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Whats your favorite vampire movie?
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
>Whats your favorite vampire movie?
Underworld is the best. It's so stupid, which makes it extremely fun to watch with friends.
Still no errataed Mage? Did anyone share non-advance version of CofD core, at least?
The Revenant, from 2009. Great movie that makes for good Requiem inspiration. Nightcrawler doesn't have a vampire in it, but it's my go-to movie for what a CofD film should look like.
how did I know you were going to show up
Buy the bloody books, niggardly peon.
>Whats your favorite vampire movie?
"Listen to them. Children of the night. What music they make."
Can't get a credit card where I am. Rural Russia is not good for your banking outlets.
can't go wrong with the classics!
Zamkadysh ssaniy
Ok, General, it's time to throw down: Universal Dracula or Hammer Dracula? Bela Lugosi or Christopher Lee?
I love Christopher Lee and I love Hammer Horror, but there's something about Lugosi's performance which is just...perfect.
Get Paypal then, and connect it to your bank account. It's not rocket science.
>Whats your favorite vampire movie?
Other favorites:
The Lost Boys - Would we even have WoD without this movie? It's corny and too 80's, but it pinned down "Vampire as a subculture."
What We Do In The Shadows - Yeah, it's a comedy, but it also answers the question of "What do our characters do most of the time?" It captures the banality of immortality. Man, sometimes you just have to deal with your ex at a party.
Bram Stoker's Dracula - The 1992 version, just because I fucking love Gary Oldman.
Running in a mixed nWoD game as a Moros Mage in 1st ed. Should I prioritize skills, attributes, arcana, individual spells, or gnosis?
If your table's anything like mine, you'll want to focus on Skills. If you're still in CC, use your Skill dots to specialize in what you want your character to do the most. If not, take advantage of the fact that one session will probably give you enough XP to learn the first dot in a new skill.
>Whats your favorite vampire movie?
I'm still holding out for Bloodsucking Fiends to get optioned.
Are there any Mage games going on that are recruiting?
>non-advance version of CofD core
However, I'll second the request for the final Mage 2e with errata.
I haven't checked /wodg/ in a while. Has DaveB indicated an ETA for the Mage 2e FAQ or the release of Signs of Sorcery?
Probably From Dusk Till Dawn. Salma Hayek was one really sexy vamp. What We Do In The Shadows was pretty good too. I didn't see many vampire films though.
I think he has to much work to do know. I'm not sure if it was DaveB or someone else who said that we shouldn't expect FAQ to come out this year.
Speaking of vampires: would you guys think that a vampire could draw additional blood points from a mortal that's been doped up on EPO or other erythropoietic agents?
No. I wouldn't expect to see the latter until next year, and at this point I don't think we're going to see the former at all.
I don't see why a token extra blood point would be all that bad. I mean mortals on speed give vamps extra celerity dots and all.
>I mean mortals on speed give vamps extra celerity dots and all.
I forgot about that.
Promethean just got its final, PoD version today. If that's something you want, have at it.
pod is print on demand right?
also speaking of Promethean today is Boris Karloff's (the original 1931 Frankenstein's monster) birthday!
Arcana as high as you can get, then Gnosis until you can get Arcana even higher, repeat.
>However, I'll second the request for the final Mage 2e with errata.
Don't he's an asshole
Yep! So you can now have it in print, if you want.
ok thanks
>William Pryor is literally set up to be on the Supreme Fucking Court.
He could be a fucking president and wouldn't be able to pass it. Go read the GOP what does it say about homosexuals :-)
>"People are literally dying" is never a small number. It's a larger number than it should be, and is still disproportionate. It's also simply the dangerous end of more widespread systemic issues of discrimination by the police. And don't you dare fucking tell me that doesn't exist.
So you say that being prevented by court to see your child growing up is no biggie, you fucker?
And again ignoring example of even criminal justice system stacked against males. Another example of discrimination is mandatory registering for draft.
>Go read the GOP platform.
I read it just now and surprise surprise they don't call for ban on abortion when pregnancy is result of rape or when it endangers life of mother.
>You literally just used anecdotal evidence in the first example, you are being blind to your own arguments
I didn't claim it to be anything more. On the other hand you used it as argument for conservatives generally wanting to criminalize homosexuality.
Also one example defying rule is enough to prove it false (homosexuality is innate X my example), but one example doesn't establish a rule (your example -> conservatives want to criminalize homosexuality)
>Because the sane part of the country doesn't agree with it.
Conservatives aren't all identical; they don't have identical opinions. For average conservative opinion go read the GOP platform. :-)
Does Phosphorum refinement have still those retarded pronouns? Did they fix pandorans so they don't have so ridiculously high defense?
fuck its starting again! can we just stay on fucking topic god!
Fuck off Pol/
This is wod/
How exactly do Grim Sight and Dark Matter (the Mage sights for death and matter) function? How are they useful, exactly? All they do is detect resonance of people or places that have been around death, right? Or do they also function like Detect Magic in DnD, where you can see or feel auras to detect magic/supernatural stuff?
Wait what? Amphetamines dont give humans super speed, why would they give that to vampires?
Its in V20
Sorry couldn't help myself let those idiots have last word. Especially when it was so retarded.
Btw where is that pic from? Google shows just some italian gibberish.
You are the idiot. Go back to /pol/ and your little hugbox.
fuckoff pol/
>Death Sight allows a mage to detect the presence of the
>Anchor Condition or manifested ghosts and related
>phenomena. With a glance, a mage using Mage Sight can tell if
>someone has a soul, or if a body is, in fact, dead.
>Matter Sight allows the mage to determine the Structure and
>Durability of anything she looks at, as well as highlighting the
>value and quality of items (in game terms, telling the player the
>Availability and Equipment Bonus of any object).
You are not much better than him, what about staying on topic?
every derailment
Call it out
Fright Night.
It seems it has remake too. Any idea which one is better?
If you're not joining an Order, then you should ask your GM, nay plead, that instead of Rotes, get Extratemporius Affinity.
It's an extremely potent merit which gives bonus dice to Improvised Spellcasting. There's an unwitten rule that it's for banishers, and those who have no access to Orders and their Rotes.
I've haven't seen the new one, but i liked the original, it wasn't exactly a deep movie, but it was kind of a goofy 80s comedy-horror movie. Which i like.
Extemporaneous Affinity, rather.
It's an amazing merit, but only justified should you reject mentorship and decide to cast spells you make up on the fly.
What happened to 4th edition? Did it die in the cradle?
3.5 got cancer
4e was the painful chemo
5e is palative end of life care
No not DnD, WoD. There where talks about a new edition a couple of years ago
Didn't it become the 20 series? Then get abandoned and now everyone is waiting for 5e or something?
No it was started after the extreme kickstarter sucsess of 20th.
Here is something i dug up
Was canceled when the Paradox deal happened.
Oh, thats sad :( Thanks
20th Anniversary retroactively became 4e when Paradox bought White Wolf, and when White Wolf Publishing decided to start One World of Darkness. 5e is WWP's in-house, multimedia sequel/reboot.
Ok, I'll probably check out both.
WW consider 20th anniversary to be 4th edition now.
Huh. I thought the developers were staunch that 20th wasn't technically a new edition at all, but rather just a compilation of old material with a few tweaks and updates here and there.
OPP was, and almost certainly still sees it that way. White Wolf Publishing does not, and they're the ones who get to determine what's an edition or not, since they own the IP.
It's typically a three-way tie between Interview, Dracula and Only Lovers Left Alive.
Paradox/White Wolf has said they consider 20th Anniversary to be its own edition and will be putting it out as 5th Edition. They've said this as early as the second interview where Dracula goes on about the multimedia blitz they plan.
Anyone read the Mummy novel yet?
>tfw didn't back it
YOU didn't back Mummy?
I'm a few chapters in. It's no Curse od the Blue Nile, but it's all . It's pretty much what you would expect from a White Wolf novel.
user, I hated Mummy until Book of the Deceived came out.
>It's no Curse of the Blue Nile, but it's all right.
I have no idea how the fuck that happened in my post.
Blue Nile was fantastic, and considering I normally hate any tie-in fiction that's high praise.
Sothis Ascends was still miles beyond it though.
Well, so far it seems like standard tie-in fiction. Shuankhsen wants to steal an arifact that helps make new but flawed Mummies, Mummy and her Cult have to go stop him.
>new but flawed Mummies
Ah, I have to wonder if this is their answer to everyone clamoring for non-Iremite mummies which I'm opposed to, for the record.
Update on that: Nope, it's just an Vessel that takes spirits (I assume meaning ghosts here and not the other kind), and hooking them up into dead bodies. It's apparently an Arem-Abfu thing, and even Shuhankhsen think it's blasphemous.
The strangest thing about the book so far is that most of the Mummy game-related exposition given in-character is by a Cultist. Declan seems to be a high ranking man but it still feels like he knows way too much about Mummy stuff.
That's about all I'll get into since I'm only a fifth or so into it. We'll see how I feel about the novel when I finish.
>The strangest thing about the book so far is that most of the Mummy game-related exposition given in-character is by a Cultist.
How much of that is there?
How long is this book?
Do you want to share it with us?
It's not a whole lot, but it's stuff like:
-The Rite of Return
-What a Shuhankhsen is
-Who Arem-Abfu is
-What a Judge is
It feels off to me but it doesn't take me out of it or anything. It's a full length novel from what I can tell: 25 chapters in total. I don't share PDFs so I'll have to say no, but given that it's a KS stretch goal, I assume it'll hit the net in the usual places soon enough.
The new Mummy novel is out now. Dawn of Heresies, because when the Heretic isn't in the scene everyone should be asking 'where's the Heretic?'
>Declan seems to be a high ranking man but it still feels like he knows way too much about Mummy stuff.
Apparently mortals can be full members of a guild, and practice Iremite sorcery going by Curse of the Blue Nile. I think that the right cultist might know plenty.
Not a single sign of the Heretic 5 chapters in. Here's hoping for the rest of them!
True! The High Priest of the Cult of Kemisyet (the protagonist Arisen) has a high priest straight up described as "Neo-Iremite", and consistently tries to interview their patron and piece together her history, so maybe that gives them the edge in knowledge.
Any good homebrew rules for player-controlled Pijavica?
Unless someone's come up with something good that's more in depth, I'm thinking Vigor, Resilience and Protean as disciplines, and making their bane a combination of the Nosferatu social penalty and something along the lines of being unable to pass physical examinations with the Blush of Life.
Could somebody sum up each of the the Mage Paths for me? Ive been reading 2e for a fucking hour and I cant exactly figure out what each one is.
That and it has Kate Beckinsale in a latex catsuit.
I try to get gnosis to 3 as fast as I can so I can get ritual time to a reasonable time.
Acanthus-Specialize in Time and Fate magic. Think of fairy tale witches and wizards like Merlin.
Moros- Death and Matter. Think of full metal alchemist with more zombies.
Mastigos-Mind and Space. Nightcrawler with a more cruel bent.
Thrysus-Life and Spirit. Savage barbarians which can cure cancer, stop hearts, and revolutionize society if they weren't too busy talking to trees and fucking non-stop
Obrimos-Forces and Prime. Think divine agents like Hercules, or Gilgamesh.
So has anybody here ever encountered the infamous trenchcoat katana guy?
Almost. He had guns instead of a katana.
And I played him.
In my defence, it was my first RPG character, and I never re-did the mistake.
I suppose I was simply more influenced by The Matrix (did I mention he had dark sunglasses?) than I was Blade.
So I am planning on running a vampire campaign and I am trying to decide which is better masquerade or requiem, what would you recommend, what are the pros and cons of each?
Requiem is a toolbox for constructing your own weird vampiric society in a city. It's more of a street-level gritty stuff.
Masquerade has more political grand-scale stuff, with a rich history and a premade world.
I prefer the former but your mileage may vary
I played a Free RPG Day game when Requiem 2e was coming out and there was a guy in it who played an Invictus Trenchcoat Katana character, who ended up derailing the plot treating the Invictus/Carthian conflict in the scenario like the Sabbat/Camarilla war. Katana came out during a panic at court, slaughter of Carthians began. I just facepalmed.
'Better' is a subjective term. Both games have their good things and bad things. What type of game are you wanting to run?
Where does an user find more material like this?
It's a Radiohead promo:
You should be able to find the rest here, though it may not be as spooky. For more short form spooky stuff, Chainsawsuit's Local 58 is a good one.
Whether you'll decide for Masquerade or Requiem world, use Requiem rules.
>more material
pic related
I am planning on running a game focuses mainly on intrigue, with the characters trying to gain power in the princes court and in mortal institutions in the city, I was also thinking of every now and then throwing ion a wild card, like a newly awakened elder or the intervention of other supernatural factions.
Both games will function for what you want. Are your players at all familiar with Masquerade, or will this be your group's first WoD rodeo?
Here's the big considerations you need to make.
* How much of your world/history/story do you want to create? Requiem gives you a backstory to play with and build your own setting, but there's no huge timeline of events to draw from. This is a good thing to many, and a bad thing to many. Masquerade has a huge history that expands and advances over multiple books; much of it might not matter or be necessary for the game, but it's an ever-present cloud over the things you're doing in your setting. Both have their ups and downs.
- How much do things like mechanics matter to your players? Requiem has streamlined mechanics, reducing combat to one roll instead of four and simplifies a lot of things. It's not perfect still (no system is) but some people like the four roll and some like the one roll. There are broken options in both, though it's not to the level of say, trap options in Pathfinder.
* Player options. Requiem pares down the clans to five' archetypes' of vampire (monster, seducer, lord, beast, mystery) with five ideaologies (noblesse, pagan religion, God-fearing religion, pseudoscience mysticism, any form of government attempts) as a mix-and-match method. It lends itself well to political and powerplay since Clan and Covenant cna mix more easily. Masquerade has 13 clans (many of which are 'this vampire is defined by this one thing about them', like madness) that can be more easily stereotyped, and two organizations that CAN be viewed as 'good' and 'evil' depending on how you present it (though both are morally gray). Politics are done generally within those two big organizations, and the clans function as a second political group.
If they aren't invested in Masquerade's setting, I'd go with Requiem 2e. Tighter mechanics, more fun Disciplines, and still gives you the slate to make your setting with.
Also I forgot to mention, in Requiem you have 5 Clans but innumerable bloodlines, which are specializations of the blood within that Clan, founded by someone who meant to create a lineage of their own. For example, you have a Nosferatu bloodline that went from 'super creepy and often ugly' to 'hyper pretty that wraps around to super creepy' or a Ventrue Bloodline that became all about social decorum to the point of being a moderate and social chameleon at all times. It gives a LOT of player options within the archetype clans.
Thanks for the advice, I think I will go with requiem in that case, would you by any chance have any further advice in regards to running the game as this would be both me and my groups first attempt at WoD.
Hrm. It's been a long time since I've been a brand-new ST, but a few pieces of advice I've always clung to as an ST is...
* Start out simple. Basic ideas like 'the Prince has tasked the city with and offered a reward, and the players get swept up in it' or 'the players are witness to that draws them into the plot' are good starter ones. If you want to go with political intrigue and such, I'd look at some concepts like this from modern media you could adapt. The concepts of say, a vampire who the Prince truly cared for, like a childe (his vampire offspring) was killed and he's looking for the murderer, is a good starter story. It also gets the political plot and investigatory stuff going.
* Give the players a reason to be together. If a player wants to play the loner/lone wolf character, it's difficult to do on your first game. Try to, when making characters, have them make them as a group. One introduction I used once, was the players were vampires who were new, their sires (the people who made them vampires) bringing them to court to introduce them to the populace and release them to their own recognizance. It became a natural gravitation of 'you're new? me too' play for the players, giving them a reason to cling together.
* Don't worry about using other supernatural types and their books. If you want to have a werewolf as an enemy for some reason, use vampire powers to build it.
* Be flexible. I generally build a story with a start, some middle bits that are 'if, then' statements... and then let the players have their way with the world. Storytelling is about adaptation, as a player may look at your plot, take the hook... and then follow it down Jenkins Lane when it was supposed to lead to Main Street. Be subtle if you have to steer them a certain way, and if they come up with something in their plans/ideas/thoughts that's cooler than what you had planned? Shamelessly steal that shit.
>the Prince has tasked the city with and offered a reward, and the players get swept up in it
What's the point of playing Vampire if all you're going to do with it is dumb vidya quests? Any time the ST tries to sweep us up in this sort of """""intrigue""""" I feel like vomiting.
And my personal favorite the Angry Texan Ventrue bloodline. Long live the Children of Cade!
That scenario existed long before video games.
Because they're brand new to WoD and it gives him a framework they may be familiar with?