Filename thread

Repost one, create one (no matter how shitty) edition.











>Budget Cleric







This does not seem like the proper method to bless an infant

>starting off new players in a dungeon

>Table tennis
>White dude
>US championship
So he is like "meh" at ping pong?

What's this from?


>TN8 if ritual is performed hastily




>tfw you will never make your hat float as if by magic
>tfw you will never be this flexible or charming

Why even live



>Cleric flip-flops between alignments

Well, it looks like I'm obligated

it is called Maximus Baptism, its the better way to bless a infant



They Might Be Giants music video for "I'll be haunting you".




I do not comprehend

Never watched FMA?

Well if you don't mind being spoiled on a pretty good twist. From what I remember basically that little girl is a character who is really just sweet kind character who we are introduced too early on in the series, she and her dog are in a few episodes in a sort of slice of life way, making you care for her you know. She and her single father, basically a guy who works as a researcher are living alone and helping the main characters out. The father specializes in chimaeras, in fact he's famous because he once produced a chimaera that was almost human in intelligence. Anyways a bit of plot later we come to find out rather suddenly that he's taken this girl, and basically killed her by fusing her with her pet dog, all to secure another few years of research funding (it's also revealed that he did the same thing to her mother to make his first intelligent chimaera). When asked why the fuck he would do something so fucked up when his funding is just going to get cut again anyways since he doesn't have any more family members to kill, he says that he basically just did it because he could. Then there's a real tear jerker scene where the dog/human hybrid asks the main character to "stop hurting daddy" when the MC starts punching his face in

Needless to say, it was much more emotionally delivered in the show than I just did, but still.


This pleases the penis.

Gimme a girl like that.

I don't get it

Why don't honkies get these powers?


Old Man Henderson, skating rink, dynamite.


Soviet Womble on youtube, one of his Arma bullshitteries



This seems like it would turn into duojin, but at the same time could easily not.

How does it go?


The orcs take the captive girl to the dungeons and rape her until she mind breaks.


It's siamese drawn photography, what do you expect? Almost everything on Veeky Forums is porn.

Well it's rare in a duojin for Orks to have weapons of that scale.

Okay, that bothers me SO fucking much, holy shit

Dam, that was some good form.

You what rare? A doujin with an orc female, raped or not. Or at least CONSENSUAL orcs.
The amount of rape is almost killing my boner

Call of Cthulhu is about guys vs something uncomprehendably scary.
They try to use dynamite to get rid of scary stuff.


Hey, it worked for Henderson.





>H.R. Giger's Mr Universe

Yes, and a revolver shot was enough for main hero of Lovecraft's "From Beyond".


I love TCW

Needs a filename



>From a certain point of view




>rolled 00 on encounter table







All I do is make them though.


That's pretty graphic for a kid's show.

W-was that George Lucas?




>Tfw only up to degenerate
Fuck, I have a long way to go before I come round to vanilla once more.


huge quest was fucking perfect

NO, it was Bruce Hoglund.

>Garden gnomes
Two warp portals opened and sucked my sides in

Where does foreverial tiedup delitized fall on this chart? Is there a Yog-Sothoth tier under the rape dolphin?

>MLP worst than furry, scat, farts, pedoshit, and diapers... yet is apparently just as bad as necrophilia, bestiality and bug chasing
This chart is bullshit

>not God-Emperor of Mankind

It's never a good idea to attack fixed fortifications, especially when they're manned by the French.