Fix it
Fix it
Add 80's airbrush chrome gradient.
Might just be like this, rolling a six.
Time travel. Then burn Kirby.
Leave GW to me.
Raise the prices.
Tell the marketing department to get its fist out of the design department's ass.
It's too far gone at this point
Figure out a way to close Warlord, Corvus Belli and Privateer press. No need to fix it, just get rid of the competition.
It is kind of telling how none of their competition has managed to really effect GWs hold on the market, when GW has been run by bumbling morons for like, 20 years.
Raise prices, as they are not charging enough for the product.
There is no salvation.
I like the way you think
>fix GW
Make Martin Shkreli its CEO.
It'll either bankrupt itself within months, or get a profit margin of 1500%. Either way, it's win-win.
>bundle deals have come back
>community outreach and interaction are starting to gain momentum
>"specialist games" returning, starting with bloodbowl
all they really need to do now is start buckling down and make tighter rules for the core games
General's handbook was apparently a start, but I don't particularly care about age of sigmar so I'm more interested in what they do with 8th edition 40k. I remember the absolute outrage in the grogs caused by 3rd edition's release, so I'm just about prepared for anything.
>>community outreach and interaction are starting to gain momentum
Make it not expensive
Want 5 space marines? $15 and fully painted too
Want 100? $250 box set.
Get kids into the game
how the fuck do you expect to sell something fully painted for $15
gw's prices are jew but you might just be retarded
you have to sell at at least above the price of production my friend
based off of 2e mostly
This. Just make it 2.5 and release the books that should have been made, and update all the older ones.
Get people at the company to care more about gameplay than miniatures
it'll never happen though, they're too far gone
Have you been under a rock for the past year or so?
GW has been objectively good this year.
Warhammer community site
Warhammer Face Book pag
Asking players to ask questions for FAQ's
Asking players to help suggest ideas for the generals hand book
Supporting and covering non-gw events
Going to the community for help with books
Featuring miniatures painted by players on each models webpage, IE, conversions and alternate paint schemes from players
Awnsering fan mail in white dwarf
>Warhammer community site
>Warhammer Face Book pag
Top fucking kek it's literally EC-forum-tier placed.
>Asking players to help suggest ideas for the generals hand book
>Going to the community for help with books
So, lack of compitent game-designers supposed to be good thing?
Yes good goy, make only official GW conversions.
>Featuring miniatures painted by players on each models webpage, IE, conversions and alternate paint schemes from players
So what?
>EC-forum-tier places
Action figures are around that price. What makes little models so expensive to produce?
Quality of the model and its paintjob. Just look at some D&D minis if you want to see prepainted.
I actually feel pity for you, user.
You see negatives and the worst in everything. You must live a sad life. I hope things get better for you and I'm here if you want to talk.
>You see negatives and the worst in everything
And you are redshirt or newfag who trying to convince Veeky Forums to buy more overpriced GW boxes.
I don't care if you buy stuff or not. Being that negative isn't healthy. Are you doing alright, user?
>Being that negative
You mean what?
It's a clear indication that GW is trying and your first instinct is to shit all over it, and try to find flaws for absolutely no reason.
Yeah, they aren't the cutting edge, groundbreaking things, but it's a complete 180 for GW. Being as cynical and negative as you are isn't healthy for your mental wellbeing.
I'm worried about you, user.
Reduce miniature price by at least 20%
Stop blatant favoritism with certain armies.
Work towards a more balanced, competitive game.
Support more model customization
>It's a clear indication that GW is trying
Nope, it's clear inspiration, that GW pretending look like they are trying to do something.
>but it's a complete 180 for GW
It's not, all what they really made is just open forum (more likely totally censored from discussion non-GW stuff, like 3rd party miniatures etc).
I would release a stand-alone skirmish ruleset which used 40k miniatures, focused on scenarios and not army lists. Basically like 1987's Rogue Trader, but playable.
Bandai buys them out. Manufacture Space Marines like Gunpla. Done.
-Signed /m/.
AoS in Scenario mode, but with fixed lists?
isnt that somewhat what kill team is?
Focus a bit more on xeno races rather than Imperium forces. I'd be happy to see orks and nids getting some love. Especially when it comes to fluff fleshing out.
give rountree more power
i dont think you want games workshop to get better
Maybe, with a bit of Necromunda. Something easy to play, without codexes and with a way to create stats for new units, like in the early editions of Warhammer Fantasy or the vehicle creator of 40k 3rd Ed. And with shitloads of missions, like Force on Force or LotR SBG.
>Bring back the community events
>Stop the price slide to bring in new blood
>Start supporting the FLGS again and get rid of the self competition model and manditory merchandise orders.
>Get rid of the online sales restrictions.
>Host the rulebooks and codices online for free which would also allow for continuing balance changes and play testing.
>Do a fuck load more play testing from the get go to tighten up consistency.
Oh user
nobody is claiming prices are not still high but they gw as a whole is still imporving
Team Kill is just a patch, you still need the 40k rulebook. And current 40k rules are a mess, you take ages to do anything and there are too many special rules. Also, I would get rid of to-hit and to-wound charts.
They didn't try to be better.
>gw as a whole is still imporving
Because they opened forum?
A Gundam-based wargame would be fucking awesome.
>Cut down on rules bloat in new editions of 40k and publish official rules flow charts / cheat sheets like the ones you see surface here from time to time.
I know a few people in /m/ have tried getting it together, I'm part of a group that's working on a homebrew RPG for it.
>g-geedubya is still good! This week he got me flowers! What does it matter he neglected and abused me for years, I forgive him!
I tried to make a hex and counter wargame based on the One-Year War, but nobody in my group is interested in Gundam so I haven't finished it. I could translate it into english and make a thread of it, if anyone is interested.
>They're starting. There's a live stream of an event this weekend, for AoS though.
>working on it, more next year
>Might do that starting 8th, they certainly did with AoS.
>Considering how much they're playing up the play testing for stuff like AoS General's Handbook and Bood Bowl rules, I want to say they're getting better.
>>Considering how much they're playing up the play testing for stuff like AoS General's Handbook
That's why game didn't changed a lot from 4 pages, except point system?
1. Fix the game
Seriously this is the biggest issue. Warhammer 40k is a horrible game to play, there's shit all for tactics, and there's so much rules bloat that it's just unbearable to set a game up to play
>Host the rulebooks and codices online for free which would also allow for continuing balance changes and play testing.
I hope this thing happens one day. Hardbooks should be released for collectors and NOT include rules, only fluff bits for faction fans to enjoy.
>Because they opened forum?
because they brought back specialist games are doing more to get and retain players and the ceo is doing his best to convince the board prices can be lowered
with a new ceo a better analogy is he got therapy
>and fully painted too
>Games Workshop, the company that brands itself a miniature company instead of a game company, should sell pre painted models
>GW should do extra work (painting, assembling) to sell less product (paints, hobby tools) to a smaller range of people (gamers interested in miniature games vs people interested in building/collecting minis AND/OR playing 40k)
Your post is the dumbest shit I've seen in a while.
If i bought a faction book (whatever the next codexes are named) that covered a the army and racial fluff, i expect them to at least put unit rules in at the back too, even if they are avaliable online for free.
Why wouldn't they?
Takes bookspace and the whole point of rules beeing 100% online is to allow GW easily to change rules on the fly. If you had unit rules inside hard cover book with this policy, they'd get outdated very quickly.
Fix the rules.
They are definitely getting better as the "model" company, but they are still falling far too behind in quality for writing.
>because they brought back specialist games
Yeah, 100$ perfect price for board game (not to mention that their previous SG wasn't good and died because of it).
Also, new GW board games are trash made only for "lol new brilliant miniatures".
>doing more to get and retain players
Releasing useless Start Collecting boxes?
>and the ceo is doing his best to convince the board prices can be lowered
>New CEO is good, the rest of GW are EBIL, pls, support new CEO
Nice try redshirt
I pity you and your existence
Who hurt you user? Who made you so bitter?
He's doing his best, and a pretty good job at it, step by step.
So basically when you're given solutions you just criticise them anyway?
Just admit it, you jumped on the GW hate bandwagon years ago.
Oooh I get it. You're the slav shitposter.
There's a whole lot of same faggotry in this thread.
>So basically when you're given solutions you just criticise them anyway?
I didn't see any real solutions in their moves.
I've always been confused why 12 troops cost less than 4 or 5 special ones. My biggest beef is that it's a points/£ system, not a actual manufacturing cost. But stuff like Tyranids swarm box and the new start collecting boxes are actually not that bad. It's an expensive hobby sure, if you can't afford it then you can't afford it. Same as everything else in life.
Did I do good?
Ditch current fan factor, replace with new and exited kids = profit
Age of the Emperor here we go!
Takes time to turn a ship around, and GW is making the right moves to do so. And I never thought I'd be saying this about GW.
Shut up, Steve, you're dead.
>and GW is making the right moves
Such as..?
Oh ffs read the thread. I'm not even the user you're responding to but people like you are unbearable when they come in and spout bullshit age old arguments because they can't be arsed to keep up with information and end up spouting memes 90% of the time.
>Don't confuse me with the facts. My mind's made up.
>Oh ffs read the thread.
So they opened personal moderated forum, and bring back Blood Bowl with stupid price and old rules, how it's supposed to be moves in right direction?
Divide the Imperium in two. Fracture between Ultramar and Segmentum Terra and dozens of small states ready to be absorbed by xenos.
This is warmachine slavshitposter. You can tell by his bad english.
Yeah I know, didn't want to give him any more (You)s though.
The name is evocative and powerful, the colours are flashy but I guess you need that. The font may be improved I guess.
Fantasy Flight has stopped publishing WH/40k RPGs. Does this mean GW will start doing them?
I'd be, if not just to see your take on it
Get bought by Wizards/Hasbro/Asmodee.
Sell to Wizards to the coast or lego.
That way they don't need to constantly raise prices to impress shareholders,
Basically do what x-wings is doing and replace Kill Team. Small pre-painted models with their own point costs sold for $15 each (with rules included)
Yes, the core rule book will cost £100 and there will be a range of official figures. Spells will come on trading cards that cost £15 for 4 and the dice will have printed symbols on them instead of numbers so you'll need to buy official games workshop dice to play properly.
They're doing a pretty decent job of at least pretending to be a respectable company again.
I'm still not convinced though.
Also bring back WHFB. I don't really mind Age of Sigmar existing, but the Old World can't be replaced.
Sell to Disney
Retcon the Necron retcon back to the old one. Bring back Pariahs. Make the C'tan great again.
lower prices, increase marketing
base future strategies on the responses to this policy
launch a "kids" targeted line of AoS with simple, pre-painted models, make it a real entry way.
So like have a "Game Starter box" that's like 35 little pre-painted kinda shitty models that make a decent little army and are CHEAP.
Then do a "Hobby" version of that that's the current price range.
You want kids to be able to actually start playing so that they can want to move up to a "Real" army.
But OP, how do you fix what was always broken?