/bbg/ Blood Bowl General - New Edition Edition

Congratulations to Ramciamciam for winning the season 5 Veeky Forums FUMBBL Veterans League, and congratulations to our own commissioner MauledByTheTigers for winning the Rookies League!

Wasting no time, we'll be starting signups for Veeky Forums league Season Six this weekend!

Secret League season 2 playoffs are live.

Stunty League season 2 is currently in round 3.

Also this weekend is the release of the latest edition of Blood Bowl, complete with Claw, Piling On, and Mighty Blow nerfs! Let's give a warm welcome to our new favorite skill, Weeping Blades, the perfect tool for those Gutter Runner kill pieces everyone runs.

The latest rules, the CRP (aka LRB6):

Stunty Leeg handbook:

Veeky Forums FUMBBL group:

Veeky Forums Stunty Leeg group:

Veeky Forums Secret League:

IRC Server: irc.fumbbl.com
Port: 6667
Channel: #tg

Steam Community for Blood Bowl 2:

Cknoor's tutorials:

Previous Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:



How's 4 blitzers, 4 blockers, 2 throwers, 2 linemen and 2 rerolls for a starting orc team?

hey mauled (or anyone really) my naf sub is done and I don't know if I want to renew, what gifts are available atm?

~the rest of this post is helping people~
click orc team rosters, generally being orcs you don't need 12 players and especially with a starting roster that 3rd reroll is much better than the 12th man, it's not a bad idea to pickup a 12th man but remember that rerolls are more expensive after team creation

it's from A Friendly Orc's Daily Life, by Jin (or Good Ork Day), whatever li Orc no hi

Google "(city name) blood bowl league" and you'll probably find a site or facebook or something, if not check the naf, they've got a league locator your can use for free

>Season 6 starting this weekend
Jesus fuck, can we have a week to wait

>one designer James saying the day-one errata is done
>the other, Andy, says with all the butthurt they're thinking about it still

For renewals I think you can ask them what they've got left of old gifts, like the various coloured block dice or the coins. Just have a word with your regional NAF guy when you come to renew.


Are we actually doing signups this weekend?

Just seen that in the OP, I said within seven days so it's not far off.

I haven't played BB in a few years, what are they changing?

Gutter runners get rerolls on the injury table, human catchers are cheaper and can steal star player points, Morg only plays for humans and orcs.

>Double skull
>Double skull
>Blitzer dies

RIP Wizards and Babes

Good, they both were useless anyways.

>inb4 special plays lets you buy a BLITZ

Only signups are starting, there'll still be a few weeks before games start happening.

What if I took 10 Linemen, a goblin and 6 rerolls?

You will lose a lot.

The good thing about losing is that you still get money. I would play the long game. By the end I would have replaced those linemen with blitzers and blockers AND have more rerolls than others.

Having too many rerolls is bad

It's an awful idea
Each reroll unspent is a TV bloat that you didnt use, and as orcs you would rarely need more than 3.
Well, as a good orcs i mean - if you start with literally no skills sans one dodge, you may as well burn through those.
I guess you could start with that setup and then move towards normal one and get rid of some rerolls... Or alternatively just start with a normal one and spare yourself shitty phase.

I don't know how how I feel about the new changes

The big man just posted this.

At the moment it's striking me as "here's the CRP back piecemeal with some zany!!! changes and DLC".

What version of the LRB is it up to now?

Is there a Veeky Forums bloodbowl 2 league that's active?

Also that feeling when you wanna play tabletop bloodbowl but no support structure to play it with.

Shit sucks.

See LRB6 in the OP, also known as the CRP or Competitive Rules Pack. This is still technically the Fourth Edition of the BB Rules, though a lot has changed since LRB1.

The original .pdf was very barebones, with just the rules and no proper editing, so there were missing page numbers and such. The one in the OP is put together properly, and re-includes the fluffy bits and "Do You Know?" boxes and stuff from earlier versions.

Does anyone have a copy of the new BB rules in pdf format?

I am a firm believer of notion that "Optional Rules" are surprisingly often a sign of bad game design.

Cheers, didn't see the link originally.

fucking political correctness

And yet, two days ago there were threads about SJWs invading the tabletop hobby and were both 404'd. Too many leftists on this board.

>slept in until almost four hours after my game

Congrats dom i froze my ass for nothing.

Blood Bowl league rules have always been in a supplement though.

Except for the past 15 years.

Lo and Behold! A new challenger approaches

too be fair to GW their Babe minis would likely be horrific.


I understand the wizard sentiment, but the babes Come on man, that +1 ko roll is a life saver

.They're still there user, someone still got to pour the beer down the players unconcious gullet.

What makes you say that?

They are releasing that Halfling ref with the big sandwich and possibly others, no doubt with some amazing rule that if the Ref isn't in 3 squares all Fouls are automatic RIPs or something

Get a babe and you will only roll 1,5, and 6 on wakeups

They'll probably use the ref personality table from BB Magazine with Argue the call. Biased, Pyschotic, Veteran, Cowardly, Greedy, etc.

>can steal star player points
this was a troll

wizards are the best inducement at 150,000

150k for nothing, great!

Not any more.

Why are they trying to fuck all the things up?

rules aren't out yet, I can still play with wizards until friday

given that some people actually think wizards are shit I guess GW has a right to take them away

hey guys, starting with blood bowl with the new game on friday. I already saw in the rulebook that orks can have goblins in their team. But right now there are no minis for them. Are there ways to convert a goblin for blood bowl? if yes, do you have some advice how?

When in doubt use their 40k or Fantasy Battle counterpart. Maybe strip some of the armor they have since even a high armor until in BB has some shoulders, a helmet, tunic, and a jockstrap

Just clip any weapons off.

okay, thanks. and is there a shop where you can buy some helmets or shoulder pads for blood bowl?

I think comixinos has some but I know lots of people use space marine shoulder pads.

I used greenstuff for my rat ogre helmet

Impact! Miniatures do numbered shoulder pads. Puppet's War do some pads and stuff too, they're Polish IIRC.

About the Goblins, if you just want the 2 you might just want to look on eBay, probably get a couple of metal ones from the Goblin teams pretty cheap.

thanks a lot again!

Hey guys, I got what is probably going to be the final version of the Obituaries at fumbbl.com/p/notes?op=view&id=2692

I am working on the other parts of the page now despite needing sleep after a few 12-hour shifts. If I missed something, please notify me.

Hey lads, kinda new to the blood bowl scene, I will get the starter box for Christmas and I was wondering if once I get the Season 1 book and the Skaven team box, I can play with them against both the orcs and the humans without suffering penalties

Like, do the 12 figures boxes are suposed to be balanced between each others?

Watch skeletons and horrors beat the shit out of each other!
Once in a lifetime opportunity.

The boxes aren't really balanced but you can play against one another fine, there are exhibition rules in deathzone

Yes, they are meant to be fairly balanced. Most people give the Orcs 2 Rerolls and the Humans 3, so I imagine the Skaven getting 3 too is about right.

all the boxes are roughly balanced in that they are all missing key players but you can certainly use the boxes to make standard 1000k tv teams. If your doing skaven though, I strongly recommend finding a way to get two more gutter runners, you can have up to 4 in a team and they are the best skaven player by a mile, so I dunno, clip weapons off some assassins or something

Alright, page is finally updated at fumbbl.com/p/group?op=view&group=9828

The page now stands at 3,218 lines of code.

What can you tell me about these two?

They're a gay couple and Bob is top

that ain't wine he's drinking!

I want all games to turn into complete blood baths with casualties on both sides
Is Norse the team for me?

Pretty much.

Is it raspberry juice?

ogre semen

>this Flings v Chorfs FUMBBL Cup game

Im genuinely speechless. This is the best game of Blood Bowl I've ever seen.

>47 specs

56 by the time I load the client.

2000+ SPP sat in timber on the RIP section.

Flings would have won too in turn 16 if the Chorf cunt didn't luck out. Though he had just double POW'd the ball carrying Centaur with a Fling.


Another double POW by a Fling on the Centaur, followed by a stun. Chorf blitzer fails the GFI, only for the Fling to trip and CAS before the endzone.

Oh my



>One GFI away from being the best game in blood bowl history

Worst thing is he didn't even need to do it.

Oh my days, that was something else. Praise Nuffle.

>tfw no rule 63 Jim Johnson known as Jean Johnson

>tfw we won't get witty commentary followed by Jean trying to resist the hot and heavy ogre musk emanating from her longtime friend

>tfw no Jean unsubtly hinting that there are other options after Bob's three ex-wifes

>tfw no clueless Bob during it all

reminder to join to bb2 Veeky Forums league

I did im the shitty food pun brets

>Not the hot sweaty musk of Bertha/boberella the ogre
Yur magical realm a shit

Fck ur yuri m8

Convince me.

It's pretty alright. I wouldn't if you you don't have friends also interested.

>Too many radical far-left liberals on this board.

Fixed. Please user, do not group all leftists into one crazy group that cannot have fun. I for one enjoy my American football attack games as they are.

Well if you get a rat ogre then you run the GW kit as Two Stormvermin, Two Gutter Runners, One Thrower, Five linemen

and that's a damn good team with 3 RRs

replay link? I missed it


I feel like I should fire the one-turner. He soaks too much spp and inflates my TV. I keep getting placed against necro and lizard teams that just ream my tight rat asshole.

Also, do you have any general advice for the skaven vs. necro/undead or lizard matchup?

undead rapes skaven, skaven rapes lizards though, your gutter runners keep pace with their skinks, just kill the skinks

I suppose the lizard match-up isn't normally that bad, but it's quite often I get placed against lizards with much higher TV than me.

work on your screen game, if the dice go against you then you probably won't win

it's a good thing having a 1 turner on skaven. if you can score multiple times early you can just play super conservative for the rest of the game.

>have one good player on the whole team
>want to fire him

Also why so scared of necro? They usually don't have MB or tackle until later on because of their need for block and guard

Why is this game 99 dollars.

Pretty standard for a game with as many minis as this, these days.

>actual blood bowl fans
"Wow this is so cheap! It's really competing with the third party market!"

>basement dwelling children

Minis are often far cheaper than video games friend

Why minis so hasbro-tier, then? Wasn`t GW top-quartile miniature-company?

I picked ho BB1 and BB2 in the sale. Should I play a lot of BB1 first to learn the game?