Do you think it's weird when a man plays as a female PC in a campaign? In the campaign I'm currently running, I have a female PC played by a man, and although I don't have any issue with it, I want to know what the general consensus is. Let's assume that there is nothing sexual about the female character's personality or whatever else.
Female PCs
It's not weird at all. Every group I've ever played with has seen it as perfectly normal and it's never been a problem. It's just a few spergs on Veeky Forums who flip the fuck out over it because they can't cope with the idea.
Its only wierd if they go full on magical realm
I don't have an issue, unless the player has developed a "Mansbian" mentality.
I've had a few groups as a PC and as a DM where we've had guys play very articulate women.
Then I've had guys who play "oh so hot, so sexy. ERP. So many guys get fucked" chicks. Who want to delve into the sexuality of their character instead of the fundamental development around them.
Mansbian syndrome destroys groups and communities.
>Do you think it's weird when a man plays as a female PC in a campaign?
I cannot understand why anyone would do this unless it's their weird fetish and invariably they ruin the game.
Why do you find it harder to understand someone wanting to play the other gender than someone wanting to play a fucking elf? Do you really have no fucking imagination whatsoever?
It's only weird if they make it weird.
One of my regulars is a guy how so far role-played pretty much everything, from different species to different genders and different age. He even in-depth roleplays characters with seriously different agenda and believes than his own, which is usually what most people can't pull off.
It never is weird, because the entire focus is on role-playing and he really can act on it, rather than making it magical realm or other fetish-driven bullshit.
>and invariably they ruin the game
user, please. Try harded at least
Instant replies guaranteed
It's only weird if they make it weird.
Let me guess - you also can't understand why anyone would play as non-human, right?
The real problem here isn't female characters, it's the self-insert faggots being fundamentally unable to wrap their heads around the fact that they're not inserting themselves into the game. The "roleplaying" in RPG means that you are pretending to be something else. You are considering your character's perspective and taking actions which are in line with their personality and previous experiences. Your character is not an avatar of you. As a consequence of this a man playing a female character is not a problem as long as it doesn't go full magical realm because your character is not you. Unfortunately there are too many self-insert faggots who don't get this and insist that playing female characters is weird for a guy because they can't wrap their minds around the "roleplaying" part of a roleplaying game.
Wait, what?
You sure it's not rollplaying?
Because that's how most of people play those games.
This. And usually they do, or at least more often than if they were to play a male character.
No, not at all. In fact, I've wanted to RP a female character for some time now, maybe some kind of swordsmaster type?
Any tips on how to RP a woman, ways women are different than men?
It's about as strange as a woman playing a male PC.
It's not strange till they make it strange.
Like magical tentacle rape or some shit.
Every PC I've ever run has been female. Even the changeling had a default gender of female, though she was comfortable shapeshifting into either sex as the need arose.
It's no weirder than wanting to play an elf or a wookiee or something.
>OMG cooties!
There's no problem unless the player makes it a problem, and if he makes it a problem he'd probably make a problem out of any character, on account of being a fucking twat himself.
This can help.
However, also remember that people devoted to a path/duty/job are less differentiated by their gender, because the thing that has consumed their life demands certain things.
What is the difference between Red Sonja and Conan in general manner?
Honestly little, at least originally.
Nah, unless they're obviously jerking off to their hypothetical woman.
This is getting worse with each attempt
>Any tips on how to RP a woman, ways women are different than men?
Well, depending on the size of their boobs, I imagine that means they need to slightly adjust their battle stances to account for a different center of gravity. But if you're playing an RPG that is THAT granular in detail, you need to find yourself a better hobby, mate.
>Any tips on how to RP a woman
There's nothing wrong with liking traditionally girly things, as long as it's not the whole of your character. My current character, whenever in a city that has one, will head to the nearest day spa, because even though the party magic user can cast Prestidigitation to clean anything, there's nothing that beats a proper soak and manicure/pedicure. She also always has some perfume.
No stranger than playing a boisterous barbarian man who hangs out at the tavern getting wasted and always carries around bacon jerky.
No different than how you roleplay a man.
You're a person, no an alien. All you really need to take into account is that you're probably lighter than your male companions and probably struggle to carry heavier equipment if you haven't been training before the campaign.
>What is the difference between Red Sonja and Conan in general manner?
Name. And one has a pair of tits, while other has penis.
That's literally it.
Try Una and Sonja comparison next time, since you are comparing two females doing pretty much the same stuff, with completely different results and approach
It's not just because men tend to play their female characters as sex objects. I've seen guys who really tried to play female characters in good faith without making it a sex thing, only to have it fall flat for unrelated reasons. One player whose wife had just had a kid (and who has since gotten a divorce that I have no doubt was his own fault) rolled up a female character because he "wanted to explore the idea of parent-child relationships." Rather than point out that men can be parents too, and in fact HE WAS ONE, I just let it happen. It was months' worth of cringe.
There are exceptions, of course, but you can't deny that men in our hobby tend toward social retardation, especially where women are concerned. Usually that manifests as an obsession with the idea of women's sexuality, but it takes other forms as well. The stereotype exists for a good reason.
It is widely considered stupid and distasteful where I live.
But I live in Eastern Europe, so take that as you want.
As a guy living in rural Poland, I say - fuck you and the horse you ride on.
This has literally nothing do to living in Eastern Europe (because it's hard to pretend you live in Central, when Belarusian border is 40 km away). It's just your own local bias.
>always do the opposite of what the Slavs tell you to do.
We had to beat the shit out of some homo who tried to pretend he was a woman once.
Is it true that you lads play a lot of WFRP?
It's only weird when it's a sex thing, or when the guy has never interacted with women and just thinks he knows how they behave from television and anime. So 90% of the time.
I specifically compared them because both fall into the archetype of guts and gold adventurer, where gender means fuckall compared to presentation.
>Do you think it's weird when a human plays as a dorf PC in a campaign?
I cannot understand why anyone would do this unless it's their weird fetish and invariably they ruin the game.
time and time again Veeky Forums proves that the large majority of its users either don't actually play tabletop games or have specifically hunted down the worst possible groups with shit like this
Yeah, it's weird as hell. Fortunately, peer pressure always prevents this when exerted properly. A simple "Dude, you're playing a chick. What the fuck?" goes a long way.
>Yeah, it's weird as hell. Fortunately, peer pressure always prevents this when exerted properly. A simple "Dude, you're playing a dorf. What the fuck?" goes a long way.
This right here.
This, too.
In my current group, we have a lot of cross-gender play occurring. At least between guys. Our women tend to not play men or boys, for whatever reason, and the few times we've seen it happen, it's either been "It's a girl disguising herself as a boy", or it's been "Girl plays the most apelike dude she can manage to be".
Mostly, I'm just sick of seeing guys who constantly crossplay, and the characters are always lesbians.
Like holy fuck, lesbians are so common, and it is wierd to never see heterosexual women played by dudes.
Last character in a game I played to completion was a heterosexual woman who was a complete retard psychopath, but like, grew up by the end of the game.
>Our women tend to not play men or boys, for whatever reason,
Women are less comfortable playing a guy unless it's the equivalent stereotype to the worst neckbeard.
We're not especially suave, classy, or even hygenic. Some of us have high enough standards to notice the problem, but when you're bad enough then your standards are probably so low that you don't notice.
If you think your group is fine, there's an excellent chance that the problem with the group is you. Like how if you're playing cards and you can't tell who the sucker is, it's probably you.
I've had alot of fun role playing as an elderly hag/wise woman. Weak and frail looking, super creepy and menacing who will lay a foul curse on you of you irritate her
Faggot please. With that out of the way...
I do think it is fine to make a self-insert character, but it is a different story entirely to make a character that is not like you at all and force them to behave like you.
I don't think there's a bigger red flag then a man wanting to play a lesbian. It's almost invariably either because they're too immature to play a character who's attracted to men, or because they're planning on jerking it to their character and her sexy lesbian exploits when they get home.
It's to the point that I just quietly drop online games and vanish when it just MAGICALLY TURNS OUT that everyone's a lesbo at this point.
What if the male player attempts to voice the female PC?
first of, every character that is worth the name character, like having a personality, has some sort of sexuality. And thats perfectly normal.
Secondly, the GM plays female NPCs all the time, is that weird? what makes it weird when a player does it?
Ah i guess I'm falling for the bait here but fuck it...
In my opinion a lot of character ideas work better with a female, and thats what roleplaying is about. Pretending to be someone else and enjoing that role.
fun thing is I live in urban western poland. Yet hardly anyone tries to play a female character being male himself, and if it happens, usual reaction are both laughs and general ridiculement of the player OOC, like "now ay, you're going to play a girl, you have some sort of problem? not really rage and sperging out, just venomous passive-aggresive comments and treating said character like a piece of shit this is not the case of only character's gender being the source, female characters of female players are mostly treated decently
Imma save you a bit of time.
"we" are deeply divided on the topic and there's no way to know the numbers; what the majority thinks and who's the loud minority of if it's divided down the middle. The main arguments are:
Pro cross-gender roleplay:
>One can roleplay whatever one wants
>It's okay as long as you don't make it weird/too sexual/too much about being female
>I roleplay to experience things I don't live in real life, it includes being a girl
>Some concepts work better as girls and guys shouldn't be forbid to play those.
Against cross-gender roleplay:
>It's weird/uncomfortable for me to see a fat/ugly/unattractive man acting like a girl
>Nerds/fatguys/neckbeards don't know how to play females and breaks my immersion
>It's always sexual and makes things awkward for us
This thread has happened a thousand times and no conclusion was ever taken from it.
Hope this is useful for whatever you wanted OP.
I can't wait for putin to put you fags back behind the iron closet.
Is it acceptable to play as female for the Black Widow perks?
>making gender a part of metagaming
Show it off, little princess. I dare you!
I always do this in Fallout, i cant help it, that 10% bonus damage is huge
Why did you create this
Hey look it's a hysterical cultural marxist who has to obsessively correct anything they perceive as wrongthink
I'm not quite sure I get where you're going with this. A male player rolls a female character, plays it exactly like they would play a man. What's the problem?
How effective is to play one for taking advantage of his woman's charms?
I'd say it get's weird if every PC you roll up is an elf.
It's just because it's easier to roleplay sexual attraction you can relate to.
>projecting about projection
Wow that's some serious motherfuckin' real types of cultural marxism
Literally why would anyone give a shit. The only way it could possibly be a problem is if they are shitty role players or magical realming. In the first case chances are all their characters are shit regardless of gender. In the second case they should just stick to ERP groups.
"I use my woman's charms to sleep with the guards and murder them in their sleep. "
You already posted that, obsessive gender trender
I usually play male because that's what I am in real life but barring any possible ridiculous -4 str penalties or somesuch I'd have no problem playing a female. Honestly, I usually don't think about it.
>barring any possible completely accurate -4 str penalties or somesuch
FTFY, you can't prove me wrong. Inb4 "MUH FANTASY GAME"
So if you never noticed a problem you are always the problem? It never just works out and is fine?
More effective than man's charm, because games tend to have more powerful men than women.
So just like real life then?
It's pretty straightforward senpai
Women evolved to be the parasite class and men evolved to be the host class. Obviously the parasite class are better at manipulating slaves. Obviously the host class is stronger.
This looks like a girl's handwriting.
Are you grill?
I'm playing a female character but the GM keeps forgetting and saying "he" when talking about my character. I don't want to make a big deal about it so instead of correcting him I just try and use "she" the next time I describe her actions, but I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong to have this keep happening. Help?
GOD, THIS IS THE 10000 TIME THIS THRED IS MADE, no it is not, stop bitching and let the guy play what he wants
What you are doing wrong is forcing your gender trender bullshit into the friendly local RPG game.
Yes I think it's weird but tolerable levels of weird. I would normally have no problems with a man playing a female, it's something I can tolerate.
Do you have to check your period?
Biting just to give a quick response because this always bothered me.
A woman can be plenty strong, and stronger than most men. If you want ""realism"" then don't do any penalties, just cap their strength at 18 (assuming 5e where 20 is the max).
This is still a dumb thing to do but come on at least make sense with your stupid ideas.
>gender trender
What kind of dank new meme is this? Is this something new to call trannies?
If you wanted easy and relatable then why did you decide to crossplay?
Play a damn woman who wants the D, you're not going to catch the gay or anything.
>It's possible for something to happen, so that has to be the norm even though things like INT still operate under normal parameters
wrong, we play shitload of whfrp, other guy speaking. I needed at least three months to convince my group that wh40k is also amazing
It's not the norm. It's an option for a PC, a single individual.
The oddest part about Veeky Forums, is that the general consensus also seems to be that women are perfectly fine playing men.
Which is honestly absurd, if you are trying to avoid magical realm. Or maybe it's the desperation of neckbeards, hoping that it might somehow lead to sex with said girl.
Which it won't.
Yes, they do have the option to roll their max strength. 14. Just like male characters have the option to roll 3 strength. Any argument against this is fetish bullshit, plain and simple.
Calm down you plaid-wearing douchebag, nobody is listening to you and replying to yourself makes you look like a fuckin' retard
>people should be hugely penalised for making what is really a very minor decision about their character
It's almost like you don't have any idea how to design a fun game.
>Women are less comfortable playing a guy unless it's the equivalent stereotype to the worst neckbeard.
You have literally no idea do you.
Geez, have you actually met a woman before?
>Having +2 strength as an orc is normal
>Having 16 max strength as a female orc is a MASSIVE PENALTY
Sorry gender fetish bro, normal people who aren't obsessed with muh gender roles and other post-modern horseshit appreciate it when games don't give women too much strength just because some jackoff wants them to be magic
ITT: The guy who can't play anything besides human male martials tries to argue that everyone who plays female characters is a tranny
Never change Veeky Forums never change
We actually proved you wrong by using the AD&D weight calculations, real life weightlifters comparisons, and doing the math. The penalty would be -1, max. that's how little the discrepancy is between male and female weight allowances are according to current weightlifting data.
The more you know.
Besides, -4 str is a FATAL penalty, not D&D.
>rolling stats
>Some concepts work better as girls and guys shouldn't be forbid to play those.
An old retired character of mine was a young girl who grew up on the streets as an orphan. As she grew up, she tried gathering the other homeless kids, and help them grow up to be worth something. She retired because she hot pregnant, and had gotten a lot of gold from her adventuring, so she settled down, made an orphanage, and occasionally helps out her old companions, or new would-be adventurers.
Pretty much none of this would have made sense for the traditional adventuring dude, and some of it would straight up have been impossible. Especially considering the role she had in the party, which was almost entirely a bunch of dirty peasants and Barbarians, who couldn't be admitted into any remotely decent part of the larger towns, because their smell alone could kill.
It would have been the most sissy dude in the world if he had fullfilled a role even remotely similar.
>An old retired character of mine was a young girl who grew up on the streets as an orphan.
So you're a pedophile. Wow you sure proved everyone wrong Tony Podesta