>Greenland was first settled by some 500 Icelanders under the leadership of Erik the Red in the late 10th century, CE.
This is a reminder that you only need a few hundred followers to colonize an exotic new land.
>Greenland was first settled by some 500 Icelanders under the leadership of Erik the Red in the late 10th century, CE.
This is a reminder that you only need a few hundred followers to colonize an exotic new land.
They all died though
Tristan in the South Atlantic was settled by 18 people.
Or just yourself and clone machine.
They left, actually.
>only need a few hundred
Especially if all the women look like that.
Easy there, Horatio.
They also died.
I refuse.
Clone me refuses too.
who hasn't
I aten't dead yet
>Be billionaire mother fucker who's ego is so large that it can crush rodents with pressure
>Go on a trip to an forbidden planet because fuck everyone I'm rich
>Find Old ass Cloning machine
>It probably does something better then just cloning but fuck that I'm gonna clone myself
>Clone the every living fuck out of yourself
>Start fucking girl clones
Literally everyone alive right now.
You will never be 1 man and 499 woman to settle a new world.
You also need the aforementioned land to colonize. Unfortunately that's in short supply.
Have an internet, my good woman.
Inbreeding. britannica.com
Statistically insignificant minority.
Actually, there are probably about only about 15 dead people for everyone one living person right now. So it's not actually statistically insiginificant.
Yeah, I know. I was exaggerating for a joke.
Still, it's really not all that far from 5%.
It says in that very article that 500 is generally fine. 50/500 rule - to is enough to avoid inbreeding, 500 is enough to avoid generic drift. Plus OP said nothing about space, with the possibility of accepting natives and additional settlers from the old lands, there's no problems.
but thats not true its entirely possible to die and come back if you are quick enough
what is this deformity for ants
Hey, Herbert, I thought that headless leaf ate you
That's within a decent margin of error for the length of time and poor records available
Why would you choose the ones that left no mark behind and got their ass handed to the most of the time when faced with a proper army, instead of the ones that actually managed to make their colonies flourish?
Well played
Nice spelling, fucktard.
>The Joke
>Your Tiny Head
Unless this is bait in which case good work I suppose, I replied.
A sci-fi comic I read talked about there being a "50/500" rule, where you need to start with 50 people to ensure short term survival (IE a couple of generations at most) and with 500 people to ensure permanent survival. Of course in this case, the 'people' being talked about were uplifted wolves, so...
>first settled
So the eskimos don't count?
I seem to recall seeing numbers somewhere in that ballpark in a serious book talking about mankind's colonisation of Europe, in particular the Mediterranean region. So it may be a case of the author doing some research into real world conditions, despite the subject matter.
Yeah, after posting that I went to find the specific strip in question, and the author always does real world research type things. It's fairly hard sci-fi, even if it's silly. I think there is mention of a possible FTL drive that is big and expensive and experimental with everything else being actual science and 'stuff we can do once we figure out how to not make it expensive' science.
Reminder that Erik the Red was a con man who dragged those poor assholes into that cold and dark shithole by literally calling it "green land"