Say what you want, pic-related has the best art, best flavor, and is a pretty killer general in Commander.
Parker Sanders
Not a MTG guy, but why is white obviously yellow?
Adam Wood
Shit, that was NOT what I meant to post.
Lincoln Gonzalez
Because white is for colorless cards.
Oliver Turner
Bentley Bell
Hilarious, but I do actually agree with you. Gods have the best art.
Robert Lopez
Here's something that does Justice to the art.
Ryder Cook
Did... did me playing Void Snare actually return the last thread to OP's hand?
Daniel Martin
I posted the OP, but I didn't post the rest of the Dragon-car gallery. Attempting to start the thread over again, but with Best Art an Flavor cards.
Kayden Ortiz
Shit's weird, and blue mana is a hell of a drug.
I shall use such power irresponsibly and without remorse, for the betterment of me-kind.
Aiden Peterson
Well, it's currently in second place on the poll.(Third if you count the votes for "Colorless isn't a Color."
Mason Long
Mirrodin lands are just too...pointy.
David Roberts
My favorite colors are red and green because I'm a big stupid Timmy at heart and I fuckin' love Goblins and Creatures: The Tappening.
Dominic Barnes
Blake Robinson
Eh, I'm a Slut for panoramic lands.
Asher Watson
Green >always loved just having animals as creatures >pretty woods >I love big guns >yes I compensate
Colton Cooper
Same. Also, Naturalize. It says something that our most common removal has a Shakespeare quote on it. Feels... homey.
Austin Barnes
Posting Shakespeare quotes. I like Shakespeare. I'm perfectly aware that he's not the greatest English Author, no need to argue the point.
Robert Lee
Jose Bennett
Cameron Kelly
Wait, if Shakespeare isn't the best English writer, then who is?
Brandon Watson
Red is objectively the best color. Please, before you become upset allow me to explain.
Red's combination of strengths and weaknesses make it the most interesting color. Spontaneous expression of emotion through action is the most unfiltered method of expression. The least is lost in translation from emotion to action. Spontaneity also creates conflict well. A high value in freedom and independence creates conflict better than conformity. Even in a world where everything is the same, red will fight tooth and claw to somehow be different and unique.
Red also has motherfucking lightning bolt.
Lightning. Bolt.
Adrian Morgan
I myself have always been partial to forces that play with metaphysical concepts both in the way that they effect the world, and how we perceive them as effecting the world. Blue for me. That, and I love the idea of using Mind-magic to force to be heard in someone's head eternally.
Matthew Price
No one. That's a meaningless question that's perpetuated by first year English and Drama majors so they can Shill Shakespeare non-stop.
Shakespeare only seems so great because you have autists who can act obsess over him to the point that they put every fiber of emotion into their art. You're not looking at the result of good writing, you're seeing the result of obsession and perfectionism.
Jaxon Sullivan
Dylan Stewart
Personally, I like black. Black combos well with everything, does a little bit of everything, and has plenty of interesting combos.
Nicholas Kelly
Well, according to the poll, white is the least popular color. Can anyone shed some light on why that is?
Kayden Collins
I'm pretty sure that a lot of us mix White with other colors, but the color by itself is just... meh. Good Human tribals, great starting game, best life-gain of any set, but it just doesn't have that power feel we like. It's great if you can get combos off it, but life-gain for its own sake feels pretty pointless.
Also, not many on Veeky Forums qualify for Paladin/Cleric status.
Asher Hernandez
But we all have the perfect mix of amoral fantasies, desire for evil, and love of mind games that qualify us for black and blue.
Jonathan White
Why do you think we manage to have so many Magical Realm and Grimdark threads. If Veeky Forums were to be statted, it's alignment would be "Alignment is a stupid method of measuring morality and it inhibits roleplaying." After that, there would be a quiet, begrudging "Chaotic Neutral."
Kayden Johnson
Well i voted for white. My decks are almost always primarily white. Personally i feel like generally speaking it has good control options, what with exiles and board wipes and what not . I also like it's fluff usually.
Noah Moore
>If Veeky Forums were to be statted, it's alignment would be "Alignment is a stupid method of measuring morality and it inhibits roleplaying." After that, there would be a quiet, begrudging "Chaotic Neutral."
I kek'd
Lincoln Kelly
If we were planeswalkers we would form the cruelest and most depraved league of villains across the planes.
Robert Morgan
Well, so far, we can all agree shitty grey diamonds are shitty. Following that, our favourite Magic decks seem to be bruise colored, Black and Blue all around, with Red and Green tied for last.
Samuel Sanchez
Green and white are in last.
Blue and Black amoral master race shall reign eternal, with our boundless cruelty and magical realms.
David Baker
"The league of Rather Curmudgeonly and slightly dickish Gentlemen."
Luis Sanchez
Red and green are tied for lastthird, white is absolute last, and we Don't dignify Colorless with a place.
Ryan Gonzalez
> "Jace, just what the hell are they doingo n this plane?" > "I... I don't know. This plane has just as much mana as any other, so it's certainly not impressive in any right. So what the hell could they mean by 'magical realm?'" > "I don't know but everyone here looks built for sex and it's making me pretty uncomfortable."
William Martinez
> "Liliana! What happened? Where did that bastard go?" > "H-he just screamed something about the 'Backstreet Boys' and hit us with some spell... oh Gods. Oh Gods, Jace, the music. IT WON'T STOP." > "Liliana? LILIANA!?"
Jose Russell
>"Why is everything so incredibly shitty around here?" >"something about the grimoire of the future, I think? I may have mishead."
Landon Clark
> "Behold my GREATEST SPELL!" > "What kind of incantation is th- OH GODS WHY!?"
Mono-color? It'd be white, because I like the "stick together!" theme and the feel that I've got a little army of Soldiers, Warriors, etc. 2-color I like RW and GW the most. Simic are pretty cool too. Not fond of BR or BW.
Henry Gomez
Because why follow any form of moral reasoning when you have spells like this, right?
Joseph Wilson
You don't need to be a good person when everyone around loves you just the way you are.
Jacob Flores
Brown, the Myr specifically. F
Henry Flores
I only really started Magic a few months ago so my opinion is skewed, but Green and Black are a ton of fun.
I'd like to start playing White Blue but the faggots at my shop seem to have a vitriol hatred for Blue so I'm always nervous to bring it or they wont shut up about it.
Daniel Phillips
I would like to point out that this change a lot -between formats, have no idea whats going on in standard right now, - eternal formats like Modern/Legacy/Vintage, blue is king (less so in modern) and has been since the early history of the game. - the older formats get progressively "faster" and combo is a factor so being able to inter-react on turn 1 and 2 to are a must. i.e. blue is a must. come on guys: FOW, time walk, brainstorm?
Red, white, green, black are all cool, and they all work better with blue.
Colton Edwards
Play Blue. Do yourself a favor and read Wizards Soul, it's a Manga. The main Character is an exaggeration of how it feels to be a Blue player in MTG
On one hand, yeah, you won, but to do it you spent most of your efforts taking apart your opponents deck and turning it against them.
Alexander Brown
when i started out, i played white because i thought shit tons of life was cool. since then i've played with other colors but i still am most comfortable playing with white. pic is my boy, especially fun if you toss on a heavy arbalest and a gorgons head
i think artifacts are also cool, but colorless is not a color.(absolutely adore the m12 empires trio)
lately though i like to play with white and black. whether its spawning a shit ton of tokens then grinding them down into a martyrs bond, or my latest fancy making people commit suicide with a tainted remedy and a butchers glee/whatever cheap instant lifelink giving card i can get or maybe tossing out a congregate/healing hands on my opponent. first deck makes me feel like a cult leader and making my people drink the koolaid, second one makes me feel like im smiting motherfuckers.
i like to play with gimmicks. dont really care if its viable or not. i want it to be fun.
Jayden Gray
So, it is like this?
Joseph Turner
>i like to play with gimmicks. dont really care if its viable or not. i want it to be fun.
Guys I found the Johnny. Veeky Forums is by majority a Timmy-Johnny group
Justin Murphy
Black, because it is the coolest.
Also, flexibility at the cost of life is an awesome niche.
Jace Hill
It's more like... from what I can tell, a majority of MTG players who "enjoy" Magic are the Timmy-Johnny Archetype.(Veeky Forums was especially this in a recent poll) They're In it to have fun and love crazy combos, and respect getting beat in that manner.
Blue isn't about outclassing or countering combos, it's "No, Fuck You, you don't get to do that," until you've left your opponents side of the field a smoldering heap of suck and tears, then winning with a couple creatures that they should've been able to take out if they'd been able to do anything. It's frustrating, and it garners no interesting tales.
Carson James
Blue mages; consumed by hubris, bereft of ambition. Ever toiling in conceited effort to self-aggrandize. I will have your head on a pike.
Nathaniel Sullivan
Adrian Wood
We should enforce gender pronouns through legislation!
Levi Evans
Red. Aggressive creatures and burn for removal and reach, gotta love it.
Dominic Myers
Ryan Wood
I now understand why nobody voted for White.
Aaron Long
[casts chalice internally]
Angel Bennett
White is actually great, just not for the reasons that people think it is. black is right gaining life is dumb.
Noah Sanchez
This man has both played, and been played by Blue. He gets it.
Jayden Collins
Where's the Blue?
Julian Mitchell
Here's an autograph kid now fuck off.
Angel Scott
So, seems like it's a vote for second place as Black takes a clear lead. Blue has held the second so far, but Red and Green are only a few votes behind. I'm genuinely interested in the results of this. Can't wait.
Justin Russell
>tfw no one is posting the official color combo guide
Ian Walker
White's my personal favorite in terms of both philosophy and gameplay. I like building things on the battlefield, be that a big army of dudes or a bunch of enchantments, and white is the best color for both while being able to fill other roles. Lifegain is super-suboptimal but fun if you do it right.
Philosophically, I'm pretty on board with the notion that we're all in this together and everyone deserves a fair shake. Of the five colors, White's most inclined to do what it thinks is right over what it thinks is convenient, which I find most respectable.
Ian Cooper
>I like building things on the battlefield So you like losing to blue.
Blake Cruz
Is grey a color?
Michael Richardson
As of Oath of the Gatewatch, yep.
Zachary Ward
>Which MTG color is your favorite, and why? Note I say favorite, not best. What do you prefer to play?
Red. I like the following: chaos effects, atypical shenanigans, creatures with haste, temporary creature buffs, tokens, dealing damage to creatures and/or players. Also, the other colors become much more enjoyable to play when combined with Red.
Jacob Mitchell
It's called MUD, you fucking heathens
Justin Sullivan
Samuel Ortiz
Brody Smith
Isaac Nguyen
Isaiah Butler
Jace Thompson
Camden Gray
No colour is best colour
David Lopez
I've always had a soft spot for the RDW style of gameplay, no matter the colour it's in. I'm running a GDW in pauper right now.
Also best goblin art/flavour incoming.
Jacob Stewart
Wtf is Green Deck Wins? Thats not how that works...
RDW is called that because goblin guides, swifspears, and bolts win very efficiently, effectively and quickly
Landon Collins
Young Wolf, Skarrgen Pit-Skulk, Garruk's Companion, Rancor. There's a GDW in Pauper.
Joshua Richardson
Looks like Black has a clear lead, but Red, Green, and Blue are currently in a dead tie.
Ryan Martin
White is actually both sides of that argument. All the time. White is "inclusive" like tumblr or "orderful" like /pol/ All the time.
Jason Turner
But thats just mono-g stompy. Just cause a deck is mono-coloured doesnt mean you call it X Deck Wins. Otherwise ever deck is X Deck Wins.
stop triggering my autism and appropriatin red culture. REEEEEEEEEE
Landon Walker
When you can be one of the fastest decks in the format, you are X Deck Wins.
Charles Morgan
Thats not how it works REEEEEEE
muh tradittion
Liam Smith
So... White is the worst parts of being both a Paladin and a Politician.
Austin Wood
Basically. You just have to figure out where you sit on the slider and then live by that, and boom, that's how you white.
Thomas Robinson
Like Paladins and Politicians, white is also too hung up on Healthcare.
Cooper Watson
Apparently Veeky Forums says otherwise. Black has a clear lead over anything else, even the meme option.
Jacob Garcia
Colorless is not a color, so says Veeky Forums
William Perez
I love playing my WhiteRedBlue fakeassjeskai deck as controll-aggro, but Im a sucker for Eldrazi too, everytime I m inflicting damage I feel like I could do more, I need more raw power.
Why did I have stop playing MtG just a year before them? Why?
Jeremiah Peterson
Now OP done it. Post dragons fucking Kars.
Carter Cruz
Because whatever else, Wizards at least knows how to appeal to their audience. My current theory is that they know that they can't win with everyone, so they rotate their audience focus each block. The new Innistrad appealed to Edgy MTG players who are in WOD campaigns, and Kaladesh appealed to... well, everyone except Energy haters I guess.