
How do you like your angels?

Helpful, vindictive, or just a fever-dream of that one blonde who claims they're Aasimar?

they are angels i love them all,unless they side with demons then i will kill them with the damn demons

barely comprehensible eldritch horrors

>how do you like your angels

Eh, I treat them and demons more like people with a personality trait that lends itself to being either beneficent or maleficent, then go from there. Angels can be very bitter, angry beings, and demons can be helpful and kind but ultimately selfishly motivated.

Depends on that being's existence. Maybe.

Nah, things can be cut-and-dry and still mysterious. Lack of information and the chance to gain said information is way more interesting than things that aren't real and never can be.

Insane psychedelic eyes and wheels type creatures. Ultimately good though, and not in a hardline Old Testament way. In a warm and fuzzy everyone just feels good way. Angels are infinitely wise and beautiful, and mortals weep at their presence.

>How do you like your angels?

Big ol' tiddies

Proper good agents of good deities. They range from simple helpers to the powers that are practically demigods.

Which is why I basically just use PFs Angels, Azatas, Agathions and Archons. The lore and way they work just jives with how I like my angels.

Fever dream. Ambiguity in the divine is best. It all gets boring if you can be certain all of it is true, or at least your interpretation of it

Well, there's angels in my smut setting:
They're lewd bondage angels, often appearing with various bonds but completely compensating for it with their magic, usually sent down to earth to reward followers and punish evildoers. The rest of their time they spent fucking/being fucked by the people in Heaven and the Goddess.

For example, most have tied legs since they just hover everywhere, or come with ballgags because they speak directly into people's minds.

The whole spectrum. Not just "lol horrorterror" or just sexy winged girls, but plenty are abstract and complex beings and plenty are knowable, familiar human-like beings.

No matter what, they are always here to help. To have one's aid is tremendous, and to have one as an enemy means you can guarantee you have transgressed somewhere badly.

I feel like a lot of settings need better explanations for why angels don't just smite the necromancers and naughty dragons themselves. If necromancy is objectively evil in the setting, there shouldn't be anything stopping them.



For my setting at least, and taking from Golarion, angels are very much occupied with taking care of their home planes, fighting infernals whenever they have access, and guarding important areas outside their planes such as the River of Souls.

A two bit necromancer or even a small nation of them upon a single Material plane world is nothing in comparison to the amount of souls that could be lost if a legion of devils or daemons or such attacked the River of Souls. Or the number of souls that would be destroyed or enslaved if they gained access to any of the Good Planes. And just administering the Good planes is an unbelievably monumental task, having to account for the innumerable Material plane worlds where souls are coming from.

Any necromancer big enough to be a threat is big enough to have a magic circle set up for angel snaring.

The construct ones are male/female and humanoid, mostly because they are spawned from the purity of passed saints (One of the deities is a hivemind of saintly souls), but the "old angels" are mindwiped creatures from beyond the small reality marble that is the world, outside of which is literally an infinite swirling tide of firey chaos that have been reforged into old testament/eva angel types. Generally the latter are more purely good because they have no agenda tied to deities specifically.

So a necromancer would have to not become so powerful as to actually draw the attention of wrothful angels?

As the reincarnation of someone righties enough to deserve it
They look normal enough to blend into a crowd it they wanted to, but they have all the divine power of heaven at there disposal

In a lot of settings the divine can't directly affect the affairs of mortals

When they're not nuch if any different from what we traditionally think of demons. Except they servre god

Because the mortar life exists to teach us. If there is no suffering then there is nothing to learn. If we cannot fail then there is nothing to learn.
Evil is aloud to exist because for now it is needed.
We need to learn in this mortal life so that we are prepared for exaltation when we become gods ourselves
As above so below

Found the Mormon

Because angels and deities (and demons, for that matter) exist in a concept space, a psychic field generated by the network of sentient creatures on the planet, and can only effect beings who believe in them/fear them.

Mormonism wants to be cool so dearly with the "be good and you get to become a god" thing but then they sell magical panties to preserve chastity and don't drink coffee. I mean what the fuck?

Because any wannabe necromancer can revive a lot of zombies that would kill an angel, seeing that they are very few in comparison with the number of dead bodies humans produce everyday

Very much so. But should he become that big is the point after he's already been getting attacks from powerful psychopomps (Guides of souls who really hate undeath and the first to go after him) and aeons (should his soul stealing and undead start to threaten the balance of reality between the destructive and creative elements). He could also get the attentions of inevitables depending on how he is doing his stuff.

Its best to keep your power levels low or face the multiple guardians of reality.

Its classic cult behavior. Control the sexual activities and pleasures, while promising great rewards for spurning them or having massive restrictions.

Cults that are successful eventually turn into religions. See Christianity, Mormonism, Islam, Buddhism, Judiasm, and a fuckton of others where you can sort of trace their beginnings towards a cult of worshippers.

The old, original Christian way.
With the Diablo 3 design. Damn I love this design.

You see the famous explanation how lawful good isn't lawful stupid, quoting Pratchett, other famous others and even the bible?
Well I make my angels like he describe them.
Utterly powerful beings, so beyond imagination that the simple soght of them is enough to send humans running even if they have good intentions. The guy reminds us that the first thing angels say in the Bible to humans is basically "Don't be afraid". Because they are still the last beings that you want to anger or attract unwanted attention from.
Oh, and they're ascended humans, and there's no "God" above them. They are the most powerful beings, with free will, but normally stay out of mortal business, or at least not directly.

If someone had that screencap by the way I'd appreciate it.


Weird alien inter-dimensional geometric beings seemingly manifested from nothing, singing in a harmonious frequency.

A humanoid form is merely a mask for comfort.

there is a reason the standard greeting of angels is "do not be afraid"

Like this

In the purest form, obligation only to their master.

I offer a couple crappy sketches of angels that are both sexy and weird, the left is a seraphem, described in some works as a six winged serpent, and to the right is a cherub , again art is not my strong suit, but I felt a need to offer something

Holier than thou entities with complex goals and ambitions.

I consider Valkyries to also be angels just in a different allegiance.

They are not divine beings working for god(s), but an ordinary, possibly immortal, civilization who may or may not reside in the physical plane and are often misidentified as harbingers of good or evil.

Custodians of reality and divine will. Also a bit of this:

Generic rank-and-file angels are just your standard winged humanoid because sexy angel chicks are my magical realm

Higher up in the celestial hierarchy, however...

I like them with actual personality outside of being smite engines. Some are helpful, some are vindictive, some are considered extreme, some are considered cowards. That whole bag.

Functionaries of God with very specific jobs, forms are theoretically flexible but codified with class.

Many abstract and geometric beings with odd amounts of personality, the most human are those who communicate with them regularly but are also the least free-willed as they have the capacity to lead people off-message though error or otherwise.

I once had an angel that was one of the upper ranks but had fallen away from good to chaotic neutral due to shenanigans involved being trapped in Limbo. Sort of a Q character.

There are millions of Gods. 'Angel' refers, simply, to the beings they created or the mortals they've mutated. Demons are simply 'Angels' created by physical reality interacting with the magical forces. Many planets and stars are Demons. They're basically just massive balls of solid mana. Hypothetically, you could use them to cast any spell you liked. Few are truly sapient, but those that are...that's where half the Gods came from, actually.

As for Angels,...many are just mindless automate that serve their God's ends. Others are simply toys or pets. Some few are 'people' that serve their God part time but otherwise are free to do as they like. No specific moral code bar their Gods and their own; their Maker's will and desires supersede their own in all cases.

There are Angels of every possible description.

My setting has more mechanical angelic beings, only having some semblance of humanoid features, likely what appears to be a face somewhere on its body, but this ony applies to higher ranking angelsin the Choir.

The further down you go, the more humanoid they get, until you get Cherubim-like angels which are clearly humanoid.

Michael is a literal sword with a fancy atachment that looks like a body made of wires and plates, and "God" is a spherical object with two rods on either side that draw in matter and then creates new life/matter.

Lucifer is simply a humanoid being with fractal horns on its head that radiate heat, thus the likeness to fire.

I like a variety of angels. Whether it's sexy winged ladies, Diablo-tier armoured bad-asses, or eldritch horrors. I like all of them and everything in between, so any setting I come up with I try to find a way to include at least several of the angel archetypes if possible.



These are all so good, I want to combine them.

Sounds very bizarre


Holy Shit, is that Sithrak?

He decided to stop messing around.
Say what you will about K6BD the angels and demons are pretty neat.

Core'd and sent to autopsy.

They're a deity using its personal meeseeks box. They pop into existence at the will of the deity, perform a specific function and then cease to exist.

I like them platinium blonde. Or simply platinium.


>all of these eyes and not one green
trull the plebest of angel

I'd say 'none of the above'. Angels in my settings are sort of inspired by the 4th edition D&D cosmology, with Angels being servants of their respective deities. This means there can be neutral/evil angels as needed, but what differentiates angels from other outsiders like demons and devils is purpose. They exist solely to assist in furthering the goals of their deity.

Because of this, dealing with an angel is almost as dangerous as dealing with a devil, because unless you can pin down who the angel is working for you might be getting played. Obviously it goes without saying that their physical forms are not bound to "handsome/beautiful humanoid with wings"

Most of them died when their gods did. The lucky survivors are still working toward the causes their creators embodied in life though with rather less power than they once held, the unlucky ones are varying degrees of insane and/or monstrous.


Travel at the speed of thought and exist almost entirely as messengers. Messengers who seldom bring good news. If you encounter one, shits about to go down. With a few specialized exceptions, not fit for anything other than delivering a message then gtfoing. Ethereal postman who always deliver bills, basically.

i like my angels murderous and genocidal. from one of my settings, the dark medieval times: the angel of strength, "the weak must be destroyed" he proclaims as the sky darkens, a thunderstorm begins and he descends from the heavens with one particularly vicious lightning strike, manifesting as a dark suit of spiked plate armour carried by energy wings of unknown origin

I fucking love nWoD angels

Glorious, heavenly, mysterious and virtuous, yes not understandable by humans, doing things their own ways.

Visually beautiful and glorious in their own way, yet coming across as strange an foreign mortal eyes

Must we have this thread a-fucking-gain OP?

source of pic


They all also have very gross, detailed internal anatomy as their armor/skin breaks

Angels are gods subjugated by another god stronger than them. While you retain your original name you are given a new name that binds you to them and allows the one subjugating you to control how much power you have access to.

If the one that subjugated you is killed then there is a chance you gain their power and can use your name freely to scale your power back to what you originally had.

Both angels and demons are from *outside*. But demons are from *below*, angels are from *above*.

Like helpful ayy lmaos that we don't and can't really understand.

Except for Jubileus, who has Mundus-style cosmic weirdness under the marble coating.

>tfw all angels are tentacular horrors with really good PR

>Do you sleep with open windows?
>Be seeing you!

True, though it is The Creator after all, so it makes sense that she is part of the universe and/or consisting of it

Some works vary on why she's attacking, some that she's evil others that she went insane from a lack of balance and that killing her is something of a mercy to all


I like my Angels to have multiple roles and multiple forms.

Standard Angels who are a bit glowy and can use Divine magic

Warrior Angels who normally just appear as attractive humanoids with wings who can use Divine magic and are a more physically capable than most mortals.
>i.e. a female angel you can spar with until you put her on her back or she puts you on your's.

Archangels who are at a "Fuck you" level of power and basically act as Deus Ex Machinas when they appear.

How do angels work when you have multiple gods. Do they fight each other?

Its said in the bible that the devil himself was an angel that became rebellious, so I like to keep mine just a little less powerful than him.

Also they are basically demons, being all manner of crafty, mysterious, and getting into all sorts of fuckery. Except they serve the 'good' gods.
Also demons are pretty differential. Many are created by the Devil (capital D), but some are fallen angels which become demon lords or devils themselves.

Awe inspiring creatures to behold, not simply beings of flesh, but made of the very spirit and breath of the world they are part of.

Wheels within wheels, multiple heads, wings spanning the distance between heaven, many eyes, mouths, etc.


Look, if all apotheosis took was living caffein free and wearing special underwear I'd be all about it. Hell, I'd even move to Utah. The problem is that there's no guarantee of a return on your investment.

Got that covered for mine.

>Souls are power in setting.
>When people die, their souls go to the god their most "attuned" to to be absorbed into him and add to his power.
>Some souls the gods deem too useful to simply absorb, so they grant a small portion of their power to the soul to complete tasks he won't/can't himself.
>These empowered souls are the setting's Angels.

>Necromancers specialize in the use of stealing and manipulating souls to create various forms of undead
>As much as Angels hate Necromancers and would love to smite them, Necromancers are also the most dangerous things to them, as the right magic used to bend a soul could capture and enslave an agent of the gods.
>Most necromancers are also hold up on an island that Angels can't go near. The ones that did suddenly vanish without a trace.
>The necromancers have no idea why it happens, and the last one who used Scrying magic to figure it out died very painfully as he shriveled into a dry lifeless husk, in a manner identical to someone having their soul forcefully ripped from their bodies.

Fun fact - Mormons do not have a no caffeine rule, it just coffee and tea.

See? Even more attractive. Just give me demonstrable proof of apotheosis and I'm there.

Benevolent eldritch horrors
Or sexy
Or benevolent sexy angelic horrors

Inhumanly awe-inspiring, please.

How I addressed in my homebrew pathfinder setting is that angels, demons, devils, etc are types of alien, ones that slightly warp and shift the area around them. If too many outsiders of the same type congregate in an area reality shifts to accommodate them. Angels are good hearted eldritch beings and do legitimately want to help but they know that any sort of large-scale presence will cause the planet to be uninhabitable by mortals so they help through intermediaries, long distance psychic communication, assistance through supplies, or very short-term excursions (a dozen or so angels can't stay for more than a few days before they warp the area around them, however they can do a lot of damage in that time). Demons simply don't give a fuck and the ones that are aware that they ruin the worlds they visit consider it a mixed blessing (fewer people to bother them, but also fewer people to terrorize).


>It's a setting where angels are trolls that try to tempt humanity into the ways of vice and bully them because they think it's fun
>Humans are powerless to do anything against it, so they just learn to tolerate angels
>Angels are now upset because humans aren't as easily frustrated as before, so their schemes and pranks become more and more elaborate over time
>Because of this, stoicism has become an incredibly popular philosophy among mortals


Best angel. Closest thing I've ever had to a waifu

Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs

Tips fedora.

Dude are even familiar at all with the early church?

Or even fucking Buddhism?

Like Bruh.

izual is my copilot



7 Juggernaut Star Scours The Universe, ever since his unfortunate encounter with a certain Maya 'Murder The Gods and Topple Their Thrones' Mantra.

Still best angel though


Azrael/Izra'il is best angel

Best page in the chapter.

k6bd is sjw shit

Sure, but Thorn Angels are cool

Brilliant point.