CYOA General

Dead thread edition.
Last thread: Pastebin:




Pity that this was apparently abandoned by the author.

I thought it was complete?

So. Been gone for a long while from these threads. Saw the last thread before it went down. Any more CYOAs in the style of something like the Vampire King CYOA that have popped up recently? I like those types.

While the CYOA can be enjoyed as-is, there was supposed to be a page where you pick what sorts of horrors your pocket dimension was infested with and such.


>Tower (magical focus)
>Settlement (1,000 people)
>Townsfolk(change species, customize culture, increase strength/toughness)
>Planar Affinity

>Form Change
>Immortality (no needs, reform in a week)
>Elemental Magic

Demiplane is vast savanna scattered with mountains, crawling with monsters and eldritch abominations. Plane affinity so that we can train various animals as pets for hunting and guarding things. Have village of diverse and exotic amazons that have culture obsessed with hunting and slaying monsters, kind of like Norn in GW except amazons and not shapeshifters. They'd hunt giant serpents that hide under the sand, nomadic centaurs, and giant carnivorous birds that live on top of mountains. Amazons live as tribe that shares everything and are very cooperative for survival. Forging strong weapons and training hunting pets are important to them. I live in tower and am leader of the amazons because of powerful elemental magic that is strongest close to my tower and because I can turn into a dragon to fight off biggest monsters. Take form change so I can be tall, strong amazon. Occasionally travel to earth when things are calm to check how everything is back home.

Ea's clearly the best choice. Not just for powers (combining Antenna, Seer, and Insight alone would be worth it), but she's interested in Earth, has the kind of lifestyle where we can really get to discover Heaven together and see what's out there, and she's the only one besides Ithuriel with a kink you couldn't share with an ordinary human.

What is the coziest waifuless cyoa you've ever saw?

What, cyoas about becoming a king for no reason and getting a big tittied waifu?

Probably one of the waifuless become-a-girl ones.

This one is pretty comfy.

I just like kingdom/power building stuff, user. Geez, you must really hate that CYOA.

I always hope people post this one when I respond to the meta cyoa

So tg, how's going with your CYOAs? Any new project or OC incoming?

How is yours coming along?

Everytime I notice Michelle's living place I get a little twinge of heartache over Final Fantasy XV turning out shit

It's on a standpoint due RL shitting on my free time.
But i was curious of what people were cooking up of late, due having been missing of late.


>Current Age + Bonus (+1 point.)
>Current Appearance + Bonus (8/10 face & body.)
>Sister + Bonus (Twin sisters.)
>Very Similar (. . . appearance.)
>Boring + Bonus (Very similar personalities.)
>Twins Forever (Very close.)
>Telepathy (Inter-twins only.)
>Elsewhere + Bonus (Fantasy (or possibly science-fantasy) adventures!)

Posting more cozy CYOAs.
Ignore , that was an old version.




You haven't told what it's about :)

And finally the box, in case you picked the option that wasn't even an option.





Wow this is even girlier than the female version.


This is not the end of it. I saw part two. You won't get away from her vengeance.

You might think so . . .


. . . but you'd be wrong.



well now I want the story to continue is all



Eh, i did a wip some months ago. Pretty much a fantasy setting with a retro and JRPG feel. Didnt even got a name in the end.

Girls Military is one of Italics most underrated cyoas.

I think all his CYOAs are vastly overrated.

Only cyoas of his that overrated is Pokemon and Picking-A-Goddess, since they are the only ones that actually get talked about/reposted/relinked/builds the most.

Can I believe her?

I haven't even read most of them

I've never played a CYOA

I read all of them when he started, out and then stopped since he managed to consistently make CYOAs that failed to interest me in any way.

Why are we spoilering everything? Did Italics commit seppuku? Is that the reason why their last cyoa was author love?

I'm fairly certain that the Travellers wouldn't recruit someone if they intended to do that. The recruitment process seems to weed out the folk who aim to destroy Ae from within.

>twin sister isn't you're waifu

Mediocre taste.

Because this discussion is extremely unproductive (and the subject is completely subjective) and should not be allowed to derail the thread like most discussion of Italic's CYOAs tend to do.

I'm actually a dog browsing the internet for canine porn while my master is away. I am a good boy. Woof.

At least you are not talking about NTR

azure the best of demons imo

Less loli-CYOA and more superpowers-CYOA

Who are you quoting?

Why did you bring that up? Seems out of nowhere for me. Different guy, here.

It's the most common topic when discussing Italic's CYOAs.

Me too. I loved his quests cyoa but everything else has been shit.

The hell? Why?

Something about pure waifus and used goods. Yes it's retarded.

Working on fiddling with InDesign for mine. Also doing the rewrite to bring it to 2.0. I'll probably post the text only version when it's done because it'll be a while until the image one is done. But people should enjoy Cryogenic Cyborg.

>that episode of /cyoag/ where its literally a girl's bathroom where everybody is talking in hush spoilered tones spreading asinine gossip about Italic's cyoas so they don't attract the /r9k/fags that will turn /cyoag/ into another NTR and cuckholdry waifu shitstorm.

>that episode of /cyoag/ where some retard thinks people give a rat's ass what he thinks about the current discussion and talks like a prissy cunt

You are all faggots

Isn't that every episode of /cyoag/

That's what happens when you never leave /cyoag/ user.

Yes, but it's usually interspersed while the actual discussion pertains to something even more retarded. And this episode really exemplifies it, because I don't give a rat's ass about whether someone enjoys an actor's screentime or not, this hasn't been a fucking popularity contest ever since the board of directors in Veeky Forums left us to ourselves because they ran out of plot devices. I don't know why they even keep renewing us every season at this point but I'm not dumb enough to ask. What I do know is that nobody wants to watch a fucking echo chamber but a bunch of pissants and rating whore lowlifes.

Get back to your fucking roles before they cut your paycheck again, or worse, replace you with a fetishist.

Less spoilers, more CYOA!

Mystery Box

>Less spoilers
>Mystery Box
These are mutually exclusive.

Gib headpats, scritch ears, hot water forever




The updated version was already posted .
And yes, firefox-tan is still best girl.

You could MAYBE make it an AI or something. It isn't clear what kind of tests synthetic life go through.

>Current Age 16
The points are worth more than a few extra years.

>Current appearance + Bonus 14
I just had extra points.
>Sister 12
Opposite gender twins are more interesting.

>Energetic + Bonus 10
Not being a lazy shit is worth the points.

>Foil 8
Best twin type.

>Fusion + Bonus 5
Foils fusing is fun. Fused futa fucking friends is fetishistic fun.
>Superpowers 2
She has a font of power she can use to boost her abilities (strength, durability, reflexes, etc) and I have magical talent.

>Elsewhere + Bonus -1
A comfy urban fantasy setting where magic is a part of life (though wizards are rare and passive), problems tend to be low-key, and everybody's more relaxed about life.

>Normie 0
Eh, it's how foils go.

Maximum comfy - my twin is a stereotypical jock who goes into professional sports or something, and I'll set up a magical trinket shop after getting through college.
If I wanted a power fantasy, I'd trade the Current Appearance Bonus for the Foil Bonus (and stronger superpowers), but I'm fine with what I have - especially since fusing with my twin lets me cast from her energy pool.

You're mutually exclusive!

Oh man, there are too many good choices here. I'll give it a shot.


+1 Skill Point

Sixth Sense

Detect Magic

One With Nature
Monster Within
Fleet Footed
Killer Instinct

Bladed Arms
Ancient Weapon
All-Seeing Eye


No Tier-4 skills. Wanted Spine Weaponry really bad and a lot of other ones would've been great too but there were too many options to choose from and a lot of great mid-tier powers. Might have lost out on some high-end power but I'm very happy with my selections. Got just about every sensory/perception skill as well which is very handy.

Strength: ■■
Defense: ■■■■
Agility: ■■■■
Intelligence: ■■■■
Skill: ■■■■■■

Ended up low on Strength. I'm not sure exactly how the stats are supposed to work but I hope Skill and Magic can make up the difference.

Underground Ruins (3/45)
Ancient Mountains (4/50)

Library 85
Market 75
Training 70
Scavenging 65
Diner 60
Hot Springs 55
Club 50
Low Housing 30
Servant 15
-Attitude 10
-Knowledge 5
Physiology 0

Physiology mostly for the "any complications will be cured" bit but hey a bit of a touch-up wouldn't hurt. Alter my servant to be helpful and thoughtful but not utterly servile. They'll basically serve as a porter and a guide if their knowledge gives them any experience where I'll be hunting, will manage the kills and loot, and maintain my home and inventory.

Please stop using the spooky squares you're triggering me

how do I fug my twin

Wh■t's so spooky about them?

Good taste, user.



insert ponos into vagoo

what if we both have vagoos?

There are ways.

so, Traveller CYOA folks, if I wanted a wristmounted akte-47, ala Deadshot arm blaster, would I be paying 50 for a minor modification, 100 for a special, or 300 for a size reduction?

I should add, the mechanism would be only slightly minaturized to fit on a forearm, but would like have some sort of modification for one-handed firing, and have normal magazine instead of wierd temporal spacey magazines.

I would say it's a minor modification, assuming that you're not gonna be firing other shit like grenades from it or are a Traveller far smaller than the average Traveller (a la Fairy).

You're reading the custom options wrong, it's
followed by
so a minor modification or special would cost 50 credits and size fuckery would cost 100 credits, 300 credits is for new melee.

Also, size reduction is the cost of the weapon with a 20% discount.

>Also, size reduction is the cost of the weapon with a 20% discount.
The fuck are you talking about user? There are no discounts there, the Custom Weapons options costs the same regardless of the cost of the original weapon.
Size reduction can cut the weapon's size by up to 20%, i.e. the weapon would be 80% its original after the modification.

>original after
*original size after
