Sleeper Hits Edition
What decks are you running? What's your local meta like? How many looterskooters are you running?
Sleeper Hits Edition
What decks are you running? What's your local meta like? How many looterskooters are you running?
Here's the deck I'm brewing right now. What do you think? Any suggestions?
No scooters for me. Playing jeskai control with a little hank I am comfortable with.
Also reworking a splendid reclamation deck I was winning local fnm's with before kaladesh, just to see if it is still viable. Depending on how it feels might take it to Denver next week since it just destroys be delirium.
Oh man, I remember a few years back I was thinking about getting a standard deck together. I had about 1,000 saved up in discretionary savings, which isn't really enough for a decent standard deck (2,000 is generally the bare minimum) but I figured I'd have it a go anyway. I found some good deckbuilds online and used those to try to build my deck. Then I got to the store and saw the actual cards, being 50 bucks for a sliver of paper. So I decided to spend my money on somethign actually enjoyable. I do do drafts sometimes though.
Thank you for that absolutely pointless post.
2k? Both of the tier 1 decks are under $450. With collecting through drafts and sharing with a friend I put together BG for less than a hundred bucks. Standard is cheaper than ever, homes.
It kinda has to be pointless to you, doesn't it? Otherwise the 9k you've invested into MtG won't mean much.
I mean, keep in mind, this is how game stores make their money. They sell these cards at ridiculous prices based on how the community values them. Then, players try to make up that money, and the cost of tournament entry, by winning prizes at tourneys. Cept the thing is you need to win basically every tourney to recoup your money. And 95% of players won't win. So most of you will never recoup your investment. You can say "oh well user is just a poorfag with no money, some of us ENJOY this expensive hobby" except you can enjoy Magic for far cheaper. You are basically flushing money down the toilet, bragging about it, and calling anyone who calls out your autism a "poorfag" which isn't even an argument.
Anyway, sorry for attacking the entire premise of this thread, but I felt like expressing my opinion.
Oh... oh my! You are right! How dare I have fun playing a game that takes money to play! The simple fact that I may seem to enjoy what I am doing doesn't even matter. I could go out and spend thousands of dollars on my truck which I will never get back either, or spend money on expensive trips that are also a drain on my bank account,. Or it could be in whatever shot it is that you think is fun! Yea... fucking off.
And for the record I never called you a poor fag or anything of the like. Just calling you out period.
Any tips for playing against BG Delirium or WU Flash as a RG Energy that's not running Electrostatic Pummler?
>no Cleetus
>no Flayer
>shitty do nothing cards like Eerie Interlude
>horrid, convulted manabase
Scrap it and try again user.
> money
Here we go again!
> I could go out and spend thousands of dollars on my truck which I will never get back either, or spend money on expensive trips that are also a drain on my bank account,.
Yes but the difference is, those things are actually worth that kind of money. You get a motherfucking TRUCK out of that, or get to go to some distant rainforest or savannah. These Magic cards are cardboard. They have no actual value besides artificial scarcity. And if you try to pretend there's no difference between artificial scarcity and actual real scarcity I will laugh my ass off.
Also you missed the part where I BTFO that entire argument: You can enjoy playing Magic for 1/10th the cost, without all the stock market gambling. Unless you get off to that. In which case, enjoy flushing money down the toilet. I'll enjoy shooting my AR-15 i bought with the money I didn't spend on motherfucking cardboard.
By the way, I'm not trying for the "lmao look at these gayyy nerds" angle. I enjoy playing Magic, too. Hell I've even dropped 2 or 3 bucks on a card I liked. But I'm not shitting out 53 bucks for a Snapcaster that will be obsolete in 2 months so that I can go online and play the one or two Standard decks that are actually viable and have been mathematically proven to be the best.
The entire game is pay-to-win netdecking because of the structure that WotC has set up. Playing Standard is for autistics. At least do a fucking draft that doesn't have a three-digit entry cost. Unless it's your way of feeling superior for having a 50k+ job, by shitting money down the drain and bragging to people about it. And, by the way, if you don't make at least 50k a year while playing Standard, you are massively irresponsible.
> inb4 "b-but it's muh money i can spend however i want nunna your business!!!"
If you share how you spend your money on the internet, we have every right to judge you for it.
Waiting on r/b zombies in the mail. I'm not using smug looter because I think that being able to have more removal mainboard and two more neonates is worth not having it.
Don't remember being BTFO'D out of the argument, but whatever. You go shoot your ar15. That is what you like to do. That's fine. I actually don't care that you do.
I just don'tknow why you are so upset that I am having fun playing Magic.boggles the mind really.
And the truck argument might not have been the best argument... but it is. There is such a thing as depreciation. No matter how much you put into it, it will always be worth less then what you payed for it. Well other than it being an antique, but that is splitting hairs.
Now I am going to go eat turkey. Have fun masterbating with that rifle of yours.
Why is this price thing being so talked about recently? Magic has been expensive for a while now, it's nothing new, but three of the, well, three generals we have for Magic here have been flooded with this price discussion.
I mean, I kinda sorta get standard, the price of the cards keep fluctuating all the time, but Modern has been expensive forever and Legacy is known as the moneybags format by pretty much anyone that's not, you guessed it, moneybags thenselves.
Though I kinda agree, it's weird seeing this so much. then again, maybe it's all that one guy posting in all the threads.
user since I came into this game during Theros I've built nothing but budget decks that are under 50 dollars and I've won FNM multiple times. You don't need to invest in the latest tier 1 deck to enjoy a hobby. A lot of the times when I bring a new deck it completely blindsides people. Of corse it gets harder when the people at the LGS learn how to deal with it, but that's just part of the game.
I don't think you understand what that term actually means. Yes, you have to pay a certain amount of money to succeed, but there is a hard ceiling on how much you can spend before it stops mattering.
Lets say the mathematically best standard deck costs $600. It doesn't matter how much money you spend above that, you can pay all you want but it won't help you win.
Saying MTG is pay-to-win is like saying sports are pay-to-win because you need to shell out for good enough shoes that you don't fall on your ass constantly. Buying twenty pairs of shoes won't make you win more.
Not playing. Locally - store can't get enough players for even FNM half the time. Enjoy paying for your 4 smuggler copters.
Dead format where every deck runs 4 scooters and as many mythics as you can jam in.
Call me when they start printing more playable commons and uncommons.
Where do I call you?
I think you're in the wrong thread m8. This is the Standard thread, not the Legacy/Vintage thread.
user you can build a lot of shit under 100 dollars.
Even R/B and R/W Aggro fall to 50 if you take out the copters and sideboard shit like Gideon.
Jesus put some effort into it.
Controlly-comboy varient of energy decks.
Made this right when kaladesh came out before the electrostatic meme.
Grasp of Darkness, void shatter/negate/ceremonious rejection, glimmer of genius, harness lightning, stasis snare and other assorted commons/uncommons that see regular mainboard use, and their sideboard compatriots in literally all the playable enchantment/artifact removal in the format and the only reasonable hand attack in the format would like a word with you.
Why nature's way? I can't imagine any of your creatures wanting to fight anything in the format, especially at sorcery speed.
Not him but I find it useful as a side board for countering creature spam
Also good if I have something that has death touch
Don't think I've seen a UG version of the Pummeler deck.
You may also want to think of running a Bristling Hydra as well.
It's sorcery speed, but I guess in u/g short of countering or getting a larger board you're probably stuck in that realm anyway. It's just, with a 1/2, a 2/1 and a 1/1 who you want to be saving energy for combos with, you probably won't be killing anything besides maybe 1 drops like thraben inspector.
True, but he does have Larger than Life. Granted he will be wanting to save those for his Pummlers but sometimes you just needs something dead without losing a creature, and that vigilance is nothing to sneeze at either
>rue, but he does have Larger than Life
If your game plan is two for one'ing yourself, then your game plan is stupid
I'm testing a BR Ever After + Perpetual Timepiece semicontrol deck with 2 GDD, 2 Kalitas and 3 Gonti (dont know why he doesnt see any play) as the main targets to zombify. I'm running it with three succumbs for draw, a mixture of removal for my meta and 1of each chandra/liliana.
It's pretty good, has some problem with artifacts/enchantments and Emrakul though...
When did I ever say that it was my game plan? It's just a backup trick I suggested to give some justification as to why someone would take a bunch of nature's way in a deck with mostly 2/1 1/2 1/1 creatures
>What decks are you running?
Zombies. 4 colour Panharmonicon.
>What's your local meta like?
Delirium and Grixis/Jeskai control.
>How many looterskooters are you running?
In zombies? The full 4. In 4c Panharmonicon? ZERO. Because the deck is literally a Birthing Pod style deck. Also when you can trigger Gonti or Thought-Knot Seer twice or three times why do you care?
Most decks in Standard right now are quite cheap compared to past Standards. You're look at mostly around $200-$300 on average and there are some competitively viable tier 2 decks at the lower end or less than $200 that can prey on some of the tier 1 strategies.
>In zombies? The full 4
I recently bought into zombies. How useful do you find it? I didn't spring on the scooter because I think that more removal is better in our B/R aggro environment and neonate provides more consistent fuel for scrapheap who can loot whenever. I also don't like that you can only loot if you attack or block. What do you crew it with? Cryptbreaker? Wouldn't he be better off tapping to produce a zombie token?
I was skeptical at first like you. As soon as I tested with it I did not look back. Key thing to note is that you loot not just on Attack but also ON BLOCK makes combat trickery really hard for your opponents to predict. This lets you do a number of things like discard a Haunted Dead and reanimate later bringing back Prized Amalgams or pitch a Voldaren Pariah mid combat and sac stuff to flip it.
>What do you crew it with? Cryptbreaker? Wouldn't he be better off tapping to produce a zombie token?
Yes and yes. If it's in your hand and you have 2 mana, drop down the Skooter if they have no flyers. If it's not then save to make a token and pitch that haunted dead or amalgam. There's nothing wrong with the more removal plan and if your area is very delirium heavy that's a fine meta choice call to make because most often than not you will side out Skooters in that matchup. But every other matchup you can win on the back of it and keep building up reanimation targets and drawing more cards. Neonate is fine in R/B versions but i'm playing U/B version for access to other stitchwings and counterspells in the side and Summary Dismissals. It's slower than R/B for sure but the deck plays much more like an aggro-control deck this way. You can switch playstyles depending on the matchup you come across.
> rationalizing pissing away their savings on paper that loses its artificial value by a calendar date arbitrarily set by a bunch of greedy kikes
I love this board.
>2000 for a decent deck
This ain't the legacy thread you dolt
Dude, this is Veeky Forums, what did you expect?
Man, you guys weren't kidding when you said this was a dead format...
I love the guy defending the p2w horseshit by saying after you spend $x of dollars it's no longer p2w, my keks
Just as a side note I was floored when tcc reviewed mtg puzzle quest as p2w but didn't see the contrast with mtg itself.. I play both games, but I've spent $0 on mtg puzzle quest and have an 88% win rate over 300+ games
Good luck with that on any official mtg game
>A phone app
>Competitive TCGs
>Being anything alike
Choose two
Gonti doesn't see play because he's a 4 mana Elvish Visionary.
Have you played with it?
Drawing a card cost roughly a mana compared to 'impulsing' which costs two. That is a big differance. Add to the fact that you may spend any kind of mana to cast it, the deathtouch ability which lets you trade any non-gideon creature for it and also the information you get from it.
It is no more four mana visionary than avacyn being a serra angel reprint.
>this user will never experience the joy of using an Opponent's Summary Dismissal against them while they are casting an Elder Deep Fiend with two Kozilek's Return in the graveyard and a Sanctum of Ugin on the field
Work in progress (especially the sideboard), I liked Saffron's latest budget deck but I felt like making it my own. Originally it was a dynavisions deck but I couldn't really justify Dynavolt Tower with the small amount of instants and sorceries. Not intended to be top tier but the sample draws have been decent.
Play Cockatrice/XMage then. It's free.
Holy shit I'm losing my mind. I could've sworn there was a card in standard that let you tap 2 artifacts to deal 1 damage but I can't find it for shit.
what is a "spell" and can nettle drone tap untap another drone ?
correction, it isn't in standard. I found it. Bleh.
A spell is any non-land card that is played from your hand, or cast in some other way that explicitly says "cast" in the text. This does not include activated abilities on cards, it must be a whole new card that is played.
Basically, any time you spend mana to play a card from your hand, you are casting a spell.
So, yes, if you were to play a Nettle Drone, or any card without a coloured mana cost/a card with Devoid, you would be able to untap any existing Nettle Drones on the field. Tapping Nettle Drone to deal damage is not the same as casting a spell.
Look here for more specific information on spells in general:
Or here for more information on Nettle Drone itself:
Side deck suggestions for Water Tower Storm besides Negate and Ceremonius Rejection?
My LGS has one guy playing UW Flash but everyone else is running home brew shit. I'm running mono green energy, it does OK. Gonna upgrade to R/G Energy next week.
>not running Pummeler
Are you retarded user?
Anyway, sideboard Clip Wings, Appetite for the Unnatural and Take Down for UW Flash and Woodweavers Puzzleknot to help you when the game gets grindy. Also a couple of Deadlock Traps works wonders against Walkers.
Overall you're on the back foot because any kind of interaction kills a deck like RG Energy.
Can't really advise on GB Delirium
>Water Tower Storm
You mean Aetherflux Resovoir?
Playing as or against? Because I found Sigarda does wonders against AR decks.
Shit format detected. Why do you guys play it? I mean, two midrange decks, UW Flash and GB, are 60% of the meta now.
Play as Reservoir Storm.
>I found Sigarda does wonders against AR decks
At least she can be removed, on monoU I have what, Select for Inspection to deal with her? I'm not sure what I should sideboard against, I planned on building the deck to play FNMs, my LGS will do free FNMs now that Showdown exists.
Eventually everything that you know and love will fall before entropy. MTG is no better and no worse.
I spent +/- $10 on a standard deck that I like playing. I spend $4 a week to play it at my FLGS on Friday. I don't spend money on MTG as an investment, I spend money because I enjoy playing the game and having fun.
>Why do you guys play it?
I play whatever I can get games in. I'd be running my ultra-budget vintage deck if my FLGS did only vintage instead of only Standard and Modern.
Fuck UW Flash though. You Have No Answer to This - The Deck.
>What decks are you running?
Mono U Summonings. Immensely fun deck, took first place last week after beating the better players at my lgs. Felt great.
>What's your local meta like?
UW Flash, GB Delirium, the usual suspects. UW Control, Jeskai Gearhulks, some Pan decks.
>How many looterskooters are you running?
Goose egg. :^)
Just turned a game around with infinite thopters, I doubt this deck is competitive but mang is it fun.
Anyone play MTGO? I've had a few people accuse me of playing 'boring' decks or just plain spam chat with Zzzs because I'm ordering triggers for more than like 2 seconds. Most aren't cunts but fuck.
In my experience the boring decks people tend to be shitty homebrewers who don't know how to build and anybody who gives you shit for taking time on your turn is retarded considering there's a game clock.
Yeah, I played my second or third nonland permanent and the guy was like "wow I know your next 4 plays, BORING" and quit.
Hard not to laugh.
First time ever touching standard tomorrow, RG Energy
when sideboarding, would it be a good idea to change all the pummelers with lathnu hellions if everyone is packing artifact hate or should I keep them and try to get the kill with them anyways?
It's usually good to keep some pummelers in, but remove some of the most specific pump spells (built to smash) and put the hellions inside. Once you know they will be throwing all their removal at the pummeler, your odds of getting the combo off decrease, but if you take them off you end up with less than 20 creatures in your deck and 16+ pump spells, which is less than ideal. Instead, and depending on your sideboard, look to add verdurous gearhulks, planeswalkers, value removal and gearhulks so you can end with a zoo-like, 24+ creatures aggro deck.
Example, game 2 on the draw,
Out: 4 Built to Smash, 1 Uncaged Fury, 2 Pummeler
In: 4 Lathnu Hellion, 2 Verdurous Gearhulk, 1 Arlinn Kord
It all depends on your sideboard of course, if you have room to spare due to the local meta.
Did you actually watch the TCC video? He didn't say it was p2w, he said it was a cash grab but had several features that actively dissuaded spending such as not allowing you to spend money to skip timers on special events.
>What decks are you running
GW Angel brew, good amount of success from FNMs to PPTQs.
>What's your local meta like?
Fairly varied. A few Delirium, a few UW Flashers, some Jeskai control and RB aggro and quite a few with RG Aggro.
>How many looterskooters are you running?
0 senpai.
Gideon is the best card in Standard.
I'd never actually looked closely at him because of how much money he costs; I didn't realize he could drop his anthem with his starting loyalty. No wonder he's so expensive.
Sad but true. If you're playing white, you're playing Gideon if you can afford them, it's really that simple.
I don't get this meme. I don't think I've seen them run outside of dedicated vehicle decks and those are few and far between. I mean, they're good but the deck is far from toppest of tiers so the people who shell out really don't bother spending 60 bucks on a playset of memecopters. Maybe if they were cheap we'd see them in everything but so far that just doesn't seem to be the case.
>Gonti doesn't see play because he's a 4 mana Elvish Visionary.
He's a four mana Ice Cauldron, if you're going to make card comparisons then get it right.
Also you're wrong on him not seeing play, Gonti is actually starting to see play because he's a great card in and against BG delirium decks. In a mirror match it tips the match in your favour and you get to play their best threats and spells while leaving a 2/3 deathtouch body plus you have the knowledge of knowing exactly where three cards in their deck is barring a shuffle effect.
cool, thanks
zero gearhulks here, but I think I have an Arlinn Kord, I'll put her in
Who /showdown/ here? Me and my MTG PIC (that's partner in crime) are splitting up to take down multiple game shops and maximize our potential chances of getting the boosters. I'm praying for a Gideon but I would also be pleased with a masterpiece torrential geezy. Currently running jeskai control and Loving Every Laugh as it just annihilates white-blue flash. GB deleezy is a bit annoying but I have plenty of answers for ishkanah and emrakul-story bro.
>Mfw summary dismissing their big girls and void shattering their lili's
This. I'd put off getting him even though I'm running white because fuck that price tag, but I finally got a good trade the other day and Jesus Christ. He's broken as all hell.
>Cast Gideon
>Make a blocker
>Next turn swing for 7 with all mana up and counter spells in hand
Snapcaster is 53 bucks BECAUSE it won't be outdated in 2 months, 2 years or even 20 (should this game hold on that long). It's a staple that goes in a thousand different decks.
It's also a MODERN stapple, meaning its not Standard legal. You not knowing this shows you know jackshit about the game and are just here to get a rise out of us.
But what is most shameful about this isn't your half-baked attempt at trolling, but that some people here would be retarded enough to fall for it. Shows that all these people are even worse than you, and with you being such an idiotic scum who shames trolls everywhere with your total ineptitude, these people must be gibbering retards incapable of thinking straight at all.
I look upon you all and I'm filled with disgust. I, too, troll, but at the very least I make an effort doing what I do.
>says that everyone who replies to the troll is retarded
>does it anyway
huh, you sure are a smart fella
>Replying to the troll about inept trolling
>States that he too trolls
>Troll replying to the troll to troll
This is way too meta for me
Another great /standard/ thread, lads
I'm playing RB artifacts, lots of removal before ramping into a red Gearhulk or discounted Colossus. Lots of removal and card draw, plenty of fun. Gives most stuff a run for its money. Last time out it mostly failed against stuff that resurrects from the graveyard, so I've got Incendiary Flow in the sideboard now to get rid of Scrapheap Scroungers and Zombies.
If only there were graveyard hate in standard. Delerium is getting too strong, last time we left Innistrad they printed Rest in Peace straight away, and there was still Grafdigger's Cage. Currently there's nothing, not even a Tormod's Crypt.
Do Kaladesh boosters showdown have specific rules of placement? Can a TO just give them away if there aren't enough players for the Ranked event?
The only graveyard hate you have right now is three cards. Shamble Back(cheap costs, gets a 2/2 and gains life but only hits creatures) Not Forgotten(semi-decent gets you a 1/1 and puts the card on top or bottom of library but doesn't remove the card into exile) and Grave Birthing(instant speed and replaces itself while leaving a 1/1 behind but they get to choose what to exile). Not the greatest of options but those are available.
Void and spell shatter as they are summoned, deck in stone the already summoned, stasis snare those that would return, and leave the rest with their planeswalkers and enchantments - in a quarantine field. Any stragglers? Get minus twoed by my nahiri.
Holy fuck I love control
>Ice Cauldron
It's a four mana limited Preator's Grasp with a 2/3 DT body.
Playing GB Delirium. Have been since Lili was printed because Grim Flayer is broken.
Local meta is literally all aetherworks decks to the point where I would main deck 4 ceremonious rejection if GB was U. Thinking about switching to UR Fevered Vision Spells because of Rejection and they get to draw more cards, which means they'll hopefully draw their big drazi.
It's a 4 mana one time grenzo havoc raiser, with more selection and duration.
how do i get xmage to download images properly? i got all of them supposedly from the wizards site yet only 1 land shows up and anything in standard is 50/50 on having an image. do i need up unzip all the archives in my images folder? plis help i have not seeing images
If you're gonna switch to a deck with U, you should UW Flash.
Haven't lost a game in 3 weeks with it
yo where do you play i want to farm store credit
would this deck do well at FNM?
Creatures (17)
4 Jaddi Offshoot
4 Lone Rider
3 Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim
4 Arborback Stomper
2 Felidar Sovereign
Spells (18)
4 Blessed Alliance
4 Essence Extraction
2 Stasis Snare
4 Pulse of Murasa
2 Fumigate
1 Providence
1 Wildest Dreams
Lands (25)
4 Forsaken Sanctuary
4 Tranquil Expanse
4 Foul Orchard
4 Evolving Wilds
4 Plains
3 Forest
2 Swamp
Sideboard (15)
2 Immolating Glare
2 Quarantine Field
3 Woodweaver's Puzzleknot
2 Die Young
3 Appetite for the Unnatural
2 Kambal. Consul of Allocation
1 Linvala, the Preserver
Not against control or flash
So, how many people have you seen trying one of the planeswalker decks?
One in my store
I'm building a budget B/G delirium ramp. Any suggestions?
>all those 1-2 of
Just go play commander if you dislike playsets and consistency all that much
I beat both control decks I ran into today. They slow my deck a lot but don't make progress towards winning. I side out removal and put in a few other bits like Panharmonicon to double trigger my Thought Knots and Prisms/Puzzleknots.
As I predicted I fell down against BG delerium. Gave a better fight with an improved sideboard, but that bloody spider and Liliana.
Seems they get handed out one each to the top ten, on top of the normal prize structure. I got three bits of jank in mine but a Mana Vault in my regular booster.
Should I change take out the pummelers and pump spells out of my R/G, put in removal and tireless trackers, and turn it into regular aggro? I'm having an awful time against control, liliana and anything with white removal with this deck, feels like it's made out of paper.
Play Transgress/Pick the Brain and Lost Legacy.
It's a four mana Ice Cauldron because it's exactly the same mana as Ice Cauldron. Praetor's Grasp doesn't let you use mana of any colour to cast the exiled card and Grenzo's ability does not hide the card and store it for later.
My haul.
>Ice Cauldron
Ice Cauldron only affects cards you have in your hand.