Moar numale Swedish crap from the makers of ISIS Rymd. For your consideration.
Moar numale Swedish crap from the makers of ISIS Rymd. For your consideration.
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Stop shilling your crap by pretending to hate it.
Somebody please steal their pdf and destroy Sweden NAO!
What's "numale"?
Stranger Things was nothing but an infatuated bland nostalgia crap fest
It's Linkin Park but with male genitalia
Phil Fish
I'm skeptical about this because of the draw of this guys art is that its weird and unexplained. If you write an RPG, you have to explain it, don't you? Then it loses its charm.
The new way to call someone a hipster.
Stranger things was a dip back into the past and it was a blast.
No, it was good. The only dumb part was the 16 year old bitch getting fucked and them not showing her moaning in orgasm. That was when I dropped the show. I wish she'd been killed by the monster instead of the fat lesbian. Woops, spoilers! Oh well,it's a shitty show anyway. And the "demogorgon" miniature actually exists, I bought it off of ebay to use to attract normalfags to my next 3.5 game then use the system's complexity to drive them away from RPGs forever.
Is it actually good. I've been trying to find a good system for a Stephan King meets Monster Squad game but nothing really seems to encourage that blend of horror and adventure
I have always wanted to get the Gale Force 9 one personally. Just look at this beautiful hunk of resin.
/pol/ trying to come up with an insult for white people who think they're idiots.
So did you make this thread just so you could post this?
Generally a male who not only doesn't embody, but actively disapproves of, masculine traits. In particular they hate weapons, personal independence, hard work, and being a breadwinner and protector.
So, basically, modern Swedes.
No I didn't make the thread. I didn't even know this game existed. I just wanted to describe my Stranger Things experience and I just let the autism flow. It's true though. Except I did watch to the end hoping to see one or two more characters get ripped apart gorily.
Should be
>Read the kickstarter then some reviews of related work
The setting is based off Simon Stålenhag's arr but just in time to cash in on Stranger Things. The ruleset will be based off of Mutant: Year Zero, that is rules lite d6 dice pools to sum it up quick, just need to roll one 6 to not fail. There is more to it than that but you can search it out yourself. From the description it is the sort of game that won't fly with anybody that prefers killing stuff or dislikes a light ruleset. You could probably hash the setting in a rules-light system of your choice.
Wait so you legitimately don't like a show because you couldn't hear an underage girl orgasm? You're from /a/ aren't you?
>replying to virtshit
Thanks only useful human on Veeky Forums
Ok seriously what is this? I haven't been here since the Rifts conversion kickstarter and now half the threads are filled with /b/ tier garbage
I mean, I can't remember it not being like this. I've only been here for ~4 years, but it's not like the majority of content has ever been good in that time period
Man I must have rose colored glasses on. I remember Veeky Forums being one of the good channels here
Ya know, I've been trying to find an acceptable definition for numale for a while, and that line pretty much sums it up. It's not that they lack any positive masculine traits, it's that they actively reject them and attempt to shame others who have them.
Thank you.
That's not how it's used.
It's the right-wing equivalent of "alt-right". That is, a pejorative that can be sweepingly applied to anything and everything you disagree with.
I like retrofuture but I'm not sure I would be able to spot what a good 80's retrofuture setting might look like.
It did use to be that way, but it's definitely more than 4 years ago that the majority of top posts on Veeky Forums were good.
Veeky Forums's overall quality level has been dropping like a brick since maybe 2009ish, and I think the halfway point for quality for Veeky Forums was reached in early 2011 or so. Most other boards are still worse, but keep in mind that people genuinely did use to mainly just act like stupid assholes on Veeky Forums ironically/for lulz, with politics threads invariably being nonstarters, and maybe you'll get a glimpse of the depth of despair some of us have long since reached.
every time i see this my brain pronounces it as noomahlee.
Is ISIS Rimmed what I think it is?
>This is an image that was made unironically
I refuse to believe you.
What about men who don't really think about their traits?
What art was that anyway?
t. swedish numale
Are there any straight white males left in Sweden and why isn't this 40K?
It's a /pol/ish term used to show dissatisfaction.
Fuck Stranger Things and fuck you too shill
You heard the user, everyone stop enjoying things
Great, easy system, interesting setting, and lots of fun both in-game and mechanics wise. A good buy.
Just the pitch video by itself makes it sound utterly abysmal.
Eat shit, shill
This type of trash is the epitome of the cancer that is trying to kill RPGs.
Step one: Take something that's currently popular
Step two: Run a kickstarter to turn it into a bad RPG
Step three: Collect money from people who think that Cards Against Humanity makes them nerds
Step four: Abandon the product after the initial shitty limited release
Step five: Repeat
Anyone who falls for these scams at this stage in the game is a fucking moron and deserves what they get.
You're not making a whole lot of sense.
Actually he's making a whole lot of sense. It'd be like when the 2007 Transformers movie came out someone made a not great RPG cash in of it.
It happens all the time, just normally in Videogame form, a shovel ware game gets pushed out because of a blockbuster movie.
Stranger Things seems to be hot shit right now, why not try to cash in on it?
Actually he's not.
He stated his poibt quite clearly, he saying this is a cash in of the current craze for 'retro' styled content. Don't. Get me wrong I'm. Skeptical but i may buy if simon puts new art into it
Reads like some conspiracy theory.
afaik there was always an underlying lore about secret swedish super science and I really want to know more
>tap into trending media
>crowd fund it
>create an audience that also pays for the development of the product
>build reputation for making fun games
sounds like a good business plan really
Except most of the time it's completely untransparent. Backers only have the illusion of control, and only for as long as it takes to publish the product.
The producer also doesn't have to worry too much about polishing or testing the game, since it's already paid for at that point. It encourages people to go for lower quality so they can cash in and start a new one sooner. It encourages people to fund and make flashy, grandiose products that only look good on paper, but are impossible to pull off on planet Earth.
For every good kickstarter game there's at least 20 crappy ones, not counting the ones that don't get off the ground in the first place.
To what? Make Money?
Ever hear of the Star Wars RPG? Same Principal, take an existing I.P, Make a Tabletop RPG out of it. Rake in the cash.
Or We can talk about the Judge Dread RPG, Or the TMNT RPG, or the Ghostbusters RPG, or the Starship Troopers RPG.
Your acting like this is some strange new idea to take something and make and RPG out of it for a fast buck.
you sound like an asshole
Selling shit to people who don't realize its shit is easy money. Welcome to consumer capital.
It also consistently produces barely-finished, minimum quality products and usually takes double the stated development time.
I like Year Zero, so it might be cool.
I've not seen Stranger things, but im guessing this is "Stand By Me" with sci fi? I'd say it all hangs on their ability to set the right tone, but im atleast interested to see what they make.
Also, fuck off with your cringey /pol/ posting.
>roleplaying in the 80's
I don't mind the subject matter, but I tend to overlook any publication that's designed by incompetent "writers." If you're going to beg people to fund your projects, the least you could do is take a writing class so you can offer them a polished product.
I'm SO MAD at these people for MAKING MONEY by selling products to OTHER PEOPLE!
People should only want to buy the things I enjoy. That way, there would be a lot of the things I enjoy and none of the things that I don't enjoy.
Most things humans make suck. I'm sorry.
So are you fags stealing the PDF already or not? No PDF nothing to talk.
>I refuse to believe you.
But user, it was stated on the Internet to be factually accurate. You can't just go around disbelieving things that are said to be true on the Internet.
>For every good kickstarter game there's at least 20 crappy ones, not counting the ones that don't get off the ground in the first place.
Isn't like that to pretty much anything, with or without kickstater?
Poor child. Go back to your fascist fapping 40K.
Those swedish games are fucking great. Coriolis is an amazing mix of Dune + Moebius + Firefly. Tales from the Loop looks great.
Perhaps you can't handle good games.
Perhaps numale forgot how to fap.
well of course, but if he were to aknowlege that fact then he couldn't use it as a cherry picked argument.
That actually looks pretty cool: very Stranger Things. Then again, lots of games with cool settings/concepts wind up being mechanical garbage that is better left played in other systems, so the jury is still out.
A meaningless buzzword that /pol/ throws around as a strawman of everyone who disagrees with them and as a toothless ad hominem to try and intimidate people into thinking their way for fear of looking less manly than /pol/ pretends to be.
I wouldn't say I'm hating it (unlike the buzzword-brimming /meme/ OP) but this project do has some serious pitfalls I'm not entirely sure it'll be able to avoid:
It seems like a cool setting with an awesome visual designer at the helm, but to me that kind of vibrant worldbuilding really needs slick, fun and matching rules to make the setting come alive at the gaming table.
And I don't know if they can create that kind of ruleset in the, Iunno, six-eight months or whenever the product is supposed to be delivered? I really hope this is a project already in development for a few years?
Also making the setting cohesive, not just standalone stills/scenes, and workable in a GM/player relationship?
I'm tentatively optimistic, no expectations because down that road lies only disappointment. But Free League are old pros so if anyone can make this work it will be them.
And who the fuck would say no to a horror/scifi-Goonies? If they can make it a "tween Delta Green" (pic related) it's already a GOTY concept.
Here's to hoping they pull it off...
Oh sweet, someone is making a game based on that guys art. I THINK I WANT.
Why is it not at all surprising that carcinogenic millennial trash hear about an obvious scam and the first thing they think is "I should get in on that!"
In reality: What feminists said they wanted men to be like, and what weak-willed conformist men changed themselves to in order to get feminist pussy.
In context: /pol/ insult for anything that isn't racist as shit.
He's a redditor and his user link is right there. Go, delve into that festering pile of garbage, do it if not for your own morbid curiosity, do it for mine as well.
It should not take a few years to develop a pen and paper rpg.
It's rolling dice nigger.
It took 40 years to develop D&D and it's still 40K years not enough cause that game is the definition of shit.
Took Shadowrun nearly 20 years to get right, just saying.
3e a best
Its shit
Looks like it.
To be fair, they still haven't gotten there.
Now, Mutant År Noll though.
Well Call of Cthulhu got it right from the start with BRP. Unknown Armies is great and the new edition is stellar. Storyteller is good and ORE is even beter.
Hard to get anywhere when the last two editions took you a bunch of steps off the course
What's your first character gonna be, Veeky Forums?
>pedshit can't resist posting children
Wow so surprised I can't even upvote
Honestly, I might pick of a PDF of this if only for the art.
I fucking dig this guy's work.
>not play the the girl with the brick
What are you, an idiot?
Art straight up inspired or stolen by this guy. There is a tabletop game with this guys art aswell.
All four Left 4 Kids are pretty cool.
You've got an odd mind, user?
Anyone else know where he's going with this? I'm only able to muster a sigh of disappointment here.
This is giving me the oddest Hankering to go play The Secret World.
And the Secret world is kinda crap.
>It should not take a few years to publish a novel.
>It's writing words nigger.
Looks like he's a mod on /r/atheism.
Chances are he did that image at the same time the 'I am euphoric' dude did his. I think they had a contest or something.
jfc it's like they're a living parody.