What are some genetically engineered organisms (Animals, Plants, Fungi, etc.) which would be useful in a war situation?
What are some genetically engineered organisms (Animals, Plants, Fungi, etc.) which would be useful in a war situation?
Depends on the level of engeneering, if you go full "You can do anything" then the possibilities are as limitless as life is.
Updated work dogs and dolphins.
Penicillin mold.
Amphibious sea animal like otter to board ships.
Changes in early generations should be quick and easy. It's the fifth generation when they go crazy. (Japan's fifth generation computer project, and fifth generation fighters.)
Ants or beetles that infiltrate enemy installations and marks areas containing [explosives/radiation/high levels of radiowaves/etc] with a substance visible to only certain wavelenghts.
>bugs infiltrate compound
>wait a week or two
>spysat flies over
>ammo stockpiles and Ops Center shows up on the pics like blazing beacons
humans modified to be stronger and smarter, maybe capable of eating a wider variety of organic matter for sustenance
or just a shitload of virus for which you have vaccines for a selected fraction of your populace
deadly ones
you twit
That series had some of the most amazing art and designs.
Definitely Brundlepenis
Fuck you now i have to fucking replay Ur-quan masters because of you
Not to mention, cyborg bugs like ants would also make excellent infiltrators to sneak in and eavesdrop on the enemy.
Pigeons that look totally normal but prioritize roosting around military sites (perhaps due to an attraction to the smell of munitions). A gland makes their shit contain drugs that induce psychosis when inhaled.
As a safety precaution they can only breed for a few generations before becoming sterile.
No, seriously, if you drop a kudzu seed in an enemy outpost, expect it to be overgrown practically overnight. This is more trouble than you might think, as it rapidly consumes nutrients and can make a supply depot a nightmare.
if both nations are using biopunk creations, wouldn't you just be giving them a quick growing fodder for their herbivores?
assuming you don't splice in some Australian nettle tree
And we can eat animal brains to gain their knowledge, and spit poison, and
Leivithan boks are top tier ya-fiction.
In certain fictions you don't even need to do any engineering to make meat into a weapon.
It depends on several factors:
1) who are you fighting
2) local climate
3) your goal
4) your understanding of genetic modification
For the sake of argument let's assume you want to fuck up modern humans. If you can only use existing but tweaked organism your best bet would be biological warfare with a cocktail of viruses, bacterias and various parasites. Doing it EDF- style won't work as you can't have them even relatively armored or fast compared to even early firearms, not even speaking about modern machinery and weapons. Making ridiculously big monsters won't do any good either as there is a limit to how big you can be before your bones break as well as those being big targets with slow reaction times and low survivability. If you don't want to keep the biosphere you can also go full 40k and add diseases that would affect most of local plant and animal life. It would take months and some would probably survive but it won't matter when locals would be starving to death while going through hydroponics crash course.
If you can make a creature with thick bones made out of naturally grown nanotubes or diamond or some other kind of extremely resilient material as well as having other issues like reaction time and muscle strength fixed you could make zerg or tyrranid- like invasion and larger monsters become a tad bit more reasonable. They still have all the issues of mechs as to having way too huge cross section you can hit so they are not really practical.
Reinforced bamboo. It already has the tensile strength to be used in scaffolding. Planting fast growing hedges of it could create rapid palisades and reshape a battlefield slowing even light vehicles. Conceal some anti-tank mines amongst them and even tanks will think twice before plowing over them.
Vats grown genetically modified rat brains that serves at guidance system for missiles.
You're just making space marines, aren't you?
Frickin' sharks with frickin' lazers on their heads.
War Dogs.
Think Caucasian Shepard dogs with infrared pits, higher intelligence and sociability(both with humans and with other War Dogs), on top the usual muscle/bone/sensory enhancements and sterility.
Pair with a handler that trains with them from early puphood. When fully grown, implant radio, camera and subdermal armor,and send to the front.
Use them for dense combat environments, for the same roles military dogs do now-scouting, bomb searching, guard and patrol, tracking and attacking infantry.
Mix in a second species of bamboo with explosive pockets of hydrogen peroxide and hydroquinone.
When nearby movement disturbs the bamboo, it explodes and sprays scalding hot gas and bamboo shrapnel everywhere.
Ya know, just to make removal difficult. Either by hand, machine or insect.
Missiles already have perfectly decent guidance systems.
Now killbots on the other hand, now those could use some brains. Grow up a vat of dog, dolphin, or monkey brains, train them with simulated combat captured from the first model, then send them into a war zone. Bam, a bunch of dead enemies and fewer human fatalities.
A fungus that functions like a nerve/neural network.
Imagine the floor of a forest/valley/some other enclosed natural terrain covered in a thin yet tough and pliable moss, squishy underfoot but otherwise unobtrusive. But the fungus "feels" anyone and anything that makes contact with it (through some equivalent of nerves), displaying that to a central "brain." You'd have real time, omnidirectional radar (albeit two dimensional) immune to jamming or hacking.
Yeah, but not immune to "agent orange for fungus" that the enemy will start spraying everywhere.
This may herald all sorts of merry hell for both sides but implant saboteur knowledge into raccoons. They get up to all kinds of shit without even knowing how, imagine the damage they'd do with an engineering degree.
>War dogs
Wasn't that a thing in star ship troopers or something?
Assuming the enemy figures out that's what its for. If it's unknown terrain, they could just as well assume it's a natural feature. And then of course you could start mixing in kamikaze molds in with the detectors, visually identical but releasing deadly toxins on death.
Something like it was mentioned in passing, yes. Dunno if it was shown, though.
This sounds like a premise for a comedy spy flick. Or a cheesy spy anime.
Arnold Schwarzenegger and the girl of the day must stop the nefarious band of GMO racoon dogs from blowing up the Federal Reserve!
You could engineer some type of super-kudzu that grows incredibly quickly and chokes out all other plant life in the area, effectively either overrunning the enemy's farmland or requiring intense effort and expense to get rid of. Plants that look and grow exactly the same as regular plants but incredibly toxic and planted secretly in enemy farmland. Plants that produce explosive fruit on par with a grenade. The possibilities are endless but are a double-edged sword since no one wants to deal with super-kudzu.
With animals you can go a similar route, the easiest being reviving the now supposedly extinct American locust. Locust alone are one of the absolute worst things you can visit on an enemy nation. Outside of that you've got animals with skin thick enough to resist bullets, hybrid creatures with aggression levels that make roid rage look calm, bats whose internal chemistry goes explosive after a few weeks, just as they've started to nest in the buildings of an enemy city, etc. Really it depends on the tech level.
The obvious answer here is that you make the super kudzu dependent on a lab-synthesized protein for a catalyst-one that can't be easily produced in the wild.
That way, it only reproduces until the supply of catalyst gets too thinly spread, and removal is as easy as spraying a catalyst-phage of some sort over the afflicted area.
Come to think of it, that's a good idea for industrial use as well-it'd let companies strictly control population size of industrial bacterium without losing the benefits of reproduction.
The K9-Corps. Neodogs are genetically and cybernetically enhanced organisms, 6 times smarter than your normal dog, that are fine-tuned to be bound to their handlers, who themselves are latent psychics.
They mention pretty explicitly in the book about how if a handler dies, they put the dog down, and that its a cruelty to the handler that they don't do the same if the dog dies.
Sounds about right.
Did they actually show them, though, or were they just talking about it? Because I don't recall them being in any of the battles shown.
Only talked about, and mention them sniffing bugholes on Klendathu. Otherwise, they are expanded on in the comics, TV show, miniature game and RPG.
Exploding frogs.
So, French Muslims?
y'want a robot uprising? cause thats how you get a robot uprising
When has a dog ever risen against it's master? I'm sure it would be fine, it's not like we would give them the intelligence or ability to make more of or modify themselves.
Don't worry user, it's gonna be fine.
Targeted plagues.
And anything from deep sub 6
That comic was awesome.
The kids did not fuck, and there weren't any mecha battles and that greatly disappoints. Hardly top-tier
>there weren't any mecha battles
Weren't there? It's been a long time since I read them but I remember the main character stealing a mech, didn't he get into scraps with it?
>The kids did not fuck
You disgust me
>When has a dog ever risen against it's master?
Lots of times.
How long until this ends in another Numenera book?
This, dropping Kudzu seeds from a spy plane over a field of crops could devastate the infrastructure of an area within weeks-months, no one has ever tried making it worse, but a few adjustments could make it more hardy.
who else is reading twig?
evette a top tier waifu