CYOA General

Guess I'll make a new thread Edition.
Last thread: Pastebin:







This is a masterpiece

If there are any authors here, how do you guys come up with your ideas?

Coming up with ideas is the easiest part. You're just sitting on your ass when you suddenly think "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if I did ?".

Making that into reality is where the problems actually start.

Anastasiiya Vasnetsov Sviatoslavovna
>Glory 9
>Honor 1
>Will 4

>Red Season
>The Maiden
>The Kladenets (Dragonslaying)
>Vasnetsov Dynasty
>Sviatoslavovich Branch
>Cult of Svarog

Skills 75
>Leadership 75
>Strategy (Svarog)
>Dragonslaying (Svarog)
>Protection (Svarog)
>Logistics (Spouse Ability)
>Fortification (Spouse Ability)

>Hereditary Monarchy
>Northern Straights (Capital)
>Okhta (Crown Land)
>Lada (Crown Land)
>Kitej (Feudal-Nikita)
>Severia (Frontier)
>Nikita Popov
>Total Warlord
Money 3000
>Helgi The Seer Military Access 500
>Ivan The Fearsome Alliance and Military Access 1900
>Detinets 2100
>Port 2350
>Watchtowers 2500
>Treaty In Black 3000
>0% Revolt Risk

Army 4250
>Dragon 200
>Rusalka 250
>Leshik 350
>Domovoy 425
>Bolotnik 525
>War Mammoths 1275
>Bear Cavalry (x2) 2275
>Firstborns (x4) 3275
>Frontier Gunners (x3) 4175
>Village Militia 4225

Make cyoas about things you like to begin with. More like "Is this fun for me?', not "Will this be a good cyoa?".

Ivan the Fearsome had a daughter of renowned beauty named Anastasiia. Ivan did not like her because he had wanted a son. His coldness and open dislike of her made her very rebellious, and she refused to marry any suitor her father suggested.

The father-daughter conflict came to a head when Ivan found out that his daughter had converted to the old faith. He hit her very hard and had her exiled to the north. By this time he had the sons that he desired and didn't think it was such a big deal.....

Up north, the treacherous Helgi the Seer was happy to take in the disgruntled noble daughter of one of his rivals. He made her Lady of his frontier province of Severia and personally taught her about strategy, logistics and command. Anastasiia also gained experience defending Severia from Varangian raiders.

But Helgi was not helping out of the kindness of his heart. He had a plan to use Anastasiia for his own ends. When Ivan's sons began squabbling over their inheritance, Helgi made a big show of embracing Anastasiia as the daughter he never had and planted the idea in her head of taking the Tunguskian Borderlands from her vile father and incompetent brothers.

She sailed of the north of Lada, but was nearly drowned in a great storm! The Rusalka recognized her for her legendary beauty and regalia and took her, barely living, to the Hall of the Great Dwarf. Upon learning her identity and mission, the Great Dwarf made a pact to help Anastasiia on her quest in return for helping make the Tunguskian Borderlands an outpost for the mysterious magic of The Other Side.

Rolled 4 (1d6)

Reposting so I can post my build laaaater on.

Oh my god, all this Russia/Slav based stuff makes me hard

They just happen m8, you shouldn't be making a CYOA if you're trying to force it if you ask me.

I haven't seen that one in a while.

This. Ideas are easy. Fleshing those ideas out into choices, balancing those choices to make them interesting, writing out the details of the choices, and laying the CYOA out so it's attractive and not just a text PDF? All much harder.

Haven't seen what in a while?

wow! probably one of the best cyoas I've ever saw

this really reminds me of traveller.

that said, when high is gonna post the new one?

Yeah, it even has that whole World/Quest structure thing and over 10 pages of Companions. Crossover when?

That CYOA. It must have been what, last thread?

Someone keeps posting it with the text "I haven't seen this one in a while."

Later today hopefully. Don't rush her, she's a busy lady.

Usually I have an idea backlog, but if it is empty, I just start brainstorming cool mechanics & build a CYOA to fit around those mechanics. If you're not up for something too experimental or innovative, just pick any "set." That is, any finite group of items that come in different types. It could be anything from Legend of Zelda items to pizzas. And then just apply arbitrary boons to each one and say, "pick one."

What CYOA, though? Your post had neither pic nor link.

A crossover would be cool indeed. Maybe an entire expansion to link them together.


I didn't know High was a woman

Well, there's some contention, but I prefer to think she's a woman because I love her.


It had a link to . Are you smoking the reefer, user?

The only link I'm seeing in that post is the one to . Are you alright, user?

I have this idea about a zombie apocalyps cyoa with superpowers and you get stronger when you eat human brains but half the effect when eating zombie brains. the zombies also get stronger the more they eat and some also have powers. the powers start with a halfhour charge that you can ration out over the day and you get a longer charge the more brains you eat. The surviving humans will get hostile/afraid against you if they find out you get stronger by eating their brains. Unfortunatly Im way too lazy and theres probably a cyoa like this already

Your tricks won't work on me, xeno witch. My faith in the emperor is pure.

There's a bunch of zombie apocalypse CYOAs, yes, and some of them even give you powers, but I don't recall any that let you grow/enhance your powers by eating brains (human or otherwise).

Did you forget that there are no girls on the internet?

Blood Magic guy, I know that's you. I recognize use your style.

Are you happy that American dollars are going to waste and the environment is unprotected whilst a public servant spends 3 hours sitting at his desk pouring over this? Is that your real goal?

user, American dollars are being wasted regardless.

If everything I've learned about Highlander on here is true, she's a 17 year old lesbian in college who spends all night staying up with several guys.

So...she's sorta like angelanon?

I first start with; what do I want? How can I make it interesting? How can I expand on that?

Then you have an idea, which is 10% of the work. Good luck.

Kind of an equal but opposite. Where Angelanon obsessively reposts the fact same same builds over and over with no desire for improvement, Highlander obsessively tinkers with her CYOA to try and make it the best she can.

The day they come together and make a magic lesbian baby, the world will either end or be brought forth into a new golden age.

Highlander is an innocent treasure and producer of some spectacular content

Angel is a hate sponge.

That said, I'd probably go for Angel IRL. For some reason I dig chicks with issues.

Anyone know the source of the artwork for the Fool?

Highlander also appears to be a victim of schedule slip - no matter where she is, it's not Tuesday anymore. Wonder what happened to her?

Maybe, just maybe, she has a life outside of this hell?


I think you meant heaven haha

I have a life, but I'm still here every day. Actually prefer using mobile to desktop now

>Glory 9
>Honor 2
>Will 9

>Black Season
>The Heir
>Vasnetsov Dynasty
>Sviatoslavovich Branch
>Ursulian Sect
>Apples of Youth
>The Kladenets
>Ancient Library

Power 200

>Hereditary Monarchy
>Plotsk (Capital)
>Zelenmorie (Crown Holding)
>Krashnograd (Crown Holding)
>Long Shore (Feudal)
>Wield Field (Fuedal)
>Grand Strategist
>Declare War on False Nestor (Because fuck that guy)
>Strained Relations with Tugarin Horde

Money 5300
>Streltsy Reform (4300)
>Port (4050)
>School x3 (3000)
>Kremlin (2600)
>Temple (2300
>Foreigner (1900)
>Merchant (1600)
>Inventor (1350)
>Cousin (1200)
>Elder (800)
>Alliance With Vseslav (Free)
>Alliance with Vladmimir (Free)
>Trade Rights with Vseslav (500)
>Stone Wall (0)
>Shooters x5
>Berdiche Riflemen x2
>Cannon Shooters x3
>Ratnik Veterans x2
>River Raiders

Revolt Risk 0%

I'm really trying to understand this, but I can't. Please help me. What do these options do?
>- Full Moon Touch [250 Credits and you can get a little weird sometimes, perhaps it’s the worlds around
you, perhaps it’s the situation, perhaps the time, perhaps the day, but you can find yourself driven into a
manic state. Not in rage, not in mania, but something else. But hey, you don’t find it in yourself to care,
and ride it, perhaps you’re not all there, but you can’t find it in you to care.]
>- Falling [1500 Credits and you are doomed, doomed to fall into the abyss, but you will not fall easy, for
the falling star always burns the brightest, perhaps bright enough to light the way forward.]

>- Full Moon Touch [250 Credits and you can get a little weird sometimes, perhaps it’s the worlds around
you, perhaps it’s the situation, perhaps the time, perhaps the day, but you can find yourself driven into a
manic state. Not in rage, not in mania, but something else. But hey, you don’t find it in yourself to care,
and ride it, perhaps you’re not all there, but you can’t find it in you to care.]

You go a little nutty sometimes. Think bi-polar, but only with the ups and not the downs and on a longer time scale. You're just a bit of a spaz for a little while every now and then.

>- Falling [1500 Credits and you are doomed, doomed to fall into the abyss, but you will not fall easy, for
the falling star always burns the brightest, perhaps bright enough to light the way forward.]

You're going to die. You're going to do some important or great stuff, but you're going to die very soon.

Wasn't there a similar falling option in traveller?

>crossover confirmed

Those are from Traveller you dope.

I found it somewhere in the depths of deviantart. Don't know if there's more to it than that. Here it is.

Damn, you found out my plan. Slowly but surely I will undermine America and work to restore the Soviet Union by making and posting autistic choice images.

oh, misread the link

Bet you hacked those emails too, ya damn red.

...holy shit. That's it! CYOA about conquering nations and another concerning blood magic? This was all just a honeypot. A honeypot created by the Russian Bear himself. You have been trying to lure in Hillary Clinton this whole time!

Thanks much. By sheer coincidence he looks like a blonde version of my current PC.

>Think bi-polar, but only with the ups and not the downs and on a longer time scale
Wait why do I GET money for that?
>You're going to die
But we're all going to die?
Well it's not like it matters, I already know what drawbacks I want. Which reminds me
Highlander, any chance you can change the "you get violent spasms" under Commanding Word into something a bit more romantic, like "you feel compelled to do what you're told"?

Also when I pick Brother's of the Bite with Aquarius Complex, then Aquarius Complex applies to the single companion, right?

For a homophobe you sure picked a gay looking guy.

>Wait why do I GET money for that?
Because you can't control yourself in your manic states, so you'll do shit sane you won't approve of.

>But we're all going to die?
Some people die younger than others. You're going to die really young.

I have never seen Ivan portrayed like that, ever.

Times of Trouble seems like a nice CYOA, but it's so complicated that I could never manage to make a build because of my min-max tendencies. Too much variables to take into consideration. I might try do it "a little" every now and then to see if eventually I manage to come up with a build.

>Glory 10
>Honor 5
>Will 10

>Black Season
>The Bastard
>Simoneko Dynasty
>Svetozarovich Branch
>Ancient Library
>Ursulian sect
>Apples of Youth
>Pet Bear
>Pheonix Feather

Power 265
>Blood Magic
>Dragon Slaying

>Hereditary Monarchy
>Volynov (Capital)
>Scola (Feudal)
>Praskow (Feudal)
>Khylnov (Feudal)
>White Pass (Feudal)
>Aleksandr Severny
>War with Olga
>War with Nestor
>War with Varangians
>Grand Strategist

Money 3800
>Sanctioned Spellcraft (2800)
>Treaty in Black (2300)
>Dark Accords (1550)
>Temple (1250)
>Citadel (750)
>Elder (350)
>Spymaster (150)
>Cousin (0)

Army 4300
>Crown Wizards x8 (550)
>Medicasters x1 (500)
>Dragons x5 (0)

Revolt Risk 15%

You'll never win against me in a competition of stubbornness.

As a rule, if a drawback doesn't seem like a drawback because you're thinking of it one way, change the way you think about it until you wouldn't want it to be your normal state.

Does this thread have erotic CYOAs, like where you get turned into a woman for sex?

Are there any differences besides the second fetish?

No, those got booted to /d/. There isn't a lewd CYOA thread up there though. You could check the archive.

I don't know, I only keep track of the different versions, not the differences between them.

Well, there's Slut Life, and the Slut Life Exalted DLC thing, although you're not limited to becoming a woman in those.

There was also going to be one where you were made into a prostitute in some fantasy setting, but the author quit working on it and said that anyone else was free to try and finish it.

>No, those got booted to /d/.
Nope. /d/ isn't supportive enough of CYOAs for a thread to exist most of the time, and even then most CYOAs with lewd aspects either don't have NSFW imagery in the first place, or have a version without that can be posted on Veeky Forums just as well.

Yes, but I don't save them because I don't care about them. The only one I have is Exalted Slut Life. If you look in the pastebin, there are archives which have a lot of CYOAs in them. They aren't organized very well (or at all), but you can find a few there.

>CYOA about conquering nations and another concerning blood magic

I was going to say that there was another CYOA you missed, but Worm CYOA was a mistake.

I don't remember why I chose this picture or what the hell I was thinking at the moment, but this is what I'm sticking with now, as I can't be bothered to change it. Besides, this option is gay anyway.

Sure, take your time, I'll be waiting for your build. But by the time you're finished, there probably will be another update, so you will have start all over again.

Slut Life got too complicated. I got my dick in my hand, I don't want to read all that stuff

To be more particular, I like to think about the way Demons act in Shin Megami Tensei games during a Full Moon: when under the influence of the drawback, you'll blabber nonsense, give random gifts to some strangers, mercilessly slaughter others, and sometimes join forces with someone completely contrary to your viewpoints. Albeit, that'll only happen during an episode, but that might be why it's a drawback.

It's a pretty fitting picture for Ivan Tsarevich character actually, he supposed to be young and handsome

It's a true masterpiece just ignore that sexy Diadochia and her 9000 stratiotai

and while we at it, is there Diadochia's full art?

>Anastasiiya Vasnetsov Sviatoslavovna
Man, you got it wrong again, it's supposed to be Anastasiiya Sviatoslavovna Vasnetsova

Okay, so it's a perk I want for my yandere build, not my waifu build. Sheesh, there's already four builds I want to make...

She is Sviatoslavovna, which means her father is supposed to be Sviatoslav, not Ivan.

There you go. Mass stratiotai are going to get nerfed.

The picture I used greatly differs in style from the rest of them though. Maybe I'll have to replace it after all.

>fantasy prostitute
This is relevant to my interests, however I don't remember ever seeing this. Do you remember the name?

>There you go.

>Mass stratiotai are going to get nerfed.
I thought you said you not going to update it anymore. It's great news!

>The picture I used greatly differs in style from the rest of them though
So is The Bastard. But Fool have that classic pulling up his hat with a hand look and fits great, but it's your call of course.

Here, have the WIP that was posted. Note that most of the point gains would've come from the rest of it, from stuff like your day-to-day jobs/activities/roles and whatnot (some of which would've also granted you some amount of power).

Are you the author?
If so, I have some questions for you, some of them are the reson that I have so much trouble making a build.

How much que increase in inteligence in the Vsevolovich Branch affect my ability in intelectual skills? Is this increase constant? Does inteligence affect magical skills?

In particular, how much an increase in intelligence from this branch in an intelectual skill would compare to improve this skill through the Sviatolavich branch?

Also, suppouse that I get Precognition as a skill, and the Sviatolavich branch, and every year would use the special hability in this skill. Suppouse also that I use the Apples of Youth, and Cult of Veles, so that in the end of my life I could use 4x the special branch hability that I would "normally" be able to use.
In the end of my life, how good would be my Precognition skill in comparison to the special habilities of the Ratiborovich and Svetozarovich branches?

Also, not a min-max question, but, what is the chance of having more then one wife?
I'm interested in Uliana for political and habilities reasons, but Sarnay seems more my type in romantic aspects.

>I thought you said you not going to update it anymore. It's great news!

I never said I'm going to stop updating anything. I'm just taking a break from this particular CYOA, that's all. And eventually I will return to it. I still have to double the amount of units and bogatyrs, implement trade and taxes, add new spouses and foreign countries, as well as fix faction loyalty. But for now, I'm making a different CYOA.

>So is The Bastard.

Ah, fuck it. Replace everything!

...Or maybe not. I'll decide when I get to it.

>How much que increase in inteligence in the Vsevolovich Branch affect my ability in intelectual skills?

Let's say it's somewhere about +5 to your IQ or something.

>Is this increase constant?


>Does inteligence affect magical skills?

As much as being smarter affects everything else.

>how much an increase in intelligence from this branch in an intelectual skill would compare to improve this skill through the Sviatolavich branch?

These things are different. You may figure out intelligence-based skill on your own over long time, depending on your own effort and nothing else, while bloodline power you get from the Sviatoslavovich branch is instant and will give you more knowledge on the subject the more you use it on the same thing. They depend on different factors and I don't think they can rightly compare.

>In the end of my life, how good would be my Precognition skill in comparison to the special habilities of the Ratiborovich and Svetozarovich branches?

Your Precognition would be far superior than what those branches are capable of, possibly even including their own powers in your set of spells.

>what is the chance of having more then one wife?

There used to be a Concubine law option which allowed you to take a second wife, but I removed it. I suppose you could say that you get another wife, but she won't be anyone from the spouses list, as they are too important to agree to be simple concubines.

>Sheesh, there's already four builds I want to make...

That's how Traveller nabs you: puts a shit-ton of options to choose from and tickles your autism just right.

>you will never be a dragon dominatrix
>you will never force humans to bow and scrape before you like the pathetic worms they are
>you will never assume a slight semblance of your true form and watch as they quake in combined terror and lust at your inhuman visage
>you'll never run your clawed fingers down their spine and watch them wince in pain and shiver with anticipation
>you'll never batter them mercilessly with your tail while telling them how worthless they are
>you'll never send them on their way, broken and reeling after experiencing true power

Thank you!
I still have some extra questions, now that I was re-reading the CYOA with that in mind.

The Kladnets is a one-hand or two hand sword?

You said that the Vsevolovich Branch would give something around '+5 IQ"... if I had the Hereditary Monarchy, that intensifies the effect of the bloodline power, this would be around what?

If I take the apples of youth, would I see my spouse and friends all die around half my age? Is there a way to get more apples or something to prolongate the life more, or prolongate the life of other people other than me?

Would the spouses reconsider being a second wife, if refusing could threat the destruction of their entire faction?
...I'm not sure how much this last one would be viable as I still can't even make my mind about a build, but in case I find a really good one, I guess it's better to ask you now that I have the chance.

Also, sorry for another question, but I almost made up my mind about the build. What are the abilities of Blood Magic?

The universal war cyoa is based off of a webcomic called Kill 6 billion demons, and IIRC there's already some stuff from the webcomic in traveller

>TFW real life shit keeps you from working on your CYOAs that you want to make

>The Kladnets is a one-hand or two hand sword?


>You said that the Vsevolovich Branch would give something around '+5 IQ"... if I had the Hereditary Monarchy, that intensifies the effect of the bloodline power, this would be around what?

It would double, so +10.

>If I take the apples of youth, would I see my spouse and friends all die around half my age?

You won't if you share them, but otherwise yes.

>Is there a way to get more apples

You can try to go to the Underworld or send your bogatyr there to acquire them, but it comes with a great risk of dying or failing to get anything at all.

>Would the spouses reconsider being a second wife, if refusing could threat the destruction of their entire faction?

I'm sure other spouses would be probably already married to someone else in another country entirely, and by the time you are strong enough to destroy foreign empires they would be already too old to care about this.

>What are the abilities of Blood Magic?

Look for the Blood Magic CYOA in the archives in the pastebin.

The maker says it is not.

She's worn out from her gangbang.

I really hope she posts it soon.

Thank you, kind user, I think that by the end of the day I will have my build. I really appreciate your work and your kindness in replying me.

Actually I'm not really enjoying it very much. There's going to be so much backtracking, converting points and forced min/maxing, none of which "tickle my autism just right". I can't even remember most options I've read...

Yo half the shit in that is from the webcomic or based on stuff from the webcomic and youre gonna tell me it has nothing to do with the webcomic?

>in Traveller

Nigga no. Make characters, then figure out how the skills fit into it. Your character can be theoretically crap, but ride on wings of fluff.

Yes. The maker says so.

It's an interesting dilemma actually, you can double your lifespan or get only half of that, but prolong your wife's life too.

the best thing is that you can stop giving her apples at any time if you grow tired of her and keep them for yourself to keep fucking young bitches for longer

Why not just save the seeds from the magic youth apples and use the seeds to plant a magic youth apple orchid?

What I meant by min/maxing is having to jump back and forwards between the different point systems. I have to carefully look at what I want from perks and items, and take into account you lose value when you convert points. In most cyoas, I can usually get everything I want without being careful.
Believe me, I go for story > power in all cyoas. I don't mind an inefficient or "weak" character if it provides a better story.