Looks like that piece of shit Delta Green remake and the terrible Call of Cthulhu reboot both failed.
Inb4 tons of wil wheaton fans flood in here trying to suck each other off about how it was fun while it lasted
Looks like that piece of shit Delta Green remake and the terrible Call of Cthulhu reboot both failed.
Inb4 tons of wil wheaton fans flood in here trying to suck each other off about how it was fun while it lasted
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This is not Veeky Forums related please GET THE FUCK OUT!
Kill yourself retard
>Wil Wheaton
>fan boys
Where do you think you are?
Jesus Christ, OP. What in the fuck is your damage?
Wil Wheaton probably called him out for the faggot he is when OP asked for his autograph.
OP confirmed for standing outside Wil's window reading his slashfiction at him through a bullhorn.
OP's a fag.
I'm impressed OP, you managed to be an even bigger faggot than Wil Wheaton, and that's quite an achievement.
I actually find him to be an annoying twat. I was just pointing how annoying of a twat OP was.
Whatever cuck #YoureWithHer in the gulag either way
Kickstarter is a service. It's not a perfect service, but it does a decent job and has been behind more than a few great games getting made.
It's also been behind a lot of failed projects, outright scams and bad games that took peoples money.
Blaming the service just makes you a cunt, though. You can argue that they should do more to vet projects, but if you look at the actual procedures doing much more would be ridiculously hard for them, and they do come down on anything which is obviously fake or copyright infringing.
If you get burned on Kickstarter? It's your fucking fault. And I say this as someone who lost more than five hundred bucks on various projects before I got my shit together.
Be a rational consumer, do your research and make wise choices. Once you toss money at a project assume it's never coming back, because it's awful hard to get a refund if a company vanishes into nothing and all its assets are gone. But without things like kickstarter the only products we'd get are the big, mainstream releases which are often just as bad or worse as Kickstarter releases, as well as more overpriced.
Now you're not even trying.
I don't fear people who can't spell.
I actually haven't heard ANYTHING bad about the new Delta Green.
Do make a list of everything that's wrong with. I haven't even read it, I'm just pointing out that at least most people seem to like it.
1. the fans
You're so ashamed to admit you are defending that shit game that you are pretending to never have played it. Doesn't that say something about you and your game?
I still have my CoC books from ten years ago and those were slight tweaks to the originals. What would anyone ever need a reboot for?
Sounds like you haven't read it either, retard. Otherwise you could point out at least SOMETHING that's wrong with it instead of repeatedly screaming that it's shit while saying nothing of substance.
End it loser, your game sucks and you got fucking scammed by supporting it and endlessly shilling it on here only for it to fail hard as fuck
What's bad with the game?
I don't even care about CoC or DG but boi
it's the first time I hear the name of Wheaton but boi
Is that your first attempt at trolling? Because I trolled kind of like that when I trolled for the first time
You, obviously. You're the biggest loser since that old lady that failed at running for president
I never played Delta Green. Now I'm curious about it.
Whatever you say retard feel free to keep lying about your failed game and wasted money, what a fucking loser
>This is not Veeky Forums related please GET THE FUCK OUT!
>Veeky Forums is a board about traditional games, including board games and role playing games.
OP is a faggot (because he's OP), but he's right and he posted in the right board. You're worse then OP. You're a double nigger faggot.
Nah, I'm looking into it now. It seems like a cool setting. How are the rules?
The Paizo forums eagerly await your turn, subhuman newfag.
I was pretty satisfied with Wasteland 2. I agree that Wheaton is a fucking cunt though. Why is this faggot acting like he's cool now when he was one of the most hated figures in nerddom?
About like the presidency of that old lady who failed to even remotely challenge donald trump: Nonexistent because the entire thing is over now
Mate, I won £1000 from betting on Trump. I think I'll put some of that money down for Delta Green. When do the books come out?
>How are the rules?
Originally, CoC 5e.
Sorry "mate" they're out of print already because the game utterly failed
Yep, just download this crap from some torrent, "mate".
They're already out, August 1.
Looks still available to me!
Nah, I think I'll actually pay for it this time. After all, it's what Trump would want. Thanks for correcting the record though.
That's a pre-order you giant wally. Case Officer's isn't out yet.
Enjoy your 30 dollar pdf "mate", have fun researching the cancer that killed horror games
Meh. I can wait.
I will. You seem pretty salty. Still rioting and refusing to accept the legally elected President, CTR?
As I recall, he got re-famous off of Big Bang Theory, otherwise known as 'Blackface: Nerd Edition' After that he went on to Geek & Sundry and Aquisitions Inc. The later being much more interesting than the former/
He's basically the embodiment of hipster shits who declare themselves 'nerdy' because they dress crazy or are mildly autistic spergs. (Case and point: Big Bang Theory). He also wrote that RPG book, Titansgrave, which is based off of the Fantasy Age system. It's got some interesting idea's, but it's far from perfect. Really he's just a 'nerd' that happens to be photogenic and an 'experienced' actor, so he get's to do goofy shit and make like he's one of us. All the while most of the people who pay him homage are fucking normal-fags.
Is it still fashionable to hate on Will Wheaton? Don't we have plenty of things that are justified to hate, like leukemia, games workshop or soft reboots?
I'm now genuinely worried about this user's sanity.
Tell us, where did this Wil Wheaton (that I've never even heard about before) touched you ?
Isn't Will Wheaton the guy who played the annoying kid on Star Trek and then did nothing else?
I'mean really enjoying the new system, it seems to clean up many of the complaints that i'very heard about base coc, fixes the asinine temp insanity rules, and gives ypcs some cool background options that help slow the inevitable downfall into madness. Ran two scenarios in it, planning on starting a more interconnected campaign this weekend. Book is gorgeous too.
Also, the tie in books are excellent.
He did a part on The Big Bang Theory, and a show about TTRPG and Bord Gemes for normies at youtube.
>lying about a failed game
Wow, cute
So you're telling me that there are seriously niggers out there that still watch television?
Oh, ok. Since I'm not watching television that much I didn't knew. Thanks for the info.
>and then did nothing else
Well user, he HAS helped root out all sorts of problematic and non-inclusive elements of modern, patriarchy-infested tabletop games, to create a safer gaming space for women, transfolk, PoCs and Attack Helicopter-kin. :^)
All I know is that I keep confusing him with Joss Whedon and that Joss Whedon is actually much more deserving of my ire and my pity at the same time.
They're both pathetic numale trash, who cares which is which as long as you avoid both
So what you're saying is he's made somewhere for them to be contained so that my group can continue making bawdy jokes and my games can feature problematic content unhindered? Sounds great.
At least he gave me Buffy and Firefly. I shall forget everything else for decency's sake.
Pretty much this.
a thread died for this
Both are overrated as all hell.
>liking Buffy
>liking Firefly
Wow. Such banter. Many flippant. Very quips.
Tbh the last time when there aired anything worth of watching on tv was when the 3rd season x-files aired for the first time.
Probably, but they where also pretty good and enjoyable shows, imho. And those things gets pretty rare nowadays.
He gets a lot of shit for this, but he actually does bants okay. It's just... He never fucking stops writing banter. Joss Whedon is like this author who is amazing writing scenes where cooking happens, so every fucking chapter of his book revolves some dish that is being cooked while dramatic events unfold around it. And then this wildly successful author gets paid to write non-cooking related things and it's all to shit.
Sadly, yes. Fucking Normies.
I mostly know him from Aquisitions Inc and the like myself. He's an ok guy to game with from what I've seen. My biggest issue with him is that he's essentially a walking parody of nerd culture, constantly being just nerdy enough for pop culture to be ok with him. Kind of like the new marvel movies. The difference between the two is that the Marvel movies manage to at least stay true to their characters and present quality content while Wheaton is very obviously pandering, and usually failing at it. It also doesn't help that he's a hyper-sensitive, SJW snowflake.
>not liking Buffy
>not liking Firefly
>I'm an illiterate piece of shit
Still waiting for you to name a single thing wrong with the game, retard.
>scam victim is really angry and starts cursing
Gee that's really rough I feel so bad for you now
Oh, ok. I guess it must be a pretty good game if there isn't anything wrong with.
But Delta Green made so much it ran out of goals, and has been slowly grinding out the promised content? There's... nothing about this. Anywhere. Unless you just now bombed the printing office, it hasn't failed. And if you did, pics pls.
Also, calling it Kikescammer doesn't help. Either Kikestarter or Kickscammer would work just as well, and both are more obvious. Your choice is just poor wordplay, really.
Veeky Forums was a mistake
>More denial AND historical revisionism
Wow, and people still try to claim that Leftists aren't neo-nazis? Surprising.
Go post in the other 3 threads you've started.
Veeky Forums was a mistake.
the internet was a mistake.
Calm down Hillary Youth, you're never going to win the hearts and minds that way. Delta Green's terrible reboot fucking failed and there's nothing you can do about it.
Communication via text was a mistake.
Trump plays Delta Green and both he and Arc Dream are gonna Make RPGs Great Again.
Communication was a mistake.
was a mistake.
Humanity was a mistake.
>this thread still alive an' kicking
niggas srsly
Mammal was a mistake.
Niggers was a mistake.
So, the more than fully funded game game linked by user wasn't the Delta Green you were talking about?
Honestly, it's less a troll thread than a desperate cry for help from a very sick individual. It's repulsively fascinating.
You can tell someone's a crossboarder by how they type. OP comes from /v/
There's always a bit of a problem with trying to gauge how well a Kickstarted product is faring. The money that they raised is only indicative of the people that backed the KS campaign, not how well sales are currently doing.
So, unless ADP release sales figures for how well it's doing, we have no way of knowing if people are still buying it, or if the KS backers represent all the people who have any interest in it at all.
Wil Wheaton is kind of an annoying asshole but he has worked his ass off for what he has so I respect him. Plus even tho (((wife's sons))) the younger one asked Wil to adopt him and they seem to have a nice family dynamic.
Havimg said that, CoC 7e a shit. Delta Green already serves its purpose and I don't think a reboot would do as well, especially if they try to set it in 201X
>Delta Green already serves its purpose and I don't think a reboot would do as well, especially if they try to set it in 201X
Do you mean Delta Green serves the purpose of CoC 7e, or that Delta Green didn't need a new edition?
Wow OP, you gave me cancer.
>What's wrong with Delta Green?
>lol, you got scammed
>Okay? But what's wrong with Delta Green?
>[Something about Kickstarter being shit]
>Look, I'd really like to know-
What is wrong with you?
Delta Green doesn't need a new edition, it's fine as is.
It's not a reboot, it's updating the setting. The real world has changed, so the world of Delta Green has changed with it, and pretty seriously too from what I've heard. The system has been tweaked and it looks solid as a rock.
>pretty seriously too from what I've heard.
One of the more significant changes is that Delta Green isn't a secret society anymore, they got their government department status back. MJ12 got the boot.
/pol/ has been too busy jacking itself off to make sure the retards stay locked in the basement.