Orcs or half-orcs, as long as they got some orc-blood flowing through their veins
Character Art Thread: Orcs
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That's the look of death by snu-snu if I ever saw it.
>vaguely roman orcs
I'm digging it.
>frankish Orks latinized by pax romana
I need scruffy/handsome. Like a handsome homeless guy.
Hey guys. I really need some young orc pictures, like teenage or pre-teen years. Does ANYONE have anything to help there?
Specifically male young orcs, mind. Girls are okay too, but my objective is mostly teenage boys.
There really needs to be more orcish cavalry in fiction.
HOLY fuck all these orcs fucking suck.
best orcs in terms of looks:
1. uruk hai and others from lotr movie
2. warcraft art orcs (in game they look shittier lol)
3. warhammer orCs
4. hobgoblins from dnd
1. tes' skinny, weak non-orc looking orcs
Not really related but I thought that orc lovers like you might find this enjoyable to read exhentai.org
Not orcy enough
How come I can't get satan trips when it matters
Oh fuck, someone actually drew my request.
how would orcs in a western setting dress? lol
where these orc warriors from? interesting armour.
how would orcs in a western setting dress
If they're natives well, depends on the culture that fits the place where the adventure takes place. If they're not natives but part of the "civilized" colonist, dress them like Clint Eastwood.
Alternative: Mexican orcs
They'd basically be the troglodytes from Bone Tomahawk
Anyone got any good dwarven bards? Either gender, im not picky.
>nae fader, oi dinae want ta be a miner an dig me loif away, i wan to sing! I wan to Dance! I want ta travel tha worl, and "meet" new creatures an species!
That image was originally used to represent a shifter, OP.
Anyone have any female goblins that aren't literally porn, I like the Incase style stuff but I need sfw.
It seems female goblins exist only as fapbait
I'm fine with Skimpy stuff, but it's all either modern clothes or full blown porn.
At least since WoW
I'm not altogether sure female goblins were a thing people took note of up until then.
Anyone got any good ones of "civilized" orcs? no tribal themes or patchwork armor?