ISIS in space or is it anything good?
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Never heard, what is?
It's a Swedish rpg described as a cross between 1001 Arabian Nights and Firefly. The system uses pools of d6 attempting to roll at least one 6 in order to accomplish a task. Combat can apparently get brutal in it as well.
Great, easy system, interesting setting, and lots of fun both in-game and mechanics wise. A good buy.
ISIS Rymd?
Sounds legit as fuck
It's really fun. Character creation is a blast if you play with a group of friends, as you can from start set a focus for the group, like mercenaries, agents, merchants, etc. And depending on what kind of focus you set lets you take specific talents for that kind of a group to help them.
Aside from this, I personally really like the darkness (not sure if it's called this in English, I'm a swefag with the original edition) system which is fairly similar in function to Edge of the Empire's Destiny point system, that a group may accumalate darkness points while pushing their luck, which gives the GM fuel for popping nasty abilities from enemies or introduce obstacles for the group.
Character creation is fairly free and the system has no classes which invites you to try a lot of stuff, and building ships is fun too.
And personally, I love the aesthetics.
PDF please?
Great shill posts.
How much are you being paid or are you doing it for free?
i support this request
The OP asked, I gave my view on it. Scream "shill" all you want, faggot, doesn't change anything.
Seems worth a look
Also this
Unsure if there's an English PDF out yet?
If there is, I want it. My pdf hoarding itch is killing me.
IIRC the English translated edition was recently backed on Kickstarter, so I doubt it's out yet actually.
Then why this thread here in a first place?
Is there a Swedish one at least for those that do speak some semblance of the language?
There exists Swedish PDFs indeed, unsure if anyone has uploaded it though.
Does it say "PDF FOR CORIOLIS" in the OP? No? Okay.
It seems that you only know about 40K. The english edition of the game was crowdfunded months ago, the english translation is finished and we already have the PDF, thank you. The print edition will be ready the 1st week of January or so.
The game is fucking A+. Is Dune + Moebius + Firefly.
Too good for regular Anons, I fear.
You're not making a whole lot of sense.
>Dune + Moebius + Firefly.
Waaa? I can't even picture that. Dune + Moebius yes, that was a thing, but Firefly is quite different with a completely different aesthetic.
If you already have the PDF, why do we not already have the PDF.
Sharing is caring user.
>It seems that you only know about 40K
u wot m8
I was about to call the guy who called you a shill an idiot, but then I saw your post
I think people say Firefly because of the african/ME culture stuff.
But Firefly is more Chinese than either of those.
All equally exotic cultures to the western mindset. It could also do other things to feel similar to Firefly, I haven't even read it since the user won't post the pdf so I can't say for sure that is all.
It's Firefly in that it's supposed to be small group with a relativly small ship flying about doing small jobs to keep afloat, and be Arabian cowboys in space.
So it's Arabian Traveller?
Kinda, yeah.
That's a very surface-level approach to replicating Firefly though, which the Firefly/Serenity game should do very well already. If someone describes it as similar to firefly and they are not a shill or one of the developers, there should be a deeper relation than just the scope and physical outset.
>it's not a 40k thread
This has been out for quite a while, and the people behind it has a damn solid track record! But I've still gotten the impression the game line has never really taken off?
The domestic market the game has been bound to is microscopic though, so I really hope the english translation will spread the word to a bigger audience and player base?
I've been curious about this for a long time but never scratched the surface... has a pretty good ol' review from when the game first came out.
The first edition did not reach any greater commercial success, the system was clunky and fairly poorly made, and it sort of vanished. I know only a few people who actually tried it under any longer period. The old company that made it is now gone.
This new edition has gotten a lot more commercial stretch, at least in Sweden so far. I see it being talked about a lot more and featured in more places. So I suspect this game will last a bit longer, especially when the creators already did Mutant: Year Zero that was very successful.
The ethnicity thing is giving me somewhat of an Infinity vibe? How does the two settings compare?
Don't know a lot about Infinity fluffwise. But all the aesthetics in Coriolis is meant to have an Arabian style. So lots of shawls, burkahs, niqabs, all that kind of jazz. Same goes with food, music, housing, and naming conventions. Hookahs are more common than smoking regular cigarettes. Stuff like that.
Fria Ligan is basically Jarnringen 2.0, isn't it? So same people, more or less? I was under the impression the new company was just a "cutting of chains" to Mutant: UA...
Go figure it's Swedish
Basically. More or less.
The old Mutant setting was so weird. Not neccesarily bad, but really weird.
>people are liking things
>on Veeky Forums
Thanks you for your timely intervention, we avoided a major catastrophe.
Infinity's ethnicity is based mainly on the devs being spanish. So you got proeminent Arab, French, and Brits factions since those are the neighbours.
Do women have rights in this game?
How much do you want to give them?
Is the setting more of a "space trucker drama/scheming" variety or is there some cool weird space metaplot in the dark between the stars? OP pic seems to have some monolith thing going...
What's the "hard scifi" rating?
Suspension of belief.
Well shit, now I can't wait to play as Deusius Vultius and remove said degeneracy. I'm sold.
Just dicepool vs 6 as target number? More 6's, greater success? Does the system have exploding dice or any other features?
How crunchy is the ruleset? Not at all or a little?
Why wouldn't they have, you degenerate?
There are something dark lurking out there in the darkness of space, not to mention the strange aliens that have arisen from the gas giant Xene to mingle with human society in different ways. There are also people developing psychic abilities said to be triggered by the dark stuff between the stars, but no one can confirm if this is true or not.
As for "hard scifi" I dunno what you're going for, but you've got big ass fucking laser rifles, power armors and exoskeletons, as well as spaceships and battleships, and such.
Not very crunchy. If you've tried Mutant: Year Zero, you have the general idea, Coriolis is based on that system.
You're the kind of person to play a samurai in a game with knights, aren't you, you fucking contrarian?
C'mon man
Just post the PDF and say it was hackers if anyone asks. We won't know if the game is worth buying without first trying it.
Pretty sure he's the kind of person who doesn't actually play tabletop RPGs.
How did you used to buy games? Not at all?
Fair point.
Are they Muslims?
> implying you can compete with the Mussulman, Rahiid Saviidj.
Don't even try to step.
No muslim or other IRL religions. There are other religions in game, the main one being "The Icons", a handful of concepts like The Traveller, The Judge, and such, that people pay regular tribute to in the form of prayers or small sacrifices.
The Arabian aesthetic is just the style. It's Arabian, not Islamic, if you can believe there being a difference.
That sounds like a good middle of the road, not too crazy but no strict "GMs can't do that shit!" canon. :3
Why I'm asking about hard scifi is because even when you're doing some far out ayy lmao-filled "chosen one" campaign, it's becomes so much nicer and believable if there's reason and foundation for people living out in the void to begin with, rather than just space opera shenanigans.
Look at Dead Space for example, fucking The Thing in space but beneath that there's a very detailed depiction of cosmos as a harsh place that humanity have managed to conquer and settle through science and industrialization.
Well the backstory is that this is the so-called "Third Horizon", and it all started back on Earth where human explorers found a portal to a new system, and mass-colonisation began like a new Wild West thing and all sorts of crazy shit. But when that was done, that sector also found a portal, which reached the Third Horizon, and yet more people went there to start new lives and colonise. But due to wars and other tales that are becoming more and more myth than fact, the portal from the Second to the Third Horizon was destroyed and left the people in the Third Horizon stranded and had to fend for themselves. For a long time, space travel was impossible until some events happened in original space colonists from Earth who had launched like a thousand years ago reached this area and stirred shit up. But with their aid, trade and travel has been resumed, and most of the inhabited planets are remnants of the firstcomers to the Third Horizon, with varying degrees of influence and technology.
But hard science refers to being more realistic and based on accurate physics.
Dead Space is as soft as Mass Effect in terms of hardness. Hell, even Gundam is harder than either one. At least it acknowledges just how tough space is and sets everything in the Earthsphere, with humanity having trouble getting past even Jupiter.
Wasn't Sinbad and such pre-Islam anyway?
>Burqas, niqabs
That sounds fucking horrible. Goddamn swedish cucks make RPGs for Arab Nazis now. Jesus wept.
>"he is described as living in Baghdad, during the Abbasid Caliphate"
From Wiki, and the Abbasid Caliphate was Islam, so no, apparently not.
No idea why this hasn't been posted yet.
>sandniggers into space
>import all of their gear from white countries with oil money
>cheat on all of their spacecraft maintenance exams
>still wind up having to pay the white man to fix their shit
>It's a Swedish rpg described as a cross between 1001 Arabian Nights and Firefly.
>1001 Arabian Nights
Sweden please, you get enough arab cock what with the roaming rape gangs infesting your cities, you don't need to felate them in your escapist fantasy products too.
Is this what Stockholm Syndrome on a national level looks like?
Mechanics seems fine, only played one game so far since they only just now put out the PDF. Nothing stood out as busted.
But then again, I only bought it for the art. I own so fucking many gamebooks I stopped buying them unless I would get value out of them even if I never once ran a game with it.
Roll a die pool (Stat + Skill + Gear, around 3-10 dice). 6s are successes. Only 1 success is needed, additional successes allow you to do stunts (ex: more damage, disarm, +2 initiative, gain more information, etc).
You can roll all non-6s in your die pool again by Pushing your roll (in this game called Prayed to the Icons). You reroll the dice and count the new total of 6s. This gives the GM a Darkness Point to fuck with you later.
coo', fanks