>World War 1 drags on for so long that people begin to evolve to better suit that environment.
>What strange horrifying traits do they adapt?
World War 1 drags on for so long that people begin to evolve to better suit that environment
omitting the fact that the majority of the population did not live on the battlefield and they could not evolve strictly war-related traits (aside from a greater resilience to prolonged effort and hunger due to factory shifts and food production being devoted to the front, plus greater spawn output to make up for losses), I'd say
>night vision
>either extreme conflict avoidance or uber-powerful adrenaline rushes to live through the day's charge
>running speed and rough terrain navigation
>thicker shoulders (mostly on the right side)
>harder/thicker ribs
>smaller stature for better stealth
>skin of varying colours not unlike a camouflage pattern
>greater resistance to shockwaves and psychological shock
>more powerful healing factor, if not the ability to outright grow limbs back
>digestive systems capable of processing rotten or downright toxic stuff
>immune system for days
there are probably more, but these are the traits I can get off the top of my head
also possibly something to deal with the dampness
Most of these traits don't work if you have severe malnourishment.
I do agree with a heightened constitution and the ability to digest less favorable foods, the smaller nature, because you don't need to be big to kill with a gun.
Night vision is a bit extreme, mostly because I believe they had lights. But a heightened sense of hearing, that is shock resistant would be more plausible.
>>World War 1 drags on for so long that people begin to evolve to better suit that environment
How would that even work? Sure the men are at the frong fighting and dying for their country, but the children and their "oppressed" whore mothers are in the safety of cities far away from the front. They wouldn't evolve traits to better survive a war they won't see for another 18 years (male) or will never see at all (female).
evolution takes millions of years. Everyone would be long dead before "evolving" to deal with WW1
Its more habits that would change, like never sticking your head over the trench line, and putting your gas mask on quick smart if you smell something queer (thats some WW1 lingo for you)
>Oi lads, I smell something queer! Maybe we should put out gas masks on?
>Nah, that's just the Welsh in that trench over there
scaly, hardened waterproof feet then?
yeah, the traits I listed for civilians would probably need to be applied to the fighting forces as well. To be fair, malnourishment is a problem with any species and I remember reading somewhere that while rations weren't the most abundant or tasty, they were rather good from a physiological standpoint. Most food was sourced from nearby villages or canned/preserved in proper plants back in the homeland, so either the same the farmers ate or close to it with more industrial pazazz.
I might be wrong, though, my WWI knowledge isn't the most solid.
Are you the "5000 years of evolution bomb" fag from another thread?
>grunt is holding a battle stone
>grunt is evolving
>grunt has evolved into nco
>fun is not fun
we're just having fun with a little thought experiment. Have one yourself, possibly one about getting that stick out of your ass.
Any excuse to post Graham.
Still better looking that your average brit.
>tfw someone doesn't know what a thought experiment is
>tfw someone doesn't know that imagination is great
chill out bruh, A) he probably isn't, and B) even if he was, what if scenarios are fun
>World War I never ends
>Each side is delving into more and more horrifying methods of gaining an upper hand
>Some are melding flesh and metal to create mechs and other war-machines controlled by human brains
>Others creating UmbrellaCorporation-tier biological horrors
>Full on daemonic possessions and occult conjurations are being weaponized elsewhere.
>Deep ones poisoned by mankind's strife are creeping out of the sea. Tentacles miles long and leagues wide are scraping entire cities into the ocean
>Reports of the dead rising from mass graves are getting more and more frequent
H.G. Wells was actually really into this theme, you should look at some of his post-apocalyptic stuff.
>legions of undead rise from their graves
>they're marched to the front by officers
>"back to it lads, into the breach!"
>be grunt
>get told to change right into machine gun fire
>rise again, this time as an undead
>get told to charge into same machine gun nest by a dead officer
Not even the dead know not this evil.
>military necromancers revive mass grave, revile intensifies
>"oi james thats my femur!"
>"bollocks me arms gone off again"
>"uh, lieutenant? I think that ones a hun skeleton"
>"never mind that private dickins, he'll bloody well work for us now, wont you jerry?"
>"jawoh herr totenkommandanten"
Niggers turn white
>Tentacles miles long and leagues wide
I completely fucked that up, anyway;
>Some countries, in their haste to acquire more resources to fuel the war machine, delve too greedily and too deep...
>After detecting our radio signals, an alien race attempts to initiate first contact with our race promptly leave in horror after a few weeks of observation, but not before 17 different countries launch tactical nuclear warheads at their vessel to defend communications satellites
>Cloning technology is perfected by Genetics researchers to provide more soldiers for the state
>Chemical and radiation weapons that reduce a person to sludge in seconds are fielded en-masse
>Super-viruses incubated over centuries on filthy battlefields full of millions of conscripts evolve macro cell manipulation and collective consciousness
It's getting hard to think of more horrible things to include in this setting
We unlock our spiral potential and stop fighting, just to start conquering the stars together.
Eyes on little stalks to look over the battlements.
Snakelike bodies to undulate around the zig zaggin trenches.
scales to protect against barbwire.
amphibian qualities to handle the damp.
You don't.You simple are used as cannon fodder and die.
What about people who return from trenches and have families?
>people become dwarves
Probably immunity to a number of nasty diseases and germs.
Artillery doesn't care about your small biological advantage
The only evolution you'd see is an increased tendency towards cowardice and increases in minor conditions which prevent a man from getting sent to the front.
How to know OP is American and American education went completely FUBAR?
He considers Lamarckism valid.
In 2016.
B-but muh giraffes
implying that isn't awesome as fuck
No, I'm asking that in a world were evolution happens faster because of rule of cool, what happens after a few hundred thousand years of the trenches.
Would make more sense to ask what drives innovation in technology if our idea of warfare stayed forever in the WW1 mindset
It'd be more realistic for it to drag on long enough that the powers start genetically engineering super-soldiers.
The most warlike people end up in the frontlines and die. This, combined with plain old fashioned fatigue caused by the constant warfare, eventually leads humans to embrace pacifism.
I'm pretty sure I saw this exact theory being thrown around by a pop science author, probably Nicholas Wade or someone like that. "All the big brave macho males died in the trenches and that's why Europe is full of effeminate hippies now."
Don't forget nature.
>Packs of vicious dogs, mutated and often strapped with bombs by one side or the other
>Rats as big as your fucking leg
>Mosquitoes evolved super-hard carapace, and are almost impossible to remove once latched on. Then it's a matter of time.
>Acid rain. Because reasons.
>Earthquakes, tornadoes, and nuclear storms
I feel like we're just making up hell now.
Oh wait, the most OBVIOUS adaptation.
>Breeding capabilities enhanced
>Women can become impregnated and give birth in only 1 month.
>Humans age 1 year per month. Military training starts at 5 months.
There you go, I've given you meat for the grinder.
only somewhat related but i was a part of a game where the Battle of Verdun managed to awaken an entombed vampire overlord who began to abduct the wounded on either side and condemn them to his service
i'm still in love with the idea
Men evolve into hunched, twisted things to keep their heads below the ramparts. Sense of hearing is almost lost, if they are not deafened by artillery immediately. Skin becomes leather-like and greasy to ward off poisons in the air and sharp things in the mud. broad, flat hands with all fingers fused save the index so that the man-thing can burrow for cover.
I like this hell
>Exposure to trace amounts of chemical weapons lead to a mechanism for flushing the lungs of fluid and/or closing them reflexively to prevent damage
>Prolonged night operations lead to incredible night vision
>The extreme environment leads to thick, fat-insulated skin to protect the body from damage and exposure
That's all I've got.
Oh fuck, that would be amazing with either of my favorite settings
>"Uh, Sir? I think we might want to skip this world"
>"Explain Helmsman"
>"According to the Magos, this is the location of a world that was consumed by a warp storm 5,000 years ago, but..."
>"What is it crewman?"
>"Well, it seems that these aren't standard humans anymore"
>"You mean to say they have been corrupted by the Warp? Do we need to inform the Inquisitor?"
>"No sir, not corrupted, but definitely mutants...I think. The Magos says that according to his findings, these humans are what you get after 500,000 to a million years of evolution, guided by constant trench warfare."
>"Wha..How...How is that even possible? How could they have evolved to better wage trench warfare? How could they have evolved at all? How are they still at war instead of being a bunch of corpes? HOW ARE THEY STILL USING TRENCH WARFARE?!?"
>"The Magos isn't sure either sir. It goes against whatever remaining knowledge of nature he has. His best guess is that this is the result of, quote, "Warp Fuckery"
>"Fuck it, Helmsman, record the data, give it to the magos, label the system quarantined,let's move on"
>"Aye captain"
emperor? Is that you?
Like the imperium wouldn't immediately try and draft these people into the imperial guard, 500,000 years of adaption to constant warfare is pretty good, and there's an argument to be made that they're still technically human
They'd get shorter.
They'd evolve according to their military specializations.
Engineers, for example, would evolve a second set of arms, and would dedicate the first set to digging, their arms becoming stronger and their hands sturdier and shovel-like. The second set would have a natural metal detecting and handling ability, and would be hardened to handle barbed wire and safely dispose of mines and other explosives.
Infantry would have massively enhanced physical abilities such as accuracy, reflexes, hand-to-eye coordination, strength, etc. Also camouflage-like pigmented skin.
Tankers would have similar abilities, and would eventually be able to physically merge with the vehicle. Same with plane pilots and artillery men.
All of those would also evolve a hardened, solid ribcage and skull, be shorter, have hyperefficient organs capable of drawing sustenance from basically anything the soldier can find, regardless of how toxic it is with no ill effects, and a natural gas filter.
okay, that's going too far, unless we're getting into Mad Science genectic engineering here
Everything in this thread is to far. People don't understand that for evolution to work the new trait has to already exist in the population. Things don't just gain mutations to suit the environment, the environment selects traits that increase fitness.
Did he forget that WWII happened and most of the biggest badasses lived and went home to breed? Or is he going to claim their kids all died in Vietnam or Desert Storm or wherever the fuck?
Honestly, the only reason people are weak today is that our culture encourages them to be. Kids are just the same as they've always been.
I think it would be more fitting if there were mutagenic chemical weapons involved causing rapid, drastic mutation
I wager psychopathy would become more prevalent as well.
>everyone in this thread is so stupid except me!
Pretty sure most of the posters in this thread know how evolution goes and are just having fun.
>hardier immune system
>darker skin tone IE negroid or possibly indian
>night vision
the rest of these are retarded. I wish you fantasy fags would quit trying to ruin actual history with your absurd notions of ENDLESS WARS that just factually aren't realistic
>most of the time is spent in stagnant trenches doing nothing where both sides have agreed by omission to not attack
>it's the Christmas truce for years and morale sinks to an all time low
this is probably at best what you could expect. Also the men would start cohabitation with prostitutes and bizarre polyandrous relationships would be going on where children are being reared in specialized underground trench complexes.
All of the seemingly random threads about evolution today has convinced me that the average fa/tg/uy has absolutely no idea how evolution works
how does evolution work
>All of the seemingly random threads about evolution today has convinced me that the average fa/tg/uy has absolutely no idea how fun works
I agree.
Adaptation through reproductive success/failure with mutation only slightly altering survivability rates over millions of years
Reproduction is the key here. One example of this is if you have a bunch of flies and cut off all of their wings, but their ability to reproduce is not affected, they won't suddenly evolve smaller wings. Their offspring will still be exactly the same despite their parents having no wings their entire life. Unless the lack of wings hampers reproduction they will never ever have any changes.
In OPs example literally nothing would change unless all of the soldiers were sent back to their wives to reproduce after surviving long enough, and even then they would most likely have children who are MAYBE more resistant to disease.
They wouldn't get fucking tusks to dig trenches better or any bullshit like that. Especially since humans have technology, medicine and tools so they don't need physical adaptions to overcome most obstacles. In theither situation in OP humanity would kill eachother long before evolution would even be a possibility.
Actually evolved the long necks to fight for mates using their horns.
Longer neck = more speed in the swing.
>that just factually aren't realistic
>because of rule of cool
the only post in this retarded thread that actually makes sense.
The soldiers are all long dead. Only their weapons live on and now nobody remains with the authority to order them to stop.
>World War 1 drags on for so long that people begin to evolve to better suit that environment.
Fun fact, ww1 caused a bit of "natural" selection.
For example, varicose veins are relatively common in France, since it would get you discharged in 1914, so no risk to dying in battle, and lot of time spent in cities without many men.
tl; dr: People evolve into beings completely unfit for combat, since it means they won't get drafted and die before getting the opportunity to reproduce.
>a war that lasts Lingen enough for evolution to begin to take place.
Probably a natural immunity to fucking death itself if humanity has survived a literal billion year all out war
The capability to tell if something is actually Veeky Forums related or not.
When the whole "always Veeky Forums related" meme became a reality in like 2014, this board started going to absolute shit.
I dont think shorter is too far fetched, makes it so trenches dont have to be as deep and makes it harder for your head to get picked off by a sniper cause a wee bit of it peaked over.
This board became an irredeemable shithole long before 2014 rolled around.
I haven't browsed this board daily in several years but the fact that only now am I seeing people saying the board has gone to shit makes me think it has gone to shit, since no one used to say that
like your
>everyone elses propositions are fine except his
would be any better
There were people whining about Veeky Forums going to shit when I first arrived here 8 years ago. In the retrospective they're absolutely correct about us being the cancer that was killing Veeky Forums.
Underrated post
Pretty sure they don't, actually.
>...broad, flat hands with all fingers fused save the index so that the man-thing can burrow for cover
Seems inconvenient for important military tasks. Such as firing a gun.
Immunity to bullets
evolution doesn't fucking work like that you dingus
And I'm asking you to educate your sorry ass, so we can avoid shitty threads and stupid questions.
>I think it would be more fitting if there were mutagenic chemical weapons involved causing rapid, drastic mutation
This. Someone's gas-bombs cause extreme mutagenic effects. Throw in things getting serious enough that women are also drafted and superfast breeding from and things can get pretty weird.