>It's an inn where all the patrons eat from one giant pot
It's an inn where all the patrons eat from one giant pot
Other urls found in this thread:
"What's in the pot?"
>"Is soup."
"Oh. What kind of soup?"
>"Is just soup."
"What do you mean?"
>"Soup is just soup."
"I meant what KIND of soup is it?"
>"Is no kind, is just soup."
"Well, can I have some soup?"
>"Of course!"
"Ah, good."
>"What kind of soup are you wanting?"
Hag tavern, where everyone eats and drinks out of a huge cauldron, with body parts floating in the ichor and served by fey creature wait staff.
Wasn't that pretty common in history?
What, no bowls or mugs? Seems like the last thing any rational being would want to do.
>its an brothel where all patrons use that one elf girl
Contrary to edgy nerds beliefs, no it's not.
Some stalls and diners do have their signature dishes from a single pot/oven but inns generally try to be generic to cater and pander to as much as possible.
>one giant mutant elf with enough orifices for everyone
never understood that. i get its to represent "ooh spooky cannibals" but jesus christ could they not have some dignity. i mean, even in the worst human inn they at least dice the meat before throwing it in, you don't see an entire chicken carcass floating in there.
Our DM is pretty good about narrating details and when he describes food I always get hungry.
>It's a wife that sleeps with everyone except her husband
>To assert his dominance, the husband now has to fuck everyone except his wife
>He doesn't throw the entire ham hock in while making stew
Pot actually contains sphere of annihilation.
nah man, i cut it off the bone and throw the meat in then use the bone to make stock. gotta conserve your meats if you wanna survive in an adventure campaign.
Frozen pizza and TV dinner fag detected.
People even a hundred years ago (shit even now some places) throw in like 90% of a whole chicken to many soups. I mean its obviously plucked and mostly bled, but thats how you get a soup base. Bones and fat and sinew flavor is stronk.
Once you have the base you can throw in the diced meat if you want.
Veeky Forumsfags don't know about cookin.
It's 'stew'. Don't ask what's in it. You don't want to know, and the cook isn't sure. It's never taken off the fire, because the fire never goes out. They just add more vegetables and whatever leftover meat and meat byproducts they can get hold of, and keep it hot until it's all a nice uniform mush to be doled out into trenchers. Or wooden bowls if you're fancy.
Fairly common. At the very least, if your stagecoach stopped at an inn and the dinner was 'mutton', the last coach hit a sheep.
If it was 'mutton stew', it was hit last week and you're eating the leftovers.
Otherwise, potage was the staple dish of the middle ages peasantry. Whatever vegetables grew on your strip of field, supplemented by salted pork from the last pig you killed, and strips of mashed and dried berries harvested when they appeared on the hedgerows nearby.
Well it's cut in pieces but it's still clearly recognizable as chicken body parts with bones and all here. And that's a large cauldron, they're not gonna dice meat all day.
you think I don't know about cooking bruh? Yes you throw the meat in the soup but you cut it apart and seperate it into the useful parts that go in at different times if you want a good soup. the bones cook for the longest to make a good stock base for the soup, the meat cooks for less time and the organs for even less time than that because they're tender and don't need as much cooking to soften them up and make them edible.
why not? they ain't got anything else to do if all they're cooking is a big pot of soup.
Implying a medieval inn gives a fuck about whether you have to cut parts of your soup with a knife (bro there probably aren't even spoons).
I'll bet you think medieval people sliced their bread too.
>why not? they ain't got anything else to do
They have an inn to run.
The inn is named "The Soup Inn".
i'm just saddened by bad cooking man.
You bring your own knife and spoon. Forks are the devil's work, so no forks for you.
You also bring your own bowl, frankly. You're responsible for washing it, despite the lack of running water.
>It's an apothecary where all the potions are watered down in a giant cauldron.
It's not 'watering down', user, it's 'homeopathy'.
>he's never had pot roast
>It's an apothecary where all the potions contain gold
Seriously why the fuck are they so expensive.
What the fuck is that?
Ahh the Eternal Stew! Remember to chop something in before you leave, else it goes empty, ad that may never happen!
Is it a Fondue tavern then?
The Stew must flow!
He who controls the Stew controls the universe!
What fresh hell is this? How does this recipe end?
>hurr I read a book describing food being served from a pot so I assume that they were all eating from a pot together
Fucking hell
"Do you have any idea how hard is it to get a bucket of minotaur cum for these potions? I lost more than 10 assistants so far and someone has to pay for their efforts!"
>He doesn't know you have to stroke the horns and the dick
FFS, user.
The word "Heaping" is an instant red flag in any recipe IMO.
If you are a decent human being you can use three regular tablespoons. The only reason to use "Two heaping tablespoons" is if you are a disgusting fuck with no self control and only knows how to slap piles of lard onto things.
This is not a plot hook. This does not encourage thinking about games. It's a single line of greentext. This is '>elf slave what do' tier bullshit. I want nazimod back.
made me remember that doujin porn.
>Underestimating laziness of people.
Even if they had nothing else to do, they would rather do less and jerk off in the store room than spend more time cooking. Only real exception would happen if it was a busy route with competition.
We're not getting to bed without fighting a horde of cannibals, are we?
>the more dilute, the stronger the potion effects
So, it's a hotpot inn with one communal pot for everyone staying there? That sounds neat.
Hotpot is just stock that's left to boil, and you're given raw ingredients to cook in it as you sit there at the table. So, that pot of stock is going to taste like everything that's ever been cooked in it.
Is this yakub in knight armor?
That sounds gross. You know some gnomes threw chocolate in there right after the dwarf put in haggis or some shit.
The elf probably filled it with herbs, and every human in a three mile radius put something strange in there and way too much cheese.
There's usually rules against bringing in your own ingredients, I'd imagine. I mean, aside from people staying the night, how are they going to make money if someone ruins the stock they've been collecting the tastes of all the world's meats in for decades?
Dude, gnomes will fuck it up. They're small, sneaky, and crazy. One will be adamant that adding some frosting to it will improve the taste and break in to prove it.
>meat stew
>even a gnome thinking that oversweetened whipped cream will make it taste better
I'm pretty sure no one is that dumb.
But who put old pigweed in the mulligan?
Was it you?
Dude, gnomes are fucking crazy by nature. Like every description of gnomes label something just like that.
Forget where I saw it but one flat out said 'Gnomes will hunt down dragon hoards to find lore for a vacation spot'.
Not really soup, but pottage was very common.
Just throw whatever you had into a pot, cook it under low heat, only dump it when Lent came around.