anyone has any artwork of roman style soldiers prefferably with chainmail.
similar to the picture here
anyone has any artwork of roman style soldiers prefferably with chainmail.
similar to the picture here
more pics like that?
Those are some late era romans
aka shitty barbarian levies
Your understanding of the Late Roman military (well any Roman military) is rather lacking.
No, he's right. Those helmets are Comitatenses and Limitanei.
This is an early imperial legionary wearing chainmail. You can tell by the shoulder protection and the crestless helmet that has a small visor. Also the smaller sword.
I find your lack of faith in my knowledge disturbing.
Exactly, as if a true Roman would weild a shitty longsword over a gladius
Also because let it not be said that I dont deliver on the thread topic
That's a Spatha dumb ass, the long sword didn't exist for hundreds of years after the fall of the empire, and long swords are two handed swords.
:) Sorry and a what type of sword is a Spatha?
Also this pic can help you.
If you're already short don't bother getting a bigger sword. Overcompensation gets you nothing. Standardized armor and training on the other hand does wonders.
and to end it a few good pics of legionaries
Did someone say standardized armor and training?
Is art from the time ok, or do you prefer contemporary?
Now that's pretty.
I really miss the principes horsehair plume.
And the Triarii plume and bunny ears.
Hilariously as it may be, I do believe we are no as far away from OP's requested era as possible.
Inst that a Hastati though? With the Bunny ears?
Regardless enjoy more Triarii
Wait.... the Triarii where no longer used when the Pilum came into use.
Hastati galore
The issue that I have is that I see Triarii always equipped with long spears and the Hastati with pilum just like the Principes. I always accepted that as the way things are supposed to be, but the fact that "hasta" is latin for spear the previous idea makes no sense.
I see your point, all this talk of early Rome has made me want to see some Carthaginian pics.
Anyone got music that goes well with Roman themes?
Come on lads, don't stop now.
I'm about to cum. ;)
Hurrr late era isn't true romans. They lost even though they were put under more strain then any of the other eras.
Might want to go to Veeky Forums op, where people actually know abit more
You mean /pol light
Not like helms were better designed to protect you and chainmail easier to put on so you can deal with an invading warband quicker.
Veeky Forums has tons of /pol/ aswell senpai
>The West Roman Empire fell
>All attempts to reunite it failed in one way or another
>The EU is a Germanic, globalist abomination that relies on destroying cultural identities
All I want is for Marine Le Pen to win the elections and invite Iberia and Spain into a Latin Federation. Is that too much to ask for?
I know that feel, brosius.
I don't remember the black bars when I saved that image...
>The EU is a Germanic, globalist abomination that relies on destroying cultural identities
Go outside, John Cleese. There are plenty of clouds around today.
Thanks for all the art i got a lot more replies than i thought i would
Triarii were dedicated spearmen, and we're the third line of a standard Republic battle line. They were often wealthier and could buy their own stuff, and being Triarii was cool, short of being an actual light cavalry guy. Hastati tended to be young and poor, Principes were either Hastati veterans or just had a little more cash to buy a better posting
Iberians ftw, we invented the best sword!
>cultural identities
that no one needs anyway
People dont take kindly to the loss of their culture. Imagine ,if you will, to lose your own language, thats hundreds years old. To be denied your roots. All beacuse someone had the idea to "unite under one flag" all humans. How do you reunite muslims and jews? Or chinese and japanese?