This is Slaanesh, say something nice about him/her/it

This is Slaanesh, say something nice about him/her/it

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needs more penises erupting from vaginas pissing cosmic-heroin

At least SOME of her followers don't have a scat fetish.

Her Penis enlargments actually work.

"Every hole's a goal" actually means something to her followers

Nice cans, sir.

She and Khorne make a cute couple

That eyeball is a waste of a hole.

they make very nice and subdued parties

He is the PRINCE of darkness. Not PRINCESS. His appearance is androgynous (and Chaos Gods defy genders anyways) so we should all refer to him as a "he", not a "she".

Wow, numales are so fucking retarded that they've decided to draw Slaanesh with -4 strength

Yes, but there's less fap-fiction to be had.

Most of us /d/eviant fa/tg/uys say Slaanesh is a futa.

Bringing metal back since millennium 31

>tfw you will never get invited to a Slaaneshi cult

space elves want to have a word with you

They have really good taste in aesthetics.


Eat shit.


Kefka looks pretty good here

>Realm of Slaanesh (Normie edition)

She has a HUGE dick.

Present your asshole comrades and beg for lube

>no shitting dick nipples

that's not Slaneesh

>tfw slaanesh will never personally rape you for an eternity

the blastmaster fucks shit up in heralds of ruin.
and I suppose it's nice that it seems to intervene in it's followers affairs and making me loose fucking hard against the slaaneshi warband

At least Slaanesh isn't as depraved as Zeus.

needs more hellraiser


>He is the PRINCE of darkness.
A hole is a hole, user.
A rose by any other name yadda yadda.

It has proven exceedingly difficult to purge.

I like their hair.

The Eldar say that Slaanesh is a girl. If anyone would know, it's them.

He's also called "She who thirsts."

Slaanesh is every gender and every combination of gender it wants at any given time.

Stop misgendering Slaanesh you transmisogynist shitlord

Kills Elves/Eldar

Thanks for convincing me to try the dick. Women are great too, but holy hell does taking cock feel great.



of all the chaos god slaanesh is the most useless worthless of them,seriously why is this useless still around,malal would be 100x more interesting

>tfw she will

Slaanesh: fixed the Eldar problem right well.

Well... at least she changes shape to that which you most desire?

Pretty... Sometimes at least.

>Banshee dies
>Appears before Slaanesh, begging for mercy
>On a whim, Slaanesh agrees not to violate her, and forbids her minions to do so either

Where does it go from there? What can Slaanesh do to make the Banshee as uncomfortable as possible while also not doing anything sexual?

turn it into a sexual release denial hentai

Slaanesh could put her into a room with tabletop playing autists.



>Slaanesh could put her into a room with tabletop playing autists.
>Slaanesh agrees not to violate her, and forbids her minions to do so either
Did you misread the premise?

I don't know what tabletop games you play, but most of them don't involve violating people.

Playing with a bunch of tg-grade autists is violation in and of itself.

Here's a thought:

What if Slaanesh turns out to be a pretty cool guy/gal, and just wants to hang?

No "cool guy" would orchestrate this monstrosity.

It puts less emphasis on its gender identity than tumblr.

And can throw a killer party.

The tsundere is real

I recognize this guy, if only because this unfortunately would be his style. There's no one else it could be.

He was a Salarian on a Mass-Effect rp, a Citadel-Task force incarnation. Originally he was just fodder like everyone else, but then he lost his leg to a YMIR Mech during a ship invasion.

From then on, he just continued to break character from Salarian values. He drank excessively, badmouthed other people on board for shits and giggles. When he got a cybernetic leg replacement, he ended up joining a paid mission on the ass end of Tuchanka and raided Krogan homes, then boasted heavily about it on the way back.

They even gave him Ben Garrison names;
>Pusorm 'Genophage is my minumum Wage' Gaqkel
>Pusorm 'I have the mods for shooting quads' Gaqkel
>Pusorm 'Killing Krogan is my Slogan' Gaqkel
>Pusorm 'Urdnot Wrex, watch me Flex' Gaqkel
>Pusorm 'Clan Raik like Fried Steak' Gaqkel
>Pusorm 'Zyklon G' Gaqkel

There's even more after that. He ended up getting discharged by actually firing his weapon on a Krogan Crewmate at the start of a dangerous mission in a frozen tundra. Overall a ferrous cunt.

Has less stds than Nurgle.



The boobs are real.

I actually think the Slaanesh faction is pretty cool- I just wish it was expanded upon more besides "DUDE /D/ LMAO"

I'd maybe even make a little Kill Team of Noise Marines if I had the time/money to burn irresponsibly.

The Palace of Slaanesh is Slaanesh's realm within the Warp. Those that dare his realm risk becoming trapped in its warped delights for eternity. The Dark Prince's realm is divided into six domains, arranged in concentric rings about the Palace of Pleasure. The palace itself can only be reached by passing through all six domains. The circle of Avidity plays upon the interloper's greed. The circle of Gluttony is next; it plays upon the intruders desire for lavish foods and wines. The third circle is the circle of Carnality, where the perfect desires of the heart reside; testing to the extreme the individuals desires. The fourth circle is the circle of Paramountcy, where the traveller is greeted by roars of adulation, here the intruder is tempted with absolute power over others. The penultimate circle is the circle of Vainglory. The traveller is presented with his ideal self-image, and if he feels but an ounce of pride, for eternity will this circle be his prison. The last circle is the most perilous, it is a heavenly place, within which resides a seemingly perfect environment. Every second that passes fills the intruder with bliss, but to rest and enjoy the pleasure for a single moment results in falling into a coma, and eventually dying in idle bliss. One may walk the circles for centuries, but cannot for a second give into his ultimate desires for he will fall. If one is able to successfully pass through the circles he comes before the palace and Slaanesh himself. It is impossible for mortals to look upon the god without instantly losing their soul, for all who see it become willing slaves to every whim of the Dark Prince.

It does go further than /d/ bullshit. Just that's how most autists take it.

You've got a real bounce to your chest, sir.

Nice rack




>Soon to be most powerful of the Chaos gods
>Eldar plan to get revenge ended by normal deathwatch marine 127
>Literal perfection
What else is there to say?

Do you Catan?