how to get into warhammer?
How to get into warhammer?
Don't collect necrons.
>not liking robot space skeletals
Assuming you want to get into the tabletop it's a pretty simple process
1. Find out if any stores host a local gaming night or find friends who will do it at their house
2. look around local stores and ebay for secondhand stuff and rulebooks
3. strip and repaint the second hand stuff along with any new stuff that you couldn't find a discount on
4. play at whatever locale you have for playing that you found in step 1
Buy a lotto ticket immediately
I thought that Necrons didn't suck currently?
Regardless if you a new and don't want to spend much money buy one of the Start Collecting boxes. If you just don't want to spend much money then buy Chinese knock offs. And make sure you have friends to play with or that the local scene exists and is made up of bearable individuals.
There are also the RPGs if you like the setting.
Look for an escalation league. If not run one yourself and thats how i got into 40k
> reader's path
Read books and\or fluff. Discuss fluff online if you want to RAGE.
> video path
Play some DoW/Deathwing/etc. If you want - proceed with Veeky Forums path
> Veeky Forums path
Do not buy miniatures, do not play. Try to avoid reading fluff. Talk about warhammer online. Rules or fluff. Good path, because you'll save a lot of time (reading, playing) and money (miniatures).
> common path
Buy miniatures. Glue them (if you feel especially artistic - spray them with black primer). Play some games. Find tournament-winning list for your army on the internet. Buy more miniatures, glue them (maybe spray with black primer). Play more games.
> nonexistent path
Buy miniatures, paint them, play for fun with friends
Don't. In the grim darkness of the current Warhammer 40k, there is only skub.
But if you decide to do it anyways, Necrons best boys, go with them.
To play Warhammer 40k well, you must first accept the Greater Good.
Huh. I was just about to ask the same thing. I'm tired of all those warhammer threads and google isn't helpful.
How to start on the readers path? Is there a comprehensive guide to the lore? Where to start? What's cannon? What's most important? Etc etc
Start with the first book of the Horus Heresy series "Horus Rising".
1. find a friend/friends to play the game with
2. pick an army that looks cool/ appealing to you
3. buy/download a codex, buy some models and paint them
4. have fun
this to be honest
You dont need the plastic to get into 40k
At this point? Don't. Honestly. The current state of the game is just a big shitshow between retarded rules and over inflated prices.
I'd say stick with the vidya, for the tabletop - unless you are totally smitten with AoS or 40k - don't delve into the minis or the games, it's just like chasing the dragon there will always be something more.
One option to get it out of your system would be to buy one of GWs board games *without* the minis (a 150$ game may only be 20-30$ with no minis on eBay) and see if it appeals to you. It's just a low cost easy way in.
I'd also check out /awg/ as there are other tabletop games similar to the war game but with better rules and cheaper buy-ins.
There is no denying that the warhammer products are fucking cool and are well detailed, but the pricing, the pricing man. It's a slippery slope. That's why the vidya, to me at least, is an easier option.
Shit I mean check out homemade space hulk guy, he did it the absolute madman...
Download the core book and the current codex for your army of choice and Play on Vassal. It's free, easy to pick up, the community is pretty good.
One thing to remember about 40k is that your opponent will never, ever know the rules correctly and will always either tell you that you are wrong or try to blatantly cheat and then be like "oh whoops my bad".
Keep your rulebook real handy and make sure to bookmark (or at least note down) relevant page numbers for specifics about your army. That's just 40k for you though, it's no better or worse than usual on Vassal.
First take a thousand bucks or so, then just flush it down the toilet, then cry about your life choices.
Closest thing to getting into warhammer without actually having to get into warhammer.
The rules are bloated as hell and often badly written, I second this.
The latest FAQ did clear some of this up, though. Like vehicle passengers not changing their shooting profile based on what kind of vehicle they are in or whether it jinked, and having to snap fire at cruising speed even if they have relentless. But it's surprising what weird unfounded ideas people sometimes have about the rules.
Play a different game.
Doesn't matter which one, 40k and Sigmar are literally the worst widely available wargames out.
The models are nice, sure, but they're also stupidly expensive and the games are busted beyond all hope.
goto your bank
withdraw $1000
burn it.
you now have the same experience as someone who got into warhammer
>Where to start?
Read up on the Horus Heresy and how the 40K universe got to its current state. Then, find a particular faction that you like and read about them in particular. Lexicanum and the 40K Wiki are good places to begin, then read the official Codices (I think the 40K general has PDF links).
>What's canon?
Anything straight from Games Workshop. Black Library is debatable at times, with some stuff being fine and others being a bit less so.
All I can think of right now.
fucking hell you guys are negative nansies
Don't. It's a pretty cash intense hobby for a game with lack lustre rules. I've had a lot more fun with other games.
If you really like the setting, just collect a few models and play one of the RPGs.
As soon as i saw this thread i knew it wouldntt even get to 30 replies before you unfunny and unoriginal fuckbois would post this shit.
I'd recommend the eisenhorn trilogy. Some of the omnibus books are good to.
Calling 40k a sloppily designed mess of a game isn't meant to be funny m8
>read fluff
>pick faction you like
>download pdfs off Veeky Forums (codex rules etc)
>pirate DoW
>play as faction
>check ebay for units of chosen faction
>build and paint
>check of GW store if you liked the building and painting
>talk to the guys
>check web for more units
>buy build paint
>rinse repeat
The design of 40k is fine, fuck you, asshole.
I hate you meming asshats who constantly shit on everything but have never read the fucking rules. Eat a dick!
Only in death is there release.
Go back to whatever general you crawled out of
40k would be nowhere near as bad if apocalypse stayed in apocalypse.
i.e. no "lol 300 point superheavy + grav/scatter bikes xD" cheese lists
>The design of 40k is fine, fuck you, asshole
No it isn't. It hasn't been for years.
Model bloat means what was originally a game meant due handfuls of models is now close to platoon based combat which it handles poorly.
General rules bloat and balance issues are a major problem to.
Calling it the worst war game mechanically speaking is pretty accurate.
That's a fair point.
Knights are just silly in the scale and the table sizes your typical game is at, but for some reason every cunt has to have one.
>download codex and rules
>place files in recycle bin
>download the infinity rulebook instead
>play infinity
There, bro
I will give you a serious answer OP. But you'll need to provide more information on what you want to play.
1) What army is your favorite in terms of fluff or models aesthetic?
2) What style of play do you want your army to have?
3) Do you have friends who play Warhammer? Is 40k casual or serious business in your area?
>user decides he likes warhammer, wants to start playing
>Veeky Forums turbospergs cant handle fun and give him no useful advice
don't listen to these people OP, I'm just starting out too and it's worth it if you're capable of having fun
And the GW IDF shows up right on cue
40k is great if you want fun. Competitively it is a mess though. Answer so we can give you relevant advice how to get started.
you could play something else, anything else, realize it's better, and have more fun.
>People who have been into Warhammer for years are telling you now that it's not worth the time, effort, or money
>"Oh no, user don't listen to those Turbo-spergs, they don't know what fun is. Trust me, a newbie to Warhammer, to tell you how it is"
Mate, have you ever considered that we're not doing this to spite you but actually to help you?
I've there's been plenty of useful advice.
Those cautionary remarks are useful to. A new player might not fully understand the kind of investment they're in for.
Getting into 40K is some of the most fun you'll ever have. There's so much content in its universe that there's literally something for everyone. Sexy vampires? Stoic werewolves? Space ninjas? Zombies? Orcs, goblins, ghouls? Mummies? Space princesses? Space nuns? Elves? Hobbits? Football? Borg? Xenomorphs? Whatever your tabletop fetish is, 40K has fucking got it.
But, for the love of god, BEING into 40K minis is the worst thing and you'll wish you'd never done it.
At first, it's just the mystery of the thing, the forbidden nature of the creatures that roam the darkest corners of your hobby shop, tongues lolling and eyes rolling in the haze of Axe body spray and fatstench, enthralled by a magic unknown by the respectable masses.
Then, your first hit. You start with something small, reasonable; a single troop or a particularly handsome champion, and it's so small, why could something so small be so harmful? Plus there's just so much stuff, who could EVER want or find room in their life for it all?
You turn the mini over and over in your hand, marveling at its angles and corners, and it's wonderful, exactly everything you needed and nothing else, and you know you'll be satisfied with it.
Then, tomorrow, and suddenly you realize how much better it would be with just one more color of paint, and a better brush set, and some new files, and a pin vice would do wonders, no? And no one thing is expensive at a time, is it?
Suddenly, where there was no room, you've made room. Bookshelves once dedicated to learning and self-improvement, now hosting garish and lurid scenes and figurines, so many paints; but who knows which ones are even good anymore, it's been so long since you've enjoyed it, but a footlocker filled with plastic, tinged with remorse, hides in the darkest corner of your home, beckoning you with a curled finger, red lips in the dark, a knowing smile.
Many times, you'll take it all out with the resolve to be rid of the whole lot, just flush it all away on eBay. "No more, it's draining my life and livelihood, and those closest to me deserve better than this!"
And as you catalog each one, like a memory of what could have been, you realize that they've been too good to you, always there for you, waiting for you to return. So faithful, so faithful.
And even as you know that it'll never be as good as it was, you wonder what today's models look like and how much they are and how wonderful it could all be, and your mind begins to drift again, and you turn an unfinished model in your hand, full of wasted potential, and you look around the room; hundreds of dollars of lifeless plastic and an undying love for each of them, deeper than you'd care to admit; a love you don't really want anymore.
Slowly, but surely, they come back out of their storage, because how can you get rid of something when you've got no stock of it? Then they're all out, and they never really make it back in. They just sit on their shelves, and wait for you to make that single concession once more.
...Anyone want to buy some Tau?
Stop buying shitty, miscast Warmahordes crap and start buying Glorious, Professionally Crafted Games Workshop Product.
There's Kill Team, of course. GW one is okay, but HoR one is gold. Buy one or two boxes plus maybe some supplemental parts and units, and you're all set.
Currently building a Skitarii team with the newest playtest rules. They've included Secutarii from Forge World, which might as well be Skitarii-flavored analogues to Vanguard and Sternguard Veterans.
You'll need to win several lotto in a row if you hope to collect for Apocalypse games.
Apocalypse! For my bank account, maybe!
10/10 good post
Don't. The most you should do is play Dawn of War I & II + Space Marine, download the old codices and maybe paint a box of minis. Actually playing the game is a horrible idea. You should play anything else.
Yup. That's how you win.
sell your soul for money for small plastic men
Half the hobby is assembly, collecting, painting, and planning future purchases. The game doesn't really hold up on its own. It's not really balanced enough to be a true competitive challenge and it's loaded down with clunky rules from the 80's.
>Meme Path
Read 1d4chan
>mfw chose the Meme Path
But how will people know I hate the thing they like?
>Sexy vampires?
Blood Angels?
oh no, is hating 1d4chan the new fad?
People like 1d4chan. they just hate when you only use 1d4chan for your lore knowledge. Honestly how does that work youd miss half the in-jokes anyway?
>favorite in terms of fluff/models?
Tyranids. A billion billion space bugs from beyond the stars coming to your world with the only thought in their mind being to CONSUME.
It's pretty metal.
>What style of play?
I like armies that can let me fuck with my opponent... either through being mobile and running circles around him, or by debuffing him in other ways
>friends? Current meta?
None that play 40k, and my local meta is irrelevant because I'll be moving soon, dont know what the meta of my new home will be.
fair enough, I treat it as a 'funny' way to find out about neat shit to look further into on the real 40k wikis later
Does the Imperium have ANY chance of surviving the End Times? They are just so fucking outmatched. Is Chaos destined to win, whether directly or by default if the Tyranids or Orks win?
Killteam, heralds of ruin. Easier to learn rules this way, less models to buy, glue and pain, less memetide cheese.
>Is Chaos destined to win
Yes. Chaos is inevitable and unstoppable. Soon the Dark Master will rise and take his true place among the gods, and the universe will burn.
As already mentioned. Get enough for 200pts to play kill team. Go to games store and ask to play kill team.
Buy the stuff. Build it but don't paint it. If you don't enjoy it then sell it. If you do then paint that and start collecting more.
Necron start collecting box should get you 200pts. Necrons are pretty neat and super easy to paint.
have disposable income and lack a normie girlfriend.
>trying to turn the chaos story of 40k (of Abaddon, the traitor legions, and the primarchs) into one about a dude who got duffed over by rocks
plz leave
I'm a noob but Imperial Knights are frigging cool. Is this a bad choice for my first army?
>go to gw store
>i have a 50eur budget, could buy a hellhound for my IG army (40eur) or a razorwing for my dark eldar army (30 eur).
>staff guy tells me he noticed how i got bored of doing mimetic patterns and how i got creative doing tatoos on my kabalites
>suggests me to buy the fighter for both saving money and fun factor
>was a pretty good choice
I've never had the pleasure of playing against them but from what I've read if you want to keep things simple then sure. Probably only need like 3 of them.
I see Lorgar paid Internet bills.
Not OP but I think I've settled on Slaanesh Daemons. I like their aesthetic and I want a fast melee army. I'm just curious if they're decent in sub-1000 point games or are they too flimsy?
Tyranid player here
They're middle-low tier right now. Don't play against Eldar or Tau going hard core. Everyone else, you'll have fun with the game. Their models are also easier to paint as they don't have as many small details.
Why does everyone assume Abbaddon is just going to win at the 13th Black Crusade? He still has to attack fucking Terra, one of the hardest tasks in the galaxy, as well as contend with an increasingly united Ork front and Hive Fleet Leviathan potentially getting in the way. There's many chances for this to go all wrong for him.
>GW's obvious massive Chaosboner
>The fact that recent Black Library books have been putting massive focus on Abbadon and his Magic Mcguffin Sword
>The fact that GW has already once before retconned an event where Chaos gets their butt kicked and destroyed one of their universes just so that they could show off how super-kewl Chaos is
Yeah prepare for another asspull that tries to make Abbadon look badass.
>sub-1000 point games
Almost no one plays games on this scale. They are also extremely unblalanced. At this rate you might as well play kill team.
>oh no, is hating 1d4chan the new fad?
oh don't you mean: oh *blam* no, *blam* is *blam*hating*blam* 1d4chan*blam* the*blam* new*blam* fad?*blam**blam**blam**blam*
>oh *blam* no, *blam* is *blam*hating*blam* 1d4chan*blam* the*blam* new*blam* fad?*blam**blam**blam**blam*