The gm requires one player of your group to be an fairy guide and give out exposition at times.
The gm requires one player of your group to be an fairy guide and give out exposition at times
Time to find a new GM.
Seems like a GMPC would do it better, since they aren't reliant on interpreting the GM
Navi wasn't that annoying.
Sounds fun to me!
nah, it's GM's job.
> Requires
No, DM. We're not doing that. Pick a new mechanic.
Hell yeah, time to go down some enemies guys! I'll lead the way! people do that?
are there actual exposition fairies out there?
I have a hard time delivering exposition when narrating but I wouldn't use something like that
I volunteer. So I can betray the rest of the party and become the ruler of the world.
I give the fairy a Jersey accent and a surly attitude.
Can it be this fairy?
I'd do it. I'd try to be the party face... until they stuff me in a bag of holding when they don't like what I say. But hey! That's when I happen to get bored and fly out just to find the entire party unstabilized and dying due to some fireball the wizard cast. Start feeding them potions from the bag and I'm their hero. Plus, I probably get some support magic in combat or something. Nothing as potent as what a human-sized player would be doing, but enough to not get bored.
...I hope he realizes the consequences of letting me give canon exposition.
Only semi-related, but I have a player who wants to play a fairy. How to make it fun Veeky Forums?
Switch to DnD 4e and watch someone play SCHMUPS on Tabletop.
Either way, what type of fairy are they playing and what is their motivation?
Depends on the system. In D&D, they're decently powerful b/c magic. As long as they feel useful, it's fine. But as with any player that really wants a specific race, also make sure to give chances to flaunt their uniqueness. Maybe let the fairy fly through an air vent to open a locked door for the party or something.
Well, I can't imagine that fairies would be all that useful in a fight, but I could definitely see them being all sorts of credit to team. You know, general support/guy everybody loves.
They just want to play "a fairy". I'm assuming any generic kind of fairy. Zelda, Peter Pan, that kind of thing.
It's OSR, so a fairy would probably come in handy as long as it doesn't die first.
I'd volunteer. Male fairy helpers are underused as fuck.
What if you aren't supposed to have perfect information and are only supposed to relay information as an imperfect/unreliable witness?