Warcraft Lore and RPG Discussion

Scarlet is the new black edition

Discuss the lore and viability of Warcraft as a tabletop setting.

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Is there a tabletop war game for Warcraft?

Yes, Age of Sigmar.

Epic Scarlet Crusade Lore Machinima


It's shit.


>probably a more nuclear or sickly green
>Not Gnomes, that nuked their own kingdom

>I mean, I always thought it worked like this:
>>use magic to create and fuel a fire
>>not some spirtual fire or whatever, just normal combustion
>>surround it in an 'envelope' of magic to keep the fireball semi-coherent until it hits the target
>>throw it at the unlucky schmuck in question
>>it bursts from the envelope, smothering your enemies in flame
>tapping into the Elemental planes seems real fuckin' risky, especially the Firelands of all places.
That's EXACTLY how it is supposed to work, at least according to The Last Guardian, and that's the only book that described stuff like that.


>do newest bit of Suramar questline
>Nelf and Belf camps are apparently shitposting each other
>find this

Bit confused here. Aren't they BOTH troll evos?

Shitposting doesn't have to make sense.

Scarlet Crusade is the best part of WoW.

>puddle of piss labeled "replacement Sunwell"
>bottle of arcwine labeled "so you don't get the shakes"
>troll mask labeled "I hope it reminds ya of home, mon"
it's like I'm actually on /int/

Honestly I don't understand why Nelves and Belves are such enemies for some reason in WoW.

Yes, there's been a religious split - 10'000 years ago. That's a fucking long time to get over your butthurt, especially when the guys who cause you butthurt decide to get an entire ocean between themselves and you so you never hear of them at all for those 10'000 years.

>b-But Belves use Arcane and even fel!

Didn't stop Nelves from being chill enough with Gnomes and Humans to join their Blue Horde.

Also Maiev, Tyrande and Malfaggy Stormcrook were pretty chill hanging out with Kael, so basically the heads of both groups featuring one yandere bitch were okay working together without much issue and we have no source of any of the people under their command being cunts at eachother.

it was Nightbourne spies false flagging to split up the joint army. The other quest you get at the same time is to knock off their disguises (complete with the same effect the detectors in Suramar use)

>Honestly I don't understand why Nelves and Belves are such enemies for some reason in WoW.

Because hack writers.

Assuming that you were in chare of Warcraft lore for Vanilla WoW, but you had to put the night elves in the Alliance and the Forsaken in the Horde (no putting them into the opposite factions, it has to be Night Elves-Alliance and Forsaken-Horde), how would you do it so it didn't come across as a hack job?

Bonus points for maintaining grey vs grey morality between the Alliance and the Horde

Night Elves are Alliance because the Horde is an immediate threat to their homelands.

Forsaken are Horde because the Alliance is an immediate threat to their homelands.

>BElves using Troll stuff as an insult
>when they're allied with Trolls

I don't get it.

>Honestly I don't understand why Nelves and Belves are such enemies for some reason in WoW.
Newfag, please, here is some reasons
1) Highborne was exiled. Yes it was 10k years ago, but in Cataclysm NElfs accepted highbornes from Eldre'Thalas (guys who made the same shit with draining energy from Daemons during 10k years, but less succeseful).
2) BElfs starts war against NElfs in Outland
3) NElfs sends expidition into QUel'Thalas to sabotage BElfs Sanctuaries
4) BElfs make some nasty shit against NElfs in Azshara, Ashenvale and Desolace (where they use ancient Elune spell against NElfs outpost)
But mostly because BElfs says "fuck Matryarchy".

Windrunner's family was mistake.

Maiev likely had no choice but to ally with Blood Elves. She were outnumbered, the enemies were everywhere and of many kinds (Naga, Undead, and Demons), and their goals happened to align at the moment.

As much as Wolfheart started whole Blue Warchief bullcrap, it also had Maiev assassinating Highborne, whom she hated due to being part of the society that destroyed their glorious Empire.

I don't really remember how mad she were when Kael aided in her capture, but she were likely pretty mad.

And Night Elves before the Cataclysm were still showing dislike towards Highborne of Eldre'Thalas, when one of them arrived to talk about reunion of societies.

Also what wrote.

they did an alright job for the night elves IMO. The orcs were ruining ashenvale while the alliance actually fucked off and left. Since the elves weren't immortal anymore they decided that having more allies would be nice in case of further agression. I always saw it more of a coalition against the horde initially than a full fledged alliance, with members from both sides trying to form a more deeper pact.
The players start off neutral with the alliance member on the other continent.

Given what wrote, Nightborne likely think that NE would be more butthurt about it than BE that works with some of them.

Makes enough sense.

>3) NElfs sends expidition into QUel'Thalas to sabotage BElfs Sanctuaries
What was the NE problem with that?
BE barely joined Horde then, mostly because Alliance betrayed them, expedition to Outland was barely starting so none of the Mana Bombings in Outland would have happened yet, and yet there they are, sabotaging their Sanctums and giving more reasons to BE to resent Alliance.

Aya Blackpaw learned how to make those from spirit of ancient Mogu: Xun, the Forgotten King.
Now that's what makes Pandaren evil by most standards: working with Mogu, even if deceased ones.


But would the Warsong incursions into Ashenvale really cause the night elves to drop their violent isolationism? The only real Alliance stronghold on Kalimdor outside of night elf holdings is Theramore.

Plus, night elves (or at least their druids) were on relatively good speaking terms with the tauren.

What's gonna happen to the Kvaldir now that their Goddess is dead?

>2) BElfs starts war against NElfs in Outland
Kael's loyalist elves were fucking with everyone, I thought. The running idea is that Kael'thas false-flagged the attack on the Black Temple.

>now that their Goddess is dead?

Is this slut related to that other slut who looks almost exactly like her but in white clothes? I know nothing about Warcraft lore other than what I've seen on Hearthstone cards.

I will openly admit: when I first landed at the Horde base on the Borean Tundra and had to enter the foggy beach with lurking kvaldir, I got spooked. They did a good job selling them as seaborne marauders who appear out of nowhere and drag you to your death.

Killing them and eating their flesh

She suffered a case of raid to the face after the last patch. It was fatal.

Argent Confessor Paletress (in the white) is indeed a shoutout to the Scarlet High Inquisitor Whitemane (in the red), although they're not directly related. Players were exposed to Whitemane first and didn't meet Paletress until halfway through Wrath of the Lich King. Whitemane is a zealot, while Paletress is much more moderate and a peacemonger.

I'm pretty sure Thorim is one of the only beings to ever survive "raid to the face syndrome," mostly because he surrenders once you knock enough sense into him. Other than that, it has an infamously high mortality rate.

Whitemane is now also a death knight, and death seems to have made her slightly more reasonable.

That's correct. Whitemane died because she was the final boss of the early version of the Scarlet chapel dungeons, and in Legion, the death knights decided to bring her back as one of the new Four Horsemen. Apparently, death cooled her off a little, though she still claims a fervent connection to the Light.

Kael'thas too, a raid to the face proved to be merely a setback

>wears pants now


To Hogger as well.
And to several other characters. Even to Scarlet Crusade, Undeath is merely a setback!

But can you beat up Paletress and steal her hat?


That's her? That's an incredibly generic design. Seriously, where is the hat at least? Or any part of her previous design/anything identifiable. White Hair on a death knight isn't exactly an uncommon feature.

Paletress herself is indeed a random boss you can get in the Argent Tournament raid. Unfortunately, you cannot take her hat from her; you can get her belt, though.

You can also transmog to get an outfit that's super close to hers.

Her white hair ("Whitemane") WAS her defining physical feature.

Transmog in question.

>Unfortunately, you cannot take her hat from her

Boo, no fair.

>Her white hair ("Whitemane") WAS her defining physical feature.

Yeah, the issue there is that it's a very generic feature on a deathknight as they tend towards whites and blacks. So Deathknight Whitemane really could have done with a more inspired design to look like who she's supposed to be rather than Deathknight #372

The Argent Tournament had to have been in the top 5 stupidest things to happen in the WoW world christ...

>Lets stop the war and have a tournament on the enemy's front steps to see whos the best to go inside.
No. Just no.

Just give her actually white hair instead of light grey

And a replacement chapeau

That we can loot from her

I was gonna say, people aren't going to immediately recognize Whitemane if she isn't wearing her signature red chapeau. Maybe she'll trade it in for a black one, since she's a death knight and all.

being the keen word.
the cenarion circle is a neutral organization.
the horde regularly invade into night elf lands and the night elves aren't as powerful as they were when they were forest demigods.

>Apparently, death cooled her off a little,

>There is no greater hatred and scorn in this world than that which exists in my heart.

>The Burning Legion will pay for all that they have taken from me.

>The day of my judgment awaits, but theirs is at hand and I will be the executioner's blade. I will not rest until every demon lays dead, their corpses paving the very ground I walk!

>Command me to the front, Deathlord and I will rain terror upon the armies of the Burning Legion!

"cooled down" is a relative term in this case

The Argent Tournament was meant to be a rallying effort to keep morale up and, indeed, pick out the absolute best coalition champions to send at Icecrown Citadel when the final showdown was set to begin.

Mechanically, you should remember that the Argent Tournament was originally supposed to be set up in the Crystalsong Forest, directly beneath Dalaran. Blizzard realized fairly quickly that such a massive concentration of people in a single area would CRASH THE ZONE. Thus, the tournament was relocated to the northern border between Icecrown and the Storm Peaks.

And, of course, the Argent Tournament was the first patch done after Ulduar, when half the dev team was shunted off to work on the now-failed "Project Titan," which was repurposed into what we know today as Overwatch.

Given the losses the Sentinels have taken over the years, are Male Night Elf Warriors a thing in canon? I know Jarod Shadowsong pulls it off quite well, but is there anyone else?

Come to think of it, Jarod's just a great dude in general.

Also asking because I'm rolling an alt warrior.

mean nothing.

>No plate skirts

half of the pally tiers in the game are plate skirts though..

God, I fucking hate how the hats and hair just don't work together at all, is there a mod/ add-on that lets me have hair and hat?

She really needs the tiny hat, they could just make some sort of recolor and add a small skull on it.

Would the Sentinels be Warriors? They are archers and glaive throwers.

Also: With Trolls and Night Elves both having a strong racial culture of it, it's criminal that hunters don't have throwing weapons as a class weapon option.

Yeah but the second they give her the hat, 5 paladins are gonna kick down the door, yell, "JUSTICE 4 TYRION", stomp on her face and steal the hat.

They should be canon, just as Female Druids and Male Priests of Elune are canon, and there is a figurine from Archeology about the latter two.

Loses of Sentinels are insignificant in comparison to loses that Blood Elves suffered in wars, which is why only after Cataclysm Blood Elves had Warriors available once again.

>5 paladins are gonna kick down the door, yell, "JUSTICE 4 TYRION",
>tfw doing the new Suramar quests as a Horde DK

>Liadrin's suddenly cool with you

I'll take it

we gave the ret pally a cool sword so it's ok I guess
she was the only one I felt bad about desu. All other paladins can go fuck themselves, but she was cool in Auchindoun

I saw one of those Wyrmtongue artificiers and a nightborne child talking to each other near the docks where that Doomguard was on stage. What the hell is going on in that city?

>I saw one of those Wyrmtongue artificiers and a nightborne child talking to each other

Was out of game 2months, new Suramar questlines starts after rep grind, or after Dungeon quests?

Questline starts after you do "A Change of Seasons"

>"A Change of Seasons"

You get access to the new questline after you complete this chain wowhead.com/quest=43502/a-change-of-seasons

Are there any places besides the official site and the various wikis that give you a good feel for the lore and culture of each race?

I'm thinking about trying out the starter edition of WoW or even just buying it since it's on sale for $5 and think I'm going to roll a shaman since it's the only other hybrid class besides druid which I feel drawn to. Trying to decide between Draenei and Troll, former mostly for the female model and latter because it feels like shaman really gels with them characterwise.

Playing the game is a good spot to experience the lore first hand

However especially at lower levels, you don't actually get "the lore" in its entirety. You're a little shit in a mass of little shits who only get a glimpse of current events and you'll be spending much more time doing smallscale quests like "These fuckfaces are stealing shit from our village. Go kill 12 of them and their leader, set four of their houses on fire then proceed to smear dogfeces over eight of their silos to show them who's boss!"

Please think of the children whose parents you kill next time your illusion gets detected

Wait until Orphans week, that's the one week of the year you're allowed to make us feel bad for slaughtering their parents and not giving a fuck about the children because fuck you if you're not allied one way or the other

>Take orphan to Wyrmrest Temple in the Dragonblight
>Orphan gets to meet Alexstraza, the dragon queen
>"You can turn into a dragon? Lemme see!"
>Alex chuckles, "If I did, none of us would be able to fit up here."
She's good in my book.

Guess I could try rolling each.

I have a confession to make.

I started playing on a private server recently. I used to be a huge, massive orcfag back in retail BC before I quit, and I've always been incredibly focused on them as race and culture.

Now I rolled a Tauren and I love them so much, I can't for the live of mine figure out why I sucked green cock so much back in the day. I just wanna kick all green cucks off Kalimdor.

I miss Cairne so god damn much.

Well atleast you didnt miss out much. Outside of Mulgore and the zones surrounding around it there is no taurent related stuff whatsoever. No famous NPCs, no lore, no development, nothing whatsoever. Unless you want to count the atrocious "tauren paladin" debacle in which case you need to find a fire and die in it.

I think at Blizzcon they said the next Chronicles would have more Tauren stuff.


that's why I always give my arcan'dor fruit to the orphan that walks around the loop

What's wrong with Sunwalkers?


The ill-fated Warcraft TCF game.

This reminds me that I need to save up some more gold and buy a token before my sub expires. Prices hot up to 57K now. Geez.

ignore the triggered night elf posts desu

FATE or homebrewed D&D 5E for a Warcraft tabletop game?

I'm leaning FATE because I think a few players want to do something outside of the 11 class dynamic.

I've heard FATE bounced around as a suggestion before but never played it so I can't say. A lot of the 5E classes also don't match up perfectly with their WoW counterparts either

I'd use Mutants & Masterminds and be done with it.

Why do you hate orcs if you love tauren?

Remember, it is thanks to orcs that tauren are merely rare, rather than extinct outside of Feralas. Without help from the orcs, the quilboar and centaur would have wiped them out

Log Horizon or D&D 4e for a combat-heavy game, FATE for anything else

Mean green machine, pls stop

page 10 bumpu

So, you want him to join the Yaungol and become avatar of Ordos?

They exist.

yaungol were so goofy.
like fluffy yakmen :3