GW saying no wolves are safe is real
Rip logan
Arent the Black Dragons wolverine though?
>Implying Grimnar wont win
The fuck?
I don't think so.
>Logan is confirmed to be at Cadia by the end of timeline in the 7th ED codex
This means Logan wins this. Nice art by the way. Logan is doing Russ proud.
And much power and yet cannot BTFO a single marine.
>Daemon Primarch losing to some random marine that isn't a Primarch
what kind of retarded writing is this?
>And much power and yet cannot BTFO a single marine.
When this ends there better be a good explanation for that.
The Axe contains a sliver of Khorne's power. Khorne weapons/relics are known to have anti-magic properties.
>Daemon Primarch losing to some random marine that isn't a Primarch
my boy ragnar will be next chapter master
Not good enough. He's just a mook compared to Magnus, or should be.
I know its 40k and that power levels are bullshit but come on.
>comparing a grey knight which is canoically stronger than a custodes to some faggot space yiff
oh come on!
>logan dies
>bjorns murderboner reactivates and he rips magnus's remaining eye out with memeclaw, which ends the incursion
you read it first here kiddos
>canoically stronger than a custodes
[citation needed]
Outright stated in a BL novel. It makes sense that a brotherhood of anti-chaos psykers would be more powerful than elite but individualistic bodyguards. I don't know why people get so assblasted about this and think that stronger than custodes = "better stats across the board, would BTFO in a 1v1"
>inb4 black library not canon
>think that stronger than custodes = "better stats across the board, would BTFO in a 1v1"
Then what does it mean? Because right now you got a highly specialized anti-chaos force vs. an elite state-of-the-art bodyguard force.
Logan killed a Grey Knight Grand Master without him even reacting.
Logan > Grey Knight > Custodes.
>Grey Knight stronger than custode
>A wolf lord decapitated a GK Grand Master known for dueling ability before he could even move
Wolves confirmed for greatest warriors in the imperium
Hope heretics are ready to get BTFOd again
Logan is fine. Ragnar, Canis, and Lukas bite the dust (get it?) though.
>Logan is confirmed to be at Cadia by the end of timeline in the 7th ED codex
[citation needed]
Looks like Magnus wrecked his sled. You don't do that. Santa will have his revenge.
>enough power to topple Titans
>become daemon prince, presumably a massive powerboost
>still jobs to Space Wolves
The 7th ED Woof codex, you absolute retard.
Grey Knights don't have their own Hover tanks though do they?
Jesus christ you fucking sperg, I am asking for a specific citation not the sauce as I am not about to dig through a whole fucking codex.
The timeline, you absolute retard. Each codex has a timeline. I said by the end of the timeline.
Spoonfeding for the spoon god.
Lets ends this now. Logan lives. End of story. He is at Cadia by the end of the Warhams 40K timeline. Sound and safe.
>old man Magnus shakes claw at cloud while attacking Fenris again
Uhu. I'm sure it will work this time as well.
Magnus is the worst primarch. Everything he has set out to do he has failed.
>magnus is cowering in fear
As expected
What kind of guns are those?
shit art. But at least they tried
>Implying any who wrote the warzone fenris series ever looked at the army books or take them into consideration
Illastus Accelerator cannons firing Heliothermic shells. Think miniature version of the Fellblade's cannons firing trapped Solar Flare shells.
Grey Knights have nothing on that scale.
Well, they have psycannons which even the Custodes don't have. They also have the baby carriers and the aegis power armor. Jokaero stuff too.
what is sniktbub even standing on
or is he just jumping in mid-air while slashing
It looks like he's standing on a cloud.
he's also like, way bigger than he should be now that I notice the tiny marines in the foreground
this picture is hilarious
>he thinks that GW cares about previously established canon at all
Even the Horus Heresy books is a retcon.
Shit, i cant decide if i want to see Thousands Sons or Space Corgis fucked. Cause i hate both.
His head is the size of a guys torso. What the hell is going on.
This is the state of modern GW art. It's just bad all around.
Magnus has already doomed humanity back when he was still a loyalist by wreaking the Emperor's webway project. So he deserves everything bad that ever happened to him.
The 7th ED dex was released the same time as Warzone Fenris book 1. No retcon is coming.
>Magnus has already doomed humanity
>Warns the Emperor about Horus
>He doesnt believe him
>It's his fault
GW always retcon everything all the time. Whatever the canon is now it will be overpriced and gone in 5 years.
Leave him be. It'll be out in 2 weeks. He can deal with it then.
>Magnus wreaks the webwaygate project like an idiot
>according to the Emperor this was humanity's last chance at properly ruling the galaxy and defending themselves against any future threats
>the Emperor keeps the webway on Terra locked
>Terra has the Astronomicon is on Terra
>when the Golden Throne fails so will the Astronomicon
>without the Astronomicon traveleling the Warp becomes impossible for humanity because there will now reliable way to navigate the Warp
>humanity will slowly be extinct because the Imperium wont be able to defend anything anymore
>in conclusion Magnus has killed humanity way back in the 31'st millennium with his hubris and he deserves everything bad that happens to him
Have any of the daemon primarchs done anything successfully post-heresy besides Angron? I think he's the only one who actually got out of the Warp and accomplished something resembling a goal before being sent back.
Magnus smashed the Wolve's lab when they almost figured out how to make successor chapters. That's about it.
So basically nothing then considering the Wolves can head to Mars whenever they want and the Mechanicus would happily make a successor for them.
Nah. Space Wolves geneseed only works on people from Fenris for some reason.
Nigga that's literally the problem. The SWs can't make successors for some reason, only Fenrisian DNA is compatible with their geneseed.
>Implying if Emps took Magnus seriously and crushed the rebellion before it began this would still be a problem
No. The problem is that thanks to Magnus there is a gaping hole of endless daemons on Terra that the Golden Throne has to keep plugged up at all time. When that fails so does the entire Imperium. All because Magnus decided to send his faggy little psychic message to the Emperor.
Humanity is now dead because of Magnus butterfingers. Horus betrayal is actually less important.
Screencaps for two weeks later.
Wait when did it become cannon that SW can't have successors? That's absolute bullshit, half the fun of SM is making successors that are little variations of established chapters. Gives it your own personal spin.
It's been canon for quite a long while. They tried to make a Space Wolves successor chapter and they all died because geneseed failure. Space Wolves has distinct companies instead of successor chapters.
Literally years. I started playing in 5th and it was like that back then. Probably goes back even farther than that.
>Dont have successors
>Less than 5k marines in chapter
Lmao that means that Leman Russ geneseed is the most rare among SM chapters
That's still more geneseeds than the Thousand Wrongs.
Since 2nd edition newfag
It wasn't canon that long ago. I swear I've got in a cupboard somewhere a painting guide for 2nd ed (back when the game box came with 2 squads of marines, and a bunch of gretchin and orks) that had suggestions for successor chapters for the main ones.
Was it ever confirmed that space wolves aren't actually 5k, they're just slightly above codex compliant chapter size? Or was that Just the black Templars?
Tsons are the worst kind of cancer.
You call Wolves furries when you dress up like fucking Big Bird.
You call Wolves team killers when Magnus doomed the Webway, and thus, humanity.
You talk shit about Logan, who is as beloved as Dante or Calgar in lore, and his personal and military power makes him the fucking 5 star general of the Imperium.
Talk shit about Wolves fighting against other Imperial factions, when they try to put a stop to the same prideful stubbornness and corruption that led to the Heresy.
Bjorn the Fel-Handed, slayer of pussy in life and heretics in death, slapped Magnus like the bitch he is and won't hesitate to do it again.
Get rekt nerds, for the Wolves are truly too good for the Imperium
Then they are even more fucked
Custodes have better stats across the board tho.
Wasn't it the same series where 3 harlequins kill dozen of custodes?
And orks being all human like ?
Great source.
Lore wise that was Magnus the last time.
Worked well. From a legion of more than 60k to less than 5k for the next round.
There's no way the Thousand are gonna win this or at least come out of it with straight face and dignity, right?
I don't like Red Horntits that much but Ahriman and rubrics are kind of cool and the Thousand Sons in general are one of the most relatable chapters, chaos or otherwise, for Warhammer standards. I know the bad guys aren't supposed to win completely and that Space Wolfs are extremely more popular, but what's the point on having a lame foe for your hero? Chaos doesn't get enough love.
>for the Wolves are truly too good for the Imperium
You sound traitorous there to me.
How was humanity navigating the warp during the great crusade if there was no Astronomicon ?
What? Bjorn got his shit slapped in. It took five space wolf heroes, constant plasma bombardment and being hit point blank with dreadnought weapons just to hurt magnus, and they still got BTFO. Only reason Bjorn didn't die right there is because the chapter master dynamic entries right onto magnus' head, fight the already fading Magnus, and also gets BTFO. Magnus achieved his goal there, which was to keep the space wolves from creating successor chapters, thus robbing Russ of his legacy. The goal was never to destroy the whole planet, Tsons were still depleted back then and basically threw everything they had left into this attack
The best I think we can hope for is that it'll end in a pyrrhic victory for the wolves, where the Thousand Sons get driven away but not before dragging Fenris into the warp, though the wolves would have enough Fenris civilians left to become a fleet based chapter.
that's wrong though, isn't it?
> Wolf Brothers (who were btfo by geneseed error like 13th company)
literally a second founding SW successor chapter?
Just checked lexicanum,
there's even a second possible successor,
> Skyrars Dark Wolves
gtfo newfag,
SW have always had the Wolf Brothers, who are iirc also way over stadard codex chapter strength
I don't think that's gonna happen. I'll like it, mind you, but it's more likely that we're gonna have an "epic fight" where the bad guys lose, flee and everything returns to the statu quo. Fenris is in havoc and both sides have "irrecoverable casualties" but in the end nobody important dies and those casualties are ignored in subsequent material.
>Thousand Sons in general are one of the most relatable chapters
yeah, I can relate to idiot sorcerers who fuck everything up real well
>but in the end nobody important dies
I'm sure a bunch of no-name wolf lords will die, and I'm positive at least one of the finecast/metal heroes will bite it like the space pope did last time.
You're probably right, but if the rumors that they're doing 40k end times is true then it might turn out differently.
Look at the newfag and laugh. Wolf brothers got btfo by the Inquisition and fell to Chaos taking half the SW fleet with them. Try to learn the fluff properly not just from a wiki.
SW, tk'ed a guy under a flag of truce.
>Humanity is now dead because of Magnus butterfingers. Horus betrayal is actually less important.
Magnus haters actually believe this lmao.
Jesus dude the Emperor could have sealed of the breach if it wasn't for the HH. You know the massive galaxy spanning event Magnus came to warn him about. If he'd taken action and not sent half his marines of to get ganked things would have been fine. Magnus comes and sits in the chair, and Emps fixes the hole.
well TS geneseed is a bit ...dusty now
TS can recruit still. Only the latent and non-psykers got rubric'd obviously.
There was, Emperor was managing it while still roaming the galaxy. Later he was upholding it when he was working on the webway project and later whilce combating demons after Magnus made the hole (which was kinda similar as both is based in him being shiny as fuck with psychic light). Now that he's dead he need to be kept in the golden throne to go on .
Yeah, but that also got retconed in the late books. Before it was that the only some ware psychic and those ware made powerful sorcerers, while all the regural ones turned into dust.
To be fair most cases of Imperial citizens getting killed is at the Imperium's proverbial hands, as is their inability to develop new technology for safe space travel. The fall of the Astronomicon would cut off the tyranny of Terra and let human systems become independent. Sure, those that are full blown full retard Planetville tropes where the whole planet is just a factory for making buckets will die off, but anything with any actual value will just get resettled anyway. Lack of warp travel will also massively cut down on human exposure to the warp and reduce the rate of demonic incursion, and at-risk planets will have an opportunity for remission rather than outright Exterminatus.
tl;dr: ABBA-dong was right all along.
Carnac plz
>Yeah, but that also got retconed in the late books.
The geneseed thing? Not that I've read. They can still recruit with their geneseed.
>Before it was that the only some ware psychic and those ware made powerful sorcerers, while all the regural ones turned into dust.
I think that all still happened mate if I understand what you're saying correctly. The Rubric effected all the TS on the planet of sorcerers but only turned the non psykers to dust. the psykers that were strong enough got the power boost. I don't think thats changed sine IA.
>tl;dr: ABBA-dong was right all along.
isolated human colonies means the rise of alien empires, means the extinction/enslavement of humanity as a species
They did this song and dance already in the age of strife.
But abbadon.
>at least come out of it with straight face and dignity, right?
The TS may, but their fandom surely won't. For being fans of a faction all about achieving obscure goals and looking at the bigger picture of plans going in the long run, most TS fans surely do look more like DBZ-obsessed fans that just want their dudes to blow everything up.
>The TS may, but their fandom surely won't.
I really hope my army never, ever gets featured in one of these warzone books.
In that new book about the Emperor he pretty much admits that humanity is fucked because of the webway fuckup.
>that just want their dudes to blow everything up.
Its been 10,000 years. How much prep time do they need?
Some more
C'mon man that's like bragging that it takes 5 toddlers armed with wiffle ball bats to take down a heavy boxer, and they still got BTFO
He's a fucking primarch, ofc he's going to throw down some shit
Apparently. However I can't see how you can dismiss TS fans for wanting a win at this point.
Going by the timeline of the Ahriman series Magnus was still all sharded at that point.
I kinda fell bad for SW players, getting BTFO-ed for a second time by the worst traitor legion
The whole point is that the TS already got a victory during the attack on the fang, but fans are not happy with it because SW are still alive and Fenris didn't explode.
Thousand Sons won because they fucked up the ability for Space Wolves to recruit beyond Fenris and to have successor chapters.
But Thousand Sons are the kind of people making threads butthurt about Prospero because the morons STILL think Magnus is a good boy who did nothing wrong despite his tome of knowledge being one of the most powerful Daemonic artifacts in forever.
Here's an Idea, When did Space Wolves ever get a "Win"
Biggest one I can think of is Biting the Inquisition when they tried to yank the chain too hard.