Is this true?
Is this true?
Other urls found in this thread:
Right wing stance of the imperium attracts those who are right wing. Tbf though I know plenty of lefties who collect (almost all of them are guard players, make of that what you will).
Fuck off. Stop shilling for your pathetic bait website you chode. This is why people dont respect journalists anymore. How do you feel being less relevant than a facebook side bar?
Please kill yourself.
Hey, I wanna get into Warhammer 40k but I don't wanna be surrounded by sexists and fascists.
I don't know, but it's pretty plausible. The iconography of the Imperium (fascist Catholics) pretty much ticks all the right boxes, plus a lot of their "suffer not a witch to live, purge the unclean and the heretic" stuff.
It's loaded question. It's like asking "why so many leftists love 1984?" or "why are there so many actual criminals in Sopranos fandom?" or something along those lines.
Oh god, has /pol/ finally done it?
Then fuck off the edge of our collective dicks.
>unironically getting triggered by a fucking trump-emperor pics
Nobody takes them seriously, even the fucking right-wing who created them.
No. It's just a lot of edgy teenagers and neckbeards. Shitposting /pol/ tier opinions and regurgitating memes doesn't make you an Actual Fascist.
The Left needs to pull its fucking head out of its ass, because this outrage culture is creating the problems they are afraid of.
these people talk a lot of shit about 40k being culturally dangerous or some other shit, forgetting that in the context of the setting the Imperium's militaristic, theocratic oligarchy is perfectly justifiable.
Stop worshipping the Emperor = demons rape everyone's soul
stop working like a slave to supply your armies = traitors and xenos rape your civilisation
stop fearing the xeno = orks fuck you up / the eldar fuck you over / Tau expand / and so on and so forth
In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. Desperate situations require desperate measures in order to survive, even just to stave off the inevitable.
The reason why I don't like stuff like Gamergate is not all the namecalling and memespewing, but everybody looking for an excuse to stick their own political agenda in what they look at. I'm sick of this shit. Let me enjoy my grimdark plastic men and stop throwing your notes from Social Studies 101 at everything you see.
suck a dick dumbshit
This tbqh.
There's a lotta edgy teens and actual fascists who are into the series or are at least willing to appropriate it's imagery/memes ironically but I'd say the number of liberals/conservatives/moderates who are into 40k far, far outnumber them and the fanbase is no more rightwing than any wargaming one.
HEll, compared to WW2 ones that have to deal with Wehraboos and literal neonazis we're fucking lucky to just have the odd annoying trump memer.
I think I finally understand, now.
Some folks from /pol/ were sure everyone opposing them were going to be weeping blood for months after the election, and are upset due to the lack of reaction on Veeky Forums. So they've been posting thinly disguised political commentary in order to stir people up.
There's been a particular trend of accusing anyone who disagrees with the OP statement as "butt blasted as the people who supported Hillary" and then accusing them of being leftist faggots.
For anecdotal evidence of said trend:
All I see is shitposting, you should start taking things less seriously, especially when they are written by some slav on a mongolian anonymous internet forums.
These people need to stop. The Veeky Forums community is still coasting to the left because of the religious crazies back in the 80s declaring D&D to be the devil, but so was /v/ back in 2008 because of Jack Thompson.
It only takes a couple of months of being called sexist racist nazi bigots for a community of grognards to snap and go full Gamergate. I don't want to live in that world dude. Just fucking stop. It doesn't matter if there are some right-wingers who like 40k. It doesn't matter if there are some literal communists or neo-nazis who like 40k. We just want to paint miniatures and roll dice. Recent history has shown us that whenever things boil down to identity politics the Right punches WAY above their weight, the shitstorm this would create will ruin Veeky Forums for everybody except /pol/. They'll love it.
You don't want pepe the frog laughing over the bloating corpse of your hobby? Don't bring politics into it. It's the kiss of death.
Not at all.
Although there is a surprisingly high number of creepy autists, like one guy on dakkadakka recently saying that, due to reasons he could not explain, he absolutely needed the new Sisters of Battle to have boob armor.
Stop shilling your misogynistic hate-filled pedo-defending site, faggot
>implying /pol/ hasn't already taken over Veeky Forums
We're already suffering from so much political correction from both sides that 70% of any given thread devolves into politics.
fuck off faggot
Hey I've got a degree in sociology, don't blame me for this shit.
The trouble is people not understanding the difference between presenting something in a form of media, and endorsing something in a form of media.
There's a distinct difference between having something existing in a story/setting (E.G. the Imperium of Man is a facist state) and endorsing it (E.G. People thinking the 40K universe is arguing the world should be facist), but shittons of idiots don't see the difference. That's because shit tons of people are idiots. And I say that as a lefty wanker.
but this will save white civilization user
>he says as he uses a 'z' in civilisation.
I think that's more that the overton window is shifting, so people who before stayed silent now feel emboldened to voice their opinions because they perceive them as being "safe" now. I noticed a very similar trend eight years ago when Obama won.
You go to the only actual /pol/ colony on Veeky Forums, which would be the SoS threads, basically nothing changed after Trump won. Half of the guys there are openly /pol/acks but there are never any political arguments there or anything, they just made some Mike Pence jokes when Trump won and then kept talking about swords or whatever.
Everwhere else there's an extreme tension surrounding all political topics, which makes it the ideal place to troll. If nobody gave a fuck, there would be no trolling. This is why the /d/ invasions ended after everyone stopped caring.
Every White person is a Fascist unless they're on there knee's for
Jewish Multiculturalism and acting in a self deprecating manner at all times.
A bunch of White guys wanna sit around a table and play a board game without women?
Sexist, gender biased pigs.
Include women and now its all the White characters of the game that are the problem.
These figures lack gender diversity. Why are they all representing the demographic that plays them?
Now its time to include a Black character, an Asian character. A gay character. And a Transgender npc.
Its a spiral that is on purpose purging the gaming community of not only the White men who play them
but the idea and creativity behind science fiction must be altered to fit a jewish perspective of all
inclusiveness that doesn't belong in the first place. Go as a White person to china and demand special
privileges while chastising the native people for a mono-racial mono-culture. They'll grab you by your
fucking hair and throw you into the ocean. But Whites must conform because Jews and other assorted
globalists say so. Or be called a Nazi, a Racist. We're going back to trotsky levels of mind kikery to
enforce conformity.
So what do White men do? Split along a 2 paths of divergent thinking.
Path 1. I will lambast myself. I will hate white people (and by extension myself) and adopt cultures and people not of my own.
Path 2. I will love myself and my kind in spite of your vitriol. I will proudly Exalt my culture and Extol its virtues.
And its a shock that people are playing more Nationality oriented games like flames of war and so on. These fucking people.
40k Is Satanic and Communist at its core. But to people who don't read into the symbols in the game it fills a need.
Picture related.
No political threads in Veeky Forums, please.
Was making manchildren cry part of your plan?
Well said. I come here to get away from reality.
Yes, people that play Germans in flames of war are all Nazis and people that play Paranoia are all traitorous clones.
He has a point though.
We can easily address this gender balance by introducing visible taugirl models and more sororitas figurines. Possibly additional Shadowsun variants and other female commanders. Maybe some Tyranids with feminine hips and waists...
Yes yes thank you Ghoul, 14/88, Heil Hitler, we get it. Now go gas the kikes on Veeky Forums or something. They actually deserve it.
The 'z' comes from Greek while the 's' comes from French.
>The trouble is people not understanding the difference between presenting something in a form of media, and endorsing something in a form of media.
Under rated post.
I know a guy that's a German WW2 reenactor - he's always getting asked if he's a Nazi. His response - no, I just think they had better uniforms.
>No political threads in Veeky Forums, please.
waaaaah dont talk about Veeky Forums related articles because there are political
I hear what you're saying
James McCnnaughy is clearly a agent of chaos and should be purged
Intersectionalism is pure cancer. Fucking EVERYTHING is a social justice issue nowadays.
It was pretty good bait, the SJW bullshit was pretty accurate but the jew bashing and lack of the obvious third option (tell the SJWs to fuck off and carry on as before) was a bit too full on.
Kind of, yeah.
What do I care about FailingJournalist Mcbumfuck? What does FailingJournalist Scratching-The-Surface have to do with Veeky Forums?
The answer? Absolutely nothing.
Checked and witnessed. James McCock will be shot for heresy.
>ITT same fags responding to the same bait thread, that is spammed on Veeky Forums every second hour
Taugirls are literally Tau dudes but with Y-vaginas instead of regular vaginas. Every Tau infantry sprue comes with at least one female head, and isn't one of the Tau HQ options female?
Eldar's got womyn too, guard technically does but lol no models.
It's not bait, I wrote that all out right now, and included a picture of a discussion
on the topic I had at another time. Jew bashing is depicting Jewish influence
accurately. As for telling SJW's to fuck off, it's not the goal of the post.
This is:
So what do White men do? Split along a 2 paths of divergent thinking.
Path 1. I will lambast myself. I will hate white people (and by extension myself) and adopt cultures and people not of my own.
Path 2. I will love myself and my kind in spite of your vitriol. I will proudly Exalt my culture and Extol its virtues.
This is directly related to gaming. They are politicizing gaming and literally brainwashing people into diversity/communistic centered
thinking. They are altering your games in front of you. GamerGate included. And if I mention this "its wrong, its bad think". Maybe
they can install safespaces for you on Tg.
Guard is the only faction which should have female models and doesn't.
>Every Tau infantry sprue comes with at least one female head, and isn't one of the Tau HQ options female?
Yep, and the ghostkeel has a female pilot head as well.
>40k Is Satanic and Communist at its core.
Only because they need to make the setting as grim and terrible as possible.
As I said, it's quality bait.
The SJW shit is bang on so mixing it with the jew bashing and surrender or white supremacy are the only option nonsense is a good play.
Tone it down a bit next time and you might get more bites.
people try and forget about the plastic tau women because they aren't generic anime fap bait
That's a shoop, isn't it?
Yep because in order to be more inclusive to women we need models with exaggerated tits and ass.
Some dipshit on Dakka actually held up doc Thunder (that guy that puts collossal greenstuff tits on everything) as an example of what female space marines should be like. I swear that most of these white knighting fuckwits are just using much diversity as an excuse to ask for more fapbait models.
This is more then just a tabletop game. This is something children/teens will be playing.
Kids don't need casual Satanism, nor do they need to paid evil with a sympathetic face.
Gaming should reinforce positives about society. Doing the right thing, helping people.
Saving lives. Going on adventures and conquering evil.
40k isn't about 40k. It's about introducing the occult to children. Its about lowering
standards. It's about making the unacceptable acceptable.
"It's a game!" It's a game marketed to children. And it's very subtle. Blood drinking rituals and all.
"So all media should conform to the good always wins mantra?" If your a capable writer and the
people buying your content are healthy those are the best stories to read.
Pic related.
Wouldn't 40K be much less sexist with official models like this?
This is the real image. GG dudes shopped this into the ugly caricature pictured above, and into a cuter-younger version, trying to make it seem as though Sarkeesian is a goblin who has all her shit shopped, when in reality, she's a semi-goblin who knows how to use makeup.
I've not seen one child playing this game.
Of course I forget the image.
>Gaming should reinforce positives about society.
>What do I care about FailingJournalist Mcbumfuck
because if left unchecked this sort of fearmongering can deal real damage to the hobby
do you not remember the satanic panic
I have. Watch youtube vids about 40k battle reports. they are in there.
I'll put it like this. People marinate in media. Just like they do in society. If media is about
television shows about cannibals, vigilantes, extreme rage and deceit will people mimic what they
see through media and incorporate it into there personal lives at some level?
Whyyyy? I'm all for having female marines and stuff, but why would you just stick two giant balls of greenstuff on and pretend that it works? It just looks retarded.
>Gaming should reinforce positives about society. Doing the right thing, helping people.
Gaming should be about angry little men with rocket machineguns blowing eight armed alien monsters to smithereens. If they also have a chainsaw sword made up entirely of the skulls of starved out orphan children, all the better.
I doubt three things about that statement: That a buzzfeed author writes anything but sjw bullshit, that their audience aren't afraid of their own shadows, and that anybody who reads buzzfeed in the firstplace won't forget about it faster than a goldfish would.
It's an attempt at clickbait, and it's not going to be anything but.
I'm a literal communist who plays 40k.
I don't even play Guard.
>google the author of article
>its The Word Of God The Mary Sue
yea fuck this garboge
seduction of the innocent was one book by somebody who thinks the cca went to far in the end
>misogyny is the hatred of woman
The Mary Sue is clearly a case of Misandry
Deldar, funnily enough. Probably the least communist faction.
Tau are pretty anti-communist. I'd have guessed Kroot, Nids, or maybe an army that has no connection to his political beliefs whatsoever.
I wish GW leaned into Tau communism a bit harder. Since it's grimdark, have them go Full Juche. Although that would mean no more Gue'vesa, because Juche is hardcore about "We are better than any other nation and do not need any external aid."
On paper all castes and races within the empire are equal. From the highest Ethereal to the lowest earth caste repairman.
That's communism.
My nigga
And like I said in they could totally go Juche, since Juche gets hard over the idea of a Divine Great Leader, which the ethereals would slot into perfectly.
If they are equal, then there isn' "highest ethereal" or "lowest earth caste repairman". They are ethereal and earth caste repairman. Go back to the re-education camp, gue'vesa.
you know what, im gonna quote stuff on this article that screams fucking childlike attitude towards life. lets begin
> It annoys me when people I dislike share an appreciation for something I like
>I remembered how, back when GamerGate was still a thing that people took seriously, how they would often use repurposed images from Warhammer 40k as propaganda. And some dots started connecting in the back of my brain.
>Let’s stop for a moment and talk about satire, because I like hard shifts like that.
>Satire is pointed, it has a purpose, it is, to use a phrase I often dislike, saying something
>And therein lies the problem: Satire is always walking the razor’s edge
>By using the words and concepts of the thing you are satirizing, you are often giving voice to those words and concepts, and someone out there is going to agree with those words
i could go on and on because this is just the start of the article, but im gonna quote this
>But if Trump is the Emperor, I can see why some people might want to fall to Chaos
holy shit is this guy fucking retarded, the sheer volume of spewed bullshit is beyond my understanding.
>But if Trump is the Emperor, I can see why some people might want to fall to Chaos
>I'd rather fall into something exponentially worse
This is the level of retardation that let the Chaos begin in the first place
Communism strives for the abolishment of classes, among other things.
A strict caste system you can never leave with an absolute ruling class is the exact opposite of that.
Actual Fascist here, and yes it is true if by so many it means "proportionally the same or only slightly higher than the general population."
Now I have a question. I, an Actual Fascist, also enjoy crib. Does that mean cards are fascist and problematic?
>I just think they had better uniforms.
That's how it always starts.
>hard shift
Sarcasm and satire is one of the lowest expressions of intellect. Any and every 13-year-old can and has done it.
Creating something is much harder than mocking.
Hitler loved Nature, gave women shelters, animal protection, funded Volkswagen, made the modern highway, and drank water
We better stop all this because we're literal Hitlers now.
Only in Marxian Communism. A communist society could work like Tau society where there is a caste system, but where all castes are equal.
The Tau sergeant in Fire Warrior explains it well. While they are all equal. Some are more equal than others.
The Ethereals don't lead because they are better or superior than anyone else. They lead because it's their job and they are better suited for it.
The Tau are more equal than other races not because the Tau are better or superior but because they are more enlightened than the rest and so they must lead this equality of races.
>While they are all equal. Some are more equal than others.
So Tau are Intersectional Feminists
What does it say if i'm somewhat leftist but I play as Orks?
Fuck you user my ribs are hurting now
Orks are obviously anarchist.
i disagree. they have obvious goals; loot and war.
But they don't have any set leaders. The Warboss can be deposed and replaced at any time.
user you are mistaken, like most people. Satire is not mockery, nor sarcasm. Satire is hard, so most people opt for mockery and just call it satire hoping no one will call them on it.
Someone pointing out that the fash has an interest in your hobby =/= people saying you're the fash.
>The Warboss can be deposed and replaced at any time.
so they are always led by the biggest meanest ork there is...who has the same goals as the last warboss; loot and war.
It's like you don't even know about soviet communism.
Someone post the imperial fist/louis carol greentext or the squad broken copypasta
That's despotism, not anarchy.
No, no. According to certain people this is exactly what we need to encourage more women to play 40K.
I guess i'm ok with this.
Kek, seconded
>I'll put it like this. People marinate in media. Just like they do in society. If media is about
>television shows about cannibals, vigilantes, extreme rage and deceit will people mimic what they
>see through media and incorporate it into there personal lives at some level?
Lots of people have claimed this. Noone has actually managed to produce any meaningful evidence to support it.
Perhaps a better role for media is to provide a counter example in order to better make clear why the positive things you listed are important.
If we show violence, lawlessness, selfishness, etc. we remind people why those things are negative and why the positives are so important.
To add - this is one of the things that some people like about 40K. Even in a universe so utterly dysfunctional there is still room for bravery, personal sacrifice and justice if only on a very small scale.
>tfw a Libertarian Ultramarine player
How JUST am I?
I LOVE you man, and I love libertarianism
We have to get it on someday