how do you go from this
How do you go from this
Other urls found in this thread:
to this???
from this.....
2 nukes?
to THIS gross shit?
Without shame.
Yup, improvements all around. Nice to see that a game actually stepped up.
>eternavirgin weeb trash
>stepped up
Has it really been almost a year since you last made this thread?
Progress happened.
>instantly checks archives for all threads
so this is is Veeky Forums autism................... whoa...............
Not the same publisher. The OP picture is the original Lost Worlds line by several western publishers, the lewd anime girls are Queen's Blade, the japanese spin-off
censorship obviously, look at how they forced the warrior woman in too cover up more for the more modern version in , you can't see even a trace of bone, it's sad really, and people say the SJWs arn't affecting tabletop games.
Incidentally the daughter of the Lost Worlds books creator, Jill Leonardi, now works with the Japanese publisher of Queen's Blade and creates their newer combat matrices and combat sets.
She's also working on something of her own with someone for something Lost Worlds related.
So from D&D to Shitseeker? From TSR to Paizo?
Easy. You pander to the worst people in the world.
>not skelton titties and skelton ass
I don't know, my dude. It should have been simple.
Given the choice between a terrible game and a terrible game that I can masturbate to, it's obvious that the latter is an improvement.
Rather, if you are the type of person who says "hey, let's play battle books" then you have no standing to call someone a permavirgin.
That's actually pretty cool to know, thanks for the info user.
>Given the choice between a terrible game and a terrible game that I can masturbate to, it's obvious that the latter is an improvement.
No. No it's not.
A terrible game degenerates masturbate to is worse than just a plain terrible game.
Market research.
This is the truth, but Shitseeker players will never admit it. That's also why Shitseeker is getting completely raped by 5e, because only the worst of the worst play Shitseeker.
Why do you care so much about what other guys do with their dicks? Are you a fag?
add flesh
>remembers laughing at an OP a while ago
>plug this thread's number in and view the threads that used the same OP image
I know it sounds complicated, but that's more of a reflection on your computer skills.
>Why do you keep staring at me as I jack off on the subway? You gay or something????
If you are going to be a detestable piece of shit try to keep it behind closed doors.
Some of us recognize shitposting when it happens.
Think for five seconds and you'll realize how ridiculous that sounds. If it were just a terrible game, then the degenerates might then migrate to games you like and turn them into weeb trash.
Frankly, I'm glad you're a Veeky Forums user because the collective IQ will go up now that you're not having kids.
Ah, how cute, it thinks it's relevant.
b-but user, what if he plays in public and total strangers he'll never see again think poorly of him?!
Hey look, a real life Paizo fan jumping on a grenade for m'lady Shitseeker, the queen of RPGs
>If it were just a terrible game, then the degenerates might then migrate to games you like and turn them into weeb trash.
But this IS a game that the degenerates have migrated to and turned into weeb trash!
I mean, by the same token, whatever game they'd claim next would be okay because it's just for "containment" and you should just look away.
Well to hell with that! I say we must take a stand! Enough is enough! Remove the weeb trash infesting our games!
No, it's a -terrible- game they have migrated to and turned into weeb trash. You could not make the same argument for actually good games.
More people remember Queen's Blade than Lost Worlds. This "weeb trash" has to be doing something right.
i fail to see the problem.
Menace best girl
You don't have to like a game to be amused by someone who hates something SO MUCH that he literally cannot shut up about it even if it's in a completely irrelevant thread, user.
You're right they're just adorable in their own way, like a chihuahua or Jack Russell that spazes out at every passerby thinking it's scaring them off.
Hey look at the Shitseeker fanboys pile in
I have no idea what are you talking about m8.
Your original garbage fire of a thread got deleted, but do you really think you'll avoid a ban this time?
but user! People on an anonymoys image board that he'll never meet or interact with in any real meaningful way like something he doesn't like! How can someone just stand by and let that happen?! HOW?!
they mention Pazio, so I assume it means Pathfinder.
How is that related to Queen's Blade?
It appears to mean both Pathfinder and the people who rabidly defend it. Pretty accurate to be quite honest with you family
Naw, you're just literally autistic.
It's not, which is why the person called him irrelevant.
But he literally cannot shut up about the game he rabidly hates so much.
it's not related in any way whatsoever. That's what is going on about, this is a totally unrelated thread that the shitseeker guy just suddenly ran into and started shouting "Pathfinder fans REEEE!!!" out of nowhere.
>Everyone is the same person
I suppose all the Shitseeker fans who flooded in here are all the same person too, huh? It's not my fault someone invented the perfect term for you. Shit's hilarious.
Naw, you are just literally a /b/tard
where did all the love go Veeky Forums
Alright autist.
Some nigger started three shitpost threads, and the mods, in their infinite wisdom, just deleted them without banning the cunt.
Try Shitseeker general. Plenty of (animal and child) love there for you
>MULTIPLE people are so autistic they flood threads that have literally nothing to do with Pathfinder just to throw a tantrum about it.
is that really a group you really want to brag about being a part of?
Or we're just making fun of you because you people are the worst people on the board.
I would have figured you'd be used to it by now.
user who got called an autist here
Thank you for defending me, brave knight
>just suddenly ran into and started shouting "Pathfinder fans REEEE!!!" out of nowhere.
I know, right? It's like he's reenacting pic related.
>forcing a meme this hard