>There ain't no rule saying a dog can't be a paladin
There ain't no rule saying a dog can't be a paladin
The only god a dog would see would be its owner. Unless the dog has the ability to spontaneously make whoever it thinks its owner is into a god, then no doggo paladin.
>the dog somehow gains power through defending your honor while you just sit around
>reminder that there are fourteen of these movies.
>reminder that the first one is considered a comedy-drama
>kill self.
The God of animal domestication. The dogs worship of owners is transferred to the God, which gives power to the dog
It is explicitly stated in the rules that only humans can be paladins.
>There ain't no rule saying a dog can't be a paladin
Is he a good dog?
I don't think Mutants and Masterminds says that anything so specific on restriction. Animal characters are fair game as long as you got the points to spend on the abilities and the Complications a dog would have.
>Implying paladins aren't already dogs
Who's a lawful good boy? *who's a lawful good boy*? You are! Yes you are
>paladin brings her faithful hound with her on her adventures
>the paladin is slain in battle
>heartbroken, the dog tugs at the paladin's sword
>a bright light shines down from the heavens as the paladin's god grants the dog the powers and responsibilities of his fallen master
Doggo can be paladin of the principle of Goodness and thus can in theory by a paladin, alternatively the doggo of any good aligned priest gets a few levels in paladin as a matter of course.
Wait a minute...
You joke but that's basically a major element of the plot of the conan story "beyond the black river" - basically at some point prior to the story a dog's owner is killed by picts so the dog went on an 80s action movie style rampage in the borderlands between the colonies that are encrouching on the pictish wilds, just massacring whole villages of the vile pictish savages before the dog somehow joined a local Legion that was protecting the borders.
the ending of that story is great but full of feels because Conan comes back from an epic fight deep in pictish territory, having killed hte pictish sorceror who was leading the local band, to find that a massive attack on the local legion's fort had taken place, and the foppish and out of his depth citydweller who Conan had saved earlier and the dog had fought a valiant but ultimately fatal battle side by side, and the two of them had slain literally hundreds of picts before succumbing to the sheer numbers of the assault, but buying enough time and taking enough picts with them that the rest of teh garrison was able to repel the picts in the end
My succubus paladin would disagree with those rules.
to be fair she was human before the reincarnation spell
He has dyslexia.
Blink Dogs are natural paladins, since they're Lawful Good.
How the heck do you reincarnate into an Outsider?
This franchise went dark places with the release of Army Dog.
Aint one of the options on the 3.5 reincarnation table DM's choice?
>post traumatic stress doge
paladins are not inherently tied to dietys
I don't even know, friend.
It's just arguing for the sake of arguing because I actually really like the thought of a Succubus Paladin that came from a reincarnated soul - this way, you don't have to deal with the awkward explanation of Redeeming while getting the tight, sexy fuck-demon body.
the fuck game has that
Early DnD.
I think human-only paladins was a rule as recently as AD&D 2nd Edition, but I could be wrong. I only played one, brief campaign and didn't really know what was going on.
Why was early DnD so racist? Where the likes of Elf, Dwarf and Halfling was not only their race but also their class?
The director's cut of the child hunt scene was particularly raw.
i was about to go check this
the fuck happened to the frontend drive through rpg used to have for d&d stuff d&d classics
>reminder that there are fourteen of these movies.
Holy shit, I thought you were exaggerating. Who the fuck is buying these?
Like 80% of the people that watch these are little kids in the back of their minivan watching it on a road trip.
The Air Bud Cinematic Universe (ABCU) is deep and wide.
>tfw the ABCU is and always will be deeper and better established than any tabletop setting you will ever develop
She dared enter DM's magical realm.
ah looks like they changed the name to dms guild for some fucking retarded reason
i have seen bad name changes before but holy shit what were they thinking