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Veeky Forums humor thread
Who has the dgb user begging for gibs. He failed like 3 times to do a simple sharpie in the pooper. I was in the thread. Wish I screencap it
The future of linkies
Check this out
That picture looks like a Dogecoiner getting Raped by an Obsidian Marine
that asian girl is hot, i feel OP
someone post uncensored asian girl
Lemme get that pic user
found her in the archives, just google it
>be me
>crypto rich
>traveling the world for over a year
>wears a golden sequins jacket to a club in bucharest romania
>no one wants to associate with me, failure to socialize properly
did I overdo my attempt at peacocking? i wore a fedora with golden sequence vest.
what am I doing wrong guys? I'm crypto rich and wearing nice clothing in romania(former russian colony). Really I just want to make some friends here but picking up a girlfriend would be nice.
is trying to draw too much attention to myself overdoing it? should I try to tone it down?
I'm in that screenshot :)
shut the fuck up and go back to Veeky Forums
I remember this.
Didn't know whether to be disgusted or impressed he managed to write so legibly on his own butt...
Consult a tailor?
>doesn't browse Veeky Forums 24/7
You newfagging faggot, that was a thread from the other day
are you from Romania?