Seriously, what the fuck happened here?
What is it that makes Shitsearcher fans so fucking unbearable?
Better, more mechanically balanced, games came out for the people who were serious about roleplaying, so eventually all that was left was selling out to weeaboos and furries and other flavors of magical realm. It's simple really, just stop in a Pathfinder General thread some day and see that the entire game has become Magical Realm General.
Yes, I know I just responded to shitposting.
They think their shit don't stink, and oh my god there's a lot of it.
The system is intentionally designed broken, and the fanbase consists of furries, waifufags and clinical retards, because the devs cater to them on purpose. It's a great containment system, though, keeps the wrong players away from 5e.
It rekt the shit out of 4e, and your permanent embitterment on that point has created a confirmation bias.
Pathfinder has flaws but it is the system my players prefer to play due to the larger amount of content compared to 5e.
Also tons of austists,weeb and magical realm fags play 5e it is not a system specific problem.
Most of us give no fucks about 4e, dumbass. We care about shitty, garbage games.
Kek, shitseeker huh
Holy shit I'm angry now, also the fucking smugness on the devs
I don't understand this line of logic.
>People complain about Pathfinder being a big convoluted mess with wayyy too much content bloat and hyper-specific rules.
>5E comes out and streamlines everything to get rid of the mess and bloat, which still keeping almost all of the stuff people ACTUALLY USE, and still allows for ton of variety if you actually, you know, ROLEPLAY.
>Retard Players; "Hurrr! 5E has no options!!! Hurr I can't break the game by playing a wizard anymore!!! Durr what is roleplaying?!! Hurrdurr 5E sucks even though it did everything we've been asking it to do for years!!! No, this isn't because I'm too lazy to learn a new system or play a game who's min-maxing potential is so much lower DURRHURR!!!"
This is not surprising in the slightest. The "devs" of Pathfinder are fucking retarded scum
>and still allows for ton of variety if you actually, you know, ROLEPLAY.
Oh look, a refluffer
Fuck off, Shitseeker
You know, I try to roleplay my goliath barb that lifts 2 tons into beating on a str contest to the halfling paladin who barely lifts 100 pounds but somehow it still ends in 50/50
Yup, my bad, sorry I expected roleplaying games to actually be about roleplaying. Guess I'll just wait for my 800th expansion book to play an Easter-Style campaign, since you know, I'm not allowed to let players refluff a longsword into a Katana or whatever.
Are you literally retarded?
Don't answer that, it was a rhetorical.
I don't complain about the amount of options in Pathfinder.
I also think 5e is a decent system but it needs more content that is all.
About the breaking the game yeah that is a major flaw of pathfinder only way I could fix it was not playing with fags and just try to have fun as the focus but of course that does not fixes the system problems.
and this is why id on't like 5e
its got some good points but its just crippled in some places
Oh look, a rules-lawyer.
pretty typical for shitseeker fans
To be fair, that same problem exists in Pathfinder too. Size has never mattered in any meaningful way for most physical contests. I mean, if you really want get into THAT shit we could always bring up the whole "Female characters should get -4 strength" argument.
Rules-lawyers use rules to bend the game to their will, you're looking for another term, though I don't know the term for someone who wants options also expressed mechanically.
yes, its a symptom of the game not wanting people to get completely left behind
But at the same time holy fuck I really hate the advantage/disadvantage system of 5e.
People that constantly bitch and moan about 3.PF are equally unbearable.
I'm not defending it but we get it already, you don't like a structured imagination game and you want to bitch about it in an echo chamber on a Mongolian Puppet Plank.
Then don't use it senpai~
Kill yourself shitseeker pedophile garbage
its pretty core to the mechanics of 5e.
The Pathfinder alternative to advantage/disadvantage is letting rules-autists add modifiers from literally a dozen different sources to every single skill check they do for anything. After some point it ceases to become "mechanical expression" and just becomes a mess of numbers and math that don't necessarily reflect ANYTHING aside from a mastery at gaming a set of "rules" that wouldn't actually exist "in-character" in the roleplay world.
It's listed as optional senpai~
>implying modifiers are bad
Yeah so is every book outside of the core whats your point
>Le 5e has all the options you need
>Le if you find something that isn't in 5e or can't be done in 5e it's because it doesn't belong to a standard fantasy setting
I've seen this argument for almost 2 years
Nice comeback my dude you really got me.
I know it's hard to grasp someone dissenting in your PF rage safespace but believe me it is possible for someone to call you out on being a whiny little baby without them being a PF fanboy.
>Implying "lel" is any more of an argument than "I got nothing, but am going to echo that you're wrong anyway".
Also, you're completely missing the ACTUAL argument, which isn't that modifiers are bad, but that being able to stack modifiers to the point where it becomes game-disruptive and breaks the immersion in the game itself is the thing that is bad.
Oh, look. Its Richard Petty again.
Rolled 19, 1 = 20 (2d20)
Straight-up strength contests should never be a roll until halfling tries something underhanded.
it's like rolling to see whether the 10-foot pole is longer than 5-foot pole.
We are all friends here, call him Petty Dick
You've seen it because, for the most part, it's true. Most of the people arguing otherwise are just butthurt they can't play their half-dragon kitsune vampire cat-girl.
That or they don't know how to refluff ANYTHING, since people like unironically hold the opinion that imagination is a bad thing.
Like clockwork, the child molestation defense force comes flooding in at the first mention of their pet fake D&D
I'd recommend a toaster bath but it only works if the toaster will fit in the bathtub with you. Make a use rope check
>twinking out a stat just happens, the GM can't do anything about it. It just happens
Are you retarded.
But it's, on a campaign which name I don't recall you have to lift a portculis, it's a Str DC check, doesn't matter your Bearbarian lifts 2 tons and the Halfling lifts 100 pounds.
i mean there's real reasons to shit-talk pathfinder and that would be its broken class design and caster supremacy but 'muh modifiers' is a weak line of attack
So you're implying a GM shouldn't let a player add a ton of modifiers to a stat, but the game that literally doesn't allow players to do that is badwrongfun?
Hi Virt.
I'm saying that there's a social contract between players and GMs on what is acceptable levels of optimization in a given game.
Wow, people of color me surprised that "everyone is virt" guy is an assblasted pedophile who can't stand when his snowflake system is insulted
Refluffer has been used recently in 5eg against people who just unironically went: Want a divine monk? just play paladin and call your full plate being "naked" and your greatsword being "bare knuckled". Not even joking, there're people who defend this.
Also what if I want to play a paladin/monk (stated in SCAG as a very normal thing) mechanically speaking is a suicide.
Literally still missing the actual argument.
Modifiers aren't bad.
Pathfinder being designed in such a way that every skill check, if playing with a competent player, involves looking up math from feats and traits and enchanted items and probably 10 other sources is a thing that makes the entire game slow and tedious and doesn't actually mechanically represent anything except literal munchkin'ism.
Martials need absurd levels of optimization to just matter at all, and even then most PF DMs cunt and whine while just letting a caster wave their hand and do whatever.
I don't see anything wrong with what you just said.
Monks don't belong in standard fantasy anyway. You can't fight a guy in full plate armor with a weapon using only your bare fists. It's literally anime bullshit to think that you can.
Don't post the truth user that might hurt some child molesters feelings
>Monks don't belong in standard fantasy anyway
I agree, but D&D has never been a standard fantasy setting and had monks since day 2, in fact, they were released at the same time as cleric.
You have brain damage, then. Because that is beyond retarded.
Hey, if that's the kind of game you want to play, what's the problem? It doesn't mechanically break anything to refluff items that already exist to better fit a playstyle? Call it bare fists or a greatsword, it's still doing the same damage and still being balanced against everything else in the same way at the end of the day.
What's wrong with kitsune, /pfg/ hater?
Most people playing tabletop games didn't get into the hobby to see other people jerk off about their anime-waifus and deviant fur-fetishes, which unfortunately seems to be who Pathfinder is targeted at now. There's a literal "Magical Child" class now.
>looking up
>not having shit on your sheet
They really don't anymore. Its really easy to build a competent martial nowdays.
"Stop having badwrongfun!"
The people who like them, deathworthy furfag pedshit
Of course there is. Shitseeker has always been targeted at the worst of the worst of the RPG crowd
>i called it shitseeker again
Ok, jesus fucking christ, mate. I hate PF, I think its a garbage game that gave literal brain damage to a generation of gamers, and I think you're going full retard.
Using 3pp thats it
I wish i could find a GM that allows 3pp
There's badwrongfun, and then there's people who have absolutely zero social skills and can't understand why maybe other people at the table don't want to play a game with someone who's every other word is moonspeak from some chinese cartoon and who's character is a sickenly alien parody of how normal beings act because it's supposed to be "cute" or some anti-social neckbeard's idea of how women are supposed to act.
I mean, you're free to keep playing Pathfinder if you want, but you've really got no right to criticize the people who left because it because a Magical Realm cesspit and cry "YOU JUST THINK IT'S BADWRONGFUN!"
>I defended shitseeker by jacking off to a picture of a deformed child again
Sure, then. Give me a T1 martial then. If you can't do that, then shut the fuck up because there is no amount of optimizing that is too much, because even muched out to ass they're still weaker.
Did you know that /pfg/ has been advertising no less than three ERP Roll20 games in the past few weeks?
This is the most /v/ thread I've ever seen on Veeky Forums
Have you ever noticed that the morons who insist that casters are too strong always have a really weak grasp on how the game actually works?
Hey man, more power to them if that's the kind of game they wana play. But it still doesn't change the fact that they shouldn't expect normal people to share their... "enthusiasm".
The people who like them.
>using 3pp
Bruh you haven't been keeping up in the splatbooks.
I'm not criticizing people who left but have you considered talking to people before a game and literally not playing with complete strangers who may want something completely different from the game?
>you have to be t1 to be competent
Its like you don't even understand what tiers are
there's literally no ERP games being advertised, there's literally one 'lewd' game, where lewd means 'sex and tits and shit exist'
true that brother.
i mean casters are fucking broken in PF but you don't have to be t1 to be competent.
Have you ever noticed the morons who insist casters are balanced absolutely refuse to play anything else (but will claim up and down that they play martials "all the time" even though you'e never actually seen them do it. Kinda like those guys who claim they really do play male characters sometimes.)?
Kill yourself pedophile, shitseeker will never, ever be good
I understand what the tiers are, fuckface. Give me a T-1, or stop fucking whining about the weaker things being optimized.
A Pathfaggot defends Casters being the best by having no idea how his own fucking game works. Classic.
>there's literally no ERP games being advertised, there's literally one 'lewd' game, where lewd means 'sex and tits and shit exist'
Have you SEEN the fetish discussion in the past few /pfg/s?
>they don't sell rope that will hold me long enough to send me to my waifu so instead I jack off during "erp" sessions of shitseeker
Clearly you don't. Because Tier 1 does not denote 'competence'. Tier 1 denotes 'Literally gamebreaking if optimized'
Tier 4 is where 'competent' resides, while t3 is competent AND can actually do things outside of the one thing they're competent at.
Its literally one faggot in the thread pushing the ERP angle and most people tell him to fuckoff
Yes shit happens, but the game in quesiton that is going to be run is not being advertised as an ERP game, nor has it ever been by the GM
>most people tell him to fuckoff
You mean they play along and talk about their fetishes.
>user posts screenshots of your pedshit fellating each other about your "kinks" in your cesspit shitseeker general thread
>it's just one guy saying we're all degenerates
there's literally a guy every couple of threads thats super pushing the ERP idea
Sometimes /pfg/ shitposts along, sometimes they don't
Why do you care so much.
Wow man you must have really hit the nail on the head for this one chimo to be so pissed off.
Wellp, guess we all know what to call Pathfinder from now on.
Welcome to the brand new and and improved Shitseeker General! Now with more Anime Pedophilia!
>i'm pretending like i'm a different person when i'm obviously a samefag
here's a 2 for 1 since i missed the last smug anime girl upload.
Within a few weeks of that shitstorm, the ability in question was given errata. So SKR was a dick for no good reason.
>shitseeker! Its brilliant dude! They'll never deal with an insult of that caliber!
Shit Shitt and Shitty is definitely the shitseeker of cartoons now that I think about it
>i'll insult the picture, clearly he has an attachment to it. Its genius. GENIUS. Better throw a Shitseeker in there. Just in case someone thinks its not. Bitches love it when i type 'shitseeker' on a mongolian cave painting board.
The only thing worse than Shitseeker is the pedophile dogshit that play it
>i'll post the same exact thing again, this time maybe it'll make dad love me
>I'll jack off to some children again while defending Shitseeker maybe it'll make dad find out and grant me the sweet release of death
That's SKR for you.