as generic "engineered species trying to live" though, just written badly.
Humans are the bad guys
>There is a human named Rugal and he speaks this ‘love problems away’ doctrine louder than any other. He resides on Pao to deter anyone from harshing his idea of perfection. This can mean anything from torching villagers and strip mining to mundane things like giving the people helpful tools. He strongly believes that the culture of Pao is his responsibility and the solution to a better society.
Depends on if he's a yiffer or not. If he's not, big fucking deal. We had a Brony play a pseudo-pony in one of our campaigns and it really wasn't a big deal.
If he is, though, and he dares you to enter his magical realm, then abandon ship.
>playing in a cartoonish world-hopping adventure game, big group
>most of it is weebs of two main camps
>camp one is tokusatsus and due to GM being in it, there's a lot of content for it
>camp two is animes and they constantly badger for the GM to run the plots with their favourite waifus (but get pissy if their waifus are endangered in any way) and demand lolis and traps to ogle and molest
>one outlier is a brony who wants a visit to ponyland and/or some NPCs based on it; camp toku is just fine and chill with it, camp traploli goes up in raaage with accusations of sexualising the game
>because spamming group chat with ecchi traps and finding a fountain of youth just to lolify the yuris between their characters is totally unsexual
How are literal furries a race? Literal furries are humans with an unhealthy interest in animals.
>Nothing is wrong with anthropomorphic animals.
Wrong. OP needs to bail out, hard
Okay. I like monstergirls just as much as any other deviant on this board, but you need to come up with an excuse not to attend. The lack of proper language and emphasis on "fursecution" isn't going to result in a fun game.
Animal-people are cool.
As a furry I'll tell you this sounds bad.
A world where everybody is just replaced by furries with neon accents can work work out, A fantasy world with regular beast races can work out. And even humans plus uplifted furry servitor races could work if it was better written.
But this reeks of putting the furries on a pedestal and fursecution complex.
I've ran across a local only war game. Didn't join in, opted to watch a game to decide if I want to join. Needless to say it was a power fantasy of furries murdering the shit out of normal guardsmen.
But by this point I'm not surprised I'm surrounded by furries. And even then again, I couldn't care less if they can keep their fetish in their pants and not force it on everything.
You should drop this, not because it has furries, but because your DM can't string four sentences togheter. That summary summarized pretty much nothing and had some pretty cringeworthy passage. For example,
>Enhanced so as to be perfect in their function. Designed for purposes suggesting only to live
What the hell does this mean?
>They are born, they grow up, they marry, then they die.
That's not how you're supposed to describe a creature's life cycle from a zoological standpoint. The fuck do I care that they marry. Do they become immortal if they don't marry? How long do the fuckers live? Do they even reproduce?
Yes, myself.
>Friends vehemently against furries
>specifically birds
>Told them not to worry, that I won't shove my fetish into the game
>Campaign starts off fairly cliché
>About the three sessions in they discover the culprit of recent assassinations, some sort of shadow cult
>Much investigation later, they manage to find and interrogate a cultist
>He starts cawwing like mad until they kill him
>Confused, they continue down the railroad, only to be attacked by an assassin
>They kill him, turns out he was some sort of crow-person
>Players on high-alert, accuse me of my degeneracy, and gear up to the teeth with nets, chains, crossbows, anything to take out flying creatures
>Much later, they finally find their way into the cult lair, filled with ragged crow-men
>They begin the Bird-genocide and murder their way to the leader, who unexpectedly, is a kindly old man in a wheelchair.
>They demand he answer for his crimes, to which he sounds confused
>Turns out, the man was a senile wizard who loved birds, but failed a ritual, transforming them into monsters
>The crow-men revered the wizard as a father, and sought to kill all who they heard gave him grief when he would complain to them in his younger years
>The party, out of good conscience , couldn't bring themselves to kill the wizard, and instead told him of his birds' dark deeds
>The wizard was disheartened, and called out to the darkness of his cave for a confirmation
>The party, OOC, is now visible sad, perhaps I touched on something that tugged their heartstrings
>Time to finish the job
>The party then hears a cackling voice answer the wizard in an alien tongue
>The only word they could make out was, "Nevermore."
>To this day, my friends still have not forgiven me
Define furry race. Because things like Kahjits and Lycanthropes aren't shitty.
No, like most things, it's the people who make them shitty.
>Every Dragonborn player
>Every Tabaxi player
This rules. Well played user.