Is Blame! high or low fantasy?
Is Blame! high or low fantasy?
>Takes place on an imagined world
When your gun can shoot lasers that can shatter skyscrapers, it's probably not low fantasy.
>a city with the diameter of Jupiter
take a guess
The empty space the size of Jupiter was more memorable.
Holy shit, let's just have a Blame!/Nihei/environment porn general
It's over 1 AU wide and growing (at an accelerating rate). Like the other user said, that was an empty space the size of Jupiter.
Pretty sure Jupiter used to be there, until the Builders finished breaking it down for raw material.
Also, on Blame and So On Nihei says that the City extends to "the edges of the Solar System"
>Nihei says that the City extends to "the edges of the Solar System"
Is this boner how architects feel when they're allowed to do anything they want?
It is so much more massive than a Ringworld.
Its area could house every world setting you know, and it would have plenty of empty space.
I'm half tempted to assume it could even house the Imperium of Man's population, but I'm terrible at math.
>sci-fi setting
It has more surface area than all planets in the galaxy together. It's layered like a russian doll after all
The regular symmetrical outer portions of the City are roughly 1.6 billion km in diameter (10 AU) with sol nestled comfortably at her core. With a volume of roughly 2 octillion km^3 she boasted an exterior solid surface area of 8,000 quadrillion km^2 (some fifteen billion times the surface area of Earth). Merely travelling around the circumference of this shell at lightspeed would take four and a half hours, a radio transmission travelling from one pole to the other could take up to just over an hour and a half. Assuming the city has a disproportionate density equal to a mix of 75% sea level air and 25% steel (although the sheer density of her internal layers would suggest otherwise) the total mass of the definite portions of the City would equal to 40,018,750,000 solar masses.
That's right, it's easier to measure the conservative mass of this structure in units of measurement that multiply the mass of our sun billions of times over. In fact it's so massive that it dwarfs the supermassive black hole located at the center of the Milky Way galaxy by a hundred times over. Even if humanity began the reckless construction of the City for a sustainable period of expansion within the space of 10,000 years the Builders would have to assemble 1.5 quadrillion cubic kilometers of material per second. To simplify that, that's the equivalent of strip mining, smelting and re-assembling a solid iron ball equal in volume to Jupiter every single second for a duration of time comparable to the span between Earth as of 2014 and the rise of agriculture circa 8,000 BCE.
A nice copy-pasta that I found
brb jerking off
That's a tasty pasta user
It takes place in our solar system, so it's low fantasy.
Nihilistic scale-horror.
Blame! is comic kino
>Merely travelling around the circumference of this shell at lightspeed would take four and a half hours, a radio transmission travelling from one pole to the other could take up to just over an hour and a half.
>main character walks from place to place
>impossibly huge structures
>more than one reality
>weapons that destroy mountains worth of concrete/metal in a blink
>motherfucking angels of death teleporting and blowing shit up because you're not "the chosen one"
>"t e c h n o l o g y"
nigga, that's fantasy
It's science fiction. This isn't a debate.
Well, that one elevator ride took over a month, and when Cibo blasts Killy with a piece of the sun he takes 14 years healing. And in Noise (Blame!'s prequel) Musubu spends 3000 years walking around the City without finding any other inteligent being. Future!Cibo spends ten years waiting/searcing for Killy in Toha Heavy Industries.
Nihei's characters are very pacient.
Science Fantasy??
>implying it's better kino than pic related
The very concept of kino is asscancer though. The entirety of /tv/ should take brain contraceptive to make sure that this kind of neuronal abortion never happens again.
it's soft sci-fi
what system would you guys use to run a game set in the Blame! world?
memes aside, I think that GURPS can do a good job emulating it. Not many games have rules for getting harmed when you use overly powerful firearms
It would colapse in black hole, if it actually existed.
>mfw Nihei literally got into drawing manga because he liked architecture
They've mastered teleportation, energy creation, and gravity control. It's just their software sucks.
"mastered" is a strong word in this case
>tfw no face when
by the way yes, Nihei studied architecture wich is basically really not a thing since who study architecture usually have already some decent drawing skill for his own
>tfw architecture student
>i only draw gay furry porn and metaphysical paintings
Time to tackle inks for once
>They've mastered teleportation, energy creation, and gravity control
Yeah, shit would get wacky with that kind of stuff.
What is funny is that he is actually a pretty good in stuff such as pacing, non-verbal characterization and comic layout. The only big problem that he have is that he can't give any of his mangas an ending worthy shit.
Nihei's knight and lady aesthetics on a foundation of Beksiski and Giger are probably my very favorite things in manga.
>metaphysical paintings
So what, like surreal art just with a brighter color palette?
>being this unenlightened
Dude, he's shit at conveying movement in his drawings. They look like still pictures that you can't tell what's moving and how until you've read forward to the other panels.
Luckily he gets better
>implying Archie Comics isn't hitting it out of the motherfucking stadium these days
Basically yeah, but I try to play with the perspectives so that they overlap in the same plane of vision, producing some rather strange places that feel eerie. They don't always have impossible/dense stuff happening in them,
The main problem is that he can't draw people and expressions. He is getting better, however.
Oh, that sounds actually pretty interesting. Got anything to share?
I understood what happened in Blame, is just that it was pretty anti-climatic compared to everything that happened in terms of how it was depicted. Just look at the ending of Sidonia and Biomega, to understand better my point.
This is the third time I've heard of blame, is it good? Anyone have the books?
They're rather simplistic nevertheless. Let me share this one, it's not as clean as the other ones I did, but it's the one with the most stuff going on.
Every single adventure/session in a Blame! game would be exactly the same.
>group finds some people who aren't violent
>everyone gets fucking killed by safeguards/cyborgs/wormpeople/robots
I alwas found the fact that the cultists from Noise worship internet/netsphere bugs rather funny.
Yes it is, it makes no fucking sense until you read it for the third time, but the environment porn is gorgeous
Speaking of. Anyone ever got to play the Veeky Forums produced BLAME! rpg?
A proper Blame! random encounter table would be something like "roll 1dBillion and 90% of the cases nothing happens for several decades".
Probably would get boring after a while.
A smart GM would take the several decades of silent and undisturbed travel as downtime between adventures and simply skip over them.
It would actually be kinda interesting to deal with that sort of time scale where your rest time/down time last for decades.
I would hope so. Roleplaying a several weeks long elevator ride sounds... interesting, to say the least
you mean space opera buddy.
Goddamit. Now I'm thinking about Undying again.
Undying's about vampires, but it is relevant here because of the different time scales it uses. Undying has two game phases, Nightly play, and downtime. Nightly phase is the high action game, and lasts in in-fiction time for maybe a night to a few days I suppose. Downtime is when everyone's plotting their next move, moving the pieces for when the next Nightly phase begins. Down time can last for in-fiction decades, or even centuries.
Here's the BLAME logs. animated shorts/moodpieces.
If the elevator is the size of a small rust belt city and has a feral tribe of cyborgs who execute people by pressing them feet first through a hole cut in the side so that they're ground to a thin smear of biomass over the course of a few days it might be spiced up somewhat.
Blame! is easily big enough for that.
That too, it's a long time to wait and they presumably have lots of space to be both
Blame is much darker than i tought
Now I feel compelled to design a megadungeon in the city's vein. I can take the sci-fi elements and just use D&D B/X
I did yeah, it was fun. Math is a bit wonky but it packages the setting nicely.
Check out Stars Without Number. It's an OSR sci fi / space game. I did a cyberpunk megadungeon city in it, worked great.
I dont remember anymore. Why is the megastructure expanding endlessly in the first place? Is something manmade controlling it or if not, at which point did humanity lose control of the world?
low high science fantasy cyber dungeon quest