new IG faction is looking pretty dope
New IG faction is looking pretty dope
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what is this
Fuck off with your copy/pasted artwork fanfic
game called endless space 2
>all have big important hats
so.... sci-fi-armies-that-could-potentially-be-used-as-imperial-guard-concepts thread?
Hunchbacks, prezidential guard.
From The Incal and Before the Incal comic books. Former criminals with a mind-rewriting uniform (which cause the hunch) that progessively makes them into zealots ready to kill, rape, pillage and die for the Prezident.
Here seen exterminating underhive mutants. The comic itself is pretty 40k.
HFY has finally entered endless space 2 huh?
Fuck yes. Can't wait for the clones, machines, and plant people to join the game soon.
Isn't there an ancient edit of this comic where all the hunchbacks are /b/ anons killing furries?
>UE confirmed
>not Sheredyn
True suffering.
Yes, there is.
Nausicaa by Miyazaki has nice post apoc knights with gas masks, assault rifles and ramshackle tanks.
It's an awesome manga btw, you should read it if you have the opportunity to do so.
Yes there is.
Care to post?
do you even hat
My homeboy.
>Schola progenium.jpg
I wouldn't even be mad if tomorrow they revealed a new mechanical monstrous creature for the IG that looks suspiciously like pic related.
Why is that mecha stepping over a naked woman?
Because it's above the lesser sex.
no no lisn
it would even cooler if it was above the HIGHER sex
Scopedog is a man's mecha. It is above the sex of whores and feminists.
>Misogyny intensifies
I feel that we're loosing sight of the original topic.
On a sidenote, Castaferrum (boxy) dreadnoughts can have non SM pilots, as shown with the SoB dread.
Their new back story is interesting. Their home world was apparently 'settled', meaning that Earth and other human factions are apparently out there as well.
> that poster
Heh, I'm actually reading the memoirs of the guy who's life the movie is based on.
>Asians and blacks in my nazi empire
Fuck this shit
>Even in death I still burn the unfaithful.
I'm hoping the Sheredyn and Vaulters show up as a minor factions at the very least.
>That pic
Did he update? Because I don't remember seeing that
Ja, That's their face when they accidentally inject the guardsman with Catachan-grade combat drugs.
After the Hospitaller uses too much sedative on him.
As a joke.
She's a professional, trust her.
I also made this one.
And this one.
So does the commissar just have an even bigger hat?
Abhumans on combat drugs.
What do you think those thing on the background are? Starships? Wrong, only commissar's hats.
That lasgun gave me cancer
Do you remember the name? It's been so very long since I've read it.
Bolter to Kokoro by Lutherniel.
Great movie too.
What are you even doing on Veeky Forums?
That is some fine music in that trailer.
>no love for Hissho
Endless Space needed more fun spaceship designs anyway
>space opera corporate-feudalism through a Verhoeven's 'Starship Troopers' lens
God damn. Nausicaa is awesome and I can't believe I never thought of this.
I liked their spaceship design, but never cared for them much from a gameplay perspective.
They tend to lose out because if you can't science in Endless Space you end up being steamrolled by those who can. Even with your military buffs, I ended being just barely able to fight a stalemate with a Horatio player who had better tech than I.
But honestly? I can't find Endless Space too fun, it feels like far too much of a slog without enough going on to really hold me through. The factions all felt samey.
And I fucking hated that the United Empire, Sheredyn, and Vaulters had the same exact ship designs.
I also hate the Vaulters.
>No Horatio
What do you know about true suffering?
>No Horatio
Don't you mean true bliss?
>They tend to lose out because if you can't science in Endless Space you end up being steamrolled by those who can.
That's kind of a staple of 4x games. If you don't slap down those who can research things more efficiently, eventually the tech gap will give them a nearly insurmountable advantage.
Black and white got together to gang up on green.
Equilibrium mooks. Your standard oppressive totalitarian world, with cool uniforms.
I could probably convert some with Delaque minis and bike helmets.
Japan was part of the Axis and refered to as honorary arians.
I remember that thread. It was a good thread
Nice, a game about Vostroyans?
>tfw plastic Vostroyans will never be a thing
>tfw GW will never make any other plastic IG regiments and you're stuck with the ugly Cadians forever
The fuck is this from?
Incal, according to his post.
"Lol, LSD lmao": the comic, written by Alejandro Jodoroski and drawn by Moebius.
Love it or hate it. I personally like it, but I prefer The Saga of the Metabarons.
I don't have the time to storytime it now, but it's available for online reading there:
>Cool uniforms
>nothing but biker helmets and leather jackets
So, how's the 90's user?
Radical, as always. How's 2016 working out?
YES brother. You've just reminded me how awesome they are.
Did you notice the armour they wear under the trenchcoat? It has like an angular gorget you can see in some scenes.
really? im playing as sowers vs automatons and have vastly outscaled them in number of planets, tech and fids production, my best feleet with an admiral had a power of around 1000.
they just showed up at my doorstep with around 15 power 3000 fleets...
Better times.
>Love it or hate it. I personally like it
>Love or hate
We shitpost on shoulders of titans.
yes they were....
I know history isn't as fun as sci-fi, but I think a lot of inspiration could be taken from pre-Communist China. The various warlord armies and militias, the Japanese, the Muslims, the Taiping Rebellion forces, the Nationalists, all that cool stuff. It ranged from being really cool and almost par with Western troops, to peasants with crude rifles and using medieval tactics.
History is full of fascinating wars. I wish I could find a book about all conflicts, some of them don't get any exposition so it's hard to know they existed in the first place.
Even a decade ago we fought against degeneracy
Horatio was the best.
>you will never love yourself so much you create an empire of yous and reign over them forever with a harem of female yous
The worst year in memory. Robin Williams is dead.
Degeneracy was easy to find then, easy to point out, and no one really cared who was mocked and who wasn't.
Now, all the furries have grown up or gone into hiding, and each new wave of weirdoes is coming faster and faster and is harder to fight off each time. People are tired of fighting, or don't care. Veeky Forums and those irc chats are the last remnants of a frontier internet, and they're shit.