Excuse me Commissar, but why did the emperor even make 20 primarchs when he could just have went straight for Thunderwarriors 2.0? Especially since he was able to make geneseed from his own DNA - as we see with the grey knights. It wasn't really the primarchs who conquered the galaxy, it was the legions of hundreds of thousands of Space Marines. Why would he create beings who might be able to threaten in any way? No primarchs, no heresy, no problems. He'd conquer the galaxy a bit slower, sure, maybe even noticeably slower, but since he knew about the warp it seems awfully reckless to risk it.
Excuse me Commissar...
Other urls found in this thread:
Just let your dumb forced meme die already.
It's embarassing to watch you keep doing this.
there is nothing wrong with excuse me comisioner
that said this op was maybe a little long and detailed for an excuse me but not that out there that it is worth complaining about
>there's nothing wrong with stupid forced memes
>Excuse me Commissar thread
>in 2010+5+1 AD
>there is nothing wrong with excuse me comisioner
>excuse me comisioner
There it is, the average intelligence of this shit threads' OPs
The only embarassing thing about these threads are spergs sperging about how they hate the meme.
To answet your question OP, it would be like asking why do we need generals, it is not them but soldiers that win wars.
>literaly defending an "I'm too lazy to google it" thread
It's dumb and gay and you could easily ask your google-able questions without trying to force your meme, making your forced meme just an unnecessary and obnoxious way of singling yourself out as a dumb faggot.
The question was dumb, I agree. The meme? It's just a way to ask a question, not that funny I agree, but definately not that bad that it deserves all the bitching it recieves. It is almost as if a mediocre meme has spawned a really bad meme based on bitching about it.
might as well post the rest of these fucking things in case some faggots want to save them
>the question? it's just a way to force a meme
apparently i cant post the rest because Veeky Forums thinks its spam, oh how right they are
It's called delegation.
Here, I'll show you.
"Sergeant! Shoot this man!"
Please OP, if you suck any more dicks the gellar field won't be able to contain the faggotry.
>he thinks grey knights are made from the emps gene seed
they are
>replies "please op" to a post that says "to answer your question op"
reading comprehention 101
every meme is forced after the first instance, just sit down shut up and eat your bullshit so you can enjoy yourself or you'll have an aneurysm.
In every single case, a commissar even a lord commissar would respond with:
"Whats a Primarch and why are there 20 of them?"
"Who are the Grey Knights?"
"What the fuck is a Thunder Warrior?"
"Wait theres hundreds of thousands of the Angels of Death? How would you even know this?"
You'll need ccd0's 4chanX
im pretty sure the primarchs are common knowledge
not the two lost ones. the grey knights wouldn't be known though, or the thunder warriors or the angels.
>forcing that dumb "adding numbers to get the current year" meme
Im sure the vast majority of IG would never see a space marine in his entire combat experience.
Most citizens also would only be vaguely aware of the Emperor's angels of deaths if at all.
Actually i dont actually know, what does the imperial creed teach about the heresy?
i miss the frodo meme tbfamonestly
Had OP phrased his post in a different way, while retaining the question, would you have also complained?
Why didn't the Emperor just make legions of Primarchs instead?
Best of both worlds I reckon.