What is wisdom?
What is wisdom?
A barbarians dump-stat.
A trap
Wisdom is knowing how likely it is that you're wrong. When the likelihood is low, you stand firm in your beliefs; when the likelihood is high, you practice humility and try to learn more.
Knowledge without knowledge.
Something you clearly lack if you have to ask what it means.
Actual smartness, not that "knowing useless facts means I'm better than you" crap
That thing that holds me back from infinite cosmic power.
Perception and willpower.
Knowing not to put a tomato in a fruit salad.
Wisdom is the ability to confront situations with particular aims in mind, as well as the associated ability to contrive efficient means to the realization of those ends.
Decision making skill.
Hi rebbit
the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise.
In the context of D&D:
Wisdom describes a character's willpower, common sense, awareness, and intuition. It is the main stat for Will saving throws along with Heal, Perception, Profession, Sense Motive, and Survival skill checks.
Wisdom is the most important ability for clerics and druids, and it is also important for monks and rangers.
At its base it's the stat for subconscious pattern recognition, filtering and sensitivity of sensory input, and ability to extrapolate the information from Intelligence towards better outcomes. It is also tied to strength of the sense of self and mental fortitude.
I suppose I'll be maxing wisdom for my next character then.
the kink where you'rre sexually dominated by a wizard.
in a nutshell, something like this
knowledge and good judgement from experience
Wisdom in the true realization that you in truth know nothing, own up to it, and seek to actually learning and gaining proper knowledge. It requires objective introspection and in deciding through deliberation what it is you truly wish and desire in life and what the worth of your life is.
tldr: Think for once you moron
Learning from the mistakes of others.
Inductive reasoning, that uses truisms amalgamated from abductive reasoning and known-observed variables to discern elements about the subjective... that are closer to art, than not due to human nature being inherently isolate but seemingly standard.
> wrong
> beliefs
> learn
shit son, wtf are you doing?
Int can be used to create elaborate justification for complexes
Wis isn't needed for happiness
so there is no true checksum against complexes, aka personally "being wrong"
> reality is objective
> logic is absolute
> pretending that willpower isn't feeling about rational thought on a subconscious level
> pretending that anything can't be felt about by only logically acknowledging them
> pretending D&D isn't a meta game of boolean logic and Jungian style archetypes
Thank you, President Washington
We've had this thread enough that it feels weird when user posts the actual answer
It's how well you see things, so eyes and ears.
It's also how good you are at meditating and praying and shit, so monks and clerics use it. So it's stillness of mind.
It's basically how good you are at paying attention to shit instead of letting your eyes/mind wander. It gets used for a lot of things that require willpower because of that, since your mind is more firm.
It also helps you train animals and perform surgeries for some fucking reason, DnD sucks.
Better than another 40k thread.
>Thinking that analogy started in Reddit
>Confusing Reddit and Tumblr
>Leddit Boogeyman
Once a loyal and clever advisor.
Now just a broken coffee cup.
What doth life?
What about the career women with trophy husbands though? I know that's not the norm, but broad sweeping generalizations get me. Im a stay at home father who cooks and cleans for my son and my wife, and I ain't even super attractive.
If you want to call bullshit I won't stop you or argue, I wouldn't believe it on a mongolian shadow puppet website either.
You know what they say, "You snoze you loze".
>Im a stay at home father who cooks and cleans for my son and my wife
hahahahaahah yeah buddy, some "trophy" you are
trolled me, have your (you)
Fair point my post was phrased poorly. I am not an example of a trophy husband, just another example that breaks the generalization.
That's intelligence. An intelligent animal can see the folly of another and learn to not do that thing.
Wisdom is to be able to conceive a folly before one has witnessed such a folly. Thence, the realization of ignorance begins.
how has the meaning of dexterity been so corrupted? does nobody know what it means anymore?
you sleeped, you weeped