Open beta for preorders is up.
Voices should have been changed and we should have silky smooth framerate.
Download and play, lads.
Open beta for preorders is up.
Voices should have been changed and we should have silky smooth framerate.
Download and play, lads.
You beta testing bitches better make sure they get this done right, so by the time I buy it on sale in a few years I am not disappointed.
We owe you nothing silly user.
On the other hand, by the time you get there, you'll be such a FNG compared to thr rest, you might as well name yourself healslut and stay behind to service us.
>implying there will be players in a few years
Im stuck in a fucking loading screen
Games fun
Load times are atrocious but when you get in game game feels optimized
>That atmosphere
>Genstealers will fuck you if if your squad can play as a team
>fairly optimized
>killing and punching shit feels good
>nice large environments for the hulks
>Each class of terminators has something for 40k autists
>load times are insane
>the lag or netcode? What ever it is they need better servers
>Sounds fags might get a little twisted with the weapon sounds,terminator voices, and footstep sounds
My rig is semi beefy GTX 960 with 8 GBs of RAM but whn I can get a match with people the only thing that fucks us is lag I am running it on High and it looks great.
>>Each class of terminators has something for 40k autists
Please say more on this point.
The game is fun, when you can connect to people. There is some occasional hitching in the frame rate when there's a ton of shit on screen, but that's probably because of my toaster.
Really fun game, I feel suitably stompy as a termie but even in singleplayer gameplay is in snatches between massive stutters.
Nah that seems to just be a game-wide issue.
if anyone wants to play, I set up a server
the vidya
password: vidya
>Nah that seems to just be a game-wide issue.
What, the hitching? That's good to know.
Is the server still up? I can't seem to find it.
let me try again, i'll do it exactly as such
Still don't see it. Thanks Gaben.
and server is up, im in lobby
whats your name? I'll add you.
Forwhatever reason the thing doesn't show the server
Anyone else want in?
>whats your name? I'll add you.
Syruse. There's probably more than one account with that name, mine is the one with the really pissed off Vegeta picture.
Having trouble when trying to play with friends. But holy shit when it works and genestealers actually start pouring it its fun as hell.
I actually enjoy the way they've done it: you die easily but you respawn fairly quickly. Makes it so tough encounters can see your squad get wiped but if a single player survives you can continue the mission, and the missions seem lengthy.
Very positive so far. Its exactly what I expected. 40k Republic Commando that plays like E.Y.E.
If that sounds horrible you wont like this.
It's pretty dang fun, and actually quite challenging.
My only issues with it thus far is the lack of "oomph" to some of the sound effects, and the buggy netcode that keeps disconnecting me from games.
>tfw you smack the shit out of bunch of genestealers with your THUNDA HAMMAH!
>GW bringing back the "One time edition" yet again for the...4/5th time now
I'm almost tempted to get it this time but I still don't play BA and can't be arsed to convert them all.
On the game itself, as soon as they fix the performances and the crash issues, which they have shown to be able to in record time, it'll be golden, no matter how much /v/ shitposts.
I feel like games with buddies with Friendly Fire activated will make it really interesting, you'll have to really watch your firelanes and make sure you don't get sandwiched if you're on point in thight spaces.
>mfw punching tyranids
>needing anything more than the emperor's guidance
Runs kind of shitty, but I managed to iron out some of my problems so now it's smooth until FIVE SECOND HANG FOR NO DISCERNIBLE REASON then smooth again.
Game can't seem to find any servers at all however.
It's fun but crashes after mission clear screen
>doubting the Emperor
Press T i think
>It's fun but crashes after mission clear screen
Only sometimes, it seems to have a crashing problem in multiple areas.
>decent luminator
T is like a fucking used glowstick
>when you actually get 4 decent people and get to play through the mission without anyone crashing
Its pretty fun
Anyone setting up any servers right now?
my experience got as far as trying to bind keys in the options menu, then certain actions losing their original binding and not accepting new bindings for some reason. So my character cant even walk because all the walk actions arent binded and I cant rebind them.
Fun game.
Hosting "Battle Brathas" but it's full.
Someone might leave.
>game crashed twice within the first 10 minutes of the mission
Guess I'll wait for the final version after all
Even for a beta this one seems rather buggy and unstable
make sure to put in language filters, then refresh
only works for me after doing that
The game seems to run much better if you host or join a stable connection
really odd but lessens my fears slightly
>devs confirmed on stream that the progression doesnt get saved and you have to level up every time to get the best weapons
..dunno how to feel about this
Meh, fuck it, I hate progression garbage anyways.
Other people put it like this: You don't get material bonuses for sinking hours into the game. You gain skills.
And at least it simplifies stuff and makes it a lot easier to balance instead of ending up with the same loadout at high level, rendering "progression" void.
Yeah, and since the game is not exactly supposed to be some Vermintide or Payday 2 where you sink hundreds of hours, I think its completely fine.
>loading time is making me unable to connect to servers
>mild optimization
The sound is ok, at least.
So /v/ is having a shitstorm about how garbage this game is.
Is it really?
/v/ doesn't play games.
I have been stuck in a loading screen for 32 minutes, I'll let you know when I get to the start menu.
Totalbiscuit and a falseflagging killing floor shill are the main reasons for this
DW threads have otherwise been peaceful
It's Thanksgiving, so Americans have more time to shitpost, hence the shitstorm.
I'm pretty confidebt after seeing the massive jump in performance in two weeks between closed and open beta. The devs are all over the steam forums to make sure to note all the problems apparently. Dude's a based producer at Focus.
Just quit and restart. It worked well for me on the first try, and the 1st loading is the longest.
This tbqh most of /v/ don't even play the games they shit on which is why i never browse that cancer fest.
Actually this is the third try I've made at reaching the main menu, so I suppose it's been an hour total.
It's one autist who litteraly hasn't even played the game, only watched gameplay videos. And most people are calling him an idiot as he spergs out
Just downloaded.
Approximately how long does this first load take?
1-2 minutes
always close doors and watch eachothers backs
How different are difficulty levels? Is normal hard enough?
For people that don't know what they're doing, yes. This is one of those games that get more fun the higher the difficulty, so find people that aren't tards.
I saw the gameplay video, and it just felt like it lacked the... weight that Spacemarine had.
It's actually pretty calm. It's not really a shitstorm by /v/ standards.
All I ask is space marine but with a little more time and effort put into it
Yeah my biggest problem so far is lack of weight behind any sounds.
Especially when you break doors and walls. Sounds totally pathetic.
Looks like the dev team cut some corners on sound engineering.
Then let sterum on know. They're doing their best to collect all the complaints and adress them, informing them of that stuff will only help make the game better
I'm currently writing up a small list of needed improvements and will send to one of the devs. This game is fun just needs some tweaking and whatnot.
A friendly reminder to all terminators out there: Remember you are the elite of the elite first company. You should always close and lock the doors behind you.
Also, you have short hair.
Deathwing hype has made me consider getting into vidya. Can someone recommend an ideal system - i.e. GB of RAM, processor speed, graphics card, etc. There weren't any specs last I looked over at Steam. Thanks.
How much money do you want to spend?
Build it yourself, user.
Anyway, an i5 4400+ is good. i7's are a meme.
For a gpu,
AMD: R9 380 or 390. RX 480 is also good.
Nvidia: 1060-1080
8 GB of ram is good.
Check /g/.
Do not buy anything from razer.
Yeah I guess my naievte is showing already huh?
Let's go for
~500 (probably a pipe dream)
~1000 (more realistic)
~1500 (the painful truth?)
>~500 (probably a pipe dream)
Yeah, not happening.
>~1000 (more realistic)
This is breddy gud, let me see what I can make. Give me like 10 minutes.
I'l host
Server name is "Server for Anons"
Password is "pour vous"
that means "For you" in french.
>>~1000 (more realistic)
>This is breddy gud, let me see what I can make. Give me like 10 minutes.
Thanks battle brother.
>Build it yourself, user.
How long would I need to learn the skills necessary?
>How long would I need to learn the skills necessary?
It's not hard. It's more of an assembly than anything.
There are plenty of companies willing to build it for you.
>What is the advantage of building?
Much higher quality parts for a lower price.
>How long would I need to learn the skills necessary?
It's easy as fuck.
>There are plenty of companies willing to build it for you.
Hmmm. Recommendations?
>finally get into a game
>having fun lags really hard though
>lots of Tyranids appear
>squad is going hard and destroying them
>feeling the power of the Emperor
>game crash
Why couldn't we have just had a single player option instead of having to work around this really shoddy Multiplayer?
>40k Republic Commando that plays like E.Y.E.
I think I just creamed myself. Sadly, I know my toaster won't be able to run it.
If you're a fucking leaf like me then Canada computers can build it for you.
I believe NCIX or NZXT can also do that, but you need to buy components from them to do so.
It's a beta, they need to stress-test the servers.
Not the best I could do but close.
>How long would I need to learn the skills necessary?
Its literally Legos. If you can turn a screwdriver and put square blocks in square holes, and round blocks in round holes you can build a computer.
You're right.
Keep forgetting this isn't a AAA game dev Beta where its literally the full game just without a few tweaks and that these Devs are actually working really hard to improve based off the feed back they get.
It's p2p, which might be part of the problem
>Its literally Legos. If you can turn a screwdriver and put square blocks in square holes, and round blocks in round holes you can build a computer.
>I believe NCIX or NZXT can also do that, but you need to buy components from them to do so.
>It's easy as fuck.
This is sounding better and better. Thanks bros.
>Not the best I could do but close.
That's looking like something I can budget in, thanks again.
An intel i5 and a 1070 is pretty much *the* gaming build currently. It will play everything at 1080p60 on max settings with no issues. All the other parts can be negotiated, with some restriction.
i got a 1060 and i5. I can run everything so far at max settings with no loss. I still have to check out how it handle Total Warhammer, if it's anything like previous TW titles that can be very intensive to run at max.
Spent a little under 1k on my rig.
I wish Anandtech had a UE4 game to compare against. The 1060 struggles with GTA5 compared to 1070 and has generally much lower minimum frame rates. But it is like $150 cheaper.
how many different ships/levels are there?
or does it procedural generate like Warframe?
general premise?
blurbs on game manufacturers websites are always less helpful to me than asking my questions.
I know it's a first person combat game(on it's own a negative aspect in my eyes), and you guys seem to be implying that its Co-Op(the one thing that makes combat games better for me cause I suck). I know vaguely the general lore behind the game(abandoned ship located, you and your terminator platoon are to explore it and attempt to salvage it, ship was killed by a nid' infestation, now survive the exploration.)
dude, you're wearing a couple of main battle tanks worth of armor. nothing would sound right cause you have so much shit in the way between your characters ears and the rending flesh and steel before you. it's just broadcast to your ears via sound sensors and headphones
Well, in the context of pre-ordering it in order to play the beta, yes, but otherwise, it's not pay to play.
only one level in beta. so far no sign of any procedural generated levels and I doubt there will be.
Basically take your L4D horde type game, throw in 40kized Republic Commandos as your heroes, and then run it with some E.Y.E. mechanics to spice things up.
>E.Y.E. mechanics
1. Full campaign, at the moment we can only play the tutorial and level 2.
2. No, all hand crafted. Very graphically impressive in regards to the detail.
3. Takes place in Warhammer 40k. You play as the Space Marine chapter Dark Angels. Their Primarch (Dad) is the Lion, who was put into critical condition after half of the Dark Angels turned to Chaos. Their grand-dad is the emperor.
The Dark Angels are aboard a Space Hulk, a gigantic ball of space ships and debris in space. Space Hulks are usually full of a plethora of nasties such as the Tyranid genestealers, space bugs (Zerg are based on them).
>how many different ships/levels are there?
I can't remember where but one of the devs somewhere said it was 9(?) different levels with totally different ship styles, architecture, room layout, objectives, ect. No procedural generation.
>general premise?
I really don't know what you're asking. But that is the premise behind the game.
>and you guys seem to be implying that its Co-Op
It is up to 4 player coop, same missions as the story mode.
He means peer-to-peer. p2p connections are only a problem when you try to connect with someone in Australia or Brazil.
I've made 7 attempts at reaching the main menu so far but the loading screen won't end. What am I doing wrong?
(Peer to peer)
EYE is this really crazy game about cyborg murder hobos. It's the result of drunken french stoners misinterpreting Warhammer 40K.
I have an I5 2400 and a 760, Total warhammer runs pretty well aside from super large battles where things chug a bit. But it's much more optimized than Rome 2 or Attilla
Is your hard drive dying? I have mine on a standard hard drive and it worked just fine.
it's by the same people as EYE Divine Cybermancy, and while they followed a majority of the board game's mechanics, they threw in some stuff from their own game here and there. Stuff like the health system, or especially the Librarian. One of his later powers is straight up from Cybermancy and not 40k last I checked.
You teleport inside of an enemy, he explodes in the process.
>But it's much more optimized than Rome 2 or Attilla
good to hear
>It's the result of drunken french stoners misinterpreting Warhammer 40K.
I see, is there a review of that for me to observe?
or a list of interesting features?
>I really don't know what you're asking.
it's sort of on my standard form, asked without thinking...
>a Space Hulk, a gigantic ball of space ships and debris in space
oh, I thought hulks were just individual ships.
>2. No, all hand crafted. Very graphically impressive in regards to the detail.
I feel good and bad about this.
good because I know that 40k is all about the finely detailed craftsmanship
bad because I feel that a game like that may take on what I call the "portal 2" problem...once you and your friends have played and beaten it, it stops being fun anymore
>I see, is there a review of that for me to observe?
>or a list of interesting features?
Poorly received but it's a /v/ cult classic.
>I see, is there a review of that for me to observe?
>or a list of interesting features?
One issue with EYE to those jumping into it first time, is it uses TONS of mechanics and systems within systems. It is full of menus and options and I still get confused by it. It is like if someone took the interface of Dwarf Fortress and decided it would be great in an FPS RPG
>once you and your friends have played and beaten it, it stops being fun anymore
This is one of those games where you get a full team of not-shitters and try to complete the game on the hardest difficulty. Being hard is what makes this game fun.
>Poorly received but it's a /v/ cult classic.
I am wary of cult classics, Sharknado and SnowPiercer are cult classics...
>It is like if someone took the interface of Dwarf Fortress and decided it would be great in an FPS RPG
so it has a vast array of complicated mechanics? cool
DF is still the clusterfuck it was in 2012 when I first tried to play?
>Being hard is what makes this game fun.
souls-hard then? awesome
so for a hateful masochist it seems pretty good?
>I am wary of cult classics, Sharknado and SnowPiercer are cult classics...
No they're not. Brazil is a cult classic. Sharknado is a meme.
Friendly reminder: the tactical terminator's first ability respawns a dead teammate immediately.
Please use it.