Post yfw Magnus bends over the furries and commits brutal beastiality.
Just a few days until the Space Wolves get BTFO
Other urls found in this thread:
>>Wolves one of the highest selling armies
>>GW wanting to keep making money
Got some bad news for ya bud.
It's status quo central, user.
Logan gets injured but not killed, Lukas the Trickster dies, Magnus gets BTFO back into the Warp chased by angry SW.
Magnus's plan was to drag Fenris into the Eye of Terror through a warp portal. It fails.
TSons lose.
Post a souse or lick my nuts. It's your choice user.
Source: Wrath of Magnus. I've seen it.
Does your Dad work at Nintendo too?
Screenshot this and then, when it comes out, you'll see I was right.
>Loki expy BTFO'd
It was all worth it.
>First Marines to get a codex
Yah nah
Even if what you are saying is true mate without a source whats the point? Noone going to think back to your shitty post if they have to check when it comes out anyway.
So posts a source that isnt your ass.
How the fuck am I supposed to do that, user? I've seen the book, I don't have the book.
So its your friends Dad that works at Nintendo. Even better.
He hasn't seen the book, user. Some other user said the same shit in the 40k general hours ago.
>Lukas the Trickster dies
But it's fine because the titan that stepped on him gets shit on in a stasis field.
What happens with Ahriman then user?
I heard a rumor we may be relevant.
Am I relevant yet, Veeky Forums?
>mfw Celestine and Magnus go 1v1
I never knew I wanted this until just now.
>I heard a rumor we may be relevant.
Yeah, like Fireslayers army.
And hes got nothing that wasnt already posted in the 40k general. Surprise.
Ignore this lying faggot, I've actually seen the book, my dad works for GW and Black Library
Fenris BTFO, the Tsons technically lose since the dark Angels order exterminatus and Magnus Teleports most of his surviving forces away. Only about 300 wolves escape and are about to get fucked by the dark Angels and grey knight fleets when the alpha legion shows up and saves the wolves. Logan is brought into the flagship where he meets Leman Russ. It ends abruptly, leaving it ambiguous as to whether the Alpha legion has turned loyalist or if the wolves have fallen to chaos
Magnus faces his age-old nemesis. Not fucking up.
I wish
SW are one of the new box sets. Theyre gonna win this hard.
Wait what.
Just because they get beat doesn't mean they'll cease to exist.
You saw the book but dont have anyone's stats or cost?
you know in 2016 no photo = bullshit right ?
literally even starving African have phone zith camera, and poor ass indian have that $4 smartphone..
I don't give a shit about the rules or stats, i had 10 minutes to skim through it and i chose to read what bits of fluff looked interesting, and the ending
Alpha legion literally shows up and saves the space wolves from being BTFO by the dark angels. its explicitly stated that there was a changing of allegiance, but we don't know if the alpha legion is now loyalist, or if the space wolves are truly damned. the epilogue also states this is just the first of many appalling betrayals and allegiances, some of which will shake the galaxy to its core...
Ahriman user. Go.
Make up something good this time.
>Continuing to lie this bad
Just give it up mate.
Were Thousand Sons ever not terrible? I thought their gimmick was always paying an exorbitant sum for +1 wounds.
>The blood ravens are notified that their battle brothers, the space wolves, are in dire straits
>in lieu of exterminatus, diomedes deep strikes
>realizing only his sons could have mastered such ancient techniques from the dark age of technology, Magnus turns loyalist, rejoining his sons as their primarch again
how much rage would there be?
>Magnus is able to finally fuck (over) those space furries
>the Wolves save as many as they can and escape, becoming a fleet-based chapter
>Magnus heads back to the planet of the Sorcerors to celebrate and make even more dumbass plots
>Sortiarius isn't there
>>Alpha legion
>people still think that Fenris isn't getting BTFO
can't wait to see the space wolves fans crying like bitches when it happens
>SW getting fucked
>Portal from the Warp opens up
>Magnus eager to at last end his rivalry with Leman
>Out of the portal steps Celestine
Cant wait to see the tears of the TSfags who bought into the hype myself. Ready to lose for like what the 5th time?
not anymore, now their thing is paying an exorbitant sum for 4++ and AP3 boltguns
That would actually be an impressive twist.
I love that 1k sons finally got some love, they really needed it, but GW loves $$$ too much. There will be some last minute Russ coming out out of the warp to break Magnus-desu BS and it will all go back to status quo.
Fenris might get fucked up, but I don't see them getting BTFO
rules leaks WHEN
>Mfw too intelligent to use psykers
Yes? We play an NPC faction. Of course we're going to lose. That's nothing to write home about
Hey look you spelled things right this time. I guess you really can teach an old dog new tricks.
Tyranids were also an "NPC faction" and then Genestealer Cults got released.
>fenris getting destroyed means the Space wolves get squatted
>space wolves taking heavy losses means you can't play space wolves anymore
>>GW squatting one of their most popular armies right now
>>Throwing away all that $$$
Things that will never happen.
>Tomb Kings and Brets.
>most popular armies
>Tomb Kings and Brets
>stating pretty much the same thing i said, but differently
Exactly user, they aren't getting squatted. Half, hell, 90% of them could be wiped out, they could have no chance to recruit new wolves, major characters and fenris could be completely destroyed and that still doesn't mean they're getting squatted.
>>Tomb Kings Brets
ya dun goofed.
>one of their most popular armies right now
>logan grimnir confirmed BTFO
>Magnus in 1v1 combat
>BTFO of anyone
Nah. They'll write it as Magnus was casting huge extremely powerful spell therefor he couldnt focus his full power bla bla. SW win Ahriman achieves hidden objective that noone else knew about to give TS fans something then back to status quo.
>back to status quo.
They still haven't learned. Did nobody see what happened in Death Masque? y'all about to look as stupid as all the people who insisted that Warhammer fantasy would never go through with the end times
>Did nobody see what happened in Death Masque?
Yeah they fucked up and invalidated their best selling Eldar models. This time they'll get someone to actually proof read the thing.
>what are Rune Priests?
weren't tomb kings popular before end of times ?
bret for sure weren't
Looks like furries are gonna fuck up Thousand sons. Leman Russ is going to appear from nowhere and break Magnus spine again.
Nah, more likely Chaos will wipe out SW and DA in Fenris so only Ultramarines and Grey Knights will be the last Imperium hope.
>everyone who plays 40K sticks rigidly to the fluff
>if a character dies their model is invalidated
>being this retarded
Did they squat the eldar? cancel their model range? say that they aren't producing anymore rules or units for them? Oh no, in fact, quite the opposite, they got new models and rules and will continue to do so for years. Space wolves, and pretty much every faction at some point during the end times, will get completely and utterly fucked. This will not negatively impact model sales at all.
Ultramarines and Grey knights merge into one chapted called "Ultra Knights"
Are any of the Wolves who burned Prospero even still still alive? Seems like pointless revenge desu.
In Age of Gulliman, new Games Workshop miniatures tactical wargame.
>missing the point this hard
Yawn. The Wraith units cant function after death mask. Fluffwise theyre fucked. That doesnt mean in game. But, and heres the important part, 40k is just there to sell models so it'll get retconned by a competent writer later.
If SW lose Fenris and it's population then they're dead as a faction. They cant recruit because of the Canis Helix and there entire culture is gone. Aint gonna happen brah.
>If SW lose Fenris and it's population then they're dead as a faction. They cant recruit because of the Canis Helix and there entire culture is gone.
They could evacuate enough civilians on their ships to maintain a recruiting population. I want to see them become fleetbased space Vikings.
Or Magnus could just job like normal and everythings fine. Like I said it'll be Ahriman who 'wins' this one for the TS so everyone keeps buying that sweet sweet plastic crack. You know this to be true.
Draigo finds the way to heal Gulliman in stasis. Then Gulliman becomes the new Emprah. Draigo realises that he is inferior to his spiritual liege and killls himselfs, while giving his psyker powers to Marneus Calgar. Marneus Calgar reaches the power of the primarch and becomes chapter master of Ultra Knights. Cato Sicarius becomes new High Lord of Terra
Fenris getting destroyed isn't even the most shocking thing that will happen in the 40k end times. Its the warhammer fantasy equivalent of Karak Kadrin, the wolves survive it and it doesn't spell the doom of the imperium. Its a crushing blow to the wolves, but pretty tame compared to other shit, like the void dragon waking up on mars and enslaving half of the necrons and Mechanicus into a new faction, or the eldar finally joining back together, or what they have in store for the most shocking loyalist primarch betrayal that no one sees coming....
Is this real?
>40k end times
Nice meme!
>Draigo finds the way to heal Gulliman in stasis
Nope, Gulliman spirit escaped from stasis and posses Emperor's body, Terra is going to be destroyed, with Tau and Necrons Gulliman is playing Imperium Secundus from the warp, new time line start ing when Ultra Knights openning the hates and invading into former Segmentum Solar.
>with Tau and Necrons Gulliman isolating Imperium Secundus
>Eldars already fucked
>Two loyalists legions will be fucked soon
>Ward was hired again
I dont know what I was expecting tbqh.
It would be fantastic since our local SW player is an obnoxious neckbeard sperglord that screams.
But i dont think that GW will let the puppies be a semi-rekt fleetbased chapter.
Your autism knows no bounds.
Eldar was always fucked. They came with the meme of being a dying race.
>Eldar was always fucked
Now they are absolute fucked, Hates of Khaine are going to fall soon, all Infinity cycles are lost, Cegorah doomed to be eaten by Slaanesh.
Yeah, that was always going to happen. All of the Eldar dying has been an established element since the 90's.
>The Wraith units cant function after death mask. Fluffwise theyre fucked.
Wraith units are souls disconnected form the infinity circuit. Death Mask's events don't affect them any more than they affect regular eldar.
Who's hyped for Magnus vs Lion+Russ?
Magnus spine is gonna get broken. Again. Oh wait, he is spineless
Losing Fenris isn't that big a deal. Plenty of chapters are fleet based.
>Canis Helix
The Canis Helix is in the geneseed, not the population of Fenris.
>fleetbased space Vikings
Thats what Wolves should have been originally. Pillage `n travel.
>Ward was hired again
Tell me that you are joking
>Are any of the Wolves who burned Prospero even still still alive?
Dude, tell that to the Tau...
Holy shit how dense are you people? 40k has been in the "end times" for ages. End times doesn't mean they're gonna release 5 books then blow up the Galaxy, it means the story will always progress little by little, with everyone getting more fucked as we go along. They're stretching this out for years
Also Russ.
Magnus fucked with them the last time. Wolves can only recruit from Fenris since then. That's the reason their numbers fell so hard despite no successor chapters.
Nothing wrong with Mat, he wrote fun rules and his fluff is still better then Black Library.
The Canis Helix is what Russ and Fenris added to the geneseed of the SW. They can only recruit from the population of that planet because of this. Before meeting Russ SW recruited from Terra therefor Russ added the Canis Helix.
>better than black library
Please, that's like saying Tommy Wiseau is good because he's not a bootleg director from the Netherlands.
Thousand Wrongs fags are the worst legion fags.