So what does Veeky Forums think of Cards Against Humanity?
I know that some anons don't like it because people will usually just pick a random card and every other normalfag will laugh because of "le randome answere xdd", but that can't be the sole reason to denounce the game entirely.
So what does Veeky Forums think of Cards Against Humanity?
That's what the entire game is, it's fun once because you've got a mild shock factor from never having seen the cards then it's just "lele his card said dick xdddd"
Too many fodder cards. A lot of cards are just so bland that the only possible outcome is "le random XDDDD". Genuine gems are too few and far between.
Compare people that use this image board vs people that may not use any image boards.
You will find that the people who use this image board are much better at this game than people who do not.
But that's all it is and all it'll ever be.
It gets old fast.
literally /s4s/ the card game.
It's an excellent game that's better played with a decks you and your friends make yourselves with index cards. The jokes will be funnier and more applicable to you, and you don't run into shit like people at the table not knowing what smegma or the Three-Fifths Compromise are.
Just play apples and oranges
its popular so tg hates it or at least BGG hates it
its fine
just don't play it 24/7
>At family reunion
>Some cousin breaks out CAH and the aunts and uncles all join in
>Make a quick exit
>The uncles excuse themselves pretty quick
>Now it's a circle of 50+ year old women cackling at dirty jokes
>Hear, about an hour in, "The fuck's a bukkake?"
My cousin deserves to be crucified for that one.
A good time, as ripe for clever card usage as it is for lolrandumb. It depends on the group and house rules on reading out the cards.
I've heard that they've been neutering it by removing "problematic" cards, which makes me dislike it as it stands.
Stand behind your intentionally offensive game, damnit.
Eh, it's all right. Gets old pretty quick, though. At the very least, it can create some interesting moments.
And I think you're not doing any research just so you can be mad at something for the sake of being mad at something.
“passable transvestites”
>So what does Veeky Forums think of Cards Against Humanity?
Not actually a tabletop game.
No mechanics are involved, and I'm hard-pressed to even admit there are rules to this game.
It's like calling a matching memory game a tabletop game - technically, yes, it does happen on a table's top, but it lacks all of the essential elements that make it a, well, game.
Cards Against Humanity has more to do with, I dunno, quizzes, or riddles, or word-games than it does with Veeky Forums.
>Mr. Snuffleupagus
>Dave Matthews Band
Yep, real problematic.
Say, why don't we look at cards that have been added?
>A homoerotic volleyball montage
>Brown people
>Teenage pregnancy
>Chunks of dead prostitute
Yes, clearly they are trying to remove all the offensive things and replace them with neutered things that won't hurt anybody's feelings.
In a similar vein I prefer Superfight, since it can remain interesting after playing it twice.
It's garbage for all the reasons people have been saying, but also for a more fundamental one. Ultimately, it's about telling other people's jokes. It's a game designed for the kind of people that have never grown out of yelling "Bazinga!" and "the cake is a lie!" and waiting for laughter.
It's only good if you have friends who you can joke freely with and who like each others jokes. Even then it's still not that good, you might as well do anything else.
My family play it every Christmas. I seem to be able to come up with something clever one hand in two.
It was pretty fun the one time i played it. Course at the time i was with a bunch of drunk normies, and the situation may have been more relevant to my enjoyment than the game itself. Now that i think about it, it did piss me off that no matter what even a really clever one always lost to the dick card.
Eh for the most part.
But sometimes it's funny. Once I slew the entire table with "Lifetime presents (Doing the right thing) the story of (John Wilkes Booth)"
That's giving it too much credit. It's more like "9gag: the card game." Because the kind of people that actually use and enjoy 9gag, memebase, and all those other cringy ragefaces and "can I haz cheezburger" websites are exactly who the game is aimed at.
At least something like Apples to Apples requires some modicum of thought.