Sup Veeky Forums. I'm gonna DM a D&D game and i have books for 5e but my players insist on playing 3.5. I've seen a link to rule books for 5e in 5e general but i haven't seen anything like it for 3.5. Could anyone lend a hand?
Pic unrelated
Sup Veeky Forums. I'm gonna DM a D&D game and i have books for 5e but my players insist on playing 3.5. I've seen a link to rule books for 5e in 5e general but i haven't seen anything like it for 3.5. Could anyone lend a hand?
Pic unrelated
> but my players insist on playing 3.5
Bitch slap them and DM 5e.
Tell them you want to play 5e, and if they don't want to tell them you would LOVE to play some 3.5e but they have to do all the work converting your entire campaign into 3.5.
They'll play 5e.
Also, why does nobody Google things anymore? You can find most rulebooks by simply Googling. It took me 5 seconds to get the Player's Handbook in PDF, the Dungeon Master's Guide in PDF, and most extra books too.
Stop being lazy OP, also, don't play 3.5.
>Ask your player why they want to play 3.PF over 5e
>Listen to them
>Judge if they don't know better or if they are retarded
>If it's the latter, find new friends
I have pretty much all of the books but I have no idea where I got them from, I downloaded them years ago.
Anyway, more to the point, you're the DM and you'll be putting the work in. You shouldn't just be a doormat and give the players everything they ask for.
DMing is hard enough when you like the system you're runnning.
They're retarded. They want to play 3.5 only because "Muh nostalgia"
Have one of them DM. They clearly know the system better than you
Tell them to fuck off, 3.5 is a piece of shit and Monte Cook should kill himself
Fuck off, Monte Cook is an unintentional genius and he did DnD community a great service.
You see, Pathfinder keeps most of the weirdos, furries, "REALISM IN MUH DND" faggots, magic supremacist and monstergirl waifufags within a self-sustaining containmen systemt. I can play 5e pretty safely, knowing that I'll never interact with those morons, because they're all playing Pathfinder.
Monte Cook should still kill himself. Did you know that he flew to japan on the wotc expense account to participate in an "art" show where a japanese "artist" cut his own dick off, then cooked it and fed slices of it to the audience?
I shit you not. Monte "Cock Cannibal" Cooke is a fucking sick piece of shit and writes terrible games
I heard he grabs women's breasts at the office and stares at them. Doesn't say anything. Just stares.
I wouldn't know about that, he hasn't had a job in 10 years ever since the literal penis eating incident
But he did have a job, he got fired from 5e's design team.
Makes you think huh?
That was one of those contract things where he was "on the team" but not allowed on site or allowed to communicate with wotc employees.
Fuck that. You DM, you choose the system. They want to play another system, they provide a DM.
Well yeah, everyone knew where his hands were gonna go.
Hopefully in handcuffs unless he kills himself to avoid his trial when they find all the kid corpses
DMing is fucking hard.
Don't do it for something you don't like nor enjoy.
Tabletop is supposed to be fun for everyone, which includes you too.
Man 5e is fun as a dm .while 3.5 is a fucking nightmare
I've gotten everything published by Wizards in an hour. I also did so for PF.
and this
You can probably torrent most if the books. But you should play 5E over 3.5.
Ask your players why they want to play 3.5
Just use piratebay.