You have been warned...
No need to warn me, I've been comfy since 324.
I 3x'd on this last week. It was the number one gainer on Bittrex for a week solid.700 sats last night, 1k tonight.
in since 490 sats
Okex will lead into another FOMO run. And Veeky Forums will sleep again.
they are literally burning all the Mana that is put towards the auction. Supply is going to be cut and demand is going to go up when people need to buy more for their land. Smh biz just never wants to listen.
I'm strapped in. Ready to roll.
lol. Biz was listening last night. We had three full threads going last night. It was a lot of fun.
This shit is about to breakout big time.
can any of you guys tell me how the fuck I buy land with my mana? i've managed to put some etherium as gas into my metamask / myetherwallet account but now I need mana. I don't see an address anywhere to send mana to, either in myetherllet or metamask(which I assume is sorta the same thing, since they're linked.)
Don't think the land buying event starts until Friday? Isn't that why people expect this to jump up?
Who's ready for Second Life 2.0? The graphics are still bad but it'll definitely be a great place to sell drugs privately/gamble. Maybe we could even implement funfair's casinos into Decentraland somehow?
1. You need Meta Mask installed. It's a google chrome plugin.
2. Visit this link:
Just picked up 15000 am I gonna make it ?
I have metamask installed already - and its showing the Ethereum that I deposited, but where do I find the address to deposit MANA from bittrex?
We all gonna make it.
What the actual fuck.
Damn you're going to be the Mayor.
Holy shit. Iron balls man. If this even hits 50 cents you're up a million or so dollars.
Sadly it's not mine, I just put $1000 on it. This is from a video I watched about a mexican putting all of his money in this because he's convinced it will moon as soon as the tokens are burned. Let's hope he's right.
> bigger than second life
Obviously they will. Tokens will get burned and more exposure thanks to the new exchange.
Go to MetaMask and hit "Add Token"
Use this address. It should automatically change the "token name" to "MANA"
That's the greatest intro to graphic design snowman I ever saw.
Holy shit look at how much is prepared to be burned in the auction. This number is only rising.
woah so this is the power of blockchain
My house on the left.
I did, but it didn't add anything. Its still saying "no tokens found"
Feeling comfy already for the next days :)
Hmm yea it's also saying that for me. I've never used Metamask before though. I think you have to deposit some and then add the token. Even if you deposit it first, it will still go to your address if it doesn't show up in tokens. It's not going to *poof* your MANA. Try a small amount and then switch to a larger amount.
And the mooning begins.
That's only 5% of all MANA circulated (roughly 2.27B) so this auction may not actually raise the value of mana that much.
I figured it might be something like that, but I can't find the address to send my MANA to. It's not the same one as I sent my ETH to, right?
Logic tells me its not, as one address is usually reserved to one specific currency - but i've been looking for literal hours and can't seem to find any other address.
please help someone AAAAAAAA
Here is my prediction:
Homeboy gets into an auction and wants to build something dank. He gets outbid. Oh shit, I have no more MANA left to bid. Homeboy runs to the exchange and picks up some more at market price to fuel his new found addiction of buying the new frontier.
Yes it is the same address as the one you send ETH too. It's like My Ether Wallet. It keeps track of all ERC20 tokens to my understanding.
I just bought 15k. Sorry guys think we're going down from here
True, this could exponentially rise just prior to the auction starting. It's similar to eBay in a way where all the bids are near the end of an auction, not at the beginning.
One more point here since I'm apparently being a debbie downer is that any unused mana will return to the investors so even the amount locked in won't be the amount necessarily burned after the terraform auction. That all said, let the fire rise.
things are picking up now. do people think it'll hit 1k again?
This shit is only going to rise throughout the next week until December 22 at least.
That's true, however, all land not sold at auction will still be for sale, and the MANA used to buy the leftover land will still be burned.
I just put 0.55 btc on this, you niggers better be right.
Are you certain?
Yea MANA is a ERC20 token. MEW suports all ERC20 tokens.
i think i saw your order if u were on bittrex
It's just that it says "However, you do not send those other coins directly to your Ethereum address."
And the only address that I see for MyEtherWallet and was gonna send my MANA to, is the one I sent ETH to already (and it worked.)
so do I understand this correctly.. its one address, that accepts both ETH and all other ERC20 tokens?
How do you figure the 22nd, I thought the burn was on this friday?
It's talking about all "other" tokens. Yes dude I promise you that if you're sending ERC20 coins to MEW it uses the same address. If you open up MEW and look at the bottom right, you'll see a fuck ton of coins and you can hit "add token" or something like that and add any ERC20 token. They all use the same wallet. It's not like an exchange where there are different wallets for every token.
Alright user, sorry for doubting you - I just have shit reading comprehension (yuropoor)
just seen anons get fucked by other pajeets on Veeky Forums before
I gotcha man no worries. Just do not add any tokens that are not ERC20. Here is a website to search for token addresses of all ERC20 tokens
The auction starts on friday, but it doesn't end until December 22nd.
i'm going to buy some land and build a statue of a big mean minotaur with a giant raging boner
can someone explain how many tokens i need to do something cool
wont i just get out bid? like whats the benchmark i need to buy land and what can i do with it
Already mooning.
Minimum is 1000 MANA. You'll more than likely be able to buy a parcel of land with that.
why is some land worth more than others? how many parcels are there?
Just like in real life, certain property will be more valuable because of location. All of this is yet to be known.
ATHERIAN or VR marketplace?
I want to make money, but ATHERIAN seems so comfy
are those a few of the districts? I honestly haven't looked at them because I don't give a shit about buying land
the land in genesis city will be the most expensive from what i understand
Just woke up, I see it got to 700. Noice.
Any chance for a dip? What do meme arrows predict?
So how long do you guys plan to hodl?
Meme arrow. Prediction is up.
High quality TA, thanks.
I think that looks like it will go up for a bit more before dropping back to around 600. Then maybe another run up since we still have new exchanges and auction.
Is it worth buying now?
Until December 22nd atleast. That's when the auction ends. However, this project could easily be the start of the next Second Life. People go crazy about that shit. Not a whole lot of people play these types of games, but the ones who do spend a LOT of $$$ on it. I imagine a lot of whales will be paying top dollar for MANA in the next coming weeks. If you're worried, sell half of your stack on December 22 and the rest at a late date.
It is constantly being pushed to new limits and then finding supports at higher level. I don't think this will show any signs of stopping until at least friday.
You could buy now and sell at 770 sats in 1 hour. That will be the next wall. Once it's broken it will find new support. Screencap this.
i agree. i think the allure of helping build a new virtual world will be hard for those type of people to resist. afaik i think this is the only real open vr friendly world. if they start advertising with the vr device makers, they could build a good size community. that is when we will see the real gains for mana
That might be when the auction ends, but buying unbought land will continue to be an option after the 22nd. Will probably cost more though.
And since MANA is permanently being burned and being used to purchase land, I doubt most people will be selling their land for what they paid for. The majority of people buying land are people actually interested in the game. Not to mention, this will be just like real life. There will be an economy in this game. The wealth will rise to top the top, causing the remaining MANA in the "lower classes" to rise in value.
Correct. Any land not purchased during the auction will be available at a minimum of 100 MANA.
Also, I think we have another breakout coming. If it shoots down instead then i'm a huge faggot and don't believe anything i've posted in this thread.
Gonna keep a few thousand MANA in reserve then so I can scoop up some cheap plots after it ends. Though I already have some community district land staked, I would like at least a 2x2 contiguous plot of land in Genesis city. As my personal fuck around spot.
2k sats on friday. Its gonna happen.
Does anyone have an exit plan? Or are you all holding this LT?
i'm going to hold it LT. this coin could blow up. if it doesn't, i'm not out much
This isn't a shit pajeet coin. Just hold it for awhile. You will not regret it. The whole "better get on the moon mission and dump" strategy is not going to work here.
I read about this ICO and thought it was cool as fuck, but not worth investing in (in principle, I try to invest mostly in projects that I see having huge use cases in the real world).
Feels bad to get left behind on a project you're enthusiastic about, but I'm glad it's gaining traction. I never buy when somethings up over 15%, but I just bought 2k despite it being 50% up. Don't care if I lose it either, if cytpokitties made it this will too.
This whole thing is very reminiscent of "Snow Crash"
You're not missing out. This is just getting started. I don't know why anyone would sell this until at least friday when the auction starts.
Cool book, read Diamond Age too.
I have a general question, I bought in at about $0.07 and I'm pretty satisfied with that. But a few days before it was only 2 cents. To the people who already bought there: how did you know? Or: how do you find coins that are about to explode from nothing? Just by looking up coins and studying their timetables to buy a week before something happens?
>Just by looking up coins and studying their timetables to buy a week before something happens?
more or less this
At what price did you buy?
about 3 cents. i had just read about their upcoming auction and it sounded interesting
So already 4x for you, congrats!
finally this dog shit fucking meme coin that i wasted way too much goddamn ETH on during the ICO is doing something useful.
can't wait to offload these bags on to you idiots once it hits 1k sats. enjoy the shit coins.
I will gladly except your bags faggot. Fuck the moon, we're headed to mars.
is right time time to enter now ? will I end up pink wajjoks ?
no wojaks here. easy gains until december 22nd.
Ride feels smooth as silk. This is a comfy moon shuttle with jazz playing in the background.
who is this skull crushing quads amazon? WHO !?????
lul enjoy.
moving my btc gains into REP and XMR for the real moon missions. keep chasing shit coin P&Ds while i make better gains and sit comfy in eth btc and ltc.
>thw tried shilling MANA to Veeky Forums a month or two ago.
>tfw no one listened then
>tfw VIBE will blow the fuck up and once again no one will listen to me until it has already mooned
it's a comfy hold
>tfw you cant see how huge decentraland is going to be
>tfw you'll fomo in at $1
>tfw literal brainlet
how high it can go?
It sure is. One of the few holdings I had that didn't get totally raped during the Altpocalypse. Thinking of putting some more in it desu.
is auction is this friday or dec 22?