>The current edition has destroyed my community.
>Almost nobody plays 40K.
When comes a new edition?
>The current edition has destroyed my community.
>Almost nobody plays 40K.
When comes a new edition?
Other urls found in this thread:
People can't afford to play anymore.
just play something else m8, 40k has never been particularly good, there just hasn't been much competition until relatively recently.
Yeah, sold my 40k a few years ago, and now play a few different awesome games. Way happier now.
Try Infinity, Guildball or Star Wars Armada.
Worse than 40k, but it's not mainstream so all the hipsters pretend to like it for cool points.
Actually ok, but BB is coming out so noone will play it.
>Star Wars Armada
I'm not even going to dignify this shitfest with a counter-argument.
I played Warhammer fantasy.
Welcome to the fuckin' club.
As a side note, everyone is enjoying 9th age now or Kings of War.
>Worse than 40k
>Implying there could be something worse than 40k
>but BB is coming out so noone will play it.
More likely none will play BB because it's overpriced (100 $ for board game, seriously?)
>hating FFG
Redshirt, please.
May be it's time to try something new? If you didn't like skirmishes then wait for 2017, Runewars wargame is comming.
Infinity has a shit aesthetic, unlikable factions and terrible weeb BS thrown in for good measure.
Everyone talks about how great the models are while 9/10 of the players dont paint them.
>all these 40kids getting buttmad at Infinity for being superior
Stay assblasted dudes.
>The current edition has destroyed my community
How's AOS doing anyway?
>Infinity has a shit aesthetic
Look who is talking.
Went to an ITS last week, 11/12 were fully painted for the raffle.
What's that?
Infinity would be more likeable if it wasn't all badly sculpted metal.
The bad thing about infinity is there isn't much room for customization on models. Sure the models are great, but besides the paintjob, it's hard to get good variation between a guy you have and someone using the same model.
you should try kill team
short fun party with not a lot of model, it is pretty well balanced (exept for cheesefest like full scorpion and ranger eldar kill team of 2+ cover save of doom)
you can start a kill team from any faction with only two boxes
If you like space marines, mechanicum, IG, or solar auxillia, 30k is a great game.
>badly sculpted metal.
Sure m8.
Next year.
It will be somewhere between current 40K and Age of Sigmar.
Everyone talks about infinity being great but i just hate the fluff so fucking much.
Every faction just feels so cookie cutter. I get they have real world equivalents so technically it makes sense, but it all feels like "trope #546". None of them stand out. 40k is tropey for sure and I'm not gonna bother debating that but at least every faction feels distinct and unique, instead of "Yo check out my army ranger. Don't like him? Well check out THIS army ranger!" In 40k, everything has a defined aesthetic and defined fluff, and even though it takes logical liberties out the ass, it's fun and interesting. Infinity just feels so addicted to trying to simulate the future.
I honestly prefer the space marine.
It's the stark contrast between male and female models.
If your going full realism then do it for both.
Same. The Dinky pistol honestly looks retarded on the other one
>everything has a defined aesthetic
Yes, you are right, most of 40k models looks like >but at least every faction feels distinct and unique
Yeah Space elves surely feels unique, just as 6Space marines armies.
the space marine looks way better, isn't overdesigned
>start at day 1 of 6th
>30 regular players
>Maybe 7
This is a bad pain
I don't know if I should laugh or cry that no one's mentioning BT in this thread.
> (You)
>All these gold parts
>not overdesigned
Yeah but the gold parts contrast with the plain space as opposed to dude technology lmao everywhere
40k has some shit models and Infinity has some great ones, but you chose the two the wrong way around
battletech mechs look awful
now if Titan fall had a miniature game, that would be NEAT
Dat'z proppa good estetic u git
Seconding, marine looks better
Should I set up a strawpoll?
>Infinity just feels so addicted to trying to simulate the future.
>simulate the future
>Seconding, marine looks better
Yeah, while his head separated from his body.
>Should I set up a strawpoll?
Infinity-nuWarhammer? Go ahead.
Yeah, a combination of 7E's shitty rules + BL's Horus Heresy + GW's maximum overjewing killed 40k's playerbase in the past couple years.
Fewer players than I've ever seen before.
the arms of the mech in the foreground look ridiculous. who thought that would look good?
Rumor says first half of 2017. See BolS/Faeit
those look fucking abysmal lmao
cheesy 70s sci fi
My local playgroup actually went "fuck this shit" and resurrected WFB 8th ed
We play 4-5 times at week. Ninth Age, I don't know, it feels....flat. Balanced, but no crazy random things happening anymore
It's as if a lot of you think you are only allowed to play what GW is currently shitting into your open mouths at any particular time. It's not like GW Police will come round and give you a kicking for playing an older version you used to like. This isnt the fashion industry or Microsoft, FFS. There are 7 versions of 40k published. If you enjoyed playing 6th, 3rd or 1st edition, find someone who you used to play the older version with, fucking play it and enjoy it. At least you have a chance now of finding out what all the rules are before you play, without some neckbeard twat tabling you in turn 1 you with yesterdays ill thought out FAC or the latest 'must have' 'gotta sell it to the tactically inept' uberfigure. Same with the Age of Smegma bollocks. If you liked WHFB just get you old opponents together and FUCKING PLAY IT.
I guess next year?
>space elves arent unique
im sorry but eldar look both complete and unique. with their design style, helmets, runes they look 100000x more pleasing than weaboo power armor clone no.8485
>tfw no more 3rd/4th edition where you just had an army like this
>no allies, formation bullshit or Flyers/Superheavies outside of mass battles, just 1 HQ 2 Troops, a few specialists and a mid-range tank
>couple of campaign books for Armageddon and Eye of Terror, special Marine chapters get half a page in Index Astartes or a small codex supplement
>now there's a ridiculous web of DLC-style datasheets, formations, supplements, handbooks etc.
I would play 40k again in a heartbeat if it was like that, but it's almost impenetrable right now.
true dat
>battletech mechs look awful
>Titan fall
yes, the design where robots have to carry their own giant robot guns in their (purposeless) hands instead of having them designed into the structure is the better one
>now there's a ridiculous web of DLC-style datasheets, formations, supplements, handbooks etc.
This more than anything else. I mean I hate the stupid huge games and all the other stuff that goes against the old small skirmish focus the game had. but the literal pay for special rules shit is just too much.
Needs a "wait Kings of War has dedicated minis!?" option.
>just 1 HQ 2 Troops, a few specialists and a mid-range tank
I'm pretty sure there is more than that in that image. Or in a 4th edition army in general.
But I get what you are saying.
Imperial Knights/Wraithknights/Riptides/superheavies/GCs were a mistake
Image was pretty much the maximum you would EVER see on a board though.
I stopped collecting years ago, but what was once more than could ever be fielded in a single game and was all about squad selection is now your average sized army.
40k games were played at the 750-1500pt size at max.
Honestly, I dont understand why I dislike infinity. I've read through its fluff, played a couple games, and hell, I even bought operation: Icestorm and painted up the Nomads side of the box. But for some reason, it just doesnt click at all with me. Its hard to get invested in it, and I find myself really detatched from it when painting or playing. I like the idea of fast paced anime-esque combat, but I just find it lifeless and boring, in both fluff and gameplay. Miniature wise, they certainly look good, but thet just dont do it for me. I mean, show me a Rubric Marine or a Khador Warjack, and I get all excited, but with infinity, it just doesnt elicit anything more than a sort of mild intrest.
the minis dont have enough character. when you paint a rubic marine or a khador you can see scenes of these characters talking(well not the rubic marine obv.) or doing stuff.
you take a nomad from infinity and all you can think of is "buy this rug?"