Age of Sigmar General

TFW at work and want to go home and paint stuff


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Old Thread

first for elves

>So, since the Diazmonettes are back on sale for a bit I though I'd buy some to make a small slaanesh force. What's slaanesh's best and worst options for units? Is the battallion any good?
Here I am.

>Best unit
Seekers of Slaanesh. They are stupidly fast and hit reasonably hard. You can't make an entire army out of them, but when you need to hit the weak point of your enemy, those are your girls.

Also Daemonettes are one of the best battleline in the game in my opinion. Fragile, but do they hit hard.
Remember to always have them on Locus. That makes them so much tankier, and if you get the bonus from the Grand Alliance they become butchers.

Do not use the rules of the Daemons of Chaos compendium. Download the proper PDF from the page of the unit or buy the Grand Alliance Chaos book.
The difference is that the upgraded rules say they get the Locus from any SLAANESH DAEMON HERO, not only DAEMONETTE HERO.
It's important.

>Worst Unit
Sadly, it's my favourite too.
It's the Fiend of Slaanesh.
It's not absolutely and totally bad, but it's disappointing to say the least.

>Is the battallion any good?
No, but it's cheap. Remember that you get a extra Relic for each Battalion you have, so it's nice to have.
So you get a +1 movement, a small chance to get some wounds back and a relic for 40 points. It's a good deal.
But if to make it you need to split all your daemonettes in small units of 10, forget it.
Daemonettes need to be 20 if possible. Not for the bonus (which is nice but meh) but because they are fragile and you'll need them to sustain a couple of combats. You can have one unit of 10 girls to control objectives, but if you want to go to the front, you'll need 20.

Daily reminder that around these folk, watch yourselves.

What did he mean by this?

Basically, fuck elves.

They'll steal your children.

Not even a joke. Fuck elves.

Hello AOS people.
May I ask you to try and sell me on this game?
I always hated it. I hate the Sigmarines and the new Chaos. I find the new Dwarves disgusting and the Orcs, while not that bad, are far too WOWish in design for me. I did read the original rules and I found them very, very underwhelming.
On the other hand, the old models are far less expensive than the new ones and I still love some of those, not to mention I have a pretty big collection already.
So, please, persuade me that the rules aren't as bad as I first tought. I promise no shitposting or bitter commentaries will come from me on this thread, I just want to know if this is a game I could enjoy or not.

If you don't like, don't force yourself. It's pointless. I read the first campaing book and couldn't finish it, and it's fine. Don't try to get persuaded into it if you don't like it, just seek another system and don't delude yourself.

Dont force yourself to like something you dont user. But you can always try a few games before you make up your mind

You could always just try it out. Just us telling you how awesome we think something is will be unlikely to change your mind.

Two players at my shop have just bought these two Champions.

They point out that there are no rules for them; there are the Lord of Plagues and the Chaos Lord of Slaanesh which came close to the concept, but they are armed very differently.

Lord of Plagues have rules for an Axe, and the Chaos Lord of Slaanesh have sword and shield.

How would you deal with that?

1) Just ignore how the model is made. Use the rules from the book.
2) Make some custom rules for their weapons.
3) They are not the same heroes as those in the books, so make unique rules for them.

I know, I know. It's just that I saw some of the Start Collecting deals and damn, I want to get my hands on those, but also wouldn't mind to be able to play them in a game.

Pros and cons? Does it have tactical depth? Is it wildly luck-dependant? Do different unit play in different ways so that you can feel their unique impact on the battlefield? Does every game just devolve into a shapeless brawl at the center of the table?
I'd just like to know how you feel about its playability, that's it.

Just ignore how the model is made, it shouldn't really matter.

>Does it have tactical depth? Is it wildly luck-dependant? Do different unit play in different ways so that you can feel their unique impact on the battlefield? Does every game just devolve into a shapeless brawl at the center of the table?
Jesus christ, that is like a list from the shitposters handbook.

Anyway, yes it has some tactical depth, just a different kind than what fantasy had. Now, due to various special rules and abilities, certain units and characters interact in certain ways, so you want to position your units in a way so you can take full advantage of that, while trying to deny your enemy the ability to do the same.
Also, instead of the turns going you-me-you-me, every round you roll to see who goes first, so it is possible for someone to have two turns in a row, and you need to account for this.
The game is also designed around playing objectives, they range from simple "take and hold points", to more thematic, asymmetrical ones.

Luck dependant? Sort of. In the same way all dice based wargames are I suppose. As always, it is about risk management.

Most units should feel different, especially units within your own army. Most armies don't really have multiple units that do the same thing. There are loads of different buffs available to you as well, so you will be deciding what units you want for what buffs etc.

As for the last one, as I said. The game should be played with one of the battleplans. If you do that, it really shouldn't turn into a shapeless brawl in the centre, since there are objectives to contest. If you play without a battleplan, and only play the base rules, then yes it turns into a shapeless brawl, but so does Fantasy, and so does 40k.

Look up some videos on youtube. Preferably those released after July, so they are using the generals handbook.

Thank you, that was very informative.

That was like a list from the shitposters handbook because, basically, the shitposters tend to always point out the same - real or otherwise - flaws for this game. And since I know shitposters are unreliable and often misguided, I prefer to see how people who like and play this game address such criticism. I didn't mean that as an attack to the game anyway; these are some of my concerns with any wargame I set my eyes on.

Looking to get into AoS here, kind of torn between what faction to pick up first. I like the fyreslayers but there's no starter box yet, are the old dwarf ironbreakers and other models usable for anything?

different setting

here they steal pansexual gods


Ironbreakers are useful for being Ironbreakers. Rhat's all they need to be.

I didn't know if there were still rules for the old models or no. Figured that's why they're still on the shop but asked to be sure.

What are you working on /aosg/?

As others have said, try the game out. You don't need to invest any money to just try it. Find some of the players in your area and ask them to run you a demo game. Unless there are no AoS players in your area, in which this is all a moot point and really not worth trying to get into. Play what is played locally, because that is what really matters.

Irobreakers and all the old dwarf units are still a thing. It's called Dispossessed. You can make an army of them, combined with Ironweld Arsenal for the engineer and big guns.

There are. There are even rules for some models not sold any more (Tomb Kings)

does anyone know how many shields come in a box of these? is it only the 16 shown, or are there 24?

The old fantasy box only had 16 marauders if I recall, but this new box has 20 marauders.

maybe I should get a box and find out. The heads and weapons will be useful for varying the 60 monopose bloodreavers I have on the way.

Longbeards. They have been sitting on my desk, half done, for like, a month and a half now. I should finish them so I can move onto a unit more fun to paint.

I like AoS's rules from what I can see, but I have a couple questions.

Why do you measure from the model and not the base? It just feels wrong to me. Looking at the FAQ it even says that if the model's too high up/down, it can't even hit anything with it's weapons. That makes sense realistically, but game-wise it doesn't to me. Anyone else feel this way?

Also, what exactly is in the General's handbook, aside from points?

Measuring from the base is an optional rule that most people opt for. The GHB even provides it as an option and suggests it.

The GHB is a wealth of a resource for AoS players. It provides suggestions and ideas for narrative campaigns, it provides the alegiance abilities and artefacts for the 4 main grand alliances, and also gives rules specific to matched play. People are pretty much considering it the essential 'rulebook' people should buy when interested in getting into this game.

And for the price point of $25 for 170 pages full color, you really can't ask for a better core rulebook you need to invest in.

This. And I'm stuck.

I don't know what I don't like about this, nor how can I improve it.

It just feels wrong to me.

Depends on who you want to play with. If playing with some random dude, use 1. Otherwise, both 2 and 3 sound great.

Accents on the metal?

What's your favorite themed list and the most flavor list you've run?

A bit of a verdigris wash on the bronze parts/rust on the metal bits?

then whats the point of actually having models idiot? just put fucking placeholders on the table and keep your money.

can u guys diferentiate between the fyreslayer models? to me they all look like fucking bunch of naked dwarves. dinos are cool though. what were they thinking?

>can u guys diferentiate between the fyreslayer models?
>to me they all look like fucking bunch of naked dwarves.
That's their theme. An army of half-naked dwarves who pound magical metal into their flesh to gain the powers of their god. It's pretty badass, really.
>dinos are cool though.
Yeah they are. But they are giant lizards. Dinos are the seraphon.
>what were they thinking?
They were trying to make a new flavor of dwarf that really hasn't been capitalized by any other fantasy setting? I think they succeeded. The Slayer was always unique to warhammer, and they jut took the slayer theme, made an army out of it, and turned it up to 11

Can I get some advice? I really want to build an army of norhing but guns and cannons, but I dont know what units to buy or even look at. The AoS app is a nightmare to use if you don't know where to look.

Look at Freeguild and Ironweld Arsenal

Do you want your army to be legal in matched play? If so, then it's impossible as there are limits to how much artillery you can bring.

If not, then just do ironweld arsenal

depending on what user considers "guns" maybe freeguild handgunners?

That's what I'm thinking now. A couple battleine handgunners, a cannon, some iron breakers and maybe a steam tank. The biggest issue is I'll need a unit like Thunderers to hold the line. I can shoot into melee right?


>If all models in a unit are within or on a terrain feature, you can add 1 to all save rolls for that unit to represent the cover they receive from the terrain. This modifier does not apply in the combat phase if the unit you are making saves for made a charge move in the same turn.
>no "toe in cover" or "one unit in cover" problem
>no arguing over what is 4+ cover and what is 5+ cover
my initial feelings were right; people who hated on this game did so because they did not read the rules


>no TLOS to determine cover and arguing whether 50% of the model is obstructed or not, either ALL the models are in the terrain feature or they aren't. no ifs, ands, or buts.

Cog smith worth it on a cannon or is 100 poonts fo a reroll too much?

don't forget the cogsmith has a nice ifle and can repair war machines

not to mention a nice little bonus. put the warmachine next to a piece of damned scenery, and have it take the mortal wound for the bonus, then have the cogsmith heal it. Even better is just use your cogsmith as a counts-as Grimm Burloksson. Costs the same points, has better weapons and save, and repairs war machines D3 instead of just 1. Not to mention Grimm buffs a single unit of thunderer's range.

Having a cogsmith or grimm is absolutely essential if you are bringing an organ gun.

Damned scenery is D3 mortal wounds, not just 1.

I never said damned scenery was just 1 mw

Yes you did
>put the warmachine next to a piece of damned scenery, and have it take the mortal wound for the bonus

Typo then. I know damned is d3. This is why I recomended grimm burloksson. But regardless, if youre lucky you can have your war machines do at least 2 or 3 turns of improved shooting, even with a regular cogsmith repairing.

anyone know?

I guess I'll just have to buy a box eventually and find out

Nice bait, but I will bite.

There is a difference between an old, out of date model that fits the role, and a paper cut out.

Hey fuckers who here has played Path to Glory campaigns?

I just find the gameplay way more enjoyable than WFB. All the lore i come up with for my armies are based on the Old World still, simply because it's cooler imo. Not a huge fan of some of the new models but they're armies i don't play so it doesn't bother me that much.


Next year. That's all we know. That's all that GW said. Next year. Could be early, could be later, but next year. So stop asking, until new years.

They come with twenty, and there have always been twenty maruaders in the box.

there are eight on a sprue how do they give you twenty? do they cut a shield sprue in half?

Presumably 24 then.
If they haven't cut the sprue in half for some reason.

>there are eight on a sprue
nobody said that

the bodies may be in sprues of four, but the shields are in sprues of eight

1000 Points 'The Warmachine'

Freeguild General


Freeguild Hand Gunner x20

Freeguild Hang Gunner x20

Irondrakes x10


Thoughts on this list? General is the General giving me +2 to hit with handgunners and their close fire spam. Everyone has some manner of way to shoot, and hold the line,

I'm half tempted to get into AoS, mainly because 40k is a fucking shitshow at the moment.

However, every game I've seen played at the LGS is pretty much a moshpit in the middle of the board, which doesn't seem like much fun at all.

Also, how are Skaven? Since Orruks are pretty much just WoW Orcs I really have no interest in them.

It's a moshpit if you don't use missions. You got to play objective games or it's boring as fuck. Also get creative with the terrain to change things up.

Skaven are neat, and the clans get a lot more focus in how you build your army though you can still mix them. The rats die and flee in swarms, but they can shit out mortal (unsaveable) wounds with their warmachines.

Yes. Between me and four close friends. It was very fun. My skaven basically acted as Saturday morning cartoon villains, meaning I didn't win one game. Ironjawz were especially good at ruining me. Besides that, if you have some people who are willing to invest time, a whole elaborate campaign can be very rewarding.

Wait how are Orruks WoW Orcs? I can't see any similarities other than being Green.

like 40k, AoS without objectives is a clusterfuck

Well, compared to 40k Orks.

wow's "iron horde" has a lot of similar aesthetics to the new Ironjawz models, especially the megaboss.

Other than that they are pretty much nothing alike. The Iron Horde were actually brown or grey skinned, and not green. They also were big fans of industrialization and trains.

Warhammer Orcs/Orruks also lack the strong identity that 40k Orks have.

God as a guy that likes dwarves this new pic about the steam dwarves has me stoked. Only thing that would make this beeter would be some form of high elves but AOS'ified.

To bad I have no one to play with in my local area or to even learn the game with

do you have no gaming group at all? surely you could talk someone into splitting a starter box with?

They could use more Start Collecting! boxes I think.

Oh my bad, I honestly have no idea if you get a few extra, all I know is I bought one box, and had enough shields for all twenty guys.

ok then good to know

what had me worried is that the store page shows only 16 out of the twenty with shields - one with the banner, one with the drum, the chieftan with two weapons, and one with one of the left hand daggers.

No interest at all from the buddy I play with.

user I've only just got into the wargaming scene as a whole. Sucks that my state doesn't really do anything AoS outside of the state's biggest city 3 hours away.

I wanna play some form of TTWG but have no social structure to do it.

Ahh, well I built mine with full command, but I am assuming there are still twenty. And if not, assuming you have some regular warrior shields laying around you could just kitbash those onto them.

the nearest game store is actually two hours away from me so while they have both an AoS an 40k scene that is live enough, I don't actually play either game, just build and paint. I wish I had someone to play with.

I'm cold buying in (no prior fantasy models save a single "grail knight champion" blister I was given over ten years ago) and my list has no warriors.

I'll have to keep scouring ebay and pray something comes up aside from the one sprue in the UK, wherein shipping it to the US would cost double what they are asking.

I'm almost down to fucking doing what you're doing... my only choice is 40k or warmachine. While warmachine is cool and prefer it over 40k I just wanna fucking play a fantasy game...

Can't even find a fucking bloodbowl league nearby... this shit fucking sucks.

Personally I would use other models, since I do not like the marauder ones. It might be easier for you just to order some third party modelsOr use china

I'm using the bloodreaver models because they are cheap and look good, but I want shields for the marauders (bloodreavers obviously don't have them).

This also helps distinguish them from the actual bloodreavers, which I am also fielding. There are a lot of models in my list (72 @ 1000 pts).

Gunline lists are too easy to counter. Any kind of deep strike or global ability kills the crew on your cannon and then it's worthless.

Then you're left with Rend -1 which is not sufficient to deal with something like a Bastiladon or Mournghoul.

A precision shot from something like a Thundertusk snipes your general and you're left with a bunch of 5+/4+ attacks in the shooting phase.

Or you lose initiative roll and get tabled in two rounds of combat.

Oh wait, are you asking just for the shields? like putting them ON bloodreaver bodies? Or fielding actual marauder models?

just the shields.

The heads and weapons would be nice too for varying up and de-khorning the monopose bloodreavers, but I need the shields more as that is what the unit is supposed to be armed with.

Ahh I get you now. Honestly you might need to just order warrior shields, personally I think that would look better

I may have to

for me at least, the round shield is very distinct and an important part of their look as marauders. Only the special character with the Runeshield will get a kite shield and the rest I would like to have round, if possible.

I think the Marauder horsemen set might come with 12 shields for 10 horses, so that will help, but if the marauder box has only 16 then I will still need more. I do plan to field 10 horses so I'll be getting the horsemen box eventually anyway.

nobody seems to be selling those shields on ebay either.

Unlike marauders on foot, the horsemen do not have their shields on a separate sprue. So either the box has 6 shields for 10 horses, or 12 shields for ten horses.

Any good armies using thanquol and boneripper as general for 2k?

and my list, if anyone is interested (same one I posted last night)

Wulfrik and shield friends go in as the first wave and be a thing the enemy can't ignore. They will die and it is very sad, but it is OK because it gives time for the Bloodreavers, Warshrine, and Bloodsecrator to get up there and attack. The warshrine is expensive, but it is a very durable source of Chaos Totem for the Bloodreavers, though the Bloodsecrator's ability is better.

The marauders use their speed and range to do whatever they can, though their threat bubble is still shorter than most ranged units. I really like the horsemen models and I felt like the list needed something more than more than simply stacking another 10 bodies onto each of the two main units

Not my first choice buy I got a good deal, so here we go AoS Ironjaws. Don't mind the miserable camera phone picture, it's late here.

How are Hellfflayers and the other lawnmowers of slaanesh?

>check email
>someone listed 12 marauder horsemen shields for about 0.80 USD per shield after shipping costs
fuck yes! bought that shit right away

could some one post the generals handbook as under 100mb eather as a pdf convert or epub3 compression if you know how.

The Exalted Seeker Chariot is an unholy terror against hordes and even elite units will be hurting simply on account of attack volume. It's not even *that* flimsy by Slaaneshi standards.
If at all possible, take the Hero version, which has more and better attacks, is a little tougher, procs Loci and can be given relics.
Regular Seeker Chariots and Hellflayers are basically lesser versions of this. Okay if you're strapped for points, but generally inferior.

How good are Nurgle Rotbringers?

Mostly pretty good. You'll be outnumbered against everything bar Beastclaw, but each guy is a powerhouse and can be relied upon to do their job properly.

Basically but I personally thing the two lesser chariots are still a solid deal for their price.

Also, they are not a screaming nightmare to assemble and paint like the Exalted Chariot is.
They are only a mild nightmare.

Also, the Chariots are the best way to get Heralds.
No, really, the bodies and heads necessary to make Heralds are in those boxes, and the instruction clearly say to use them as such. There is really no point in ever buying the resin Herald.

New General Handbook announced, and GW is asking for feedback.

>In the months since the release of the General's Handbook, the game of Warhammer Age of Sigmar has gone from strength to strength. Covering three ways to play - open play, narrative play and matched play - this book is the Trusty Companion for thousands of Warhammer Age of Sigmar gamers the world over.

>But these new rules were always intended to evolve as time went on, so now, we're looking to the people who use them most for help (that's you, the players).

>What would you change about, or add to, the General's Handbook?

>Let us know in the comments below, whether it be the narrative Battleplans, the points for Warscrolls or Battalions, Path to Glory campaign rules, the Three Rules of One, or anything else, and we'll send all your ideas on to the team writing the new book.

Goddammit, I hope GW won't listen to all the retards in the comments. Full of people asking for summoning to go back to what it where and to stop shooting into combat.

Should I use Slave to darkness marauders as cannon fodder if they have such low models