Do you know how hard it is to stretch an ancient bow?!
Any elven archer should be as SWOLE as any dwarf!
Why are elves always depicted as twig armed?
You can be lean and muscular.
I dunno why but I remember Legolas in the book as being buff, also dark haired.
This is probably not the only source that describes them as stronger as they look.
I also think that everyone overestimates how strong you need to be to draw a bow. You need mostly back muscles for this kind of activity, they don't necessarily have big, swole arms.
>inb4 deformed skeletons
I can't hear this anymore.
Asuming they aren't Spiderman like and can draw a bow like it's nothing.
Tolkien elves were powerfully built. At least all the men were. And Galadriel. But they were also graceful.
People associate graceful with little ballerina girls more than muscular forest people.
D&D and other derivatives made all the elves graceful and kept to the image of ballerinas.
Magic, bitch
The muscle density could also be different and provide more strength.
If we're talking about Tolkien elves, the Eldar are far stronger than humans pound-for-pound. A small elven woman would be able to outperform a strong human male. Humans were so much weaker than the Eldar, that for a long time after humanity's birth, the elves referred to them as "the sickly" in their tongue. Because to them, even a strong healthy human appeared weak and sickly.
deformed skeletons was disproven or something?
I dont keep up to date with my archery archeology
>not swole as fuck
c'mon now.
Keeping strictly to gaming...Because I actually kinda hate Lord of the Rings...("And we're walking, and we're walking...and we're walking!")
Yeah, low-strength characters really shouldn't be using bows. Proper war bows are what, at least an 80-lb draw, and more commonly 100+? You want really strong dudes on the bow. Meanwhile, how fast and hard you can hit with a sword is about leverage. D&D has it pretty much backwards. the only way bows as a racial weapon for elves would really make sense is if their statline were swole enough to reflect all those hours spent training with a strength-intensive weapon. It's not just elves, it's women also. Somewhat silly. Part of why I like Arya, also: she bucks the fantasy action girl trend and uses a sword.
>Needing strength to use a bow.
>Instead of using constitution, since it's more about not getting tired after firing continuously.
Because when most people think of a bow they don't think swole marksman picking off his foes with pinpoint accuracy they think pic related
>Because I actually kinda hate Lord of the Rings
What a fucking terrible person
Have you seen a chimp?
You can be relatively lean and still ridiculously strong.
>can't even draw a prop bow
Legolas is probably the strongest member of the fellowship other than Aragorn. And Aragorn is an almost 8 feet tall magic person
Anything below 80lb draw weight is a peashooter, yes you do need to actually be strong to fire a decent bow.
STR, DEX and CON should just be branches of one primary stat. You cannot have one without having the other two, and there are very few activities that involve one but not the others.
>Chicken wing
>Misaligned bow
>Pointing with index finger
>Back quiver
Still can't top the worst.
>I have never read the book
I love all of JeRRemy Tallkid's works!
Jesus fucking Christ
This. Many people think of the bow as a woman's weapon when in reality the only weapon a woman has is her fucking vagina.
It's OP though, pls nerf.
elves are usually described as lean and slender but with well toned muscle
If it's a young female elf in an XS game, it's a ninja.
Gotta love people teaching you shit while raging hard.
Have you considered that elves, being magical creatures, may not adhere to the same biological rules as us?
That arrow is shoped, right? if not, why does she use her finger as a pointer if the arrow goes wherever?
/r9k/ pls
>No anchor point.
>rounded shoulders
>Arrow head... that arrow head floating behind her hand.
Even if it was it doesn't change the fact she's holding the string 2/3s of the way up instead of in the middle.
Denser or more efficient muscle mass.
Whats even supporting the bow there? I dont see her touching the actual bow at all.