old school high fantasy > grimdark game of thrones knock offs
Old school high fantasy > grimdark game of thrones knock offs
anything > game of thrones lol
I agree, man. There is a growing trend of 'human only' fantasy worlds in dark, depressing settings. I like my fantasy to be - you know - fantastic. With elves and shit.
low fantasy>
Sure, as long as you don't include "standard" races, that's a lack of imagination the fantasy genre doesn't deserve.
Isn't Dragonlance pretty dark, at least compared to something like Forgotten Realms? It's post-apocalyptic, forces of evil are a real threat, main characters die off for real, the strongest wizard is a completely selfish monster, etc.
Yeah, I gotta agree.
I like to go real oldschool with it myself, where the hero rescues the lizard woman with a sword and laser from the evil clutches of the great zor.
but is has kender!
>holds up spoon XD
old school art thread?
I like how oldschool fantasy art isn't clearly influenced by bottom of the barrel "art" from comics and anime.
dafuq happened to the dragon's neck
>also pls post more old fantasy illustrations
I like both lol
when you are about to get rekt'd but at least you take one of the motherfuckers with you
I prefer games with fantastic races, but human-only PCs.
Lets you play up the fantastic elements, from myths and the like. Encountering an elf or a fairy is a big deal (and is usually not a good thing because they will fuck you over six times to sunday and possibly eat you), a dwarven-made thing is a priceless artifact in both quality and reputation, and so on.
i like both but i prefer low magic tho' don't like seeing 20 mages every town, instead having them be very rare and far between. And i usually keep monsters low too so they don't feel like another critter you can find everywere
mah nigga
Kitiara best waifu
>hero rescues the lizard woman with a sword and laser from the evil clutches of the great zor.
I have that pic.
I want to run that game.
Hermans git out. Your games are awful tripe.
The second of those is from the AD&D 2e DMG (or PHB, I can't remember which).
so is ya mum XD
Does that dude have chainmail armor for his beard?
Kitiara has been hitting the cakes since Tanis dumped her. Poor Skie is in dire need of a chiropractor. :(
My personal setting tries to strike a balance.
Orcs and goblins are fairly mundane (although they are mostly baddies). Savage and brutal, but not particularly otherworldly.
Dwarfs are borderline - they are fairly ubiquitous and not very hard to find, but they're weird as hell. Their crafts are legendary but they're not too keen on selling.
Elves are creepy fairies that appear almost entirely human in physique and behavior until they don't. And then you regret not running away as soon as they showed up.
Any parties should be majority human for flavor reasons, but an odd dwarf or orc PC can spice things up a bit.
>Kitiara best waifu
Soth seems to agree. Perhaps a bit too much.
user, that is a lady.
I'd prefer something in between those two extremes?
But still, probably closer to GoT (i'm spipping the "ripoffs" thing since i didn't really encounter many of them, not even saying about some projected "wave" that some people like to complain about)
Why? Here's why:
>old school
>high fantasy
pick one
fantasy wasn't invented by gary gygax and ed greenwood
Actual classical fantasy is for most part not myuch less "low magic" and "gritty" than GoT.
No matter if you're talking about Lord of The Rings, Conan, Black Company, Eternal Champion, even fucking Earthsea. OK maybe not AS gritty and sometimes not as low magic, but still way closer to it than typical d&D setting, which is most likely what OP means by "old school" kek high fantasy.
They just focus on different themes that court intrigue and betrayal, be it bloodshed and survival in savage and unforgiving world (Conan), a desperate and unlikely to succeed attempt of saving the world from the darkness, in which even in the case of victory there will be steep price to pay (LotR), or band of ordinary soldiers thrown into middle of an absolute shitstorm (Black Company). That doesn't make it less low magic, less grity and less dark.
Really, fuck you if you thing GoT is anything new in this aspect.
>not oldschool
1976 was 40 years ago.
I, too, wish to run the game.
It just isnt right if you dont both have a spaceship and a horse. Also, rescuing weird sexy alien princesses is key.
Can I ask what exactly this is about? you mention the wrong game, series, whatever and the first reply is something smugly dismissing/attacking you for it.
Why is there some unspoken hierarchy of acceptable threads and interests.
Because if you like something that someone else doesn't it's badwrongfun, and Veeky Forums loves to hate things as a hivemind.
God, I love Frazetta's work.
No homo.
Some Elmore.
Wish I could say the same. :^)
Bretonnians bringing back head of beastman, the threat of chaos infringing on bretonnia
Is ok to have shit taste every once in a while.
leave please
What would you consider Dragon Age? At least Origins.
Some Boris.
Oh no, I like the art. It's the other part where we differ. I hope you don't need it spelled out, user.
Usually because it's popular and Veeky Forums has always had a contrarian/hipster streak.
>Veeky Forums has always had a contrarian/hipster streak.
This is a meme. I'm not seeing /pol/ switching to Democrats anytime soon.
Veeky Forums doesn't value social graces, but it doesn't hate things just because they're popular.
and I fucking thought I'd gotten away from it here. r9k and aco are Exactly The Same. Same unspoken list of things that are acceptable and same group-think dedicated to perpetuating the same old hostility.
OP thought game of thrones was a good example of a low fantasy world. I dont know how much I agree with that, the way the series is going. But I can understand it and don't feel the need to be a smug cunt just because MY first thought is conan
>Bretonnians bringing back head of beastman, the threat of chaos infringing on bretonnia
Don't worry, it's not everyone here. But shitposting exists everywhere.
no problem
Storm of Swords > Game of Thrones
i guess she's been under a lot of stress lately
>not old school dark fantasy
Wait, did the Poles flip the cover picture? Because my WHFRP book has this the other way round.
that dragon is landing or noping the fuck away of the big magic sword?