You really think that on your adventure or quest some random monster or other being is gonna let you stick your dick in them?
Let alone for your seed to impregnate them?
You really think that on your adventure or quest some random monster or other being is gonna let you stick your dick in them?
Let alone for your seed to impregnate them?
Other urls found in this thread:
Well, not with that attitude, they're not.
>bitching about half breeds
>most games have like... two playable half breeds at most
Only two? Well, clearly the Bards haven't been doing their job right.
>jealous elven half clad girl
Impregnating random monsters isn't for during the adventure. It's for after the adventure, when you're itching to settle down and you strike up a correspondence with that charming young dragon who found you worthy of the magic artifact she guarded, or the strangely alluring sphinx who got so cutely frustrated when you bested her in a riddle contest.
When you go Drow, you'll never wanna go
Now you can see what monster you knocked up and the half breed child you never knew.
Will you take responsibility?
Drow rhymes with "plow" you dipshit.
No it doesn't you idiot, it rhymes with "bow"
>You never met the Dragon or the Sphinx
>She's twice your size and three times your weight and once ate a Gnomish diplomat
>You accidentally proposed to her when you passed her the flank of cow that took both hands to hand to her.
>The Ogre King, is pleased.
Where are all these awful comics from anyway? I see them ever so often and they're just so bland and ugly.
You mean drô? Drow is pronounced Drå•ōw
Thats what rolls to seduce are for.
That basically is something my last Bard did. Never leave home without your potions of Reduce/Enlarge Person.
Oh boy, that probably means a whole litter. And a lot of awkward explaining about how and why to anyone who knows who/what the mother is.
>The intelligent female half-Satyr blacksmith who is more than meets the eye. Her non-human ancestry isn't obvious, but she has some odd traits hinting at her parentage.
Welp, I guess I fucked a goat. Makes sense really, I'm from Norfolk originally.
more like generation waifu amirite
>The vocal female half-Manticore prophet
>The unwise, chaste male half-Will-O-The-Wisp ranger. He has a lithe build. His wardrobe is weird. He appears as an 'humanized' version of his non-human parent, but it is an attractive, not monstrous appearance.
The fuck?
How the hell do you even seduce a will'o wisp, let alone fuck it?!
>The industrious, private male half-Hydra blacksmith.
>He has a wide-chested build.
>His wardrobe is businesslike.
>He appears as an 'humanized' version of his non-human parent, but it is an attractive, not monstrous appearance.
The other way around, user
It rhymes with Throw you fucking moron
False. It rhymes with brow.
>The secretive female half-Nymph sorcerer. She has a busty build. She appears far more non-human than human.
I mean, nice, but... don't nymphs normally look pretty human in and of themselves? What kind of radically inhuman appearance am I seeing here?
You managed to find the Ultra-Rare Ugly Nymph™!
>The secretive female half-Gorgon martial artist. She has a wasp-waisted build. Her body is that of a human for the most part, but her head is more like that of her non-human parent.
Half-Gorgon? How the fuck?!
Well, someone must have been wearing a paper bag over their head.
>The ignorant female half-Hellhound paladin. She has a busty build. She appears as an 'humanized' version of her non-human parent, but it is an attractive, not monstrous appearance.
Ditzy tittymonster wolf-girl knight. Veeky Forums's perfect waifu. muh dick.
>The tactless male half-Phoenix jester coping with mental illness. He has an angular build. His non-human ancestry isn't obvious, but he has some odd traits hinting at his parentage.
The social, uneducated male half-Roc diviner. He has an angular build. His body is that of a human for the most part, but his head is more like that of his non-human parent.
mfw banging a giant turkey that can pick up elephants
mfw he grows up to become a superhero
>The fearful, educated female half-Unicorn berserker.
>She has a thin build.
>She appears to have multiple personalities - at times being human, at times taking after her non-human parent.
That would either be a self-contained sitcom, or a borderline personality shitshow.
Throw and brow don't rhyme?
She has grass and leaves instead of hair. Bark instead of skin. Moss instead of a bush. Berries instead of nipples. Etc. etc. etc.
With a single natural 20.
Man, why is Veeky Forums like 100% threads of complaining about minor gripes these days?
Did we run out of games to play, stories to tell, and projects to do?
Then draw your own, cuntmongler.
It rhymes with cow, you neanderthal.
That's a dryad, dudes.
They're not motivated or talented enough to be real artists, so they waste away in their parents' home and sell t-shirts of their crappy comic.
>The unconfident female half-Nymph necromancer.
Jesus Christ even in death ill hump
>play burly fighter
>got lucky on characteristic rolls.
>13 charisma this is my dump stat
>make it a side note to bang at least one broad everytime we stop in a town or in. For more than 12 hours
>started as a joke became just another note on the list for the hell of it.
>tie up campaign after beating bbeg
>everyone gets a epilogue
>mine consists of receiving massive child support bills.
>The addled, dispirited, broken-hearted male half-Keplie watchman. He has an athletic build. His wardrobe is plain. His appearance is that of a normal human - but under certain conditions he turns into a member of his non-human ancestor's species.
So I somehow fucked a literal sea horse and produced a depressed freak of nature.
To be fair, dryads are a kind of nymph in the source material.
>The withdrawn, world-weary male half-Devil marine. He has a lean build. He appears to have multiple personalities - at times being human, at times taking after his non-human parent.
I'm doomguy's father?????????
>The inexperienced female half-Kraken jester. She has a leggy build.
>leggy build
>Half-Gorgon? How the fuck?!
First, get your dick rock hard...
> The patronizing, disloyal female half-Chimera shaman.
Half-Chimera. What the actual fuck?
> The boring male half-Hydra poacher. He has a boyish build. His wardrobe is tight-fitting. His non-human ancestry is very obvious and not-concealable.
I wonder what gave it away?
>The confused, unstable female half-Yeti demonologist. Her non-human ancestry is very obvious and not-concealable.
If I don't take responsibility, I'm dead. And probably eaten.
> The greedy, experienced female half-Cockatrice fence with a large fortune. She has an amazonian build. Her wardrobe is revealing. She appears as an 'humanized' version of her non-human parent, but the result is very disturbing.
Aw, she takes after her father's love of gold, at least. Too bad she dresses like a harlot.
I am never drinking again.
>The ignorant, cruel female half-Troll martial artist. She has a thin build. Her wardrobe is complicated. She has a perfectly human head and face - but her body is that of her non-human parent's species.
This kind of scares me, I can't imagine it.
>The clever, experienced female half-Gorgon bodyguard who can't resist a fight. Her wardrobe is odd. She appears as an 'humanized' version of her non-human parent, but it is an attractive, not monstrous appearance.
She'd get me hard in an instant.
>You really think that on your adventure or quest some random monster or other being is gonna let you stick your dick in them?
My dick is pretty rad tbqh. it from porn?
either way, sauce
The friendly female half-Centaur prophet. Her non-human ancestry is very obvious and not-concealable.
shes 3/4 human though
>The unwise, unhappy, world-weary male half-Bakeneko fence. He has a masculine build. He has a perfectly human head and face - but his body is that of his non-human parent's species.
>unwise, unhappy, world-weary
Truly his fathers son ;_;
The addled female half-Pegasus inquisitor. She has an athletic build. She appears human - but those who interact with her keep getting the impression that she isn't human.
>another solved case ms.Inquisitor! Tell me, what is your secret?
>...huh. Is that so?
>The nice, extraverted female half-Hippogriff paladin. Her non-human ancestry is very obvious and not-concealable.
>my fucking face when the paladin i'm playing right now uses a (flightless) hippogriff as his Find Steed
I dropped my phone I laughed so hard at this
>he appears to have multiple personalities - at times being human, at times taking after his non-human parent
>sometimes he acts like a devil
Seems like it.
Would you consider Dwayne Johnson "angular"? If not, too bad, I'm imagining it and you can't stop me
9/10 on both counts, good show!
The uneducated female half-Cockatrice druid. She has a busty build. Her wardrobe is non-nonsense. She appears as an 'humanized' version of her non-human parent, but it is an attractive, not monstrous appearance.
>Her wardrobe is no-nonsense
Good. At least she dresses sensibly. I mean, for a druid, but that doesn't matter.
>The nervous female half-Vampire mage. Her wardrobe is classy. Her non-human ancestry isn't obvious, but she has some odd traits hinting at her parentage.
A dhampyr, eh? Wonder what she'd-
She's going to spend some time with her half-sister, hopefully they'll get along and she'll be ready to deal with the politicking expected of her.
>The slothful female half-Tanuki druid who belongs to a secret organization. She has a wasp-waisted build. Her wardrobe is revealing. She can shapeshift, taking the form of a human, or taking after her non-human ancestor.
I'm jealous of myself
"When you drow, you'll never want a cow?"
>The tolerant female half-Manticore berserker. Her body is a mismatched composite of her human and non-human ancestry.
That's... I don't even know how to picture this.
...And in one of our campaigns, we just killed a female manticore and our necromancer raised her. My character's female too though, so not sure how that would work.
Honestly, most likely scenario looks like you dying in a situation that also mangles the undead manticore, and the necromancer cobbling your corpses together into a Frankensteinian monster.
Now that you mention that, yes, that seems like the obvious conclusion. In fact, I won't even mention it to our necromancer's player because I think he'd actually go for it.
>The gentle, educated male half-Werewolf jester with big dreams. He has an angular build. His wardrobe is utilitarian. His body is that of a human for the most part, but his head is more like that of his non-human parent.
A wolfheaded jester?
At least he's using his appearance to his advantage.
>The scatterbrained male half-Dragon Turtle thief hiding a dark secret. He has a masculine build. His wardrobe is severe. He appears human - but those who interact with him keep getting the impression that he isn't human.
Top tier child.
To be fair, most non-humanoid half-breeds were made by gods or mad wizards with no direct sexual intercourse involved.
An elf did not impregnate a spider or vice versa by sticking his dick in her.
>The confused, tactful, experienced female half-Manticore martial artist hiding a dark secret. She has an hourglass build. Her wardrobe is attractive. She appears as an 'humanized' version of her non-human parent, but it is an attractive, not monstrous appearance.
[worry and arousal intensify]
What would a half-flumph look like?
>The intelligent, peaceful male half-Griffon conjurer. His wardrobe is utilitarian. His non-human ancestry isn't obvious, but he has some odd traits hinting at his parentage.
Sure, why not. Looks like a swell person.
Although the parentage does bring up some questions on how exactly he was conceived.
Would you... a beholder?
Absolutely, no questions asked.
>The clinging female half-Catoblepas armorer. She has a perfectly human head and face - but her body is that of her non-human parent's species.
Kill it with fire. And then get myself a therapist because I cant imagine fucking that sober.
>The confused, promiscuous, seasoned female half-Roc spy. Her appearance is that of a normal human - but under certain conditions she turns into a member of her non-human ancestor's species.
>The world-weary female half-Basilisk scribe. She has a thin build. Her non-human ancestry isn't obvious, but she has some odd traits hinting at her parentage.
I hope that turning people into stone by looking at them isn't one of those odd traits.
Maybe the Father was Blind. That would certainly solve some of the problems.
The smart, unstable, sheltered female half-Hydra conjurer. She has an elegant build. Her wardrobe is utilitarian. She appears human - but those who interact with her keep getting the impression that she isn't human.
Would you... a clown?
>The seasoned male half-Will-O-The-Wisp jester. He has a slender build. His body is one half human - one half taking after his non-human ancestor.
Not sure how any of this would work but I am fascinated...
Spider girls spider girls...
There is just something so exotic about monster girls.
Not sure about the cube though she is probably nice enough.
>The irrational, extraverted female half-Angel cleric. She has an elegant build. She appears human - yet her shadow is always that of her non-human parent's species.
>Not wanting to have a vore threesome where you fuck your other partner using your gelatinous cube maid as lube while you're inside her.
What are you, gay?
Imagine the shit an adventurer with a monster waifu would have to put up with: constant break-ins by people wanting to "slay the monster", being accused of being a cultist of some sort, dealing with inlaws.
Not to mention reprimanding your child for paralyzing the other children again.
I would still have a monster waifu though.
> Half-Orc
> Half-Elf
> Mules (Half-Dwarf)
> Half-Dragon
> Air Genasi
> Earth Genasi
> Fire Genasi
> Water Genasi
> Dhampir
> Racial Heritage
> The blood of a non-human ancestor flows in your veins.
> Prerequisite: Human.
> Benefit: Choose another humanoid race. You count as both human and that race for any effects related to race. For example, if you choose dwarf, you are considered both a human and a dwarf for the purpose of taking traits, feats, how spells and magic items affect you, and so on.
I don't like sharing even if the cube would be more like a location than a participant.
On a pic-related question fellow elegan/tg/entlemen and ca/tg/irls where do you draw the line with your monstrous paramours?
> The narrow-minded male half-Demon sorcerer. He has a masculine build. His wardrobe is sexy. His non-human ancestry gives him a horribly inhuman appearance.
Meh, he won genetic lottery.
The experienced female half-Gargoyle necromancer who is seeking meaning in life. She appears far more non-human than human.
Bang statues, every last one!
Is the pussy rotten?
So she is a half Jewkatrice
>The intelligent female half-Basilisk seer. She has a wide-hipped build. Her body is that of a human for the most part, but her head is more like that of her non-human parent.
>human body, basilisk head
Oh wow, the worst of both worlds. Poor girl.
The 'intelligent' part is probably also just in comparison to normal basilisks. Talk about getting dealt the worst cards...